Answer: The entire universe consists of two forces, the forces of bestowal and reception, plus and minus. We all live in the force of reception, and therefore are limited.
Indeed, how much can you receive of something from someone? I am not able to receive freely from some sources as I wish. Perhaps a spoiled child whom his or her parents love with absolute love can get from them whatever he or she wants, but their options are limited.
But if my desires grow and I am in a society where everyone is like me, then we are not able to fulfill our desires. Therefore, people are steeped in drug use, depression, and so on, because they cannot fulfill themselves.
The force of reception is very limited, but the force of bestowal is not. Indeed, you can give without limit, “If I benefit from it with a good mood and a sense of life, I would give gladly.”
Our problem is that we are organized in such a way that we get pleasure from receiving, but not from bestowal. It is only if we give to our children, relatives, and loved ones that we derive pleasure from giving. The more we give, the more we enjoy. We have only a few such examples, but these are limited in time and do not grow in strength from giving pleasure.
Here you can continue to explore further: What would life be like if we organized it not by the receiving force, but by the force of bestowal? If we all had been born or could develop the force of bestowal and live in this paradigm, then it would not be limited regardless of time.
We would feel time differently—not with a sense of a constant lack of fulfillment when I feel the time between what I want and when I receive what I wanted. On the contrary, time would shrink to zero as measured between when I want to give and when I give.
If I can give and I have something to give, then I have no time. The sense of time disappears. Then we speak not from time, but from action. In other words, we leave the time frame. This is stated in modern physics and most of psychology, in the psychology of bestowal and not receiving.
From KabTV’s “A New Life” 4/22/15
From KabTV’s “A New Life” 4/22/15