The Midrash Says, Chapter “Shemini”: And then there was the fire of the Shechina. All Jews saw the pillar of fire descending from Heaven, entering the Mishkan, consuming the sacrifices on the altar, and settling there. Seeing this miracle, they fell down and gave praise to the Creator.
Correction of the strongest, most evil and bitter egoism manifests itself as the most powerful Light, as the all-consuming fire. Mutual hatred, repulsion, rivalry, detachment, and negation are replaced by love; however, internally everything remains the same. That’s why when two opposite properties touch, there appears the fire between them.
Moreover, this state becomes permanent and we can never get rid of it. In spirituality nothing ever disappears. When we attain a certain level, we don’t fall from it. We get additional, as yet, unrevealed egoism in which we are submerged. In general, it is not a descent, but rather an ascent along the left line. Therefore it is said, “the pillar of fire settled on the step.”
From KabTV’s “Secrets of the Eternal Book” 1/15/14
From KabTV’s “Secrets of the Eternal Book” 1/15/14