Saturday, February 7, 2015

Harmony Of Opposites In Nature

Question: How does one explain simply the need for connection between people?
Answer: We see that there are always two opposing forces in nature, like plus and minus, north and south; one cannot exist without the other. In every phenomenon we see an integration of two opposing forces; moreover, the negative force is no less vital than the positive.
Once there was a case where it was attempted to exterminate all the wolves that were attacking the flocks, and this brought catastrophic results. This created an imbalance in nature and all kinds of problems began: epidemics among the sheep and other wild animals the wolves normally ate.
In nature there are no positive or negative forces. The two forces are beneficial: Both the positive force and the negative force must exist in harmony with each other.
Only on the human level does the singular power of our ego operate, a negative force against which there is no positive force with which it should be in harmony. So we need to attain connection between us to use this negative force and transform it into a positive one.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 6/8/14Writings of Baal HaSulam

Exposing The Hearts

Do Away With Covers
We are going through a necessary stage of human development that is helping to expose everyone’s true “I.” In the future, we will have to rebuild the old false system of relationships. Generally accepted conventions and courtesy were nice, but misleading.
Today nature requires us to be sincere and match its mechanism, which is mutual cohesion that is true, straightforward, and heartfelt.
Therefore, we can no longer cover our relationships with false politeness. On the contrary, pretense disappears and no one wants to listen to lies that are dressed in fancy clothes. We’ll have to tear off all the covers and talk directly from the heart, as it should be in a single social mechanism.
From Heart to Heart
In this context, modern means of communication such as computer screens of various sizes and resolution are, in fact, preparing us for the next stage. They bring people together and expose everyone. No matter how much I am hiding behind my display, everything about me is known and I am uncovered and known.
There is nowhere to hide and everything can viewed: my bank, my family, my job, my connections, my friends, my conversations and their statistics, my preferences, the size of my clothes and shoes, my tastes, and my leisure time activities.
Everything is known about everyone, a person is naked and others see what he himself does not know about himself. His data is studied by psychologists, sociologists, analysts, and professionals who understand the laws of human society and human psychology.
All of this will lead us to a state where we will want to become naked, that is, to unite into one without hiding anything, where everyone will be integrated with everyone else, where there are no curtains and screens between us, including the liquid crystal display of a monitor, and we all will feel everyone with our hearts. We are all one heart.
Only such unity will absolutely correspond to nature that is still giving us these screens, wanting us to keep in touch through them.
From KabTV’s “A New Life” 1/20/15

The End Of Hypocrisy

Contact with the World
Modern means of communication, including computers and smartphones, provide the ability to communicate with the global world. This completely changes my perspective, I can touch a variety of things as if I can influence them. I can contact anybody and learn anything I want.
I see the big world and my place in it. I find social circles in this general field and establish myself within them. People know me and I know them.
Forums are being created, communication groups, and dual-purpose platforms for work and leisure. I can even sit with someone in a virtual cafe. Perhaps my hobby is also implemented on this vast web.
Besides, it is cheap and I can afford things that previously were unfulfilled. For example, materials that I read or view during a week would cost me tens or even hundreds of dollars.
Now everything is available and accessible. It changes my perception of the world by gradually showing me that I am connected to the world and the world is connected to me.
Steps to the Truth
Another point is that while working with the interactive interface, we have less and less talking and listening. The main flow of information passes through the visual channel. In this I see the benefit of a person giving a higher weight to thought and thinking. After all, it operates in a virtual connection. Yes, we express our thoughts in words and symbols, but they are now more specific. We learn to express ourselves more clearly, and that is good.
Smartphones and computers have made our communication more direct and straightforward. This contributes to the wealth of information covering the whole spectrum, from the beautiful to the terrifying. We dropped the old fake covers and if you want, we can talk to each other without reserve, without scruple, without hypocrisy.
An LCD screen has become my window to the world, and at the same time, has taught me to be outspoken. The information that has been provided to all has become too available. A person on the Internet is bare, meaning one has thrown off the garments of lies, hypocrisy, and pretense. Politics, media, and family relationships are all unmasked and are free of fraud.
Thus, we have made a major breakthrough for the true essence. As it turns out, everyone lies, but that is where the truth exists. This understanding is very important. We learn who we are. Reset is the convention of the last century, rejected is the put-on etiquette. Today we are much more frank. The younger generation does what it wants without worrying about the opinions of others. And the older generation knows that it has no power over the younger generation.
To Get to the Bottom and Not Let Go
Question: If we have invented a good and useful technology, why does it lead us to the realization of evil? What is this evil?
Answer: The technology is good, but our nature is bad, egoistic. It divides and separates us in different directions. Online, we see our own image everywhere on our small and big screens as if in a mirror.
We are very close to the realization of evil inherent in our nature, in our state, and most importantly, in our inability to do something with it. While getting to the bottom of it, all the beauty of this moment is raising our hands and not letting them drop when we start looking for solutions coming not from us but from another source.
From KabTV’s “A New Life” 1/20/15

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Access To The Fate Control Console

Question: How do I get access to a console that controls the film of life?
Answer: It is necessary to rise above your egoism to where your thoughts, desires, forces, and actions all aimed at bestowal are and not towards their own benefit. A life at such a height requires that you make a restriction of your egoism and acquire an anti-egoistic screen, to enclose yourself with a shield, ensuring that you will never think about any action for your own sake. If you are protected against egoistic intentions, then you will be allowed to enter there.
Question: Whose benefit will I be thinking of if not about my own?
Answer: You will be thinking about the benefit of the whole overall program, its correct, good, and fast implementation for the good of all creatures. If you are going to dream about it, you will be able to come to it. After all, this is when you will be able to join the forces that are called “angels” actively participating in their work.
Question: Is it scary to reveal angels?
Answer: There is nothing to worry about. Angels are just a force, as if all of the powers of this world. You will learn to use them, and they will begin to listen to you. The forces of nature are called angels. The force of gravity is also an angel.
You come into the control room of all creation to participate in its management, along with all the other forces of nature for the benefit of humanity, promoting it to the desired goal. After entering there, you will be obliged to arm yourself with the power of love. Then you will use all available forces there for the benefit of all mankind.
Question: Do I get the power not only over my own destiny, but also the power over the fate of all the others?
Answer: You will not be interested in your personal destiny; you will take care of all of humanity, all souls. You will gain control of the entire program of creation in order to promote it by the Light that is directed towards the good development.
From KabTV’s “A New Life” 1/11/15

45 Minutes For Mutual Guarantee

Question: The specifics of my work involve my constantly interacting with lots of people. How can I avoid conflicts and enhance cooperation? After all, we are so different…
Answer: One has to display a special wisdom. There are closed societies where it is necessary for people to get alone with each other initially.
There are special exercises and very difficult techniques. For instance, people execute space mission for six months or leave for a lengthy submarine deployment.
Of course, at any place of work there are always people with whom we collaborate easily, we understand them and they understand us. How to establish the right relationship itself is what mankind is still trying to learn.
Question: What are the criteria for a successful cooperation? How should the similarity of people manifest itself?
Answer: They should be similar to each other. It happens everywhere ranging from common taste in food, music, sports, and ending with habits. I am talking about ordinary people and not those who deliberately overcome themselves in something.
Question: How can we inwardly enrich ourselves by using our distinctive features, different views?
Answer: There is only one solution that allows you to connect different, distant, divergent people where each one of them is the whole world in itself. This, however, does not mean digging inside each of them.
Every day they should discuss certain topics in their circles. For instance, it should be for an hour or at least 45 minutes. This way they can mutually engage each other.
Question: Suppose we are in a working group and together we need to produce something. Everyone has their own opinion, their quality, one sees the whole process differently and strives to win over the rest. How can this type of interconnection help us get to the fruit of our cooperative work and achieve the best result?
Answer: If this “Hitkalelut” (interconnection) will occur according to the principles ofintegral education, with members of the work group building a certain platform above each other (every one of them), called mutual guarantee, mutual permeation, in short, this is a correct unity.
Although each of them, in fact, comes from a different environment: the parental home, kindergarten, school, different culture and mentality; at this point they seem to rise above all the differences between them, as if they go towards a new “mother,” the general mother for all, which is called “Divinity.”
Of course, you need to start with the rules of the seminar. It is not necessary to interrupt each other, disagree, and argue. This form of communication is still poorly known to mankind, but it has to be learned.
From KabTV’s “A New Life” 7/11/14

Nachshon Is A Property Of Full Bestowal

Question: What property does Nachshon ben Amminadab, who was the first to jump into the Red Sea, symbolize in a man?
Answer: The Gematria (numerical value) named Nachshon ben Amminadab indicates the height of his spiritual condition is a property of a clean Bina.
It gives him the opportunity to stand up against a wall of water. On one hand, water is this soft property, which is the basis of life, and on the other hand, it is a harsh property as manifested as Gevurot, the force of the court.
The harsh and soft forces, lurking in the water, can be moved only by rising above egoism. Nachshon is able to do this because before a man breaks away from egoism, everything parts as he completely adheres to the Creator.
There is no empty space in the world: either reception, egoism, or bestowal, the property of the Creator. Once raised above the ego, you do not enter a vacuum but the property of the Creator, as Noah did when he entered the ark. So it is here, you enter the property of bestowal, as one may enter a cocoon, and there you exist in it. This is the effect of Nachshon. The sea harms someone, as in the story of the flood, and someone else gets to be saved.
Thus the actions of Noah and Nachshon are the same actions that occur at different levels of egoism and return to square one in the four stages of development. This takes place at each stage. This is the spiritual advancement.
From KabTV’s “Secrets of the Eternal Book” 4/30/14

There Is Hope!

Question: The issue of unity and connection has never been so dominant. Even the parents of the three boys who were kidnapped last year keep saying how much power they received from the unityand felt that their problem was everyone’s problem. So why is the unity we feel among the people these days not as strong as it was before?
Answer: We simply see the lack of connection in a much higher resolution and in much greater accuracy. Instead of what previously seemed correct, the scale has become greater now and we see that there is no connection at present.
Question: How can we prove to a person that outcomes, such as the kidnappings, can be changed by actions of connection?
Answer: You want to show a person a clear and direct connection and that if he brings about connection in a certain place, it will lead to connection in another place. You will never be able to do that.
But there are many cases in life when we are sure that our actions help although we don’t see a direct connection. Therefore, people go out to demonstrate and attend public meetings. I cannot show a person the connection between things that he cannot perceive with his senses, since this is the revelation of the Creator’s actions to the created being. He has not yet reached such a level since he doesn’t have the senses that allow him to see that.
There can be a very level headed, rational person who is not carried away by emotions and who can say that all these actions of connection are totally useless and that the search for the kidnapped boys was a military matter and that it had nothing to do with him. If he didn’t feel any connection to that, there is nothing we could do. In order to see the connection, he has to correct his desires so that they are in order to bestow and then he will discover within them to what extent the upper Light is related to these desires. Therefore, we must simply draw these people to connection through different explanations that show them that the connection is beneficial and that through this, we could have helped free the boys and help them get back home safely.
If a person agrees to participate in a workshop, we have to make him feel that a special force awakens in the connection between us and that it can do something beyond our ordinary nature. It can change the current situation. When a person feels the force of connection, it will impress him beyond his current level. We can explain that we are all connected to one another, that we are all in one system, that all of humanity is connected and that if you correct yourself, you insert the force of correction into everyone.
In fact, before the revelation, it is impossible to prove anything to a person, but we see that people study for years and don’t leave due to the expectation for the revelation. They believe that the revelation will occur sometime since an illumination from a distance sustains them. A person who has participated in a workshop or a circle will also feel such an illumination from a distance. The feeling that these actions can really affect and change the situation awakens in him, since the Light operates on him.
There is hope. Otherwise I wouldn’t gather people. I am already committed to them this way and I make them my partners. I cannot show them the world the way I see it and they don’t know that we open the way for the Light that will fix everything. It will not only successfully solve problems such as kidnappings, but will also correct the whole world. We will ascend to the top, become more respected and actually become a kingdom of priests and a holy nation.
From the 4th part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 6/19/14Writings of Baal HaSulam

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Birth Into A New World

The Midrash MisparParashat HaShavua, “Beshalach”: The Creator said, “I know that the dispute between Judah and Benjamin was for the sake of My honor, therefore I will bless both of them.”  
Benjamin received his blessing in that the Beit HaMikdash(Temple) was built in his inheritance, and Judah began to possess the honor of the kingship.
Judah and Benjamin are two characteristics, two opposing forces, who shared in the birth of the people.
The layout, or general outline, of Egypt is reminiscent of the form of the uterus with a birth canal and the straits where the Israelis crossed the Red Sea. The forces that were sent after them by Pharaoh and which drove them forward symbolize the contractions in the uterus that push the fetus out.
From KabTV’s “Secrets of the Eternal Book” 4/30/14

The Magic Theater

Question: Can I say that the wisdom of Kabbalah contains special, supernatural powers?
Answer: There is nothing supernatural. Kabbalah is the science that explains to a person how to behave in the current reality, and how to reach heaven during this lifetime.
Kabbalistic books are not related to magic. Yes, they are called “holy” because I can learn how to become “holy” with their help. In other words, I can learn to bestow, how tolove the neighbors, how to become giving, and how to do good.
Question: Can I use the Kabbalistic books for something bad? For example, some people hold special ceremonies directed against a particular person.
Answer: It is a theater. Psychologically, it may have some affect, but not more than that.
A Kabbalist who owns his strength can never cause anyone any harm. After all, he is close to the Creator, evil does not come from him “by definition.”
On the other hand, there are situations where a Kabbalist can bring benefit to protect them by neutralizing a big villain who carries enormous harm to the people.
Overall, I have to learn to bear the good, to be a giver. Only then I will definitely act for the common good, and thus for the benefit of myself.
From KabTV’s “A New Life” 1/18/15

Property Which Parted The Sea

The Midrash “BeShalach”: Although the sea has not yet parted, the sons of Israel continued to move deeper towards the mighty waves. Water has already reached them up to the neck.
Moses stretched out his hand toward rolling waves and commanded the sea, “In the name of the Creator, make way!” But the sea did not obey.
The sea did not want to change its borders, which were established during the six days of the Creation. The Creator commanded Moses to raise his staff and to threaten the sea, in the same way as the host raises his stick at the rebellious servant. However, the waves did not retreat, and continued to heave.
Then the Shechina (the phenomenon of the Creator) appeared before the sea and it parted. “Why now, the sea, are you gone?” Moshe asked the sea. The reply came,  “I retreat just for the King of the World Himself!”
Even in distant countries the roar of the sea being ruptured was heard. At this point, not only the Yam Suf (the Final Sea) parted, but the water of lakes and wells in all countries have parted, even the water in jugs has parted!
Thus a miracle appeared in the whole world! Water around the world returned to its natural state only after the Yam Suf water (the Final Sea water) took its usual position.
The movement of people takes place in the general property of Bina, and all parts ofBina, no matter where they may be, have imbedded Bina’s properties in the properties ofMalchut. And if the people reach bestowal, then Bina starts to work at all levels just like in a chain reaction. Therefore, it is said, “the waters of lakes and wells were parted in all countries, and even the water in a pitcher has parted.”
Question: Why didn’t the sea obey the command of Moses?
Answer: In order to exit from egoism, it can be accomplished only by the help of theupper Light under the influence of GAR de Bina and the huge Light Hochma, i.e., properties that are called “the Creator.”
Every effort must be taken in order to do this, but it turned out that no one but Nachshon possessed such an opportunity: neither Moses nor Aaron knew, even the priests did not know anything about the property of “Nachshon.”
Usually, a person has no properties that would ever come forward, like a group of athletes that run to the finish, where a leader breaks out ahead. But this group has to come together to the finish line, and if they do not run together, then neither the first nor the last person reaches the finish line.
The main thing is for the whole group to come together to the sacred goal. The leading person of the group has to set the tone since one runs in front, but each time the leader changes. With this, none of the characteristic properties of any person get lost, but rather they must occur at least for a moment while a person is being led and while leading the whole humanity.
Let us say all of humanity is a circle. I am in this circle with my inherent property. While I am in this property I should be once in front of everyone and once behind everyone. Every person does the same. The real property of each person is necessarily manifested twice as leading the whole of humanity and as being led by all mankind.
Question: A concept of “leading mankind” is clear, but why should it be guided by all of mankind?
Answer: There cannot be one without the other, because only in this way the true property of a person manifests itself. All other properties are mixed together. And one’s private quality should manifest only as Keter and Malchut.
From KabTV’s “Secrets of the Eternal Book” 4/30/14

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

A New Global Empire

Opinion (Yuval Noah Harari, author of Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind and  lecturer, Department of History, Hebrew University of Jerusalem.): “From the 2nd century BCE, most of the people lived in empires. In the 20th century, the dominant political ideal was the ideal of the nation-state: sovereign, and the people were the source of all power. The supreme duty of the state was to defend the interests of the national collective.
“Accordingly, the idea that there should be as many independent states as nations in the world emerged.
“In the 21st century, nationalism is rapidly losing ground. Separate empires remain in the past. In the future, people will live in a one world empire. A unified government for the whole Earth awaits us in the near future.
“More and more people are coming to the conclusion that the only legitimate source of political power is humanity, rather than separate nations, and that the main objective of the policy should be the interests of the whole human race and upholding human rights. In this case, the existence of 200 nation-states is a hindrance.
“The world is still politically fragmented, but the real autonomy of nation-states is rapidly declining. No country is able to pursue an independent economic policy, to declare and wage war on a whim, and even carry out its own internal policies.
”Countries are increasingly influenced by global markets, international corporations and NGOs, and international public opinion and a common judicial system are becoming more influential.
“States are forced to reckon with the international standards of financial conduct, environmental policy and justice. Powerful flows of capital, labor and information are spreading throughout the world, transforming it, and the boundaries and positions of individual nation-states carry less importance.
“The world empire is being created before our eyes, and it will be ruled not by a separate state or ethnic group – this new world would be managed by the multinational elite, and common culture and common interests will bind it together.”
My Comment: It is gratifying to see how higher knowledge begins to gradually settle in the minds of the people of our world. The correct perspective of development is being revealed to them, according to the goal of nature to bring all its parts to a single, synergistic whole. Our fate depends on how we can sensibly and actively participate in this process.

Don’t Be Afraid Of Fear And Helplessness

Question: I had an encounter with people on the street not long ago in which there were many unexpected interferences and I found myself in a position of helplessness and despair. How can I focus directly on our goal and not circle around it?
Answer: This confusion was on purpose in order to bring you to deeper and deeper clarifications. This happens in every state, on every level and to every person. It happens to everyone.
Clarify this point and it will become clearer. Then you will encounter many more such situations and you will always feel helpless. The helplessness stems from the fact that it isn’t in your power to correct anything and that you are not in control of the situation, but this is actually a good thing. What you lack here is to hold on to the host and to be in contact with Him.
There is nothing you can but to continue. Everyone reaches such states and such discernments, and although you describe them nicely, you still have no contact with theupper Light. Even if you had such contact, there would still be disconnections so that you would be able to rise from one level to the next each time you feel helpless at a certain point a along the way.
It is just like King David wrote in the Book of Psalms: “You have hidden your face from me and I was frightened!” This is good since it shakes a person a little and takes theKlipot (shells) from him. When a person is in a state of fear, anxiety, insecurity, and disorientation, it is actually a good thing. We should see where it all comes from and how the Creator summons you to adhere to Him.
From the preparation to the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 6/03/14

A Straight Road For Us And The Entire World

Question: What forced the children of Israel to receive the Torah at Mt. Sinai?
Answer: It was the troubles, the problems, and the sufferings. What else can be an incentive if you are within your egoistic desire?
However, there are different sufferings: those that come from the world around you and those that you evoke internally. One way or the other, we cannot advance without troubles, and the question is only whether they are sent to you externally or if you evoke them internally by studying, in thoughts, in understanding and recognition. As it is written: “Who is wise? One who sees the future.” If you act by yourself, it is sufficient to develop by the path of “I will hasten it,” without waiting for troubles to push you forward. They also force us to hasten time, but there is a great difference.
If I am wise, I advance straight toward the goal. If I am not, I stop on the way, and then troubles make me move. I escape them, and then I go straight to the goal anyway. However, by that, I prolong the path. Instead of taking the short, easy way, I follow the long, hard way.
A Straight Road For Us And The Entire World

One way or another, I eventually reach the same thing. So, to help me choose the short way from the start, I must listen to Kabbalists who tell us about the method of correction. My success depends on whether I listen to them or not.

Question: How can we hear them and pass on this message to the people of Israel?
Answer: There must be a recognition of the greatness of the group, the teacher, and theCreator in order to make the goal seem important to you. As for the people of Israel, everything depends on us.
We are the ones who have freewill. We can sharpen our senses through working in the group and by the efforts we must make. We know what it is about so we hear what we are told while others cannot hear it yet.
They have to receive it from us. They will be able to join us passively after we disseminate the message.
Question: How will they see the straight road, the red line in the drawing?
Answer: They will follow us. We will advance with them as Galgalta ve Eynaim (GE) andAHP. After all, we can advance by only a few steps along the red line to the extent that we acquire the system.
At every stage, we must fulfill it before we rise to the next level. Therefore, it is impossible to advance without the vessels of AHP. We simply don’t understand how dependent we are on them.
AHP is all the “nations of the world” and Israel is only Galgalta ve Eynaim (GE), the first nine vessels of bestowal that come from the Creator: Keter, Hochma, and GAR of Bina. On the whole, the vessels of GAR are part of Godliness from above, although this part isshattered.
In Israel, there is nothing, and they cannot advance and cannot arrange the connection with the Creator without the vessels of receiving, those that should be corrected and brought to adhesion. However, they cannot do that by themselves, so the shattering occurred, and, as a result, the vessels of Israel and of the “nations of the world” were mixed and incorporated.
A Straight Road For Us And The Entire World
Now, there is part of AHP above and part of GE below. This allows them to arrange the connection between them, which otherwise would be impossible.
It first happened during the destruction of the First Temple (at the level of Mochin de Haya) when the ten tribes were dispersed among the nations and disappeared. The second time the connection was established was during the destruction of the Second Temple (at the level of Mochin de Neshama) when the two tribes that were left dispersed.
The first time, we lost the parts that belong to real AHP. It was a descent from the level of Hochma to the level of Bina. In the second case, the two tribes didn’t disappear; they only were in exile.
Eventually, thanks to the mixing, a connection was formed, an incorporation of GE andAHP, and now we can begin to “feel” these strings. The vessels of GE that fell into AHPbecame religions.
The same happened in the Israeli nation: AHP that rose to GE was expressed in Judaism. In other words, instead of spirituality, a person imagines corporeality, and instead of “love thy friend as thyself,” he performs different physical actions, not internally in his desire, but externally in matter. However, eventually, thanks to the incorporation, we can be corrected.
From the 4th part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 6/10/12, “The Arvut (Mutual Guarantee)”

Why Shouldn’t I Go To A Psychologist?

Question: It is believed that depressed people are the greatest realists. Psychology examines optimists as people that live in a certain illusion. Why are we kidding ourselves?
Answer: It is because our essence is the desire to receive pleasure. Why see the truth and suffer? I would rather deceive myself and enjoy life.
Question: There is evidence that suggests that only 2% of the population sees reality as it is, without embellishing it. All of them are psychiatric patients. Why is reality such that I constantly have to defend myself, my desire to enjoy? Why do I always feel some kind of threat?
Answer: In fact, you are asking the question, “Why am I not an animal? Why am I a man?” Animals do not have issues. They need to know everything about their life, otherwise they have no chance to survive. We feel a threat and we have the ability to stay afloat only through the correct relationships between us.
And, unlike animals, we have been provided with a choice. Nowadays we have reached such a development where we are required to build a society that will fill us with something that is not given by nature. Then we will be able to completely fill our desire with joy, which is the essence of our nature because nothing else will fill us.
Question: Why shouldn’t I go to a psychologist?
Answer: If your psychologist knows what integral education is and can help you set the correct relationship with the surrounding reality, of course, go. Today, we really need to create a profession called an “integral psychologist.”
Question: Will this person, sitting across from me, help me to know myself?
Answer: The psychologist cannot work with you face to face. Integral education requires group work. Your psychologist is obligated to give you exercises for you to utilize within your environment, under the influence of which you will undergo changes, and thanks to him, you will learn how to properly interact with the world.
From KabTV’s “A New Life” 11/7/14

Monday, February 2, 2015

A Leap Of Infinite Faith

Midrash Sefer, “Beshalch:” When the Children of Israel reached the seashore, the waves hit them and stood against them like a wall. But the Jews kept on their way into the sea, thus fulfilling the Creator’s command.
There was a dispute who about who should be given the right to jump into the sea first. The head of the tribe of Judah, Nahshon the son of Aminadav jumped into the sea and the tribe of Benjamin followed him. When the people of the tribe of Judah saw that the people of the tribe of Benjamin preceded them, they began to throw stones at them.
The Creator said: “I know that the dispute between Judah and Benjamin was in my honor, and therefore I shall repay both.” Benjamin was rewarded by the fact that the Temple was built on its estate and Judah held the honor of the kingdom.”
Nahshon, the son of Aminadav from the tribe of Judah, is an attribute the can ascend to a very high level in its faith.
A person doesn’t simply jump into the water for no reason, since is not a problem for any of us to jump into the water. It is about the development of the attribute of faith within us.
Faith is the attribute of bestowal that is high above all the huge desires that exist in all the twelve tribes. At the same time, a person has to demand it from the Creator in such a manner that he can lead the others after him.
Nahshon jumped first and thanks to that, all the others followed him, the same as they did on dry land. For them it was no longer a problem since they didn’t have to meet the same requirements.
Nahshon is the pure attribute of Bina. Therefore, he takes the whole common united ego and raises it to the level of GAR of Bina (absolute bestowal). It isn’t a desperate or irrational act. According to the wisdom of Kabbalah, everything is based on accurate calculations, but the calculations are based on the efforts done in order to reach the state of bestowal.
From KabTV’s “Secrets of the Eternal Book” 4/30/14

A Night’s Sleep Is The Continuation Of The Day’s Activities

Question: How does nature develop us with the help of dreams?
Answer: A vigorous, energetic state is called a day. When we are asleep, we exit from our prior state and connect with the next, active one. A dream is a small state (VaK – Vav Ktzavot), through which our prior, awakened state connects with the next active state.
It is similar to the neutral gear of a car transmission that is used in between the gears when we switch from first gear to second and then third gear. They are separated by a neutral gear, this is the dream at night.
If not for the neutral gear, we would not be able to switch from the first, to the second, and then to the third state. We cannot ascend to other states without sleep.
This explains why sleep is so important and why it takes so much time: 8 hours! When we are still in our egoistic nature, i.e., if our natural intentions are oriented towards our own sake, we just have to follow the demands of our physical needs. RAMBAM writes that a regular person must have enough sleep.
While we live in this material world, we must behave normally, and a night’s rest is a simple, physiological process that helps make this possible. If a person has already attained a spiritual level and acts for the sake of bestowal, then why does he need a night’s rest?  What does it mean to us?
Dreams may be consequences of the events that we experience during the day. Our aspiration to attain higher spiritual states during the day allows us to make a spiritual ascent while we sleep, or to at least make relevant clarifications.
The wisdom of Kabbalah refers to the night’s sleep as a continuation of the day, a continued vigorous state. Sleep is physiologically essential, both for those who live only within the boundaries of this world and those who dwell in the upper world, at a spiritual level.
From KabTV’s “A New Life” 1/11/15

The Magic Of Egoism And Bestowal

Heaven and Hell
Question: You are saying that witchcraft is a psychological phenomenon. How does it reflect on those who don’t even suspect that they are the targets?
Answer: This is the way by which our desires are directed towards others. All our desires comprise a pool of forces that impact everyone around us. Our attitude to the world in general and to the surroundings we live in contribute our personal energies to the overall system.
Question: So, witchcraft is a desire of a person oriented to somebody else’s benefit or detriment?
Answer: Desires matter, but why do you call them witchcraft? Each one of us acts within a general network of powers that exists among us. It is an extremely complicated system. We are a source of a whole complex of uncorrected, evil forces that are called ego. We have to correct these powers and transition them from wickedness to benevolence, or in other words, be good to our neighbors.
It means that from the will to receive, which is taking as much as possible from others, we have to end up bestowing to everyone. Accordingly, the key principle, the universal rule of the wisdom of Kabbalah, states, “Love thy neighbor as thyself.” This principle replenishes the general network with positive energy. Everything we generate has to bring benevolence to others. This is how a positive network is created.
When building such a network, we enter the world comprised of complete benevolence, meaning we enter the Garden of Eden. Thus, heaven is a state in which everybody thinks only about the others’ well being.
At the same time, hell is mutual hatred, a state in which we all suffer.
How to Defend Against Negativism?
Question: If someone impacts us wickedly through the general network, can we somehow defend ourselves?
Answer: Yes. For that, we have to involve positive powers.
Question: Whom should we direct them towards?
Answer: To everyone. Even if I have no idea who exactly sends me a negative impact, it doesn’t really matter. My positive and kind attitude to others turns into a shield through which negativity cannot penetrate.
The mechanism is very simple. I can be hurt only if I am in my egoistic desires and if I care only about myself. If I bestow, contribute, give, share, and love others, nobody can hurt me. I am invincible because I exist within others.
It is very strong psychological armor. Thanks to it, no matter how much others want to hurt me, they won’t succeed.
Moreover, by acting in this way, I neutralize all my offenders since we exist in a unified, common system. This explains why by contributing our sincere attitude to other human beings and a desire to bring benevolence to everyone, we enhance positive energy in the general network. Positivism is capable of destroying all negativism directed against us. Then, not only will nobody be able to hurt us, but nobody will even make an attempt to do so.
This is how the system works. The Torah, particularly the wisdom of Kabbalah, explains these issues to us in detail. We see that when one is a source of benevolence to others, the evil forces are unable to hurt that one.
From KabTV’s “A New Life” 1/18/15  

Sunday, February 1, 2015

For Waters Of The Sea To Part…

The Midrash, “BeShalach,”: There was a dispute over whether to give someone the right to jump into the sea first. The head of the tribe of Judah, Nachshon ben Abinadab, first jumped into the water.
Question: Why did members of different tribes begin to argue who should first jump into the sea?
Answer: Every man contains within him the people of Israel, the Egyptians, and all the other properties. It is unknown by which of them he can overcome the sea. So he chooses to move forward with the help of a property or their total unity, a little from the Egyptians and a bit from the people of Israel.
A person analyzes, “These properties I can manifest from the Egyptians in order to move forward, otherwise I will not fear and will be relaxed, and these I can manifest from theCreator to appease the Egyptians themselves and to move towards Him.”
He constantly uses the plus and minus, as an engine that runs on two opposite forces that rotate it. One pushes from the front and the other one pushes from the back or to the sides. A person manages this on his own.
The more opposing forces he can control and properly connect within oneself in order to achieve the goal, the higher one gets. This is why the dispute occurs, and why Nachshon should jump and not other properties or all of them at the same time.
When people from the tribe of Judah saw that the children of Benjamin Ben Nachshon ahead of them, they started throwing stones at them.
Stone (Even) derived from the word “Abana” (stony). Usually during any action, a person overcomes various thoughts, a desire to understand, to realize what was happening. But in the spiritual work it is necessary to move above reason.
A person begins to concentrate on one’s own abilities by forgetting that by just grasping the Creator one can pass the sea, one can enter Him like entering the mother’s womb that will be one’s ark, and the waters of the sea will part.
From KabTV’s “Secrets of the Eternal Book” 4/30/14

The Torah Brings Life To Man

The Torah, “Leviticus”, 11:13 to 11:21: And among birds, you shall hold these in abomination; they shall not be eaten; they are an abomination: The eagle [or the griffin vulture], the kite, the osprey, the kestrel, and the vulture after its species,  and the raven after its species, the ostrich, the jay, and the sparrow hawk, and the goshawk after its species; The owl, the gull, the little owl; The bat, the starling, the magpie; the stork, the heron after its species; the hoopoe and the atalef;  Any flying insect that walks on four, is an abomination for you. However, among all the flying insects that walk on four [legs], you may eat [from] those that have jointed [leg like] extensions above its [regular] legs, with which they hop on the ground.
We see all the levels of a person’s desires here. Inside myself, I gradually begin to discover my inner essence to the extent that I advance and I begin to see these names above me. They are like captions. I begin to understand that this is the Gematria of the given desire, its name, its attribute. Suddenly I begin to feel that I understand the biology, zoology, and the botany described in the Torah. It is inside me.
The Torah, “Leviticus”, 11:25: And anyone who carries their carcass shall immerse his garments, and he shall be unclean until evening…
Clothing is an external Masach (screen). If I touch an uncorrected desire, I fall and lose the Masach. Therefore, I have to correct this desire, wash it in water, in the Light ofHassadim (mercy).
But if I cannot correct it, since it suddenly grows weak, and I cannot work with it in order to bestow; I need to draw away from the source of temptation, meaning to remove myself from the source of temptation.
When I begin to attain that, all the texts in the Torah arise in me and become clear, since, after all, how did the author of the Torah write it? He wrote it by what he discovered inside himself.
He wasn’t a biologist or a zoologist and he didn’t stroll in the forests and the fields. Did he see these attributes, especially the ostrich and other animals that didn’t even live in these areas? It is all revealed within a person.
From KabTV’s “Secrets of the Eternal Book” 1/22/14

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