Saturday, June 13, 2020

“No Police, No Justice, No Peace” (Newsmax)

My article in Newsmax: “No Police, No Justice, No Peace
 WASHINGTON, DC – JUNE 08: People walk down 16th street after “Defund The Police” was painted on the street near the White House on June 08, 2020 in Washington, DC. After days of protests in DC over the death of George Floyd, DC Mayor Muriel Bowser has renamed that section of 16th street “Black Lives Matter Plaza”. (Photo by Tasos Katopodis/Getty Images)
The death of George Floyd and the demonstrations protesting it could have sparked many plausible ideas for mitigating police brutality and racism. Complete disbanding of the police was not one of them. How can a society maintain law and order without the police? Who will protect honest retailers from looters such as we saw in the past two weeks?
According to Webster’s Dictionary, the police are “the department of government concerned primarily with maintenance of public order, safety, health, enforcement of laws and possessing executive, judicial and legislative powers.” The police are also “charged with prevention, detection and prosecution of public nuisances and crimes.” Clearly, without policing, we will find ourselves in a lawless country and who wants to go that way?
Yet, this is exactly what the Minneapolis City Council decided to do — disband the police. Especially after the riots following Floyd’s unwarranted death, this decision seems capricious, irresponsible and defies any common sense. If it is carried out, there will be no justice and no peace, but only bloodshed and anarchy. It will be Hell on Earth.
There are many problems with today’s police forces in America, but they only reflect the hate-filled society whose building blocks are falling apart. Undue violence is not the sole property of the police; America has the most violent and weaponized civil society in the world, far more than any backward regime you can imagine.
If things are to change, they must start from the root, from the people, the citizens and residents. Without blaming others, without self-righteousness and with a lot of sincerity and courage, people have to look inside at the values and feelings they have helped instate within society.
There is no question that we are all self-centered and see only our own interests. But today, our self-interest requires that we see to it that everyone gets their fair share. We cannot afford to neglect any part of society, since that part is certain to rebel and bring down the whole of society in flames along with itself. In other words, every person’s safety has become completely dependent on the safety of all the other people in society. Today, acting according to this premise is mandatory, since the consequences of not doing so are anarchy, destruction and death.
In a society whose members all feel dependent on each other, policing really can become redundant. If people care for others as much as they care for themselves, they won’t hurt anyone, and everyone will help one another. Therefore, today’s primary goal of every community, city, state and country must be for every person to learn about the laws of the interdependent society, gradually come to live by them and in this way develop love toward other people in the community.
This learning is not a course; it is ongoing learning that accompanies every person in society and adapts itself to the changing society. In today’s society, too few people know about the system of governance that makes so many crucial decisions about their lives. Educated people will behave in an educated manner. So the learning must consist of both theory and practice. The theoretical part will familiarize people with the institutions and regulations that allow a modern society to function, as well as a broader outlook on the interconnected nature of contemporary society. The practical part will consist of exercises that nurture the feeling of mutual connection among people. This is the part that will enable them to transform their lives from a life of suspicion and tension to a life of openness and joy.
To achieve this transformation, the practical part focuses on building solidarity with one’s community, city, state and country, a sense of mutual responsibility and the confidence that by working together toward these goals, it is possible to transform one’s life.
While the theoretical part can be taught to individuals, the practical part requires learning in groups. These can be either physical groups or online groups, but the group needs to work together and develop a group dynamic. In the process of overcoming ego clashes and other social tensions, people will learn the benefits of caring about the society and what to do when a conflict becomes too heated to mitigate. When there is good will all around, there will always be a solution.
Only if a community achieves a substantial level of mutual responsibility is it possible to reduce the level of policing. Instead of law enforcement, the mutual concern of the members of the community will abolish offenses within the community almost entirely and deal effectively with such cases when they arise. But until that happens — No police? No justice, no peace.

“The Unfounded Reasoning Behind Police Defunding” (Medium)

Medium published my new article “The Unfounded Reasoning Behind Police Defunding
Calls for the defunding of US police departments would put security in handcuffs. The demand for divestment of police budgets and diversion of funds to community initiatives that emerged in the wake of the death of George Floyd in the custody of four Minneapolis officers is a dangerous move. If societies want to improve police-community relations and reach a safe and harmonious relationship, the solution is not to weaken the police force but to strengthen collective education.
The police force, like every citizen, needs to undergo a significant learning process regarding how to curb outbursts and work together with the community.
A US movement brought to the national spotlight in the past few days, calls for the defunding of police departments and the reallocation of resources into job-creation initiatives as well as social and health programs. Under this initiative, some functions traditionally performed by the police would be turned over to others and community members would patrol the streets.
The simple notion of abolishing or debilitating the police is difficult to understand or justify. How can a nation ensure that the laws are obeyed and civil order is maintained without the police as a link between the government and the people? What other system has immediate knowledge of what’s happening at any given moment on any alley or street in America’s complex network of neighborhoods, towns, and cities?
if we want to restore trust in police-community relations, prevent crime and reduce incidents of police abuse or misconduct, we should invest even more in police training and society’s education.
Nowadays, as man’s egoistic nature grows increasingly cruel, one feels superior to the other and strives to squeeze and exploit, crush and loot, abuse and rape. Thus, we must be monitored. Confronted with social issues like drug addiction, severe mental health problems, and street violence, police corps that maintain order are a sine qua non. In an age of social disarray and instability, law and order must be guarded. As it is written, “You shall appoint judges and officers in all your towns that the Lord your God is giving you, according to your tribes, and they shall judge the people with righteous judgment” (Deuteronomy 16:18).
An Unruly Nation Has No Future
Those trespassing the law need the inhibiting influence of police, and the deterring fear of reprimand and punishment in jail to restrain them from committing crimes against individuals and communities. The ego requires boundaries; otherwise it incites anarchy, as we have recently seen in the streets of New York and other cities in America. Particularly in our generation, with its turbulence and plethora of particular political, religious, and social agendas, the scene must be calmed down and brought to a state of balance.
We cannot do without a type of father figure — tough and strong on one side, and empathetic and sensitive on the other — whose role is respected and enhanced through generous funding.
The police are, in fact, caught between a rock and a hard place of modern life: under pressure from policy makers, under public scrutiny, in the midst of sizzling political and social brawls, sometimes ill-equipped to respond appropriately lest they take the heat. Police officers often find themselves caught in the middle, not always knowing how to reconcile the conflicting differences of politics, ethnicity, and race.
Therefore, if we want to restore trust in police-community relations, prevent crime and reduce incidents of police abuse or misconduct, we should invest even more in police training and society’s education. The police force, like every citizen, needs to undergo a significant learning process regarding how to curb outbursts and work together with the community. Officers, robbers, and every citizen is in dire need of an educational undertaking where we scrutinize human nature, each person’s rights and obligations, and how to find common grounds for the common good.

Friday, June 12, 2020

Trek Through The Desert

laitman_234It must be remembered that egoism is given to us from above; the revelation of egoism comes from the Creator. And therefore it is necessary to work with it methodically every time, more and more, and not wait for  selfishness to disappear. On the contrary, the further we advance, the more egoism, stupidity, cruelty, and arrogance will be revealed and we must work with all of it.
You need to get used to it and you must not quit, despair, or turn off your computer; you must simply continue and continue, even on all fours if you have to, but crawl to the goal.
And my friends will help me; I am them and they are me. Everything is arranged so that we can always go forward if we try to complement each other. When I want to help my comrades and they want to help me then, even if none of us has strength, we will find strength within our union.
This is not a force within each of us; there can be no force inside of any of us! There are ten people and not one of them has any strength. But since we want to connect, we suddenly reveal the power between us. This power is the Creator that is between us. We use His power and not our own.
And therefore, if each one of us is exhausted, if we are all full zeros, this is the best condition and you cannot turn off the screen and leave the group! Because it is in this state that we begin to reveal the power that is between us, that is, the Creator. Inside of ourselves, of course, there are no forces, but we will reveal a higher power.
Therefore, it is precisely because of despair, powerlessness, hopelessness, misunderstanding, supporting each other, and making efforts, despite the fatigue, that we are approaching the revelation of the Creator. This work is called,  trekking through the desert, from which we derive the power of bestowal. Passing through the desert, we ascend from Malchut to Bina.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 5/31/20, “The Approach to Studying the Wisdom of Kabbalah”

To Survive In This World

laitman_611Question: How do I explain to people that they need to change in order to survive and not get lost in this world?
Answer: There is only one way—to become similar to nature, that is, as integrally correct as possible, interconnected with all people or at least with your small group.
Kabbalah offers dividing into groups of ten, and when studying the correct relationships in the ten, we slowly form them, and our ten becomes a formative unit of the society. The whole corrected humanity will consist of these units.
Gradually, we will have to do this either voluntarily spreading the idea of an integral, equal connection by ourselves or under the influence of viruses. Otherwise there will be no way for us to survive.
And this is the business of today. Or else we will still see several different viruses, besides the coronavirus, on our way that will help us transform society.
From KabTV’s “Fundamentals of Kabbalah” 4/12/20

Why Is Kabbalah Considered A Science?

laitman_214Question: How can one reveal the Creator?
Answer: It is possible to reveal the Creator only if you are in a corresponding group, study Kabbalah, and begin to follow the rules for revealing the Creator. Practically the entire science of Kabbalah is the science of revealing the Creator to man in this world.
Question: Why is Kabbalah considered a science and not a teaching?
Answer: Because we reveal what exists around us and it is all inanimate, vegetative, animate, and human nature. A comprehension of the surrounding nature and its study is a science.
What do the sciences of our world reveal, such as physics, chemistry, biology, zoology, botany, etc.? They discover the space surrounding us filled with inanimate, vegetative and animate bodies.
Kabbalah reveals not only what we see and feel, but the force behind it called the Creator. And then we begin to understand how everything is arranged, and why all of it is presented and given to us so.
From KabTV’s “Fundamentals of Kabbalah” 4/26/20

Why Is It So Difficult For Us To Understand That We Need To Change?

laitman_962.5Question: Nature immediately reacted to our isolation. People need to digest and understand this and then they will begin to change. Why is it difficult for a person to do this?
Answer: Egoism locks us in, and that is why I don’t hear, feel, or sense another person. To me, it is something that does not exist. Of course, I can somehow sympathize with him, but still, it isn’t him that I feel, but myself, my perception of him.
This is the problem. Because I feel everything egotistically, within myself, I transform my feelings upon the other and the other’s upon myself.
When we reach the level of perception of the world not with our current sense organs, but rise above them, i.e., we acquire the qualities of the integral world, we begin to perceive the world in a completely new form where time, distance, and movement do not matter, but only one integral system, which is called soul or Adam.
Starting to perceive the world in this way, from this time onward we will be guided by our abilities and actions in a different way.
From KabTV’s “Fundamentals of Kabbalah,” 4/19/20

Dependence Is A Delicate Thing

Laitman_632.3Question: Although the coronavirus has helped us feel that we are connected, we do not understand how much we depend on each other. This is the whole paradox. How can we get out of this?
Answer: Indeed, a big problem is raised here. We understand that we are inevitably connected with each other, we are together in one system, and the virus acts on everyone, through one to another.
Moreover, this is visible not only in every separate region, but in all countries. There are no problems with communication today so we can learn about everything that is happening in the world.
Are we connected? Yes, but to feel dependence is a problem because it can be at different levels. It is very difficult for us to determine this.
In addition, connectedness is a scientific concept. We can study different connections: bad, good, whatever, because they are objective.
And in order to feel dependence, our subjective sensation already interferes. Maybe I would not want to feel dependent on someone or do not want others to feel dependent on me and make complaints. Therefore, dependence is a very delicate thing.
We must figure out how we are dependent on each other, how this dependence manifests itself, and what if we purposely influence each other in this way? Here, there are many opportunities for all kinds of conjectures and speculations.
Speaking of dependence, I understand that there can be no clear opinion and solid basis here, but there are always some additions from different people directed against each other.
Question: Does dependence always involve a lack of freedom? Is it possible to break out of this?
Answer: Dependence does not necessarily result in a lack of freedom. What matters is what one depends on. If I depend on the whole universe, know that I am a part of it, and voluntarily comply with the laws that exist in it, then I experience a feeling of eternity and perfection. Therefore, it does not suppress me and I do not pressure me that I am a part of it.
From KabTV’s “Fundamentals of Kabbalah” 5/25/20

Opening Myself To The Perception Of The Creator

laitman_237If we scrutinize the concept of Ein Sof (Infinity), we will see that this concept does not actually exist. It exists only in our desires, which are not yet stabilized.
By the concept of Ein Sof or limitlessness, we are referring to a state in which the light illuminates without restriction (Tzimtzum), and we are totally open to its impact. We usually give this example: If we fill a glass completely, it will be in a state of Ein Sof because in this state the glass does not limit the filling in any way. This means that Ein Sof, infinity, means without end, without limit. We need to reach this state and open ourselves to the perception of the Creator limitlessly.
How do we perceive the Creator inside us? We name everything that we attain within our limits according to the attributes that we operate within in order to perceive and understand something. This is the reason that we measure the Creator who fills us in a clear and very accurate manner according to size, volume, weight, and according to our desires; this is how we advance.
We always define the Creator in letters, which means according to the way we perceive Him in our attributes, and not according to who He actually is because He does not have any attributes and there is no specific attribute there. We say that He is the good that does good, that He fills and heals, which means that everything we feel inside of us comes from Him, but we cannot attain who He actually is.
From KabTV’s “Fundamentals of Kabbalah” 12/8/20

How Can One Feel The Development of the Soul?

Laitman_043Question: Can a person feel one’s soul develop?
Answer: At a certain point, a person begins to feel that a soul is developing within him and that it is demanding certain actions from him. Sometimes a person performs instructions blindly, not knowing whether they arrive from within him or from nature that dictates them to him. Perhaps the Creator wants him to behave in a certain way and to perform actions that may turn out to be as if he were forced to perform them.]
On the whole, there are versatile, mutual relations between a person and the Creator.
From KabTV’s “Fundamentals of Kabbalah” 2/16/20

Why Does The Creator Want Me To Feel Opposite To Him?

laitman_622.01Question: Why does the Creator want me to feel increasingly opposite to Him?
Answer: The Creator does not want anything. It is just that we talk about Him.
In fact, the Creator is the absolute which does not change. When you engage in the study of Kabbalah, you excite the upper light. It affects you and every time you feel different, more and more in its true form. You feel increasingly selfish, very weak, and not able to withstand your small selfish desires.
This is a very necessary stage. It will continue until you connect with your own kind in the group.
Then you can attract the upper light. It will raise and purify you, and it will reveal the second nature in you: the nature of the light, the property of bestowal, and love. Two opposite parts of nature will ascend in you, the receiving and the bestowing, love and hate. You will move forward with the help of these two “legs.”
Good luck with that!
From KabTV’s “Fundamentals of Kabbalah” 1/26/20

Theory Of Anti-Semitism, Part 8

laitman_963.1Do the Jews know about their mission?
Baal HaSulam, “The Arvut” (Mutual Guarantee): With these words, we clearly understand what we said above, about the Torah being given specifically to the Israeli nation, because it is certain and unequivocal, that the purpose of Creation lies on the shoulders of the whole of the human race, black, white or yellow, without any essential difference.
The goal of creation is global connection. The complete dissolution of all nations into each other must be so strong and without any distortions, that the Creator, the global force of good and love, will be revealed in it.
There is only one goal, but only a small group hat has received the method of correction can lead to it.
Question: What kind of unity is this?
Answer: Unity is when we join together in one system and become similar to general nature. We begin to understand that nature itself is integral, supports itself at all levels, exists in full interaction with the force of love, bestowal, and mutual support, as one single organism.
Question: It turns out that a combined team was created from all the nations, which was to implement the correction method among themselves and then pass it on to all the nations. Did the Jews who were subject to pogroms both in the Middle Ages and in Nazi Germany know about this?
Answer: No, of course not.
Question: Why does nature punish creatures and want, on one hand, conscious development and, on the other hand, does not give people any knowledge about it?
Answer: We have lost this knowledge. We lost it at the time of the collapse of the Second Temple.
The period from the collapse of the Second Temple to the time of Ari was a stage of dark development. But beginning in the sixteenth century, with the appearance of Ari and then Baal Shem Tov with all his students, Kabbalah began to flourish. It became possible to explain to people what the mission of the Jewish people is. But to this day, no one wants to hear about it.
Therefore, the opposite force of nature is now manifesting itself: immense modern anti-Semitism. It is not religious in nature, but rather anti-Israeli, anti-State. But this is temporary.
Gradually, it will acquire completely different properties: anti-Jewish, anti-Semitism, without any addition. Now anti-Semites are still hiding behind their statements against the state, claiming that the state is apartheid. But soon all the hatred will come out again.
In accordance with this, we need to explain, first of all to the Jews, that all this is happening because we are not fulfilling our historical mission. Nothing will help! Only returning to it!
Remark: But if you go out on the street today and ask people if they know about their mission to unite, hardly anyone will know.
My Reply: This is what our Kabbalistic group should do.
Question: Did the six million people who died during the Nazi era know about this mission?
Answer: They did not know and should not have known.
Question: Then why this attitude toward them from nature?
Answer: To know this, one must understand nature. And then you will see why this is happening. Nature does not play with small states and relationships.
The Kabbalists knew in advance that this would happen. And today, we assume that everything can happen again.
Remark: If we consider the Creator as insensitive nature, then everything is clear.
My Reply: The Creator is the absolute law of nature. We have no other choice but to explain this first of all to the Jews via any media by any means without looking at any enemies or haters.
For more on this topic, read my books Like a Bundle of Reeds: why unity and mutual guarantee are today’s call of the hour, and The Jewish Choice: Unity or Anti-Semitism, Historical facts on anti-Semitism as a reflection of Jewish social discord.
From KabTV’s “Systematic Analysis of the Development of the People of Israel,” 7/22/19

“George Floyd’s Death — A Trigger To Insanity?” (Medium)

Medium published my new article “George Floyd’s Death — A Trigger to Insanity?
The protests over the killing of African-American George Floyd by asphyxiation during a botched arrest, when a white police officer knelt on his neck for almost nine minutes, have developed into a full blown campaign against the police. In New York City, Mayor Bill de Blasio announced he would cut funding to police and divert resources to social services. In Minneapolis, where the incident occurred, the city council voted to disband the police altogether.
Only through a comprehensive and massive effort to install new values in the community, while simultaneously securing people’s livelihood, does the United States stand a chance of avoiding the approaching mayhem.
It is unclear what will become of law and order in light of the riots, looting, and violence spreading across the country, but these decisions clearly show that authorities are realizing that they have lost the public’s trust. On the one hand, it is good when authorities realize they are disconnected from the public they are meant to serve. On the other hand, regaining people’s trust takes more than a quick-fix revolutionary solution whose consequences have not been tested.
People need to know that if they want to put their lives back on track, the authorities are there to help them. And building this trust requires a new kind of thinking, and a new kind of educational process.
In these days, when every trauma — be it the collapse of a bank, the spread of a virus, or the unwarranted death of a man — becomes a global crisis, people should both be aware of their dependency on the social environment, and get some sort of protection from the authorities against unexpected cataclysms. Therefore, the authorities — the federal government, state government, or city council — should initiate a plan that combines learning with earning.
Since unemployment and joblessness are already very high, and will grow even higher (perhaps with some fluctuations), unemployed and jobless people are ideal candidates for the program. They will receive sufficient benefits to provide for themselves and their families, but it will be contingent upon participation in courses ranging from handling personal finance to understanding the place of the individual in a globalized world.
The courses should be built in such a way that participants not only learn about the interconnected worldwide system that determines our lives today, they also learn how to become positively active elements in it. The courses should increase the sense of accountability of the individual to the community, city, and ultimately the country. At the same time, the country, city, and the community must tend to people’s needs and give them a financial backbone.
If there are people living on the streets, it is a sign that the entire community is ill. Likewise, if people feel that looting and incinerating other people’s property is a legitimate way of expressing anger, it indicates the level of alienation and apathy in society. This is why the courses should enhance the sense of belonging, interconnectedness, and accountability to one’s community, city, state, and country.
From the perspective of the authorities, these courses should not be regarded as a service, but as an investment. The decline in crime rate, substance abuse, domestic violence and abuse, depression and other mental disorders will more than make up for the funds invested in the learning and earning program. The funds that will be freed as a result can then be reinvested in community facilities and activities to further enhance solidarity.
In order to align the whole community with the mindset of solidarity and accountability, working people, too, should do “course duty,” similar to today’s “jury duty.” However, they will be paid for their time at the course, provided they pass the tests.
Only through a comprehensive and massive effort to install new values in the community, while simultaneously securing people’s livelihood, does the United States stand a chance of avoiding the approaching mayhem. Right now, it is on the verge of insanity, and urgent action is required.

“Who Needs Governments?” (Linkedin)

My new article on Linkedin “Who Needs Governments?
The Minneapolis City Council’s decision to disband the police and the decision to cut the budget of NYPD, especially after the riots, defy any common sense. There is no question that there are bad apples among the police, just as there are bad apples everywhere. After all, the rioters who burned down buildings, looted stores, and shot at police officers and civilians, are not exactly candidates for the Presidential Citizens Medal.
If we want to build a society that does not require policing, we have to introduce completely new values to society.
Since ancient times, the state has been the infrastructure that allowed for culture, technology, science, and education to develop. It provided the necessary conditions for the advancement of human civilization. Policing is an integral part of the state, keeping man’s insubordinate, self-centered nature in check, and ensuring that people can develop their skills and thereby contribute to the common good. Disband the police, and you have disintegrated civilization.
If we want to build a society that does not require policing, we have to introduce completely new values to society. We must ensconce societal responsibility in every individual so that people will do their own policing on themselves. Society is nowhere near that state. It is a process of in-depth education that enables people to experience, not learn about, but actually experience the feeling of being interconnected and interdependent. In that state, when people begin to feel as one entity, one organism, they will not need policing; they will instinctively act for the sake of all of society, which they will perceive as part of themselves.

The Future Form Of Society

laitman_227Question: Can we introduce the next stage of our society now? Or will this model manifest itself as we develop, rise, and begin to become integrated in it? Is this process intermittent or gradual?
Answer: I think that we should begin to develop this process ourselves since it has already been described in the writings of great people and there is no reason to refuse what they have achieved. We must use their conclusions and accomplishments and build a system of education and upbringing for all of humanity on this basis.
Question: How will the whole society develop? Some people predict a dictatorship, others see furthering democracy, and there are even views regarding Nazism and fascism, some see rather tough measures and, others, softer measures. But, so far, no actual model has been brought forth for  economic, social, or political relations.
Will that part of society’s life, which concerns the material world and people’s interests, be gradually manifested or can it be modeled now as we move toward the realization of a plan that we understand?
Answer: We must have a social discussion of what we really need and what we don’t. This can be understood by the state of modern society; how much are certain professions and certain consumer goods needed? We know how we pollute the Earth and how all the oceans are contaminated, etc. We need to pause and have a very serious scrutiny regarding our mistakes.
Only after that can we reduce our interference in the world around us and create a system that would work only to provide humanity with essential material goods and maximal spiritual content.
From the TV program: “Unemployment In The Post-Coronavirus World,” 5/5/20

Does Nature Require The Impossible From Us?

laitman_571.01Question: What do you mean by connection? The great Kabbalist Baal HaSulam writes that there are only two laws in society: the law of receiving and the law of bestowal. By our nature, we love to receive from society and as for bestowal—to the extent we can receive.
Therefore, the problem is that we cannot clearly balance between how much a person in society should receive and how much he should give. If there were a correct balance between receiving and bestowing, then would there be a right type of connection?
Answer: At the inanimate, vegetative, and animate levels, nature regulates this instinctively. On the human level, however, we must regulate this by ourselves, but we cannot because we do not know the whole picture regarding nature. We are ruled by egoism and everyone seeks to bend nature for themselves.
Comment: This is a whole science: How much to receive, how much to give, and who to give to? Who should determine all of this?
My Response: We cannot describe this with directives from the government to people. We only need to feel the system of interconnectedness that includes all the forces of nature, and act in accordance with these.
Question: That is, the solution is not to tell a person how much he should receive and how much he should give?
Answer: No. There is a very clear understanding of what should be according to nature (Kabbalah), not in accordance with what comes into someone’s head.
Comment: It is clear to us how this happens in a family. If I feel a connection with my child, my wife, and my relatives, then I will strive to give them as much as possible and receive only necessities for myself because I enjoy giving to them.
My Response: But this works instinctively in you. What do we do when we do not feel the neighbors at all and do not wish anything good for any of them? On the contrary, when I feel that I am above them, that I am bigger and more important, this fills me and pleases me.
How can we rejoice in the success of others more than in our own, like we rejoice in the success of our own children because they are more important to us? Where do we get this love one’s neighbor as oneself?
Comment: Can you imagine what nature requires of us ?!
My Response: It requires the impossible.
Question: And then what?
Answer: Take strength from nature itself, which nature requires of you, then it will make you an altruist. It will put you on the level of your egoism and you will be able to find the correct line of behavior between egoism and altruism, between receiving and bestowing, and between caring for yourself and caring for others. And then you will see how you can change the world.
From KabTV’s “The Post-Coronavirus Era,” 4/2/20

Why Don’t We Feel Interdependence?

laitman_962.3Question: The spreading coronavirus shows how much we are all interconnected. A Chinese man ate a bat (at least they say so) and now every day thousands of people are dying, a third of the population are quarantined in their homes.
If before we theoretically knew about the butterfly effect, today we see it explicitly. Why don’t we feel dependent on other people?
Answer: Because we are not at the level of the interaction that exists in inanimate, vegetative, and animate nature, but at a higher level of interaction. We are not given the natural way from nature to feel how much we are interdependent in our desires and properties. We need to investigate this and reveal it ourselves. This is the subject of the wisdom of Kabbalah.
Question: For people, at the highest stage of development, does nature give us freedom of choice to independently realize all these processes, and not remain under the control of instincts?
Answer: I would not say that this is freedom. We have been given a very relative, very narrow freedom in order to make sure that we ourselves need to reveal the correct interaction between ourselves and the inanimate, vegetative, and animate nature.
This is not absolute freedom to do what you want. No. This freedom is only in understanding, realizing, revealing, exploring, and adapting ourselves to our complete dependence on all levels of nature and to organically fit into them.
From KabTV’s “The Post-Coronavirus Era,” 4/2/20

Connected By Billions Of Forces

laitman_264.01Question: In the new world, in the post-coronavirus era, will each individual feel all eight billion people in the world, as well as the still, vegetative, and animate levels of nature, plus his dependence on them?
Answer: He will feel not only his dependence, but also his influence on them. As it is said, the good of one person depends on the good of all people, and vice versa, the good of all people depends on everyone.
Question: And will this be clear to any person?
Answer: Not only clear, it will be visible because we will reveal the system of interaction.
We are interconnected by invisible forces that are not felt by us. The wisdom of Kabbalah says that we must unleash these forces of interaction and begin to explore ourselves and the world around us in order to attain complete connection between ourselves at the mental, psychological, and sensual levels.
We must become one, single system so that each one who feels some desire, intention, or thought within himself, feels how much he can change the whole system with these factors because he is a strong, energetic, and an individually developed part.
Question: And a person will not need to believe in this since he will feel it all?
Answer: Of course! Just as I see various small mechanisms in front of me, I will also reveal myself as a part of one huge mechanism. Just as everyone is connected with me through billions of forces that affect me, in the same way, I simultaneously influence them with billions of my properties and qualities.
Question: There is attainment in Kabbalah and there is faith. Even if it seems logical to me, why should I believe in it if I do not feel it?
Answer: There is no need to believe! You just need to investigate it and begin to apply it as we unfold.
From KabTV’s, “The Post-Coronavirus Era,” 2/4/20

Mismatch Of Man With The Integrality Of Nature

709Question: You keep saying that the virus and everything that happens to us is sent by nature. What do you mean by this?
Answer: Nature is everything that surrounds us: inanimate, vegetative, and animate nature, and human society.
The inanimate, vegetative, and animate levels act instinctively according to the laws that this system awakens in them. Therefore, there are no internal contradictions.
A person consists of two qualities: the egoistic quality that makes him think only about himself and the quality of connection with the entire world around him.
Here, a contradiction manifests itself: a person is the opposite of the world. We call this oppositeness “egoism,” which is not present in the inanimate, vegetative, or animate nature. In order to achieve his goals and desires to become greater, better, richer, and more powerful, man is ready to destroy all of the surrounding nature and he has all the possibilities to do this.
Here the problem arises: what can be done with a person in order for him to become an organic participant within this system, an integral part of nature, and to not go outside of it and do with it whatever he wants?
From year to year and from generation to generation, man becomes more and more powerful. He kills nature, bends it underneath him, and does things that he does not even need to do. Why? Just because it is necessary to satisfy his small, personal interests.
He burns down forests, drains reservoirs, and does everything to earn money at this moment, to do something to indulge his narrow egoism, although it is absolutely unreasonable. He simply destroys nature.
Question: But aren’t we ourselves a part of nature?
Answer: On the one hand, we are a part of nature and we can’t get out of it. On the other hand, we have an egoistic quality that puts us above nature.
Question: Nature has its own laws: the law of gravity, the law of thermodynamics, etc. Over the past few hundred years, humanity has discovered more than 200 physical laws. Which of them do we as humans not conform with?
Answer: We do not conform with the integral law of nature because all of it is interconnected and is in the state of a closed system that must support itself. We go beyond the framework of integral nature, believing that we can do anything because we need it at that moment.
Let us say I want to be richer than others. This is not justified, but I want it and so I cut down forests, pump out oil, and pollute the air. And it does not matter to me, the main thing for me is to achieve my own egoistic goal.
The animal world has no such goals. Their only goal is to feed themselves and raise their offspring. In addition to these animalistic goals, man has another goal: to rise above others. This is due to our egoism that pushes us to use everything possible in the world around us in order to achieve this goal.
From KabTV’s “The Post Coronavirus Era,” 4/2/20

The Condition For The Future World

laitman_263Question: What will the economy and the political structure of the future world be?
Answer: I think that the relationships between countries will depend on the relationships between people. They will not be as distorted as they are today when one country is an enemy of the other one. People can be very close to each other.
I believe that everything should begin from the relationships between people and continue to expand in breadth until the entire world becomes friendly.
If this does not happen, then, believe me, nature will force us! All the so-called viruses are just beginning to work. There are many more problems awaiting us if we do not follow the integral nature.
Question: In this regard, can the European Union survive only if the ties of mutual aid between people are established?
Answer: You can forget about the European Union. It is gone. It is better if it will just go away somewhere and you forget about it. Otherwise, you have no idea what it can do.
If, after the coronavirus, it returns to its normal activities, it is terrible to think what will happen there! It is best if it just quietly crumbles. But I think this is not that simple.
From KabTV’s “Fundamentals of Kabbalah,” 4/12/20

Thursday, June 11, 2020

Why Do Events Repeat?

laitman_571.03Question: Why are the same things happening in our lives? Why is there a recurrence, a repetition of events?
Answer: It is so that we can gradually correct ourselves. You cannot do it all at once. Therefore, we go through many life cycles.
Moreover, each time the soul goes through what is called genesis or reincarnation, there is a partial reunion of souls, followed by another separation, and again some subsequent combination. As a result, all of the souls are completely corrected.
I advise you to read materials about the cycle of the souls. Souls means desires that are gradually transformed from the desire for oneself to the desire for the sake of the Creator.
From KabTV’s “Fundamentals of Kabbalah,” 3/8/20

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