Thursday, August 25, 2016

Where Does The Opposition To The Wisdom Of Kabbalah Stem From?

laitman_259_01Question: My little daughter refuses to even taste certain foods claiming that it doesn’t taste good even though she has never tasted it. What is the reason for this kind of natural behavior?
I believe that many people feel the same way about the wisdom of Kabbalah, feeling repulsed by it although they don’t really understand what it is. Understanding this phenomenon could help us spread the wisdom of Kabbalah in the world.
Answer: If we don’t know what something tastes like, we don’t want it. But once we taste it we begin to yearn for it according to the Reshimo, the impression that is left.
The opposition to the wisdom of Kabbalah stems from the lack of a Reshimo (spiritual record), but mainly because the wisdom of Kabbalah is in opposition to our nature and it is about the correction of the ego, which is actually our whole essence. Therefore, only a person in whom the Reshimo is revealed, the impression from an earlier spiritual state, will come to study and implement the wisdom of Kabbalah.

The Wisdom Of Kabbalah Does Not Prohibit Anything

Laitman_506_6Question: If it is necessary to dedicate all of one’s life to spiritual development and leave “other business” aside, when is there time left for living? Why has the Creator made everything so complicated?
Answer: And what is a person living for? When we begin to study the method of the wisdom of Kabbalah, we begin to live it, feel what forces it is speaking about, how it is possible to discover and feel them, and how the world system is managed.
The wisdom of Kabbalah is the foundation for all human culture, all religions, and all knowledge because it speaks about the higher system of management. Everything that exists in our world is a result of this system. Through studying the wisdom of Kabbalah, it is possible to get hold of it.
There is no prohibition on earthly pleasures in the wisdom of Kabbalah. It is possible to quietly go fishing, watch a soccer game, be involved with sports, and care for a family, and so on. There is no need to give up any worldly pursuits, except for the consumption of hard drugs because they detach a person from reality and from comprehending the higher management.
The wisdom of Kabbalah doesn’t prohibit anything. This is not a monastery, not suffering, or self-restriction. It only speaks about adding special higher pleasures to our lives.
Nonetheless, we know that for every pleasure, for every fulfillment, for all knowledge, we must pay with our effort and time. It is the same thing here.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 4/17/16

The End Of The Money Era, Part 4

Laitman_115_04All of the destructions are a preparation for correction. The first destruction, the very first sin of Adam was the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Later, as a result of this fundamental sin, there were many separations from generation to generation.
In every generation, more and more divisions were revealed until inancient Babylon, it was revealed so strongly that it separated the people of Israel from the nations of the world. This does not speak about people, but about two methods of correction. One method says: “We will go the way nature shows us. The Creatorcreated us with the desire to enjoy and succeed in life, and we will fulfill this desire.”
The second method says: “The Creator created a desire to enjoy not in order for us to succeed in life. Nothing good will happen if I follow my egoistic desire. After all, life will end one day. I must use my desire to enjoy in order to rise above it. If I make the correct effort to act against the desire to enjoy, then from above I receive the highest force of nature. It is a miracle. It is enough to do some work on my egoism by resisting it and trying to unite with others, and a great Light will come to us and help us connect above our egoism. In this way, we begin to reveal the Creator.”
So, there are two methods. Either we work on the egoism and with its help we will organize ourselves and the world, or we want, due to desire to receive pleasure, to organize the higher level, using egoism only as means.
Question: If any destruction is a preparation for correction, then which division better prepares the world for correction, an American model or a European one? Which continent is closer to the realization of its evil and to correction?
Answer: America is an initial stage with a touch of egoism. It once brought people of different nationalities from different countries together, people who had nothing and began from scratch to build the country according to a single principle—the power of money.
And consequently American culture is close to all the world; it is possible to export it anywhere. After all, people everywhere understand what money is. Whereas in Europe it was different. Europe is proud of its individual, special culture, which it tried to introduce in all of its colonies.
The lack of unity was revealed much faster in Europe. In it, there are conflicts between countries, governments, including territorial claims. According to the program of creation, they must discover that the American project that translates everything to money can’t be realized, especially in Europe where it is necessary to weigh the many parameters that do not have a cash equivalent.
As a result, it will lead them to understand that they are going through suffering. Any program that they offer now will result in great suffering.
Question: At what point will the group of Abraham and the group of Nimrod meet again and unite?
Answer: The group of Nimrod, beginning from ancient Babylon and onward, acted only according to one principle: the power of money. This approach is ingrained in every nation to the present day with small differences according to the national character of each one.
The group of Abraham began to connect between themselves not on the basis of money, but on the principle of unity. So, in their attitudes, money did not dominate, but mutual bestowal did. It means that to unite, the efforts can come from the pocket or from the heart.
This group managed to build the Temple and reach unity, but then it shattered. Now, the group of Abraham finished mixing with the group of Nimrod. Nowadays, Jews, especially in America and Europe, want to connect to the group of Nimrod as much as possible, but they will discover that it does not work.
They really would like to dissolve in all of humanity and adopt its customs, but they will not succeed. After all, humanity doesn’t want them. It despises and hates the Jews and pushes them away. The Jews don’t realize how much they are hated by all the nations of the world.
These two groups can begin to work together only on condition that, as a result of the work of Abraham’s group, that is, the Kabbalists, the Upper Light will be shed on Nimrod’s group and enable them to understand that they must join Abraham’s group, the method of connection. This method will be spread between all nations. Only in this form will it be possible to make the correction.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 8/8/16Writings of Baal HaSulam

The Day Of Love

laitman_572_02Comment: The 15th of Av, the day of love occurs a week after the tragic day of the 9th of Av
Answer: According to our sources, this is the day that the young women of Jerusalem go out dressed in white to the orchards and the vineyards and sing. The young men join them and choose their bride. This is what characterizes this holiday.
Comment: Many believe that the 15th of Av is similar to Valentine’s Day and that it is not deeply rooted in Jewish tradition.
Answer: This holiday is mentioned in writings that are 3,000 years old, and so I believe that it is a tradition. Our holidays and special days should be divided into those that have already been fulfilled in our calendar and those that have not yet been fulfilled. We should understand that there are holidays and special dates that onlyIsrael have undergone and those that the whole world, all of humanity, has to undergo.
We celebrate certain dates since they will appear only in the future, like Purim, for example. In fact, they were revealed to some extent and there was such an event in the our history, such a problem did come up, and as usual they wanted to destroy our whole nation in ancient Babylon, and we managed to avoid it successfully; we came out of exile, etc…But this holiday is basically the embodiment of a future state and not of a historical event.
It is the same with the day of love. The day of love is basically the greatest day, the greatest holiday! Love! However, it isn’t the love that young men and young women look for in the vineyards, but a totally different kind of love that is built on top of the correction of the ego that brought about the destruction of the First and Second Temples and which the period between the 17th of Tammuz and the 9th of Avsymbolizes. It is about the time of the destruction of the two Temples and other problems and afflictions that the Jewish people have undergone. And just a week later, when all that is gone and corrected, a new period begins.
It is a time in which we build the Temple, but this Temple is in our hearts, the connection between us. We look for a spiritual partner, and the spiritual partner for both men and women is the upper force, the Creator. We connect with Him and together receive the absolute filling, pleasure, and enlightenment, the revelation of the real world. We exist in it and not only in a small fragment of this world. The whole process symbolizes the correction, the rebuilding of the Temple, and the transition from hatred to love.
Question: Is this what the 15th of Av, the day of love, symbolizes?
Answer: Basically yes, but it is a holiday for which we have no special date, because it is seemingly celebrated on PurimPurim is the holiday of freedom, the holiday of correction only for the Jewish people, while now we are nearing a state in which we will celebrate it with the whole world. It says in the Book of Psalms that the Third Temple will be called “a house of prayer for all the nations.” This is the reason that the 15th of Avseems similar to Valentine’s Day. Symbolically it indicates that this will be a holiday of love for the whole world.
Question: Can we compare it with the holidays of all the religions?
Answer: Yes, it seems to be external to religion, like the wisdom of Kabbalah.
Comment: You have said that it will be a holiday that can be celebrated any time…
Answer: That’s true, since what else do we mean by rebuilding the Third Temple? It is a state in which we connect into one single system called man, Adam, stemming from the Hebrew root “Domeh – to resemble,” to resemble the Creator. When this system is connected by the positive forces, when all of humanity is connected together, it will be called the Third Temple. The Creator will be revealed in the system of the positive connection, the upper force of the world, and thus we will live in what we call the Third Temple, in a totally different world, in a feeling of eternity and wholeness. It will be like a real day of love as it is written: love will cover all our transgressions, and love thy friend as thyself, etc., which means that this is the ultimate state of all mankind. We will reach it whether by force, by the stick, or in a clever rational way, as the wisdom of Kabbalah advises us to do, quickly and easily.
Comment: The 15th of Av is a clue of the sublime state that we call the third Temple.
Answer: Yes, at the same time, a young woman symbolizes all of humanity and a young man symbolizes the Creator. This is what the wisdom of Kabbalah describes and explains. It is impossible to imagine that King Solomon, a great Kabbalist who left us such a masterpiece, simply wrote about love! The 15th of Av, the day of love is the greatest holiday because all the other holidays represent how we reach it, and it comes at the end, at the end of our development.
Question: What do we find behind the absolute love we attain?
Answer: It is only a condition, the connection of two opposite forces, of two attributes, into one; the new energy that develops on top of this connection, the consciousness, the understanding, the feeling, raises us to the next level, which is not described anywhere. The wisdom of Kabbalah only tells us about how we should reach this state. What is beyond that? We are not told because we cannot understand it. We don’t have the feelings or the mind to understand the next level.
From KabTV’s “News with Michael Laitman” 8/11/16

Why Was The General Soul Shattered?

Unity, The Way To A Good FutureQuestion: You said in your post “There is No Life without Mutual Guarantee” that in the past we were one spiritual body and then this body was shattered. Is the spiritual body temporary like our physical? And do we have to connect in order to live or to be reborn into a new spiritual body?
Answer: The shattering of the body, which means of the desire and not the physical body, was necessary so that we can reconnect its parts, attain a desire to bestow in contrast to the desire to receive, and attain love in contrast to the desire to reject others. In this program acquire the perfect feeling of eternity and wholeness.

Time: A Loose Concept

Laitman_109Question: Why does time seem to go by very slowly for a person who engages in something that he doesn’t like, but if engages in something that he enjoys, time seems to fly by? What is time for a Kabbalist?
Answer: Time for a Kabbalist is the number of changes that he undergoes at any given moment, and so if he undergoes several states in a second, this second is felt like a number of seconds, and if he is in the same state for an hour, the hour is felt like a second.
That is, time is tensile, capable of being drawn out and stretched. It depends on how we fill it, on the number of states we undergo in any unit time.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 4/17/16

Freedom Of Choice On The Way To Spiritual Ascent

laitman_750_03The chapter “Eikev” (Following) tells how to enter the land of Israel and what will happen if the laws of the Torah that were given to the people by the Creator are observed.
After all, the system is uniform: One, you obey its laws and therefore receive through it upper correcting Light, abundance, fulfillment, and revelation, or if you incorrectly awaken it on yourself, it generates in you darkness, all sorts of negative feelings that nevertheless lead you to the same place through an alternative way of development. But in this case you make a circle, and this circle is very unpleasant.
Question: Is this a long time of preparation?
Answer: Yes. But in every point of the spiritual path from egoism, called “Egypt” to the complete system of bestowal and love, called “the land of Israel,” there is an opportunity to move straight or to make a circle and return to the starting point basically just in order to realize that you were going incorrectly, that you were driven by egoism and not a desire for the spiritual ascent, and eventually to make this ascent.
Comment: Anyway, “there is no one else besides Him.” On the one hand, you do this circle; on the other hand, you are not the one who decides this…
Answer: No, freewill is given to us from above. The entire creation would be lost otherwise. Without freewill we would have become little insects that are fully controlled from above and there would be no purpose and no meaning in the creation, in the creatures, in man, and in the Creator Himself, because the Creator is revealed only in relation to the creatures.
The entire path we go through is designed to assemble our efforts of freewill into one single unit, and when we approach the final result, each one with his own effort, with the fact that we analyze, choose, sort, and test, we create from ourselves a system called “man.”
Otherwise, if absolutely everything is fixated on the Creator and there is no freewill whatsoever, there is no point in the creation.
The fact that we will come to the final state doesn’t deny our constant freedom of choice.
From KabTV’s “Secrets of the Eternal Book” 4/27/16

The End Of The Money Era, Part 3

Laitman_115_05Question: Can there be any other common denominator, apart from money, that could unite Europe?
Answer: It is impossible to find another standard that would be accepted by everyone. Therefore Europe will stay divided. It wanted to follow the example of America and so it decided to unite.
But this obviously won’t work since it is impossible to overcome the existing differences, to rise above hatred, difference in languages, religions, attitudes, and contradicting mentalities of the peoples.
The unification of Europe is a complex recipe that requires a very skilled chef who adds spices to this dish and knows exactly which country can be combined with another, what exactly to combine and in what amounts. Therefore, there is no point even dreaming of uniting Europe.
They wanted to unite to become like America against America, but it didn’t work.
Question: Is it possible that Europe will be able to unite around the common problem of radical Islam?
Answer: Radical Islam is another additional problem for Europe. And soon it will appear also in America, once radical Islam will be imported there with the help of its high-ranking supporters like Obama. He doesn’t hide his plans to bring 10,000 Syrian refugees to the United States during the year. It is his program and it is very important to him.
Today, both Europe and America show us their disappointment. It is possible to ignore it and continue to enjoy life, but there is a clear negative trend in society, in the economy, and in the family. The trend is simply terrible in both Europe and the US.
They are similar to a terminally ill person who just before death suddenly starts to feel better for a few days, seemingly comes to life and becomes healthier. However, it is just before he dies.
The unification of Europe is not sustainable. It is a direct consequence of ancient Babylon.
The group that followed Nimrod that selected money as a standard of measurement and dispersed all around the world now, after all its history of egoistic development, is discovering that this principle stopped working.
There is nothing wrong with it. After all, they have done their job in order to finally discover this. Meanwhile, Abraham did his job with the second group, finished it, and also prepared everything that is necessary.
Today the group of Nimrod is in a helpless state. But the group of Abraham is also helpless. The time has come for it to reveal his method. It is clear that we can’t be successful any other way.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 8/8/16Writings of Baal HaSulam

New Life #346 – Peace In Man

New Life #346 –  Peace In Man
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Nitzah Mazoz
What is the meaning of peace in man? How do we know if we are working toward peace, and what is the connection between man, the world, and peace in man?
“Peace” means being whole (from the same root in Hebrew) and balancing your forces. Peace is mutual complementation. Peace is self-correction. I gladly concede and not sorrowfully, because I want to acquire the force of giving.
First, “don’t do unto others what is hateful to you.” Don’t enjoy the loss of others. Then, “love thy friend as thyself.” Try to fill everything others lack as an expression of your love to them.
The full correction of our attitude to others is called making peace with the upper force.
From KabTV’s “New Life #346 – Peace In Man,” 4/10/14
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Has The Wisdom Of Kabbalah Been Revealed To The World Too Early?

laitman_254_01Question: In your opinion, has the wisdom of Kabbalah been revealed too early? It is very detached from the modern world. After all, there are more practical methods to achieve, albeit temporary, harmony with the world.
Answer: You will be surprised, but in fact the ban on revealing Kabbalah The Book of Zohar  Ari 
You will be surprised, but in fact the ban on revealing wisdom of Kabbalah expired in the 16th century. It was hidden from the beginning of the first century BC to the middle of the 16th century when The Book of Zohar reached the hands of the great scientist and Kabbalist the Ari. Since then, the wisdom of Kabbalah gradually began to be accessible to everyone.
But the fact is that it was revealed very slowly, because it was necessary. People shunned and feared it because for centuries Kabbalists themselves hid it by creatingthe myth of the prohibition to engage in Kabbalah, to stay away from it, etc.
The successor of the Ari was the Baal Shem Tov who lived in Eastern Europe. In the last few centuries, beginning with the Ari, most Kabbalists came from that region so the spirit of their great powers remained in those places.
In this way the wisdom of Kabbalah was revealed a long time ago, but specifically now, it is necessary to spread it very widely because the world requires it urgently.The world may not be aware of it yet, but this is not necessary, it will realize the need in a natural way, like the way of wars and terrible problems.
It is better if we spread the method of Kabbalah, publicize it and talk about it more and more frequently so that we will prepare humanity to use it practically when the situation in the world becomes unbearable.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 4/17/16

The Islamists’ Hatred

laitman_600_04In the News (Fox News): “ISIS details ‘Why We Hate You’ in new magazine. In the new edition of its full-color, glossy magazine, ISIS mocks those who claim Islam is a peaceful religion, and even wades into the controversy surrounding Donald Trump and the parents of a dead Muslim U.S. soldier.
“The 15th issue of Dabiq, published on July 31, is titled ‘Break The Cross’ and appears to be primarily directed at those that ISIS considers its enemies, particularly Christians. One section is devoted to the words and actions of Pope Francis and is headlined ‘In The Words Of Our Enemies.’ An editorial titled ‘Why We Hate You and Why We Fight You’ takes aim at Westerners and ‘apostate “Imams” in the West’ who refuse to define ISIS’ motivation as being Islamic. ISIS calls this rhetoric purely political.
(Breitbart)“To correct the ‘false narrative’ about Islam, the magazine launches a litany of reasons ‘why we hate you and why we fight you.’ The list begins with the most serious crime of the West: its failure to embrace Islam and convert. Christianity is blasphemy and an offense against Allah, the jihadists assert, one which is punishable by death. The text states:  ‘We hate you, first and foremost, because you are disbelievers; you reject the oneness of Allah – whether you realize it or not – by making partners for Him in worship, you blaspheme against Him, claiming that He has a son, you fabricate lies against His prophets and messengers, and you indulge in all manner of devilish practices.’ …
“‘Furthermore, just as your disbelief is the primary reason we hate you, your disbelief is the primary reason we fight you, as we have been commanded to fight the disbelievers until they submit to the authority of Islam,” the authors add.’ …
“Summing up, the writer states: ‘The fact is, even if you were to stop bombing us, imprisoning us, torturing us, vilifying us, and usurping our lands, we would continue to hate you because our primary reason for hating you will not cease to exist until you embrace Islam. Even if you were to pay jizyah [tax for infidels] and live under the authority of Islam in humiliation, we would continue to hate you.'”
Answer: My answer to them would be, “Show me your good life according to Islam. In what way can you promote and publicize it? Please do this; I would be very happy to come to you.
People are searching for someone to join in such a life, something for which it would be worthwhile to pray, something to hope for, rituals to observe, and general rules to take upon oneself in order to become a happy person. Show me these happy people. This doesn’t mean happiness with no basis because there are such people who beat themselves with a whip and believe that this is happiness.
I ask: “Where is your good life? You kill, bomb, rape, and annihilate each other more than any external enemy. You relate to each other with greater hatred than to the other nations and religions, which is to say, either we must oppose you so as not to be thrown into greater problems and ultimately remain with a belief in your idols, or it will be necessary to annihilate you just as you want to annihilate us because we see that by joining your religion we would not attain a calm, normal and good life.”
The conclusion is that you don’t attract us to you this way.
Question: What should our response be?
Answer: It is necessary to oppose them because, if we submit, we will not be granted a secure life for our families and for ourselves this way.
Question: Does a middle line exist in this case?
Answer: The middle line is a term from the wisdom of Kabbalah.
Accordingly, we must maintain a good connection in the face of all opposition. We must make a connection between Islam, Christianity, and Judaism, and actually between all religions, beliefs, philosophies, and the other psychologies. In other words, build a bridge of love over all sins.
Good is at the core of every religion, but people distort all of the religions so that now evil stands as their bases. It is up to us to re-establish good over evil.
From KabTV’s “News with Michael Laitman” 8/3/16

The End Of The Money Era, Part 2

Laitman_004Question: The Americans managed to cultivate patriotism and national pride among its people. Why hasn’t this happened in Europe from the moment the Common Market was created?
Answer: This is obvious. In the US there is one army, one police, one capitol, and one White House. And although each state has its own laws and management, it is purely a municipal division. And this is one country and that gave America a completely different look compared to Europe.
In the European Union there are thirty languages, thirty countries, thirty different cultures, and even different religious faiths that were fighting with each other throughout the history. Each one has a claim against a neighbor over boundaries. Each one holds a grudge toward the nearest neighbors. Therefore, there can’t be such unity between them as in the US.
In the US they have adopted a single principle: money and freedom of economic enterprise. As long as you act within the legal framework, do what you want and then everyone will be evaluated according to the amount of money he has in his bank account.
Egoism blossoms if it is allowed to work freely. It can be weighed on these scales. How much do you weigh? Only hundred dollars? And he weighs a hundred million, this is a respected person. However, it gives a clear value to everything and the entire system works smoothly.
Everyone is evaluated this way, whoever he is: musician, writer, or professor. The first thing he is asked is how much he is worth, that is how much money he has in the account. And this determines everything.
And in Europe everything is blurry, because the Europeans value culture, education, and the ideals of the French Revolution, i.e., all different values that can’t be measured with money. The Europeans keep them and value them. On one hand, this is good. But on the other hand, these are not clear egoistic principles that can lead to a common denominator to evaluate all countries according to.
One standard of measurement for everyone is required, and there is none. For the Frenchman it’s his French wine, for the Belgian his dried fish, and for the German his beer—these are more important than the whole Europe. There weren’t such differences in America so it was easy to connect people who came just to become rich and to provide a good life for themselves. But in Europe there isn’t such a simple principle, it is divided into a number of different values.
There is no one standard, no common denominator between the countries, and therefore they can’t unite. The common denominator isn’t very simple—this something common between all of us, between you and me, between you and him. We need to do some kind of averaging between everyone, but in Europe this won’t work. It isn’t possible to unite even according to the American principle: to enrich and create a United States of Europe.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 8/8/16Writings of Baal HaSulam

It Is Impossible To Continue In The Old Way

Laitman_120Question: How is it possible to give up the production of unnecessary goods if all resources and plans are concentrated in the powerful in this world and they cannot be reached? Ordinary people must work in production to provide for themselves.
Answer: Today, 80% of the products we manufacture are not needed at all. According to statistical calculations, 3% of the overall population of the Earth would be sufficient to work to provide humanity with everything it needs. All of the surplus products we manufacture are intended only to extract money from others to keep it in our “piggy banks.” And then the money loses its value, as is happening today.
Now banks have introduced interest-free loans and even negative interest rates. Suppose you take out a loan of $1,000. You only need to return $900. Is it clear where the economy is moving? It is beginning to work in the opposite direction. We don’t understand that we have created an artificial world for ourselves. Everything is already living in it according to spiritual laws and only humans live in the old way! Therefor we don’t succeed at anything. We must simply open our eyes and sober up.
Those who hold positions in the government in every nation want things to be good for the citizens, but they don’t succeed! This is because on one hand, we cannot work today with our egoism and the egoistic system that is tearing us apart and making us reject each other, and on the other hand, we are discovering that we are completely interconnected.
So it is possible to say only one thing here: before anything bad happens to us, in a good way or a bad way, we must understand the world we exist in. We see how the powerful people in this world are really powerless. They don’t have enough knowledge of how to manage the world, how to manage an economic and production systems. Everything is “running through our fingers,” everything disappears somewhere! This indicates we don’t know the system that manages us today. The world has changed. In the last thirty years it has become different and we don’t understand what kind of a world we are living in.
So the wisdom of Kabbalah has been revealed in our time. It was concealed for thousands of years specifically to be discovered in our day to explain to us what that system of forces is that manages humanity and the world today. If we continue to behave in the same form as today, then human society will go down the drain, in a free fall because this will have an influence on those strata of nature that will actually lead us to annihilation. We already see today what is happening with the climate.
The wisdom of Kabbalah reveals to us the general system of management through which we see that such a possibility is not excluded that only a small fraction of the population of the Earth will remain. And this part will bring the mini-humanity to unity in any case.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 4/17/16

The Spiritual Gene, Part 5

Laitman_712_03Question: Spiritual DNA controls me, it determines what qualities will be in me and what desires will wake up in me in the next moment. Who controls the spiritual DNA?
Answer: The general system controls it where all the spiritual DNAs exist and where the beginning and end of everything are located. In the beginning of development we all are shattered as a result of Adam’s sin. And the end of development is called the end of correction of this system. We are in the process that the system goes through from the beginning to the end.
Question: How does the spiritual system control us? How does the spiritual DNA control our material genes?
Answer: The control happens through the system of the world of Infinity. We are unable to understand it, because it is above our mind, and above everything we can imagine. It is impossible to explain; one has to reveal it himself.
After all, an ordinary person of our world is not able to perceive even quantum physics that seems very simple to Kabbalists.  All the problems in the microcosm and macrocosm are beyond the comprehension of a person in this world. So I can’t explain the manner in which the spiritual world dresses into the material one and sets everything that exists in it.
In order to attain this connection we need to exist in both worlds simultaneously. Then it will become evident how the spiritual charge acts in every material particle and controls it.
So, let’s sum it up. The spiritual DNA is an informational record (Reshimo) from the system of Adam HaRishon, and it exists in everyone. The material DNA is a biological gene, a special biological form that helps a person to implement his spiritual DNA.
The wisdom of Kabbalah teaches us how to achieve the connection between the material and spiritual worlds: faith above reason, the principle that there is no one besides the Creator, and He is good that does good. We fulfill all these conditions wishing to rise above our egoism and to be included in others, and all this in order to obtain the qualities in which we will feel the connection, e.g., the bridge stretching between the two worlds.
From KabTV’s “A New Life” 7/12/16

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Visit Our Website

laitman_959Question: You talk about unity and connection between friends all the time. What is united and for what? Where is it possible to get the correct definition of unity? Even unity with friends is a concept that is not understood. The same person whom I consider a friend today might not be a friend anymore in a month.
Answer: The Bnei Baruch Kabbalah website exists for this purpose. It is possible to find all the materials on the subject there. One can simply go to the website, read, and gradually get a correct understanding of the concept of unity that the wisdom of Kabbalah is talking about.
Our world is integral, it is a single unified system, while we, humanity, are found in egoistic opposition between us.
To become similar to the general nature, the general system, we must connect and unite among us. The entire role of the person is to reach a need for unity wisely and consciously, and to begin this process with the help of the method of unification of the wisdom of Kabbalah.
I am happy that the possibility exists to become familiar with the method through the Bnei Baruch Kabbalah website; it is available for every person in every language.
Link to the Website
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 4/17/16

New Life #345 – Peace With Nature

New Life #345 – Peace With Nature
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Nitzah Mazoz
What is this concept called peace, between which forces are balanced, what is supposed to be found in peace and through what actions can it be reached?
Peace (Shalom) is wholeness (Shlemut), that can exist on condition that we know the forces of nature and create an agreement (Hashlemah) among them.
In nature everything is built upon two opposing forces, plus and minus, hot and cold, reception and giving. All our relationships require balance between reception and giving.
Nature is revealed today as an inclusive network of connections; we are out of balancewith it, we lack peace. Peace agreements as they always have been as various compromises won’t help. Now we must adapt to the laws of nature. Today we must achieve true peace, the adaptation of the relationships between us to the general system of nature.
True agreement is not compromise; rather, each side accepts the needs of the others as if they were his own. And in the connection between the two sides, a third is revealed—the next level of human development.
From KabTV’s “New Life #345 – Peace With Nature,” 4/10/14
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Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Does Fear Exist In Spirituality?

laitman_276_02Question: Is there a concept in the wisdom of Kabbalah like the fear of God? People are afraid of fire, floods, and other disasters. Should a person feel fear of the Creator?
If “There is none else besides Him” (Deuteronomy 4:35), is it possible to say that this is fear of God, or that this is a beastly instinct for self-preservation? Is there a similar fear in spirituality?
Answer: There is fear of falling into an egoistic desire, fear of losing paradise in our world. Spiritual fear is not about acquiring or losing the ability to bestow—in other words, becoming like the Creator—not due to fear about myself, but from awareness of the greatness of the Creator.

The Whole World Is Inside Us

laitman_928Question: Does the wisdom of Kabbalah refer to the concept of an internal viewer, and if so, is there a difference between the one who feels something and the place he feels it?
Answer: When a person begins to study the wisdom of Kabbalahhe feels the world external to him as the world inside him.
What seems to be on the outside is nothing but our internal attributes that are reflected to us on the outside. We see ourselves, our internal attributes, the parts of our internal system on the levels of the still, vegetative, and animate nature and man, as the world that is external to us.
This is evidenced in the wisdom of Kabbalah and also The Book of Zohar, a special book that was written 2,000 years ago, tells us all the secrets of nature. It says in the “Introduction to The Book of Zohar” that the world is depicted to us as being external to us, which is an illusion and that in fact it is inside us.
This is very difficult to perceive. The theory of relativity, which scientists are discovering today, describes the mutual integrality of the universe and that it is one-dimensional; this was already described by the wisdom of Kabbalah thousands of years ago.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 4/17/16

The End Of The Money Era, Part 1

Laitman_115_06The sin of the first man with the tree of knowledge of good and evil was that Adam tasted what great pleasure can be received by bringing contentment to the Creator and couldn’t resist receiving it egoistically. He could receive this pleasure on condition that he would lead the entire world to connection, and in this way he would have created a screen on the egoistic reception. However, he didn’t have such screen and therefore sinned.
The revelation of this huge egoistic desire is called the original sin, and all of us, our entire world, are the result of this sin. The first time it was revealed was in the ancient Babylon. Once they discovered that egoistic union leads us to crisis, some of the Babylonians simply decided to disperse. The same thing is happening now in Europe and will soon begin in America.
And the other part of the Babylonians said, “No! We have a teacher, Abraham, who says that it is possible to find a force that will be able to unite us.” Since then humanity split and went in two different ways.
Those that went with Abraham and called themselves people of Israel also fell into the same egoism as other nations of the world. And yet they couldn’t become the same as the others due to the division that occurred in ancient Babylon that has run throughout the entire history of humanity. And to this day the same fight is going on.
Once a new egoistic desire was revealed in Adam, he couldn’t think about anything else apart from reception. Our entire world is a materialized consequence of this action, and therefore it is built entirely on material success. In it everything is measured by money, which is an equivalent of all a person’s actions.
We can’t evaluate people according to their psychology and achievements in culture and education. In the end, everything is converted into money. That’s the way it is organized all over the world, but nowadays this model of measurement is beginning to collapse. Soon it will be impossible to measure anything with money and it will disappear, no longer being the sole criterion.
The destruction has already begun in the United States, where previously there wasn’t any other way of payment except money. After all, this country was created by people from all nations and all cultures. They didn’t pay attention if your skin is black, white, or yellow, nothing about you worried them apart from money. Money has been a major force.
And now the force of money is disappearing and eventually there won’t be any model of measurement left. However, for the three hundred years of existence of America, it was very helpful that it didn’t take into account any values other than money.
It was different in Europe. America is one country where many nations live, but in Europe there are many countries and many different opinions, ideologies, ideals of freedom and equality, and the long history of mutual relations and conflicts between all the countries. Therefore the union wasn’t easy for them, and instead of connecting they started to fight.
After the wars, the Europeans attempted to unite following the US example, they wanted to realize the American dream for themselves. However they had to become a United States of Europe for that and this isn’t simple. They didn’t have one government and one nation. Therefore it didn’t work out. And besides, they were prevented by disagreement in psychological principles. In America there was only one principle, money! And in Europe there were many other principles, after all, this is a special ancient culture. Although, no matter what, one collapses from one side, another from another side, but in the end they both will be destroyed.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 8/8/16Writings of Baal HaSulam

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