New Life #590 – Moving On To Meaningful Learning
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Yael Leshed-Harel
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Yael Leshed-Harel
The problem with education today is that we don’t know how to build a human being, how to provide a child with the tools for building himself. Therefore we have made great technological and scientific progress in the 21st century, but humanity itself looks and behaves like savages.
If we look at what is happening in Israel today, it is a real shame. We have lost the basic value our nation is founded on, the foundation of “love thy friend as thyself.” We need to teach psychology, the way a person should behave with himself, with others, at home, in society, and in nature. Learning today lacks the right direction, the goal, which is to communicate nicely with others whoever they may be.
Children need to feel that they are appreciated only according to their connection with others. If we learn how to communicate with each other correctly, we will be able to bring together all the personal knowledge every individual has and to prosper together. This ability is missing in the world; there is no sharing of knowledge but only destructive, egoistic competition.
Schools should make each class in a friendly atmosphere where everyone supports each other. The competitive atmosphere, bullying and violence in schools disrupts children’s ability to learn. Even startup projects are based on cooperation when people who share an idea connect and develop it together. The approach of making each child outstanding is outdated. Today we need to educate about connection between people.
This has strong implications for our lives. Many people, for example, get divorced because they cannot get along with each other. We have to change the atmosphere in the classroom to positive competition like who helps his classmates the most, for example. The class should reach high achievements together, the teacher should give questions and everyone should work on the common solution together.
The teacher should check the cooperation between the students as they work, the level of their connection, and the quality of the connection. With such an educational approach the future society will be united, instead of in the mutual hatred that destroys us today.
What will motivate a lazy child to take part in a group assignment? The general atmosphere will make him want to be part of it. Very few rush forward in an individualistic competitive atmosphere. In a group atmosphere everyone is involved. The most important thing is to teach children how to be together. This is the main thing they will need in the future world.
From KabTV’s “New Life #590 – Moving On To Meaningful Learning,” 6/23/15
From KabTV’s “New Life #590 – Moving On To Meaningful Learning,” 6/23/15
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