Saturday, March 18, 2017

The Path Of The Soul And Corporeal Life

Laitman_725.jpgQuestion: The path of the soul is the opposite of what we do in our world. A problem arises: the values of our world seem to be depreciating, but we must live and we must solve problems precisely according to the principles of our world. It is very difficult to switch. What would you suggest?
Answer: As you study Kabbalah, you will see that everything that exists in our world helps us and directs us toward attainment of the higher spiritual goal, so that you, while still in this world, will discover the upper world, the soul, and will begin to feel you exist in an eternal and perfect space.
Therefore, I advise you to continue, despite any problems. And most importantly, if you want to advance, you should be with us in our daily Kabbalah lessons at least one of the three hours of the lesson. It doesn’t necessarily have to be in real time; you can study the lessons from the recordings. These lessons give a person the same amount of higher energy that is necessary for the development of the soul from that point of asking about the meaning of life.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 11/6/16

The Worlds Are Within Us

laitman_940Question: Where are the worlds: within us, meaning, inside our soul?
Answer: The soul is one single whole, or in other words, the universal connection according to an altruistic tendency, according to the characteristic of bestowal. The worlds are found within the soul, and we discover them as levels of connection between us.
There are five worlds. In every world there are five Partzufim. And in every Partzuf there are five Sefirot—a total of 125 levels of approaching the Creator. All of the worlds gradually disappear with continuous approach, and only “we” remain, occupying the entire volume between us.
Question: What is the soul made of, what is its substance?
Answer: The soul consists of a desire for pleasure. This never changes because that substance always remains the same.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 10/30/16

Each Time A New Level

laitman_232_05Question: How does it happen that for people who attain the first level in spirituality, the moment they leave the hall where they are studying the wisdom of Kabbalah and find themselves on the street, the memory of the level that they achieved does not remain?
Answer: It is all well and good that nothing remains. You must recreate the same step next time. But it will already be called the second level then. That is how it is renewed every time.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 10/30/16

Life In A Hologram

laitman_739In the News ( “A UK, Canadian and Italian study has provided what researchers believe is the first observational evidence that our universe could be a vast and complex hologram. …
“The researchers, from the University of Southampton (UK), University of Waterloo (Canada), Perimeter Institute (Canada), INFN, Lecce (Italy) and the University of Salento (Italy), have published findings in the journal Physical Review Letters.
“A holographic universe, an idea first suggested in the 1990s, is one where all the information that makes up our 3-D ‘reality’ (plus time) is contained in a 2-D surface on its boundaries. …
“Professor Skenderis comments: “Holography is a huge leap forward in the way we think about the structure and creation of the universe. Einstein’s theory of general relativity explains almost everything large scale in the universe very well, but starts to unravel when examining its origins and mechanisms at quantum level. Scientists have been working for decades to combine Einstein’s theory of gravity and quantum theory. Some believe the concept of a holographic universe has the potential to reconcile the two. I hope our research takes us another step towards this.”
“The scientists now hope their study will open the door to further our understanding of the early universe and explain how space and time emerged.”
My Comment: The wisdom of Kabbalah speaks a lot about this, but it suggests that one should be involved with the study of man, not the study of nature, to expand the possibilities of our perception, our inner characteristics, so then we will see that the picture of the world that appears before us depends completely on our inner characteristics.
As we shape the world ourselves, we limit it, and as such we also see the world. If we expand this picture by changing our characteristics, we will see the world differently, in other dimensions.
Question: Which is to say, to do this, people must change? And scientists believe it is necessary to explore nature.
Answer: The examination of nature is a very limited approach to the subject. It doesn’t yield anything. We have no benefit from this except satisfying our curiosity.
A person needs to develop and change himself. He can and must expand his internal sensory perception, emotions, desires, and thoughts so much so that he will see worlds that exist outside of him, but he will discover them when he discovers himself.
For example, a little child differs from an adult in that he perceives a small, narrow part of the world, even though he basically sees exactly what the adult sees. The question is what does it mean to “see”? The entire difference lies in this. We don’t see the inner connections of nature, we don’t see the true world but only our lowest level.
It is only when person opens the next levels of absorption, knowledge, emotion, and impressions within himself that the next level of creation that exists around us will be revealed to him.
At present, we are in a period and state in which we can understand that our movement in the direction proposed by scientists is erroneous.
We must turn inward, into ourselves, and expand our senses. But because this is connected to the ego, against our nature, we don’t want this. We sell our perceptive abilities in exchange for petty egoism.
From KabTV’s “News with Michael Laitman” 2/1/17

What It Means To be Human

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion from Facebook: You claim that man is bad. Then what does it mean to be human?
Answer: Man is bad because evil is inherent in our nature and develops more and more in the course of humanity’s evolution.
To be human means to take all of your negative qualities and transform them into positive.
This is realized with the help of a special higher energy that exists in nature and is called “the upper Light.” I take my egoism in the left hand, the upper light, the enormous unlimited power of goodness, into the right hand, and I begin to combine them so that they support each other.
In the meantime, egoism begins to play with the upper Light, and the upper Light shines billions of times more precisely because egoism joins it. This creates a huge new sphere of life called the upper world.
A person has to do all this, and the wisdom of Kabbalah explains how. And the Creator helps us to the extent that a person desires it.
From KabTV’s “News with Michael Laitman” 2/15/2017

Doubts On The Spiritual Path

Laitman_001_02Question: Do you have doubts on the way toward spiritual attainment? If so, how do you overcome them?
Answer: I definitely have doubts, especially in connection with the question of the manner in which I must advance toward the next state correctly.
A person is always found on a point that balances underneath him, and he must place himself very precisely in the right direction, meaning that he must choose the property of bestowal. All of his egoistic desires and characteristics help him with this.
If I had a small ego, I probably could not have such serious doubts, psychological searches, alienations, estrangements, sufferings, and disappointments. But if the egoism is great, it arouses very strange anti-spiritual feelings that direct me straight toward the goal. Help of this type is called, Ezer Ke-Negdo (help against him – Genesis 2:18).
So egoism was created to direct us toward the Creator. Without it, it would be impossible to move anywhere! Therefore, among great men, there is great egoism and great doubts about the choice of every step, thanks to which they advance. This is not easy.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 11/20/16

The Structure Of The Soul Of Humanity

laitman_282_01Question: How is humanity divided today according to the structure of the general soul?
Answer: According to the book Shaar HaKavanot (The Gate of Intentions), the soul is perceived as a Partzuf (a spiritual body) that is made of ten parts (ten Sefirot), seven of which are the main Sefirot.
A soul is a Partzuf that can be either small or big, individual or general, but it is the same system, the same identical structure, that can be either global or individual, and each of the members of the ten is included in it.
The spiritual system is made of a head (Keter, Hochma, and Bina) and the seven lower Sefirot (Hesed, Gevura, Tifferet, Netzach, Hod, Yesod, and Malchut). Every lower Sefira is made of ten Sefirot, and this generates 70 spiritual roots, which the seventy major nations in the world stem from.
We can say that there are many more nations in the world, but they don’t count as major nations since they somehow spun off from and multiplied from the major nations and are now included in them but have no root of their own other than their own variation.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 10/30/16

What Is The Breaking Of The Soul?

laitman_264_01Question: What is the breaking of the soul? How can a soul be broken? Is it similar to the sensation of a broken heart?
Answer: A broken soul is a state in which the creature, one gigantic desire, crumbles into tiny parts that don’t feel connected with each other. This is precisely the state of all of humanity today. People don’t feel interconnected, interdependent; they don’t feel that they are part of one single whole, like cells in a body. This is our entire problem.
The role of the Creator is to push people forward through events that oblige us to feel the necessity of connecting between us and gathering into one common collective soul.
In the meantime, each one of us exists either as a fragment of it or as a point since we don’t feel our state in the collective soul; we only feel life within the beastly body.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 11/6/16

What Does Kabbalah Believe In?

laitman_221Question: Is it possible to influence the thinking of a person? Does the wisdom Of Kabbalah believe in that and is there a training method for this in it?
Answer: The wisdom of Kabbalah doesn’t believe in anything. There is only one practice: attracting the Ohr Makif (Surrounding Light).
This wisdom is very simple because it is based on the interaction of two forces: the higher force of bestowal and love and the lower force of egoism, of reception. There is nothing else.
The upper force (the Light) controls the lower force (desire), and everything that happens in the wisdom of Kabbalah is realized between them. The lower force is generated by the upper force and is called Yesh mi Ayn (existence from absence). It is just like mathematics in which there is zero and something different from zero—this is the start of science. It is the same thing here.
The Upper Light acts upon and influences our desire, which is found fully under its control. We are desire: each one of us individually and all of us together.
We are not even conscious of how the Light turns us and we think we do everything ourselves. But, in fact, each one of us is simply a small device. We have the opportunity of evoking the additional influence of the Light. To the degree that we attract it to develop wisely, we have an understanding of how the Light influences us and carries out particular actions in us. We begin to study this and thus we manage both it and ourselves.
About this it was written, “My sons have defeated me” (Baba Metzia 59b).
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 8/21/16

Prophets – Spiritual Futurists

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: Who were the prophets?
Answer: A prophet is a spiritual seer of the future (a futurist). People who discovered the steps for elevating a person from his beastly state to the most divine state and described how one must rise in the spiritual levels were called prophets.
They never predicted what would happen in matter. For example, The Book of Zohar was written in a cave 2,000 years ago. But it has nothing to do with the cave or that time.
What is written in it is that in our time we must attain a state of spiritual ascent; it doesn’t speak about what will happen on the face of the Earth. That did not interest the prophets because from the point of view of the wisdom of Kabbalah, matter does not exist. This is essentially something that is given to us only in our subjective feelings.
Comment: In his book, “The Last Generation,” Baal HaSulam wrote about the possibility of third and fourth world wars.
My Response: He didn’t talk about the soul in the book, but about how humanity will get a push for correcting the soul through all kinds of potential problems in our world if people don’t begin to advance correctly. But this is not a prediction!
What he talks about is that there are two scientific ways for the development of nature. This was said even 6,000 years ago. In principle, all of the developmental phases have been described in the wisdom of Kabbalah from the days of Adam, and then later by Abraham in his Book of Creation (Sefer Yetzira). Since then, everything is happening. There is nothing new here because the laws of nature are constant and are being realized before our eyes.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 1/1/17

Whom Do Men Marry?

laitman_564In the News (Legacy Project – Cornell): “I’ve spent time over the past year talking with young people about their hopes for marriage. And the question that comes up more than any other is: ‘How do I know if the person is the right one for me?’ Is there a way to tell if someone is likely to be a compatible long-term mate, or a difficult and contentious partner?
“Sounds complicated, right? But in our interviews with hundreds of long-married couples about what works and what doesn’t for a long and satisfying relationship, one simple and straightforward answer emerged again and again. It turns out that our elders believe there’s something close to a ‘magic bullet’ when it comes to deciding in a relationship: ‘Should I stay or should I go?’ And it all comes down to similarity. …
“Based on their long experiences both in and out of romantic relationships, the fundamental lesson is this: You are much more likely to have a satisfying marriage for a lifetime when you and your mate are fundamentally similar. And if you’re very different, the elders warn although that marriage can work, is likely to be much more difficult.”
Question: Does this have a spiritual root?
Answer: Of course, those who are alike are attracted to each other in every aspect of life.
Question: Does breaking this rule have any implications?
Answer: In such cases it is very difficult to adapt yourself to that person because you have to get used to him and understand him. After all, psychology, ideology, awareness, insight, and tastes require a close match, which none of us, being egoists, wants to do because it involves an enormous expenditure of energy. If people connect, they have to choose someone they can understand very well. Men usually subconsciously choose women who resemble their mothers and women choose men who resemble their fathers.
I wish you all to find the half that is right for you.
Question: Is the Creator the right half for us?
Answer: In order to become His half, we need to resemble the Creator. In this case, the same rule applies—the law of similarity, equivalence of form. We should bestow and love to the extent that He does, and by acquiring this attribute, we get closer to Him.
Question: Do I have to feel that the Creator gives and bestows?
Answer: We begin to feel Him to the extent that we acquire this attribute.
As for marriage, we can take an example from religious families. They marry men and women from their environment, who have been brought up in the same way. They don’t need to learn what their spouse likes or doesn’t like, what he/she is used to, or what kind of life they will lead.
They have seen all that at home and will continue to live this way in their family. They match each other from the start. They resemble each other and so they co-exist without any unpleasant surprises. This is what similarity means. In Orthodox families it works 100%.
Therefore, it is preferable to choose a partner according to likeness. If we could screen young people and see the resemblance and equivalence between them according to certain criteria, it would be clear whether they were suitable marriage partners or not.
All their assurances that they love each other, do not mean anything.
From KabTV’s “News with Michael Laitman” 11/1/16

New Life #80 — The Health Of The Heart

New Life #80 — The Health of the HeartDr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Nitza Mazoz

How do love and spiritual perception relate to the health of the heart?
The heart symbolizes an individual’s will and desire. Heart disease is a reflection of our relationships. The heart is a pump that presents a balance between giving and receiving. The heart itself does not need anything except a little energy to operate.
From KabTV’s “New Life – The Health of the Heart,” 10/10/12
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Thursday, March 16, 2017

The Internet Goes Through Chaos To The Light

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: It seems that the existing governance systems have lost their ability to govern countries. How can the Internet, which connects all of humanity into one system, facilitate the formation of a new governance system?
Answer: Today’s leaders at all levels lack the “middle line.” All opposing trends, from the smallest to the most global, should be balanced out, and this has to be revealed on the Internet as well. Therefore, Kabbalah as the method of “the middle line” is the only salvation.
Question: There is complete chaos on the Internet today. Is this just the initial period of natural development that will result in the formation of a certain single structure? Is it similar to chaotic cells first fighting with each other but then gradually forming one organism?
Answer: The same thing is happening with human society, not just with the Internet. We see that all sorts of opposing forces eventually become more and more organized. Certain disorder is revealed time after time, then things get back to normal until we reach the present state of the world when there is a pressing need for a certain force that connects the right and the left together. 
And this force is not just a median, like a centrist party that is also based on egoism and exists by itself. The middle line, connecting the right and the left, has to exist above them, at a higher level, like the higher force between the two lines. The middle line is a consequence of the right and the left lines; it doesn’t exist by itself as some third entity. 
Centrist parties exist in every country, but they are not a solution. The middle line is meant to connect the polar opposites by means of unity and understanding—not just by concessions and compromises, but mutual completion. There is a huge difference between concession and completion, whereby everyone understands that he can enrich himself due to another and needs him, and that’s why they are both building the middle line together.
This is what should eventually happen to the Internet. The only question is whether humanity will realize the need for this middle line on its own from the system itself, or will it learn from the examples provided by the wisdom of Kabbalah.
I think that advancement will come from both sides. As it is said, the nation of Israel has to become a light unto the nations. However, it can only become a light unto the nations when they find themselves in darkness.
Similarly, the Internet has to first reveal darkness. And is is where we are heading to: The more people use the Internet, the more disappointed with it they become. On the other hand, the method of Kabbalah will come to their assistance and help them build the middle line.
From the 3d part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 1/18/17“Mismach Arosa,” (Arosa Document)

New Life #816 – Conflicts In Relationships

New Life #816 – Conflicts In Relationships
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Nitzah Mazoz
Why are conflicts essential in a relationship? What is the right way of coping with opposing opinions in a relationship and how does it build a new level in the relationship?
We become equal when we reach a mutual agreement that the importance of the connection between us is above everything.
From KabTV’s “New Life #816 –Conflicts In Relationships,” 1/24/17
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The Algemeiner: “How Purim Can Help Us Navigate Today’s Political Reality”

The Algemeiner published my new article: “How Purim Can Help Us Navigate Today’s Political Reality
The social divide in America is violently escalating. The whirlwind of accusations between the political Left and Right continues to spiral downwards. We seem to be hitting new lows on a daily basis.
Making sense of this political landscape is becoming ever more difficult—because each side refuses to engage with the other. This general atmosphere of social polarization has also led to an alarming wave of antisemitic acts, which has led to even more accusations and fighting.
The famous verse from the Book of Esther—“The city of Shushan is perplexed”—sounds just right for today’s America.
The silver lining, however, is that confusion and uncertainty always present an opportunity to reassess our values and priorities. The blind division between left and right keeps us confined to our primal instincts—but confusion might be a step towards helping us find consensus again.
Insights from the story of Purim
The story of Purim took place in ancient Persia, at a time when Jews found themselves under an existential threat.
Haman knew that the Jews were divided, and that he could use this to get rid of them. The Megillah tells us that “there is a nation dispersed between other nations, and Haman said that in his opinion, they will succeed in getting rid of the Jews for they are in a state of separation from one another.”
But the hero of the story Mordechai worked to correct this division—and this ultimately redeemed the Jewish people: “The Jews unified, and by that they were saved.”
The ancient story of Purim holds great meaning for Jews today—and for America in general. But who is the modern day Haman? Who is the true perpetrator of division?
Some will easily blame President Trump, while others will blame the Democrats and liberals. Yet beyond accusations and personifications, we could also say that today’s Haman is the mindset of division—the desire to seek power at any cost—which enslaves us, harms us, and blinds us from what we are doing to each other.
Changing course
Amid this social turbulence, we must find the voice inside of us that calls for shared purpose and connection—because this is the very thing that will bring America and the world closer to peace and harmony.
Every time that the Jews were threatened with extermination, it was our commitment to unity that allowed us to prevail and survive. Today, Jews must remember this history, and set a positive example for everyone.
And while Jews have a prime responsibility to be a model for choosing connection over division, Americans of all stripes must choose this course of action before it is too late. Our fate is in our hands.
Happy Purim to all.

What Happens To The Soul During Sleep?

laitman_571_01Question: Is the soul found in the body permanently? Does it fly away out of the body during sleep?
Answer: Since there is no soul in the body, it doesn’t fly away and return somewhere during sleep. Sleep is only a physiological state, which is typical of beasts.
Before we discover our soul through a group of 10, which is the minimal group of people who can discover the soul; each one of us only has a point, a part of the soul, its germ.

To feel the soul, a person must create a fragment, a group of 10, within which he can apply the laws that exist for the collective and complete soul. Otherwise he will remain within his beastly body, sleeping, eating, doing what the body orders him to do and nothing more than that.
The fact is, there are three states in our world: still, vegetative, and animate. And the state called “Adam” (Man) is not found in our world. We are animals. A Man is someone who, starting from the point in the heart, works through the group of 10 and from there to the complete soul Adam – Man.

From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 11/6/16

Spiritual Attainment And The Insight Of Scientists

laitman_222_0Question: What distinguishes spiritual attainment from all other disclosures, insights, revelations, and discoveries of scientists and philosophers?
Answer: Spiritual attainment happens through the characteristics of bestowal and love, through exiting yourself, transcending yourself. This doesn’t happen in a person in our world, no matter how inspired one might be.
Spirituality is the characteristic of bestowal without any connection to yourself, regardless of any consequences for yourself. This is a characteristic that comes from above, and a person must acquire it. It is not found in any person except for those who are engaged with the clear Kabbalistic method that comes from Adam.
Question: In the history of the world, have there been many such people?
Answer: From Adam until our day there have been millions. After all, while in Babylon, tens of thousands of people followed Abraham. After that, thanks to practical spiritual work, they became what were known as the people of Israel and later spread throughout the world.
What this means is that at the time of the existence of the Batei HaMikdash (Temples), hundreds of thousands were in spiritual attainment. At that time, this was a great people who felt the upper world for many generations.
After the destruction of the Temples, the decline of the generations began. In the first millennium of the current era, a few thousand people remained in spiritual attainment, in the second millennium of the current era, far fewer remained, and in our day this there are individuals, and it is not known where they are and who they are.
But we are renewing the way upward; it is already a global movement. In principle, it always was global because according to genetic origin, the Jews are not a people but a group of Babylonians who united thanks to a spiritual ideology.
Therefore, there was nothing in it that was contrary to any people. It should be noted that throughout our history, from Babylon on, very large numbers of people joined the people of Israel to enter the perception of the upper world.
Among them were a multitude of ancient Kabbalists and masters of the Talmud who came from Greece, Rome, and other nations surrounding ancient Israel: Onkelos, Rabbi Akiva, and other prominent luminaries, and others as well.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 11/20/16

Soul And Creator

Laitman_060_02Question: Is the concept of Creator connected to the soul? Is humanity found within the soul or the Creator?
Answer: The soul and the Creator are the same thing; only they are divided into several components.
The desire of the soul is a substance that is created by the Creator or the Light. The fulfillment of the soul is the Light or the Creator. And the connection between them depends on our work, and our efforts.
A soul is composed of two parts, substance, meaning the desire to receive with an intention to bestow to others, and ultimately in order to bestow to the Creator, and fulfillment, which is called Light. Absolute fulfillment through the Light is called the Creator.
From KabTV’s “A New Life” 11/6/16

Rising Above Our Temporary Existence

Laitman_712_02Question: What is the essential difference between life in spiritual attainment and our current existence?
Answer: Our current life is limited in time, consciousness, and the options we have. Our whole life is an escape from suffering.Since there is almost no pleasures in life, any way of slightly minimizing our suffering is felt as pleasure.
What pleasure can there be if a person constantly looks for a way to be satisfied, to be filled, and to sustain himself? How can we speak about happiness when we are constantly advancing toward death?
I don’t see anything good in that. Therefore, I don’t understand what you can enjoy and why to try to keep on living in this condition. The wisdom of Kabbalah doesn’t say we should give up the way we are living, but it suggests we rise above it to attain eternity and perfection.
Question: We are talking about the soul, about the Creator. Why do people seem not to hear us?
Answer: A person doesn’t feel a need to reveal the Creator or the soul because he is immersed in corporeal worries.
Although people do show some interest in this issue, our world is scrutinized from a totally egoistic perspective, which has nothing to do with the real soul.
There is some desire to hear what is said about it, but a person has no desire to discover his soul and to join the general system called the soul.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 10/30/16

A False Prophet In A Person

laitman_610_2Torah, Deuteronomy, 18:19 – 18:20: And it will be, that whoever does not hearken to My words that he speaks in My name, I will exact [it] of him. But the prophet who intentionally speaks a word in My name, which I did not command him to speak, or who speaks in the name of other gods, that prophet shall die.
Everything depends on the desires that suddenly appear in us. Even during those great days when people were in the attainment of the Creator, a person could be a great saint one moment and a great sinner the next. Therefore, while reading the Torah, it is necessary to know exactly whom the Creator addresses. After all, everything happens within one person.
The Torah is written for each one individually and each of us should carve it on his heart, meaning on all his desires.
Question: Why does the prophet suddenly begin to speak in the name of other gods?
Answer: Of course, there is a difference whether or not he intentionally speaks in the name of the Creator or if he was framed and fell. It could be that egoism has suddenly exploded in him and he can’t stay on the high level of bestowal, or he moved from it due to some other reasons.
It is written, that he “speaks a word in My name, which I did not command him to speak…” Obviously, if he fell into an egoistic state, he will do everything to justify himself and to look like righteous to himself and to others. There were many such false prophets.
From KabTV’s “Secrets of the Eternal Book” 9/5/16

New Life #815 – From Excessive Externality To Love

New Life #815 – From Excessive Externality To Love
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Tal Mandelbaum ben Moshe
Why do we tend to chase luxuries? How can we see beyond appearances, and how does love enable to us see the truth?
A person is willing to do anything to be appreciated and respected, so we live in a culture of lies.
A certain phenomenon has to intensify so that we can discover that it is negative. Education can help us understand that there are things that seem good and sweet, but they are actually false and harmful.
Only love can be considered an absolute discernment of the truth with which we will align. Love can bring us closer to the truth because it requires our ascent above the ego and working for the sake of everyone else.
The more we advance toward love, the more we will cease to respect people’s external changes. For example, a man who is attracted to a beautiful woman and later discovers that she has used him, will see her as ugly.
We are made of two levels, the animate level and the human level, above which we have to grow.
The education of all of society will help us acquire new values instead of the false externality. The corruption that is being revealed today in the connections between capital and power will force us to advance toward the truth.
Only love enables us to see the truth since it changes a person’s perspective from thinking about himself to thinking about the wellbeing of the public.
From KabTV’s “New Life #815 – From Excessive Externality To Love,” 1/19/17
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Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Trump—CNN Ban

laitman_220In the News (The Washington Post): “The White House blocked a number of news organizations from attending an informal briefing Friday, a rare and surprising move that came amid President Trump’s escalating war against the media.
“White House press secretary Sean Spicer banned reporters from CNN, The New York Times, Politico, The Los Angeles Times and BuzzFeed from attending a ‘gaggle,’ a non-televised briefing, but gave access to a number of other reporters, including those representing conservative outlets. …
“The unusual ban came the same day that Trump, appearing at an annual gathering of conservatives, launched another round of complaints about the news media. Speaking at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), Trump called reporters ‘dishonest’ and ‘fake’ and denounced the use of anonymous sources in reports about his administration. …
“‘It’s not acceptable,’ CNN anchor Jake Tapper said on his afternoon program. ‘In fact, it’s petulant … This White House doesn’t seem to value a free press. There’s a word for this. The word is “un-American.” ’”
Comment: According to the White House, a ban on CNN has been declared. President Trump does not intend to give any interviews to this network. On his Twitter page, he called the network a terrible network that publishes fake news. He also refers to The New York Times and The Washington Post in the same manner, saying that he believes they cover his actions unfairly.
My Comment: Of course. We all know that this has been going on for many years. These newspapers are biased and cannot claim to be the least bit objective.
All these media channels are owned by Jews and so all these newspapers are extremely liberal and democratic. The newspaper owners have forgotten that unlimited democracy leads to Nazism.
This is what will happen if Trump doesn’t limit them. If he does, they will have to be very grateful to him because it will actually be thanks to him that they will be able to exist in some kind of framework, otherwise they will arrive very soon to Nazism.
Question: Can media channels today be humane?
Answer: Certainly not. We are all bought and are subordinate to certain forms of behavior controlled by the elite, so all the information is written and rewritten in advance; there is nothing new or objective about it. Today there cannot be objective media in our world, not even news about science and sports.
Our world is managed by selfishness, so it is only natural that the immense influence on people, which the media enables, cannot remain outside of human egoism.
You have one ego, I have another ego, and someone else has a third. Each of us has his own newspapers, television channels, and Internet sites,  and we are fighting among ourselves or bring to party members or presidents, etc. to power.
This is all very natural. The media takes a very active part in this, but today they are revealing their absolute lack of objectivity. In principle, this was known before, but people still consume the information they publish.
Personally, I refer only unquestionable data, like something happened somewhere. Here too there is a question: whether it happened or not, as a fact, that is, the bare information, if it can be gleaned from somewhere.
But analysts are tied to reality, but only to the intentions of those who pay.
Question: What do you think about our mass media? After all, both you and I comment on the news and answer questions.
Answer: The media is totally dependent and biased. How can the media be objective? What in this world can be objective if the one who produces everything is a person, and his ego dictates to him what to do, whether consciously or subconsciously.
Question: Are you and I the same?
Answer: Of course! But we are aware why we are doing this, and we are trying to act only for the sake of a higher goal—to bring humanity closer to unity and to attain in this unity the upper level of its existence.
This is a huge difference. We are interested in achieving a goal and I seize every opportunity to pass to the masses this idea, this ideology and goal.
From KabTV’s “News with Michael Laitman” 2/1/17

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