Friday, July 25, 2014

Scientists Recognized The Inevitability Of World War III

Opinion (Adelaide Sigidov, journalist): “Historians have compared the current situation in the world with the events of a century ago and came to the conclusion that the beginning of a new world cannot be avoided. Today, no one wants war, but no country ever wanted a war; nevertheless it occurs – this is a paradox of history. Ambitions are higher than political expediency.
“Starting a war was the idea of punishing a neighboring country. All the countries were sure that they would do very little fighting – that it was in the local interest.
“The USA entered the war after everyone else – and lost only a hundred people, and Europe – 10 million.
“The war led to the destruction of four monarchies, replaced one technological way of life with another.
“The goal of the US is to break up the European Union; with it we are heading toward the third world war. Russia is in a situation similar to that of Germany after its defeat in World War I: a third of its territory has been annexed; it is morally humiliated, penance is being imposed on it; Russia must regain the territories, zones of influence, money. To prevent the onset of World War III, other countries should give it this voluntarily.”
My Comment: Baal HaSulam writes about the third and fourth world wars, which will occur if Jews and Kabbalists cannot cause a positive change in the world by bringing people and nations closer together.

Ideologies Are At War, Not Tanks

Every new day is a new level of our development; days don’t just go by one after another. We see at what speed things are changing in our time; the whole world is changing.
It could be that people still don’t understand this and are not paying attention, yet immense changes are happening in the world: leadership is changing and passing from the hands of the rulers to the hands of the people. The government and other power structures are trying to control through mass media that have become international channels of communication, yet the higher power is working through the people so that from here on they will declare their state, their decisions, their opinions, and all regulations by themselves.
The world of today is passing through revolutionary changes. Even wars are different: instead of murder and destruction, war is directed towards the molding of social opinion; the opinion of the people determines the success of the war.
This means that the war bears a completely different character unlike what it was previously. We win not by means of military power but by the power of influencing the hearts and minds of human beings. This is a real weapon.
And we are prepared to participate in this war because we have the most enormous power in our possession. So it is impossible to think erroneously that we are dealing with a tangible, physical enemy. Our enemy is the degree of concealment within us. And this is not even an enemy; rather it is a “helpmate against us” so that we will correct ourperception until we feel that a higher plan is at work in everything. And this perception must extend among all who belong to the process of correction, meaning among all the people of Israel who are found in the land of Israel.
This is our true weapon in this war. This doesn’t mean that people will just hear about thewisdom of Kabbalah, rather they will know what is happening with them. This is important both for the people of Israel and for its neighbors and the whole world. Only in this way can we attain the appropriate result, which is to bring all of humanity closer to the Creator. This is the only true reason for everything that is happening, both in general in our lives and in particular in a situation that is so unique as it is today.
There must be no delay; we must convey this information to the people of Israel and to the whole world in the most direct and open form, without any limits. All of humanity is passing through this new war now in which different perceptions are at war, all kinds of outlooks and beliefs. Ideologies are fighting each other, not tanks.
You cannot attain anything anymore simply by means of a simple weapon. Information and the struggle over broad views are becoming a weapon. And behind all of this stands the Creator who is trying to bring all of creation to Him. So He is causing a conflict between our opinions, arousing ideological wars so that we will scrutinize how to approach correction.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 7/17/14, Shamati #68

A Dome Of Peace Above The Children

Question: In the modern age of universal communications, mothers are used to being in touch with their children 24/7. But now your son goes off to the army and then to the battlefield, and his phone number suddenly becomes unavailable for an indefinite period of time. How can a mother deal with this situation? She knows that her little boy is at war, but she can’t even get in touch with him.
Answer: The only thing that can help here is unity, through which the actual force ofNature comes to us and makes up for what is missing.  Yes, her son’s phone is turned off for several days now because he is at the front. And now, by uniting with others, the mother can feel her little boy even more than during a phone conversation.
How? It’s because new frequencies get added to our sensations within the common unity, our feelings and mind expand, replacing a telephone connection with the true connection.
What does it mean to connect or unite with one another? What does it mean to be as one man with one heart? If people are united this way, can they really be separated by thousands of miles between them? No, because now they are one—they have one heart, and they no longer need telephones to maintain this connection.
In the same way, if the son is at war now, his mother is still with him—she feels him at every moment. On the other hand, when mothers attain the state described above, there will be no more war since everyone will be united and life will become peaceful.
Therefore, the mother should first of all attend our workshop—a place where people sit together in a circle and unite, where together with them she actively generates the force of unity for the entire nation of Israel. Working to achieve unity between everyone is the best protection a mother can provide to her son.
She persuades others, “Let’s sit together, let’s unite, let’s find out how good we feel in this unity, what kind of force we awaken by it—the force of unity instilled in Nature. We become not just a nation, like everyone else, but the nation of Israel. So let’s do this not only during times of war, but all the time. Let’s organize so that this mutual connection will always be present between us and will pass from us to all the nations. This is, indeed, what they expect from us.”
This is, essentially, a mother’s only chance to protect her sons at the front. By doing this, she awakens the Light that can enter the vessels. The Light is the force of unity hidden within Nature, which is a single mechanism. It’s the force that unites, fills, and develops everything, the force that contains all of the particular forces within. It is called the Light, the Creator, or the upper one, which all essentially mean the same thing. And the force will be expressed in a good way if we become identical to it: It is one, and we have to become one as well.
This is the origin of the rule, “As one man with one heart.” If we follow it, this force will fill us and maintain us in the state of well-being, similar to it. And on the contrary, when we divide and don’t allow it to dwell in us and fill us, all kinds of problems arise, including wars and other disasters.
Besides, whether we want it or not, we are connected to all humanity, being at its center. Therefore, when we unite, this force spreads from us to everyone. Then the nations have no choice but to be kind to us. On the other hand, if we don’t unite with each other, the force of unity does not reach humanity and then they blame us for their troubles. And they are right to do so.
We have been faced with this condition for several thousand years now, ever since the times of Abraham and Moses, and to this day. All Kabbalists of all generations have talked about just one thing: The nation of Israel needs to unite.
A person who joins a round-table discussion can immediately feel the force that’s hidden inside the unity. We just have to unite by the rules that actually allow us to come closer to each other: The discussion has to be held without arguments or objections, everyone is equal, no one is higher or lower than others, everyone supports each other, everyone is amicable toward each other, and no one argues with or challenges the speakers. All of us together are striving to reach unity, to hear and feel every person so that the common, unified desire, the single thought or idea will be affirmed at the center of the circle.
Then after an hour we really do discover that this force is present among us, adding a new spirit, a new state, renewing our mind and feelings, and allowing us to look at life in a new way.
Afterwards, by developing this approach, we will feel our connection with all nations, with all of nature. We will become the masters of the entire mechanism we are in and will reveal how, why and for what purpose we are alive in the world. We will finally gain control over our lives. Otherwise, as things stand, we’ve lost all purpose and desire for life.
A mother goes through all of this in the round-table discussions, which awaken a special force of unity, the Light. And because her son is connected to her, he also becomes subjected to the influence of this force, which protects him, becoming a “dome of peace” for him. The feeling of warmth and confidence comes to him so that nothing bad can befall him.
That is how the universal force of Nature works, and it can’t be any other way. Even if you ended up in a lion’s den, you’d come out untouched because this force unites, “befriends” everyone on the still, vegetative, animate, and human levels. Then no one can touch you and nothing bad can happen to you. This is the only thing we need to add among us, and then we won’t have to worry about anything else. Even if Gaza is brimming with tunnels, you won’t have to worry—no one will use them. They won’t be able to and won’t have the desire to.
Question: Are you saying that the soldiers’ mothers need to believe in God?
Answer: God is Nature, and Nature is a single force that governs us. It produced the Big Bang, and it is guiding the process of evolution. All the laws or forces of the universe are included in that force. But rather than believing in it, we need to reveal and attain it, and work with it.
For that we need the wisdom of Kabbalah. With its help, we become scientists that discover and use the laws of Nature.
Question: So any mother can activate this “defense” for her son, even a mother who doesn’t believe in anything?
Answer: Of course. Moreover, it doesn’t matter what nation she belongs to. Muslims, Christians and Jews can sit at a round-table together, along with inveterate atheists, and none of that will interfere with the unity. The most important thing is to get together and follow the rules. Then the environment will influence every person and everyone will be included in it with the sole purpose of revealing the force of unity between them and from that moment on, to aim their efforts at the world’s well-being.
This will be the best protection, and not only for the sons, but for all humanity, allowing it to tread toward a wonderful goal, toward peace and perfection.
That is how we will open up a new world. The force of unity allows us to see our world inside and out, showing us clearly how to rearrange our lives. A mother who takes part in a circle begins to use this power, control it and work with it.
This is also true for families whose sons have fallen in battle.
There’s no other way. There’s no other source of support besides this single force, which lies above our nature, time and bodies. It is an eternal force, and when it influences us, we suddenly discover that there is no such thing as frailty and death, that our sons are alive even if their bodies have died.
You rise to a different dimension and feel that nothing disappears, that everything remains with us. Inside the unity, we feel all the souls fused together with us into one. At the end of the day, a mother really can feel her son even when he’s thousands of miles away. And if we unite, this connection becomes expressed even stronger, resulting in all generations—past and present—surfacing in our perception simultaneously. Time has no power—even modern science confirms how ephemeral this notion is.
Question: Does an Israeli mother have the capacity to make this war be the last one?
Answer: Yes. A woman is capable of anything, and a mother—more than anyone else, especially today, when masses of people going out into the streets can win the government’s favor. If mothers unanimously demand unity and integral education for the nation, then by uniting our hearts, we will win the war—a war we’re fighting not against Hamas, but against our own egoism.
By uniting above the egoism, we lift Israel and the whole world along with us to a different level of existence. And all of this happens by the power of a mother’s love.
From KabTV’s “A New Life. The Mothers of Solders” 7/23/14

Thursday, July 24, 2014

A Compass That No One Needs

Question: Our life is a continuous chain of events, encounters, and situations, a series of questions that require answers. A special sense that could allow us to tell the difference between good and bad, between what is beneficial and what is harmful, would be very helpful in order to prevent our stumbling and making sure that we advance in the right direction.
We surely would teach children this skill because, if they could tell the difference between good and bad, they wouldn’t go off-track and could fulfill their life efficiently.
Good intentions very often lead us into trouble, and sometimes a person pays for a mistake that he makes with his success, and sometimes his mistake can help him in some way. However, we don’t need mistakes; we need a method that will allow us to constantly keep going in the right direction.
How can we create such a compass that will indicate the right direction in every situation? How can we understand what is good and always aspire for it?
Answer: Indeed, at first, I don’t even know what is good and what is bad. A child wants many things, but he only receives some of them from his parents. Sometimes, they tell him, “No, this isn’t good for you. It will harm you.” This is how he learns what is bad.
In addition to that, he learns what is good, although he often may not like what is good. “Be a good boy, listen and learn, and help.” Sometimes, the actual term, “a good boy,” deters the one it is intended for.
Therefore, we eventually should distinguish between what is good and what is bad. For some reason these terms are not absolute. In our world, there are no universal labels that indicate the variety of shades between these two opposites, and so everything depends on education.
In different societies, nations, and cultures, there are generally accepted conventions as to what is good and what is bad. But, at the same time, there are still disputes in every nation as to what is good. So, eventually, there are only vague definitions that lend themselves to many interpretations.
On the other hand, the moment a person approves something and decides that something is good, it is very hard to convince him and to explain to him that good is a totally different thing.
These criteria depend on our innate attributes, on our parents, on education, on our friends, and so on. It is always painful to change our values and our perception as to what is good and bad.
Therefore, we need criteria that are above all the conventions and the doubts, criteria that are independent of a political platform, economic situation, social status, and so forth. We need a perception of what is good and bad that is above humanity, above any doubt. Only then, if I listen, see, and understand that it is so, I can adapt my life and my actions to this perception.
It turns out that the axiom as to what is good and bad for humanity must be written in Heaven, and, then, accordingly, we will begin to clarify how to distinguish between good and bad in different variations and aspects. When there is a great difference, we can solve the problem easily since we can all see the contrast.
However, when it comes to fine points that not everyone can see, we must educate people and teach them to feel what is good and what is bad. Thus, they will be able to distinguish between the shades and nuances, and find the right solutions.
Everyone can develop the talent to do so. The tree of knowledge symbolizes this ability. In fact, this tree encompasses the whole world and our whole life.
Question: Where can we acquire this talent?
Answer: Who actually needs it? Who recognizes the need for it?
Unless humanity, like a stubborn donkey, hits its head against a wall and realizes that there is nowhere to advance and that darkness is coming, it will not listen and seize the opportunity to develop the sense for good and bad.
From KabTV’s “A New Life” 4/10/14

Can A Person Alone Expect Success?

Question: Why is it so important to study Kabbalah specifically in agroup and not at home alone?
Answer: This option is possible. You can get on the Internet and receive all of the information; the entire archive is open to you filled with video, audio, and text files. Certainly you can sit at home and study Kabbalah by yourself, but how will you realize it in practice?
If a person wants to become an expert, he must go through practical experience. Imagine a chef who learns how to prepare dishes by the books, but never sees a cucumber or tomato and so forth. What kind of chef would he be?
How can you implement the wisdom of Kabbalah on your own? Nothing will result. You must realize it in a group with friends because only through the right connection between you will you begin to feel what is written in the books. Certainly you can study at home, but you won’t get anywhere from this at all because you will not know what you are studying.
There are friends who study at home and don’t even want to come to conventions to meet with other people. They think that it is enough for them just to study. What can one say to them? They don’t realize their lessons at all. They don’t feel the material; they don’t discover the same world about which they are reading.
I could say much about this, but a person must understand that the wisdom of Kabbalah is grasped only in a group. All of the Kabbalists write about it.
If a person comes to us for lessons and opens Kabbalistic source books, in all of them they talk about it. But he doesn’t read them because he is too lazy. He doesn’t want this because then he would have to work against his ego: come to a group, take part together in events, be involved with dissemination, and so forth. So people like these leave us, and with this their Kabbalistic development ends.
From the International Summer Camp In Bulgaria “Day Two” 7/12/14, Lesson 4

Turning On The Light For The Whole World

Question: When we are talking with people, they agree that the whole problem is lack of unity and lack of connection. But they don’t believe that it is possible to attain connection and reach peace. What can be done with this remarkable lack of faith?
Answer: Everything is attained in the form of “from your deeds we shall know you.” If during a discussion in a circle, a feeling of warmth, closeness, a new feeling that was never felt before, is awakened, then we see a new force being born here. So why can’t it warm the person at least for a few hours or days, obliging him to relate differently to other people, to the reality that surrounds him?
This is called, “from your deeds we shall know you.” The Creator shows us his presence, even though in the meantime this is concealed and limited. But we already feel that He exists within our circle: born and revealed.
People don’t believe that this is possible, whereas we prove this is possible by moving them through these feelings. Come, let’s make an exercise and prove with this how this force begins to act. It must be like a laboratory experiment leading to this discovery.
That is how every scientific discovery is achieved. Before, this phenomenon was unknown to us, and now we discover that it is known, and thus we see it. With the help of a unique instrument called a “circle,” we discover a new phenomenon in nature. And if we use this new force correctly, then we can succeed in everything, correct everything.
This is to the way that electrical power was discovered: First they discovered that amber can be electro-statically charged by rubbing it with wool, and then small objects would be attracted to it. But look at what kind of results we have reached through rubbing some amber? Electricity is around us everywhere now.
Such advancement was attained through the discovery of a force that a few hundred years ago was unknown, and after that we began to work with it. Today, it is already impossible to live without electricity.
But we don’t see this force itself, rather only the results of its activity. The same thing happens with the Creator. Don’t call this force “Creator” if it confuses you. This is simply a force that appears within the connection between people. This is called a true Creator (Boreh), meaning Bo ve Reh (come and see). As with electricity, there is no mysticism in this. The Creator is concealed like electricity, nothing more.
The difference is only in that to discover the force of the Creator, the emotional participation of the person is required. In the meantime we can become emotional only about troubles, negative pressure, and through force. So let’s invite positive emotions into us. If one evening the entire nation were to sit in unification circles, then we could create such a power station for the higher power, that tomorrow all of life would be different.
Come, let’s try it! We would have such an intense power station like one that gives electricity. Through this force we could change the whole world: We would turn on the light all over the world. This is in our power, in our hands, and we don’t have the right not to use possibilities like this.
This succeeded with Abraham, also with Moses, so why wouldn’t it succeed with us? It is said, “When will my deeds reach the level of the deeds of my ancestors?” Well, then, we simply need to realize it.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 7/17/14, Shamati #68

A Shield In The Hands Of Mothers

Question: If the mothers of soldiers who are at war right now call out for the nation to unite, will this help their sons and the country as a whole?
Answer: Real social unity is not beautiful words or the usual “prescriptions.” The precise instructions on how to achieve it come from the wisdom of Kabbalah, which is the authentic, profound wisdom, a true teaching that was hidden for thousands of years in order to come out today and provide us with the method of real unity.
In order to use it, people have to take part in our workshops, where they will learn how to address people’s hearts so they’ll want to unite, so they’ll understand that unity is an imperishable goal which we have to renew at every moment. By doing so, we rise above the forces that separate us and get the opportunity to become one whole.
And most important: The more we strive for this, the more efforts we make to become as one, the more powerful is the effect of the force of Nature.
From below, we provide it with the opportunity to appear between us, to influence and unite us. We let the Light in so it can turn us into a single whole, following the principle, “As one man with one heart.” Then, to the extent we unite, we become a “Light onto the nations”—we liberate this force or Light through us and pass it on to all humanity. And then suddenly, without even knowing why, people begin being amicable toward us. Suddenly, they voice their sympathy, wishing to help us and fulfill our every wish. And our only wish is unity—nothing else. Like the prophet Isaiah wrote, they will lift us up on their shoulders and bring us to Jerusalem.
That is what we have to do. And mothers are a tremendous force in this process. For example, if they were to go out to demonstrations demanding for their sons to come back, no one would be able to resist it.
However, the demand has to be something else—unity. This not only provides a shield for the sons to fight the enemy, but also turns the enemies, those who hate them, into friends.
Thus, we will eliminate the very possibility of war and prevent the very conditions in which a conflict can emerge, which is every mother’s wish. That is exactly what will happen if we unite. This is the only thing that can protect us from war and bring about unity among all the nations.
From a TV Program “A New Life, ” No 423, “The Mothers of Solders”

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

The Most Important Job In The World

We have entered a very peculiar stage of human development.Evolution brought us to a sensation that this world is uncomfortable, wrong, and unsuitable for us; it really doesn’t matter whether it is our fault or not.
To what extent are we to blame, I cannot say. After all, we only act the way we are able to. People are what they are! What can be done about it? Can we demand more from them? Should we make this world a better place or should we continue “rotating” together with it? In general, are we really capable of acting differently by going against our nature? We are governed by our nature; this is how we are built. Can we change anything?
We see that our life is difficult and uncomfortable; the future does not appear rosy to us at all. Is it in our power to alter our life?
At this point, the wisdom of Kabbalah steps into the picture. This knowledge explores the entire reality and the human in it. Kabbalah’ exploration of nature is extremely deep, researching must deeper levels than all conventional sciences. This wisdom explains exactly what can be done to change our reality for the better.
In essence, we arrive to a very easy and obvious conclusion, which is not news to us: The problem is in our egoistic nature. We are driven by our egoism, the force of separation among us. Each one pursues one’s personal benefits and relishes being “superior” to others by making others “inferior.” People feel happy when they feel superior to their neighbors.
If we were not driven by this force, if we strived to unity and equality, we would feel much better. Mankind has always thought that they could achieve equality and justice. There have been many battles and revolutions throughout history, but we see that all of them were useless.
So Kabbalah teaches us how to live a good life. Besides many other benefits, it explains how to attain balance and similarity with nature. It shows how to avoid hurricanes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, cold and heat waves, global warming, extinction of plant and animal species, etc. People are the only ones who can balance out all levels of nature so that all of its parts (inanimate, vegetative, animate, and speaking) will achieveharmony and accord, thus living a good life in a state of homeostasis.
On top of that, our work on attaining a correct type of unity contains one detail: out of the entire humanity, this work is entrusted to a small group that from the Babylonian time, from the cradle of human history, demonstrated that it is capable of, interested in, and meant for this role. This group aspires to unity and in essence is ready to take care of the rest of humanity that is not concerned about things like that.
When this group emerged in ancient Babylon, it was named “Israel” meaning “directly to the Creator (Yashar-El).”  It aspires to attain unity. The Creator (El) in essence is “The One”—the unified reality.
Today, after three and a half thousand years, this group doesn’t match the role it was chosen for. However, similarly to ancient Babylon, in present Babylon there emerge people who also strive to unity. That’s why they too are called “Israel.” Implementation of their predestination is a must for them.
Besides, there are people who were a part of the group named “Israel” at one point in the history, but later they dropped their ideals. They also are obligated to participate in the quest for unity. Thus, there are several circles of people whose duty is to partake in the process of the world correction.
1. First of all, there are the parts of Israel who awakened on their own to fulfill this work. No matter what country they are born in, they are a part of the desire to save humanity.
2. Those who belong to Israel by the fact of their birth, by heredity. They also are involved into the process even though they don’t know it, don’t understand, and don’t want it.
3. The rest of humanity.
Today, unity turned into a universal heritage. All over the world, people who understand that only by attaining unity can we escape all disasters caused by our antagonism with nature; they are trying hard to find solutions to the crisis we are presently in. Gradually, sooner or later, they come to the wisdom of Kabbalah. It occurs that this knowledge is a source of correction and a cradle of understanding and energy.
Kabbalists wrote a lot about what exactly can and will save humanity. Moreover, the wisdom of Kabbalah explains that we should not run away from misfortunes as wild animals from a burning forest. On the contrary, our current state “hides” nature’s deep intention to elevate us to a higher level ,not just by sending us disasters to force us look for salvation. This scenario isn’t worthy of nature’s perfection.
The thing is that by self-correction and unification we rise to a new level of existence and go out to a broad and impeccable world, into the reality that exists above matter. We will see that our genuine life, our true bodies and souls, are there.
Kabbalists explains to us what the ways of awakening to the real life are. This is what the wisdom of Kabbalah is meant for.
From the 4th part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 7/10/14Writings of Baal HaSulam

To The Creator With A Broken Heart

Question: Is there a way to retain the mood through which we can attract the Light and look for the force of correction?
We hasten the “rewinding of the film” and strive to receive the Light without self-exertion. Our ego is not ready to make efforts; instead, it constantly demands results.
Answer: You should use a different approach: it doesn’t matter what state you are currently in. The important thing is how you attract the Light to any of your states.
This leads us to another question: “Does it mean that we should concentrate on troubles and ailments to find remedies against them?” Any state is given to us by the Creator. So, how do we reveal Him? By acknowledging the evil, we in essence blame the Creator, i.e., the force that actually sends us the state we are presently in.
The answer is that I act as an old man bent over who looks for something he lost. He is wise and knows what exactly he needs and takes advantage of the downsides associated with his present situation in order to transform them to his benefit. It’s like a guest who comes to a generous host with a big appetite and huge desires since he knows that it will please his host more than anything else.
That’s how we should use our deficiencies, needs, and problems. We tell the host: “Correct us! Fill us! Our problems are for a reason!”
Question: What do I do if instead of being a wise old man, I am just a silly little person who continues waiting for something good to happen despite numerous troubles?
Answer: You have friends and a teacher. They will remind you of the correct approach. At least once a day you should hear that everything that happens to you is for the better.
So, don’t leave the classroom without a clear understanding that safeguards you and securely ties you with the most meaningful thing in life.
From the 4th part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 7/9/14Writings of Baal HaSulam

Woe To The One Who Asks For Himself

First, only one vessel was created that was shattered into many pieces, and we are these pieces. The fragments that must be collected first and then help all the other pieces gather are called Israel, Yashar El (straight to the Creator).
Baal HaSulam tells us about it in a very internal, emotional manner in his article, “Not the Time For Gathering the Herd,” in A Sage’s Fruit (Pri Hacham): In The Book of Zohar is a parable about two people who are floating in a boat, (since all of mankind are in one boat), and one of them drilled beneath himself. His friend reprimanded him, “Why are you drilling,” and the foolish one answered, “What do you care? After all, I am drilling under myself”—as if he weren’t part of the others and was harming only himself. How can he understand that he depends on everyone and that everyone depends on him if he doesn’t feel it?
All the parts of creation: the still, vegetative, and animate nature are connected to one another and sustain this connection instinctively, either by supporting one another or by eating one another. The forms they connect by make no difference, but there is harmony among them and the right, natural communication. However, among Israel it isn’t so, and neither is it among the rest of humanity. We don’t understand that at the moment, and it seems that everyone is drilling a hole only underneath himself. But, in fact, one person can destroy all goodness in general, and even because of one person, all of humanity can descend lower and lower.
In every generation, we feel that we are more and more divided and detached because our ego grows. We don’t care about others and we are even proud of being individualists, how special we are,  and how inconsiderate of others we are. By that, of course, we bring about the general deterioration.
This is the secret of the praying in the society: The individual cannot differ, but actually always feel himself as part of the general, as an inseparable part of the cogwheels in this machine, and it is impossible to ask for oneself, even if it is from a desire to delight the Creator, unless it is for the general.
By asking to be able to bestow unto the Creator by himself, he brings about the corruption of himself and of everyone else. It is impossible for the individual to raise a prayer, a request, a deficiency, even if it is in order to delight the Creator, since it is the wrong appeal, which is not only futile but actually corrupts the whole structure of the general vessel.
This means that it is impossible to ask to delight the Creator before you ask that you should be able to delight the general. It is only when you are incorporated in everyone and in the desires of the general that you can raise a deficiency and ask.
This is since one who separates from the society and asks for himself individually doesn’t build but actually brings about the destruction of his soul. A person really wants correction and wants to bestow unto everyone, but he asks for himself individually. He doesn’t ask for himself in contrast to others, but actually wants to help others and to serve them. However, as long as he feels that he is an individual and not part of the general, melting among them, his prayer is invalid and is even harmful for his soul.
It is only by complete incorporation in the society, when there is no difference between him and the collective, that he can raise a prayer to the Creator. It is clear since the Upper Light that fills the general is the Creator, and so you cannot be in contact with Him if you are not incorporated in the society by disappearing into it.
This is because he who is proud, says the Creator, cannot dwell with Me in the same place. Why be proud because you cannot be an exception without being dressed in pride. The Creator says that anyone who is proud cannot dwell with Him in the same place, and woe to the one who brings about the destruction of his soul.
If you are different from others in any way, you are already in a state of destruction, and, if you raise a prayer to the Creator from the state in which you are different from others, although you want to be incorporated in everyone, you bring about destruction through that. All the requests can be only by incorporation. Even if I ask, “Help me be incorporated in everyone,” it is also pride and a prayer of the individual. We may pray to the Creator only for the society wherever we are and in whichever state we are.
Also, during the work, when a person prays individually, he separates himself from the general unwillingly and destroys his soul. Therefore, no individual of the children of Israel should awaken and demand anything for himself as each individual lacks nothing since they should not feel themselves as individuals. The “children of Israel is the society in which no one feels himself, but only the general as a whole.
Therefore, there is the prayer of many, the prayer of the public, since there is only one soul, and there is no me or others, and this is their power to exit Egypt strong-handed, when everyone feels themselves as one asking to exit.
Every person should gather all his power in the society of Israel as a whole, in all the appeals to the Creator, in prayer and in the work, and should include himself in the root of Israel, and then all the herds shall drink from the well, from one source, since one receives from One. This is because the previous limit that was in the feeling of the individual will be removed from all the souls of Israel, both below it and above it, both in purifying and in attaining Aviut (thickness), and the general of holiness will greatly expand, even to parts that previously didn’t belong to Israel and are now connected to its unity. This is because the Light will be revealed from the Chazeh (chest) down where there were previously vessels of receiving that couldn’t connect into one, into bestowal that is the attribute of the vessels from the Chazeh (chest) up. This is because this is the nature of the general Light that dwells in the individual that is annulled with regard to the individual and doesn’t feel itself. This means that one is incorporated in the general Israel and ceases to feel his individuality.
Therefore, there is nothing that we can engage in but to learn and teach others how to attain the concept of Israel. This is the state that the created being must reach in order to get closer to adhesion with the Creator, to the goal of creation.
From the Preparation for the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 7/10/14

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

A Picture Of Reality Not Distorted By The Ego

We don’t see all of the reality that is in front of us only because we don’t want to see it. So, how can we acquire such a desire if we don’t have it? In front of me now are billions of people, but I only want to figure out what I can get from them, if it is useful or harmful, and other than that, they don’t interest me at all. If it is possible to exploit them somehow, then I will do it. But, if I see that they may harm me somehow, then I remove myself from the danger or eliminate it. That is all that interests me.
However, this way, I don’t recognize people. I don’t see them and don’t discover them. Around me is a whole universe, but who knows what is in it? Surely, I don’t understand it and don’t pay attention to it.
However, there is a more correct perception of reality that the wisdom of Kabbalahteaches, a science for perceiving the world that makes it possible to feel all of reality. For this, I must change my feelings. Instead of being concerned about myself (if it is good for me or bad for me, harmful or useful to me), I go outside of myself to the outer world and begin to be concerned about it.
That is, I am searching for how I can serve its benefit or, at least, not harm it.
Because of this, I acquire a sixth sense. In addition to seeing, hearing, tasting, smelling, and touching, I begin to feel what is happening outside of me. So, I feel what is really happening, without any interference from my side. I no longer insert all the information inside, process it, and adjust it to fit my interests, as now we look at everything from the point of view of the benefit or harm that it brings to us.
However, if I go outside of myself, then I will see the outer world as it is. I develop the external sense independent of my feelings. If we learn to develop this sense organ, then we reveal the world in which we already exist today but don’t see. Of all of reality, we perceive only a tiny portion called “this world.”
When we just expand our physical senses and produce more developed telescopes and microscopes, it doesn’t change the picture significantly. After all these sensations is the same small, limited egoistic desire. Instead of a desire to receive, I must acquire a desire to bestow that acts for the good of the world outside.
If I act for the good of the other, then I always am absorbing desire from the outside, from all of the still, vegetative, and animate nature, and people, and from all the spiritual forces that are not yet unknown to me: Malachim (angels), Heichalot (palaces), ChayotHaKodesh (sacred animals) and the corrected souls of the great Kabbalists. I take all of the desire from them in order to bestow to them, and, in this way, I increase my Kli in height, width, depth, and intensity; and that is how I encompass all of creation.
From KabTV’s “The Meeting of Worlds” 6/20/14

So That All Are Well

Question: We conducted ten meetings on the subject of the wisdom of connection (Integral Education). As a result of them, five to seven active members were participating in the circles every time. They tried to conduct meetings like this by themselves, but they didn’t succeed. So, they understood that they couldn’t do anything without us. What else can be done for them?
Answer: You must teach them the method of integral education and information, and thewisdom of Kabbalah. Then, they won’t have problems. It is necessary to give them basic information about how the Upper Light manages the world: through Tzimtzum Aleph (the first restriction), a Masach (screen), five worlds, Partzufim, and Sefirot.
Question: But they don’t want to study Kabbalah. They simply want things to be good for them at home and at work.
Answer: Kabbalah speaks about how to realize the desire of the Creator, which is to give pleasure to His creatures, for He is good and does good, and providing benefit for people means raising them to His level.
Things will not be good for us as long as we haven’t attained the upper Light. And, in the system Kabbalah speaks of, all five worlds are what are found between us and the upper Light. Until we create a structure within us that includes them, until we correct our whole internal mess, all the division and fragmentation, so that there will be one straight line between us and the upper Light in all five levels, five worlds, five levels of Aviut; we will not feel well.
It cannot be otherwise! Even if people start another war, it will not solve anything. So, it is necessary to tell them about the inner structure of the world, but in the meantime, using other words. Tell them about the ego, about the possibility of fulfilling it. Conduct integral circles. Without them, it is impossible to disseminate our method.
People need to understand why our unity works. Because it has a power that doesn’t exist in our world; it is much higher.
Question: But a need is created in people to conduct the circles by themselves.
Answer: It doesn’t matter! In children, as with apes, there is always a need to imitate the adults. The child looks at what his father is doing and tries to repeat it by himself.
There are objective laws in nature that cannot be bypassed. If there isn’t any internal connection of the active members that you mentioned before with us and with you with the other groups, then nothing will come of this either. Only this connection works. This is because we also cannot do anything without our groups. Everyone must be together. So, those people who want to work must feel that they are a part of us.
Question: Does this mean that we are above them, that we will never be equal?
Answer: Never. The hierarchy will remain a hierarchy forever. Your Reshimo will be discovered before theirs, and so this chain reaction is permanent. I always will get spiritual advancement from my teacher Rabash, and you will get it from me. However, my connection with you produces a circle. I don’t have one student. Rather, there is a central circle. It is amazing how everything is happening in our generation.
From the Sochi Convention 6/09/14, Discussion on the Conclusions from the Activity in Sochi

If There Is No Communication, There Is No Peace

We are accustomed to perceive everything through the mind, rational proof, and explanations. Even if we are still inconcealment, but there are some fragments between which there is something still unclear, it is already possible to assemble a picture and live with it. However, the general public does not need such explanations. Its perception is more emotional.

You just need to build on our history. Israel is a people organized by Abraham and Moses as a special community of people, living as one man with one heart, according to the laws of love for one’s neighbor as oneself. It is the condition in which the nation of Israel exists. If we fall from this level to unfounded hatred, then we come to destruction of the people and go into exile.
Now, by performing all the necessary conditions, we need again to strengthen our unityand become one man with one heart. Then, we will be called the people of Israel in the land of Israel.
Everything that happens around us does not matter. It comes only in order to compel us to fulfill this condition. All this should be brought gradually to people in sensation, through the heart. In essence, we explain on what conditions we can continue to exist.
All this is strange, illogical, and irrational. The people of Israel are a strange phenomenon in this world, and everyone knows that. However, this irrational community is more robust and stable than all the other nations that ever existed in history.
All this must be announced immediately and completely openly, without any breaks. People are ready for this, and every day their conditions will worsen. The new trend is that, today, the main control is in the broad public. The main weapon is a broad world view that requires each country to act according to it, and not otherwise.
In this way, the Creator governs us through parts of humanity. The force of weapons solves nothing now. The war is going to another level: the confrontation of opinions. In fact, this is a media war. Everything is determined by who rules in the media and what type they are. As a result, we need to understand that if there is no communication between people, there is no peace!
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 7/17/14Shamati #68

Monday, July 21, 2014

What The Study Of The Ten Sefirot Is Talking About

Question: Right now we are studying The Study of the Ten Sefirot (TES), Part 2, “The Connection Between Ability and Intention.” I cannot concentrate and relate this to myself and understand it.
Answer: We are a desire to receive pleasure, and the intellect is developed only to serve desire. So as long as you haven’t begun to feel within you what is described, you cannot use these parameters of desire. Will it be possible to use it and with what intention?
But there are people who have the ability to learn, not inside themselves, within the desire, but by constructing a model in the mind. They learn the Talmud “theoretically” without using it on themselves. Unfortunately, that is how everyone is learning today!
But the Torah specifically requires “practical” learning (sensory, within the desire), i.e., on ourselves, on our desire. And as long as it isn’t, as long as you cannot go through this state in sensation, you don’t understand what the Talmud is saying.

Kabbalah Is A System Of Laws of Nature

Question: According to what I have understood, every person must reach the wisdom of Kabbalah. But if, for example, he falls into another stream when searching for the spiritual way, does God punish him for this? And when a person enters into the spiritual way, why do events even worse than before happen to him?
Answer: Different things happen to a person all the time in order to push him towards the right goal. If he behaves correctly, he goes forward according to the laws of nature; so things are good for him. If not, then this system of forces influences him negatively.
The wisdom of Kabbalah talks about how nature is built, not about a God who supposedly sits and thinks about how to punish someone. Only the laws of nature exist (call them God the Creator, it makes no difference)! So there is no reward and there is no punishment.
Kabbalah is not a religion; it speaks only about the force that develops us, that we should get to know and comprehend. If we attain it, then we develop quickly and easily and reach the correct goal that was determined before this force.
But this does not mean that if I open a Kabbalah book today things will immediately be better for me. What are you talking about? Do I know how to behave correctly, how to use the laws of nature correctly?
It is is like it is in physics, like in any science! If I know how to use the laws correctly, then I benefit from it. But if I opened a book but still don’t know how to use the laws that are recorded there, I cannot claim that I won’t make a mistake. There is nothing miraculous here. There is a system of laws we are learning to be able to use correctly.
So it is impossible to relate to the wisdom of Kabbalah as to some religion or magic or sorcery, where I apparently began to learn it and in spite of it all, things are bad for me. The idea is that you still don’t know how to use it. And when you learn, then to that degree, things will be good for you. This is as it is in every enterprise. This is clear materialistic knowledge.
From the International Summer Camp In Bulgaria “Day Two” 7/12/14, Lesson 4

It Isn’t Too Late To Get On The Right Path

Question: In recent years the situation of a state of emergency and rocket attacks have repeated several times and we constantly speak about the need to connect and to unite, but no one wants to listen to us. What is the problem here? Is it that people aren’t ready yet or that we don’t know how to explain things?
Answer: I cannot blame our enemies for wanting to destroy us and I cannot blame thepeople of Israel for not understanding what is happening and why this situation reoccurs again and again. The only ones to blame are the people who know how to perform the correction but are too lazy to do their job and are in no rush to use all the means that they have to bring the method of correction to the people, not only to the nation of Israel but to the whole world too.
Since we are in the era of the end of correction, we can tell everyone about it, including our enemies. We will feel that they understand it and acknowledge it. They will find out what the source of their anti-Semitism is, their deadly hatred of the Jews, and why fate keeps us in a continuous conflict that also brings about great suffering and wars to the Arabs themselves.
They are also in a bad position, and although they are proud of their power, they actually suffer. So they should understand the reason for their suffering.
It is clear that nothing will help there. We can destroy all the terrorists, but the next day new ones will come along. Our enemies have enough people and missiles to bomb every centimeter of our territory. There isn’t a piece of land in Israel that would be safe from missiles and where people could live in peace.
Both we and the Arabs are well aware of this. But this confrontation is held on a certain border because the people of  Israel is obliged to fulfill  its mission and in the meantime, we are given some time to do so, in order to fulfill it in the good, right way of the Light, in the way of I will hasten it (Achishena). If we don’t do so, we are about to experience the terrible times described by the prophets.
From KabTV’s “The Mission of the People of Israel,” 7/8/14

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