Saturday, August 8, 2020

The World’s Common Problem

Laitman_421.01Question: Today the United States of America are split practically in half—into those who support super-liberal values, i.e., Democrats, and those who support a conservative approach and outlook on life, i.e., Republicans. And this is no longer just a political split. It divides friends, families, cities, and states.
It is a really dangerous process. The collapse of America will lead to global changes because there will be a big rearrangement of the power of influence on Earth, and it is not clear how and in what direction this will move.
How do you see the situation on Earth in this case?
Answer: I see only one problem in the whole world, the problem of human upbringing. If we take care of our own upbringing, which nature demands from us, in order to change ourselves into an integral society, then everything will be fine.
If not, then for sure we will go through tremendous suffering, which Kabbalists describe as third and fourth world wars. And we will be forced to come to the understanding that we need to change the human regardless. There are no other options!
In America’s current state there is only one way—the intensive re-education of the whole society, which they have never done, and on which all resources must be thrown. Everything!
Both whites and blacks, and any other Americans, must pass through a very serious conversion. If they don’t do this, the whole world will feel bad. In fact, this is the problem not only for America, but also for Europe, Russia, and the whole world in general. The whole world needs integral education.
Question: In recent decades, America has assumed the role of regulator, a superpower, a kind of gendarme, and has become a center for the development of the latest technologies.
On the one hand, the United States is experiencing terrible riots and destruction in cities, and at the same time, they launch the most advanced spacecraft made by a private company. Explain how it all fits together? Is there any hope in this that people can change?
Answer: No. This is the same egoism. Everything is completely natural.
Question: What can you say about China, which somehow stands out against this background and behaves differently?
Answer: The fact is that now a different time is coming. If Americans really stop trading with China and the other countries also gradually curtail their trade with them, then China will turn into an ordinary country. And all their grandiose plans, as it happened once in Russia, will be safely buried. The most important thing in China is its ideology, which is not viable, I think.
From KabTV’s “Today’s International Situation” 6/18/20

What Will 70% Of The World Population Study?

laitman_265Question: You said that in the future 20 to 30% of the world population will work and 70% will study. What will they study?
Answer: If you calculate what percentage of the people we need in the workforce, including scientists, programmers, and all other specialists only to provide people with everything necessary for existence and not to produce unnecessary surpluses for anyone, then I think it will be 20%.
And everyone else will study and get a scholarship for it, not unemployment benefits like now when people sit at home and do nothing.
They will learn about the integrality of the world and the correct interaction with each other in order to be at the human level, not at the level of inanimate, vegetative, or animate nature, but at the level of human nature.
Being properly interconnected, they will provide the world with mutual integral dependence. In this sphere, everyone will feel themselves above the egoism of our world, eternal and perfect.
In order to achieve this state, we need to educate all of humanity. And to feed ourselves at a normal, comfortable but necessary level, we need no more than 20%. And it will not be some class of slaves because they will give only 20% of their time to get and produce that they need.
Nature will lead us to this no matter how much we resist. We can no longer resist, we can no longer develop egoistically and put only the money at the forefront. It will not do any good anyway.
From KabTV’s “Fundamentals of Kabbalah” 5/24/20

The Coronavirus Teaches Mutual Guarantee

Laitman_507.03See what the Creator is doing! We thought that a person could get a new mind and new feelings only through such unconventional blows as world war, natural disasters, volcanic explosions, hurricanes, and tsunamis. But it turns out that this was not necessary. Quietly, unnoticed, some virus appears and does all the work.
It is simply mercy on the part of the Creator to restore order by such methods. The virus has already forced us to close all artificially invented businesses that do not bring any benefit and only pollute the globe. You can already see how we quit doing all sorts of stupid and unnecessary things. All systems that were built in order to boast in front of each other are collapsing, and nothing remains.
From the revelation of the slightest influence of the Creator, in 4 to 5 months we have found ourselves in a new world. We are still being stubborn and do not agree with this world and are unwilling to recognize it. But we must understand that we are entering a new reality. The old life will not return; you will have to live a new life, and the restrictions will only increase.
The world is ruled by one upper force, “there is none else besides it.” But this does not mean that we should bow down and accept such an existence out of hopelessness. We need to acquire the mind and feelings of the Creator and live on the level of His decisions and actions in order for us to agree with everything that is happening today: with the fact that unnecessary places of work are being closed and our lives are changing and with the fact that we have to take more care of each other.
After all, if I infect someone with a virus today, then tomorrow he can infect my children. We are becoming more and more connected and dependent on each other. The coronavirus shows our interdependence. Therefore, it will not work to protest and do what you want, as those who go to demonstrations and refuse to wear masks. There is no way out, I have to educate myself to become responsible for others, and they will be responsible for me, for my family, my children, and all of humanity in general.
The coronavirus teaches us from a distance, little by little, about mutual guarantee. We are already beginning to see a linked, connected world where everyone, whether he wants to or not, affects everyone, and everyone affects him. And all this happened thanks to some tiny virus.
What a mercy from the side of the Creator! We see in the virus the work of the upper force, besides which there is nothing. And what can be done against it, where to find a cure for such a virus? But we do not need a cure for the virus! We need to find a cure for our egoism, and then we will not feel any virus.
There is no other evil in the world but our egoism. If we protected each other from transmitting evil to others, the virus would disappear. The Creator wants us to acquire an intention to bestow, or at least not to harm our neighbor. Meanwhile, we are learning this law in a material form, but soon we will understand where it is in us in a spiritual form, and so we will advance toward the Creator, toward understanding Him, toward the fact that “there is none else besides Him.” We will see this in everything.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 8/1/20, “There is None Else Besides Him”

“A Generational Catastrophe In Education” (Medium)

Medium published my new article “A Generational Catastrophe in Education
UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres warned that we’re experiencing a “generational catastrophe” in education because of school closures during the coronavirus pandemic. On the one hand, I understand why this is sad. On the other hand, if we look at how people turn out after spending their entire childhood and adolescence in the educational system, I’m not so sure we should regret its closure. In my opinion, it is actually the disconnection from the old system that will allow us to examine it from aside, criticize it, and build a new and better one.
The correct education system should put the emphasis on human connection, not on inculcation of information. It should teach children that people with different views are not enemies.
The violence on the streets and within homes, the crime rate, substance abuse, prostitution, depression rates, suicides, all those are results of the education we give to our children. So one can lament the closure of the education system, but judging by the results, it hasn’t been a success story.
The deterioration hasn’t started with the emergence of Covid-19. It has been going on for decades.
The educational system was built during the Industrial Revolution, and its purpose was to give farmers who had migrated into cities the required knowledge to become machine operators. Over time, we added more and more fields of knowledge to the schooling system but we didn’t change the basic principle: Memorize the material your teachers tell you and that’s all you need in order to do a good job.
Somewhere along the way, we have forgotten that schooling gives children knowledge but does not improve them as human beings. That part, the one that teaches them how to communicate with other people, how to care for one another, how to be a positive element in society, has been forgotten altogether. Parents no longer teach it since the children aren’t at home, and schools don’t teach it since they weren’t made for it in the first place, so the result is that eighteen years after they are born, the sweet children on whom we pinned our hopes have become fully grown, incorrigible savages. This is why it is just as well that the schools have closed; it is yet another benefit of Covid-19 to society.
The correct education system should put the emphasis on human connection, not on inculcation of information. It should teach children that people with different views are not enemies. On the contrary, they show us perspectives that we might have otherwise missed. Even if we disagree with other people, we would not know why we think what we think were it not for the need to articulate our views.
Moreover, in a world so full of opposites, it is easy to see that just as nothing in nature is complete without its opposite, so it is with people. When we hold different views, it may feel like we are arguing over whose opinion is correct, but in truth, we are advancing the whole world to a higher level of existence.
Similarly, when we look at our feet as we walk, it seems as though they are competing. But we, who see them from above, know that the apparent competition is really an advancement of the whole body toward the next place we want to go. Were it not for the apparent competition, we wouldn’t advance at all, we would be standing still.
But children do not learn all that at school; they only memorize. This is why I am so happy that we’ve finally come to a point where we can truly educate ourselves, become human beings, not human computers. Now, perhaps, there is hope for our species.

“Why Does Life Punish Good People?” (Quora)

Dr. Michael LaitmanMichael Laitman, On Quora: Why does life punish good people?
In today’s distorted egoistic world, where people around the world prioritize personal benefit over society’s benefit, it is naive and incorrect to think that “good people” will have a good life, and “bad people” the opposite.
Rather, since our egoistic intentions underlie our social, political and cultural constructs, then it is natural to expect nothing positive to emerge from them.
It is especially the case today, where our egos have grown to enormous proportions, much bigger than in any other time in history.
According to the wisdom of Kabbalah, humanity is in a developmental process toward a state of total unification, where we will experience perfection. Our current era marks a major transition in this process from our old egoistic world to a new unified one.
Today, we can expect major flips and turns (the coronavirus pandemic is a prime example) where, if we successfully view them from within the natural process we are in, we will then see how they emerge in order to give us conditions that guide us to realize the very high density of our interdependence and interconnectedness.
We will increasingly feel on our flesh that if we fail to align ourselves with the new and more connected conditions, then we will experience them as painful. On the contrary, if we upgrade our attitudes to each other in order to balance with our tighter interdependence, we will then experience our transition to a more connected world positively and harmoniously—as a new world of greater happiness, confidence and prosperity for all people that opens up to us.
I thus hope that the awareness of our connectedness and our place in nature will spread, so that we will be spared from a lot of suffering as we head into completely new conditions, different to anything we have experienced before.
Above photo by Simon Shim on Unsplash.

At The Stage Of Reconstruction Of The World

laitman_961.1Question: Public opinion has taught people to live according to the principles of endless consumption, saying that this is the pinnacle of civilization. How can we not make a mistake now while building new relationships in society?
Answer: The pandemic is just the beginning, the first small blow. Not even a blow, but a slight push to move us a little. But all the same, the coronavirus will reshape us in the most terrible way.
We will see a collapsed, destroyed world, which we can no longer control with our past levers. Neither factories nor airlines, nothing will work the way it should. Everything must go through a completely new stage of reconstruction, correct change, to new unfolding conditions.
The coronavirus has somewhat made the world integral. However, already proceeding from this, we understand that we are not adapted to this world. We do not even understand how we can return to the past. And you can’t go back to the past.
But in this case, two billion people will be left without work. How will they feed themselves? Or how are we going to supply them with what they need?
Today, countries are spending hundreds of billions of dollars to somehow calm things down. These dollars disappear, we will not be able to demand them back into the state treasury. Therefore, we see that the powerful of this world have only strength, but no heads. We are facing a very big problem.
From KabTV’s “The Post-Coronavirus Era” 4/30/20

We Give Birth To Ourselves In A New World

laitman_284.03We live in a world that is changing right before our eyes. Our whole life can be divided into two stages: before the coronavirus and after it.
Life flowed according to a certain routine, and the virus suddenly made a drastic change in it, bringing all of humanity to a new state, which is still perceived as a global crisis.
The crisis is growing and deepening and it is not clear where it will lead, but it is clear that it is leading us to a new world that we are not yet familiar with. This crisis is like a new birth. The very word “crisis” (Mashber) comes from the name of the stone on which women in ancient times gave birth to children. In other words, crisis is the place of new birth, and the current state, which we call a crisis, is the birth of a new world.
There have been many different crises in the history of mankind, but so far, none of them has changed the world so dramatically. There were only some changes in human society, in its form. But today’s crisis is the first real one, although it does not seem very serious yet because it is not a war, a meteorite falling, or mass destruction.
And yet, we can call it a crisis precisely because a new world is being born before our eyes. Soon we will see how human society, us, our families, and our attitude to the world have changed. The inner world of a person, his perception of reality will change, and we will see a new world.
We do not see it yet, just like a baby that is inside its mother and does not see the world. But even when it is born, it does not see anything at first either. Then it will develop hearing and vision, and it will begin to respond as it grows and becomes familiar with the world.
It is exactly how we adults need to be born and change our perception and vision to see a new world. It will happen soon.
Childbirth is a huge, incomparable pain, a feeling that the whole body is ready to explode. On one hand, this is a very serious, critical, life-threatening condition. But on the other hand, we see that there is no choice: nature obliges us to go through it.
However, the birth of a child is based on the natural desire of a woman to have children. In addition, there is the public opinion that motivates a woman to give birth to a child, and not only one. Nature gave the woman a lot of strength to endure labor pains; this is a difficult and dangerous state.
The entire humanity is in this coronavirus crisis, both men and women. Women always reproached men for not knowing labor pains. Well, now women can be satisfied: men will go through real, severe labor pains. They will feel that the crisis is suffocating them, not giving them the opportunity to resist it: you are all torn from within, but you can do nothing.
We will still be able to be born through prayer and efforts to unite. But it will be a very difficult and special birth because we are giving birth to ourselves in a new world. We cross the border to the spiritual world and are born in a new form.
From KabTV’s “Women in the New World” 7/9/20

The Virus—The Integrator

laitman_275Remark: You say that our path is the path of integration, the feeling of universal unity.
My Comment: This is inherent in the program of nature and there is no way to get away from it. The more we resist, the more we will get hit.
Question: Who is the integrator in this situation? There must be some driving force.
Answer: The virus itself. Once it circled around the globe, it showed us that we are all actually integrated, interconnected, and represent one unified society, which it is now infecting.
But the virus is not simply infecting; it is showing us that we are one whole. And we will not get away from it anywhere. It manifests itself anywhere, even on the distant islands of Oceania. And how it gets there, no one knows.
Form KabTV’s “Fundamentals of Kabbalah” 5/24/20

Disconnection Of Communities, Part 4

Laitman_715Assimilation Is Impossible
Question: In the territory of Germany, the Jews first appeared with the Romans in the 5th century AD, but the epicenter of Jewish settlements dates back to the 10th century.
As in Spain, they contributed to the development of the economy and trade. Despite the instability of the situation of the Jews, Germany became one of the most important centers of the Jewish community. Here a special type developed, the Ashkenazi community. By the 17th century, the center of the Ashkenazi community moved to Poland, Lithuania, and Prague.
This is how the German historian of Jewish origin Heinrich Graetz described the state of German Jewry, “If the laboriously constructed organism of a nation has lost vitality, the bonds connecting the individual parts are weakened, and internal dissolution has set in, even the despotic will which keeps the members in a mechanical union being wanting; in short, if death comes upon a commonalty in its corporate state, and it has been entombed, can it be resuscitated and undergo a revival?”
In addition, the mass process of conversion of Jews to Christianity, assimilation, and emancipation began. What do you see as the problem of assimilation?
Answer: The fact is that it is impossible. As soon as assimilation begins, anti-Semitism immediately rises with such a force that assimilation is suspended, and despite the fact that Jews would very much like to dissolve into the people among whom they currently live, it is impossible.
Comment: However, on the other hand, you said that the dispersion of Jews among other nations and their mutual mingling has a purpose.
My Response: The goal is not to physically mingle, but rather to bring their own ideology, culture, and monotheism to the nations of the world. We are talking about a historical movement that existed for several thousand years.
It is written in the Torah that Jews should bring light to all nations. To do this, they need to become its source. In other words, they should not be dissolved, but should be a source of light, knowledge, monotheism, and a correct attitude to the development of civilization in every nation.
From KabTV’s “Systematic Analysis of the Development of the People of Israel” 8/12/19

Why Is The Opinion Of Others Important To Us?

laitman_423.03Question: The basis of conformism, first of all, is that the opinion of others is very important to us even if we do not notice it or do not recognize it.
Why do we care so much about the opinions of other people whom we neglect, and in fact do not care about at all? How can you explain this paradox?
Answer: This is indeed a paradox. On the one hand, I am deeply indifferent to others. On the other hand, it is very important to me that they approve of me. If even a small mouse, cat, or dog shows some gesture of disdain for me, I will get upset. This will hurt me very much.
It is arranged so by nature so that we would get into correct contact with the world around us. So that we will have good mutual communication. So that I will correctly influence the world and the world will influence me in global harmony.
Question: In principle, if I didn’t care about society, I would never be able to establish proper communication with it?
Answer: You would not be able to change yourself and feel the globality and integrality of general nature. This is the most important thing.
From KabTV’s “The Post-Coronavirus Era” 4/30/20

Transformation From Embryo To Human

laitman_610.2Why does nature make the birth process accompanied with such terrible agony? The fact is that afterward, this pain turns into force. The pain experienced by a woman during childbirth strengthens her and gives her tremendous strength later in life, which allows her to care for the baby and endure life’s trials.
The suffering experienced during childbirth strengthens the woman’s body. Therefore, a woman who has given birth is stronger than a woman who has not given birth and is stronger and more patient than a man.
Birth pains are very beneficial for health, it gives women patience and resilience in life. Therefore, the suffering that humanity is going through now in connection with the coronavirus will give it strength for development in the future.
After all, we will have to pass from one world to another, like a baby who is born from a mother’s womb that turns from an embryo into a human. After birth, he begins to behave in a completely different way and to become acquainted with a new reality and a new world outside the mother’s womb. The body of a newborn begins to act independently: the child cries, smiles, learns to listen, see, and then speak.
The child also goes through the pains of birth, although not as strongly as the mother. He loses all the sensations he had inside of his mother. His mother pushes him out, but he himself makes an effort to get out as well. Of course, he does not understand what he is doing but acts instinctively at the call of nature.
Nature forces the baby to turn his head down and gives him the strength to get out of the uterus through the narrow birth canal in order to be born. The baby also does a great job in childbirth.
Today each of us is such an embryo, and the mother’s womb is our environment. We need to be born with the help of the environment and start living in a new environment, feeling the environment as a Partzuf (Hebrew-face) of our soul.
We are forced to give up the usual life in the old world where we felt warm, confident, protected. Now we leave this place and go out into a new world that we do not know. How can we get through this state, overcome this barrier?
It is not yet visible that the uterus is beginning to open. Everything is closed for now, even though the contractions have already begun. But these contractions, the pressure on humanity inside the womb, is not directed yet. The embryo has not yet turned its head down, and it will take time for it to be born.
Turning  head-down is a turnover of values, of everything that was important before. Head-up means that the most important thing for me is my egoism and my own selfish existence. But now I want to abandon this approach, cancel, forget about myself, and start behaving in a new way, which means that I turn upside down.
Everything that was important to me before is no longer important, but what is important now is something completely different from before: bestowal, unification, love for one’s neighbor. The old values of human society, food, sex, family, money, power, knowledge, all these lose their value in the new world where we are all going to be born together. One acts on completely different principles.
The main thing for us is to unite and reveal a new reality in the connection between us, a higher power, unite with it, and constantly strengthen this contact.
From KabTV’s “Women in the New World” 7/9/20

Where Is The Freedom Of Choice Hidden?

laitman_423.02Question: How will the current pandemic affect our development? Does it promote human freewill? We see that it, on the contrary, kind of takes away our freedom of choice because we behave in accordance with the external circumstances in which we exist. Where is freedom here?
Answer: Actually, we have not had any freedom of choice. We never have been guided by it; we acted only in the name of our egoism.
Taking into account all kinds of restrictions that the environment imposes on us, we have acted only under the influence of one single factor—our egoism—in order to fill and satisfy it every instant.
Comment: In the past, at least there was an illusion of freedom of choice.
My Response: You are right, the illusion has disappeared. But precisely due to the fact that it does not exist anymore, we have the opportunity to achieve real freedom of choice.
It is to rise above our egoism, which fetters us hand and foot and does not allow us to be free in any way. That is, freedom of choice is, first of all, freedom from one’s egoistic nature, which is imposed on us from above.
Question: Why is it written in many sources that freewill is in choosing the correct environment?
Answer: This is already a means. If I believe that I am obliged to get out of the power of egoism that dominates me, then I am looking for a means to achieve this. And it turns out that this can be done only by building an appropriate environment that would correctly influence me.
Question: In any egoistic society, receiving from it brings me pleasure, and giving back to society causes suffering. I do not want to give to it, or I do want to, but to the extent that I receive from it.
But suddenly values in society begin to change and they tell me that giving is good. And I begin to work, as it were, against my egoism. Is this the freedom of choice that you are talking about?
Answer: Freedom of choice is to expose oneself to the influence of the correct environment in which the property of bestowing is considered the highest and prevails over the property of receiving.
Then by including myself in this society, like a small child with closed eyes, surrendering to it, I can change these two levels in me so that the property of bestowal would be more important, better, and greater to me compared with the property of receiving.
Question: So, on one hand, I am going against my natural property to receive. On the other hand, society provides me with certain values that tell me that it is worth giving back to it. And this conflict evokes a certain spectrum of actions in me in which I am free?
Answer: Absolutely right.
From KabTV’s “The Post-Coronavirus Era” 4/30/20

New Life 1170 – Interpreting Reality Correctly

New Life 1170 – Interpreting Reality Correctly
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Tal Mandelbaum ben Moshe
According to the wisdom of Kabbalah, one’s worldview is a projection of one’s inner characteristics. It follows then that if a person changes one’s main characteristics or inner programming, one’s image of the world also changes. We each want to be king of the world and feel good at the expense of others according to our natural human egoism.
By changing our attitude to love of others and equivalence of form with the Creator, we find the remedy for all the bad situations in life and our perception of reality changes simultaneously. In the end, it will seem that the world is entirely good. Through love of others, we achieve love for the whole world and then the picture of the world stands in us correctly.
From KabTV’s “New Life 1170 – Interpreting Reality Correctly,” 10/24/19
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“Contagious Contraction — The Global Economy Has Changed For Good” (Medium)

Many pundits expressed alarm when the economic data regarding the contraction of the global economy in the second quarter began to pour out. One by one, the biggest economies in the world reported unprecedented contractions that dwarfed the already frightening contractions of Q1. As if they’ve all been struck by a virus, contagious contraction seems to have gripped them all. The U.S. contracted by 9.5% compared to Q1 (33% compared to the same quarter last year). Canada did even worse and contracted by 12% compared to Q1, and the Eurozone trailed even that with 12.1%. A country by country examination of the Eurozone exposes the grim reality with Germany falling by 10.1%, Italy by 12.4%, France by 13.8%, and Spain contracting by a whopping 18.5% in a single quarter compared to just three months earlier.
We’re headed for a good future of an orderly life of mutual responsibility. So the sooner humankind sobers up from the hangover left after the demise of the American Dream, the better it is for everyone.
The only country to boast significant economic growth was China, as one might expect, but with the global economy shrinking faster than the mercury in a thermometer placed in the freezer, the manufacturing colossus is unlikely to find export markets that will keep its growth positive going forward.
And since, as World Health Organization Director-General Tedros Ghebreyesus said about the prospect of finding a vaccine for Covid-19, “there’s no silver bullet at the moment and there might never be,” the bottom line is clear: The economy we had is gone for good.
But the fact that the past will not return is not a sign of troubles to come. In fact, our only problem right now is that we want it to come back. We mustn’t even dream about it; it only delays our recovery and makes it needlessly painful.
We have to change our whole approach. The future economy will allow for only one provider per family. The government will make up for the drop in income. Healthcare, social security, pension, education, public transportation, all those will be free of charge. Staples will not be sold; they will be given according to a quota per capita. Each grownup and child will be entitled for certain staples, and these will guarantee that no one goes hungry. The same will apply to housing, power, gas, and water. No one will be homeless, cold, or hungry.
The “American Dream,” which everyone around the world has shared for decades, has by now become a nightmare. Now it will be replaced by a reality of orderly life.
In fact, “orderly” is the word to keep in mind. Everyone will have enough, no material deficiencies, but also no excess.
I know it sounds socialistic, if not communistic, but it isn’t; it is realistic. If we do not construct an orderly life for all of humanity, we will have no life at all; it’s that simple.
Alongside the benefits that the state will provide, and in order to adjust more quickly, people will learn about the new reality that’s been imposed on us against our will. Since we cannot beat it, we might as well join it. But to do that, we need to learn what’s happened, why the world has tumbled down on us, and what we can do to establish the new “normal” of orderly life as quickly as possible.
People will learn what it means to be part of an integral system whose parts are interrelated and interdependent. They will develop new thought patterns where competition is good only if it is intended to benefit everyone. Role models will change; the new ones will be people who help cultivate solidarity and mutual concern. Habits will change; everyone will feel more accountable to their communities and to each other. We will be able to trust not only our friends — already a rare commodity — but even complete strangers.
These good things will happen not because Covid and the crash of the economy have turned us into angels, but because they have left us no choice. Once we realize that either we all swim or we all sink, the vast majority will make the right choice. As society changes and the mindset becomes pro-social, even the most obstinate will find themselves nurturing good thoughts about others quite naturally.
We’re headed for a good future of an orderly life of mutual responsibility. So the sooner humankind sobers up from the hangover left after the demise of the American Dream, the better it is for everyone.

“What Do You Think About How The World At Large Can Learn As A Lesson From The Coronavirus? Can We Expect Unity?” (Quora)

Until now, the pains that have befallen the world have led to no effective solutions or discernments.
People simply await its end so that they can get back to doing business as usual, thinking about how to minimize their losses, and even more so, how to profit off of the pandemic.
It comes as no surprise, since it is a mere expected outcome of our innate egoistic attitude to the world, which works on us involuntarily.
Therefore, the coronavirus is here to stay for a lot longer, since it has appeared in order to perform a serious change in the world.
Right now, we are going through a phase of trying to revive many businesses that we have no real need for, and give handouts for work that will be nonexistent in the future.
Authorities fail to understand the newness of the era that we have entered, that it is an era where we need to provide people with life’s essentials, and place all of our surplus focus on an upgraded form of education, which teaches us about this new interdependent world that is revealing itself to us, its laws, and how we can get along with each other in these new conditions. That is, it is a form of education that we need today, which we did not receive as we grew up.
Instead, we try to continue holding onto our past materialistic values, hoping that we will keep our shopping culture of boutiques, jewelry stores, expensive watches and cars.
Therefore, in relation to the change that nature demands from humanity today, the pandemic has not even started yet.
I thus hope that we will open our eyes and see that we are in a new, more interdependent and interconnected world, and living in this world requires making serious adjustments to how we used to live, which comes down to becoming more essentials-focused while engaging in learning of what is this new world, how we have developed to this point, and what we can do in order to survive and prosper in today’s new tighter interdependent conditions.
Above photo by Thought Catalog on Unsplash.

Thursday, August 6, 2020

First Congress Of The New Age

laitman_600.04We are going to a virtual congress in two weeks. This is not an easy connection because we began preparing for it already from the beginning of creation, billions of years ago. And this is only in our material world, before that there were many actions in the spiritual worlds.
And finally, we come to the point where we begin to feel the breaking, the reverse form of connection in order to achieve it.
We can say that at this moment we are at the lowest starting point from which a continuous ascent begins toward the program of creation, its goal, where we all unite together and with the Creator. The entire universe, all the worlds, all the stars and galaxies, are connected together at the point of unity that we must reach.
The first station on the way to this goal is a virtual congress, which we are holding in two weeks. It may seem that this is not so important, but we must realize that we value the importance according to our uncorrected selfish desires, but in fact, the desire to unite at this special time between the thousands of people participating in the congress is very important.
This is the first congress held during the period of the coronavirus. In February, we managed to hold a big convention right before the start of the quarantines. It was like we jumped into the last carriage: We held a convention, and the door slammed shut right behind us.
And now we are starting to organize our system during the coronavirus period. We have already gone through its first wave and can understand what this is about. Humanity does not yet understand what is happening. The epidemic will not recede; it will move forward like a steamroller of development and will sculpt a new form from humanity.
This huge asphalt roller will roll right over us and hit us into the ground, if only in this form we are able to connect with each other. Let’s not wait for the development rink, but do it on account of our own work. You should not be naughty children whose mother is forced to punish in order to make them behave well. And the child has no way out, he has to obey, as we are now, out of hopelessness, doing what the coronavirus and other viruses that are in line for us want from us.
We need to rise to a state where we understand why the mother, that is, nature, the Creator, requires us, and we want to fulfill her requirements by our consent and goodwill.
We want to bring this first congress of a new era to a new state: not like before when we sat together, talked, and hugged. We should not regret that we are not sitting in the same room; we should not regret the past. It has already passed. Everything new must be taken for granted with understanding and approval.
New states require even more connection from us. And if we see that material changes have occurred, then they should only awaken us to even greater internal connection so that the external form does not confuse us, does not give the illusion that we are already connected by the fact that several thousand people are sitting in one room.
Now there is no such thing; we are not in the same room and do not even strive to be together physically. We want to be together spiritually as one person with one heart! And therefore this is a completely new congress, in a new era. There is nothing from past congresses in it: It is a new level, a new approach, a new attitude. And we look at it as a spiritual level to which we must ascend.
I want to be connected with everyone, but where and how? By ascending to the spiritual level, to the spiritual place where our congress is held—to the space within the Creator. We will all enter into this space and want to exist there, to unite with each other within Him. The Creator is called “place,” and it is in this place that we hold our congress, our gathering of everyone together, in order to support each other together with the Creator on this first spiritual step that awaits us.
I cannot convey to you the feelings that are in my heart. But let’s hope that together we will discover this state and feel the connection between us within the Creator at our first congress of a new era.
From a Kabbalah Lesson, 8/1/20

The Crown Of Super-Egoism

laitman_592.02Our connection must become ten complete Sefirot of the soul, or the Third Temple. The temple is a structure, a network of connections between us.
Today’s coronavirus epidemic reveals to us the breaking, the destruction of the Temple, the transgression. It shows how egoistic our relationships are and how unable we are to connect, how indifferent we are to what happens to our neighbor: whether he lives or dies.
This is the disease—I am sick because I cannot even get close to anyone who is around. The coronavirus reveals our hatred and rejection of each other. This is the disease. The crown is placed on our head as super-egoism that dominates us.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 7/29/20, “Tishaa BeAv (Ninth of Av)”

Polar Star

laitman_229There is fear that intense protests in Israel will end in violence and turn into civil war. But in fact, this war has been going on since we started returning to the land of Israel. After all, we are not corrected; therefore all our actions are very egoistic. Our egoism is evident in them so brightly that they turn out worse than those of all the nations of the world.
In the uncorrected state, we are the quintessence of all evil in the world, and in the corrected state, we will become the opposite, the quintessence of all good. And so it is written, that rising, Israel rises above the rest, and falling, falls below all. After all, we are an extract of the greatest desire to enjoy of all the nations of the world. This is why Israel stands out from all other nations.
Until people know what they really need to do, it will be impossible to calm them down. It is necessary to give them a method of correction so that they understand what needs to be corrected and what our mission assigned to us from above is.
If you do not give it to people, they will start killing each other. The inner flame will flare up so much that they will go out every day to beat or even kill each other, which was the case in the time of the Temple.
The main wars were not with the Greeks and Romans, but between the Jews themselves. And there is nothing new in today’s riots; it is again revealed what was two and three thousand years ago—the war of egoism that does not want to give way to anyone , until it reveals its insignificance and asks for correction.
Extinguishing the irritation and anger can only be done by revealing the true cause. Otherwise, it is impossible to ease the tension, hatred, and conflict of forces. They can be dimmed for a week or two, but in fact, nothing will change if all the cards are not revealed. And it is good that such a flame is burning inside people; it just needs to be directed and shaped correctly.
The riots and unrest that we see today on the streets of Israel are caused by the absence of a middle line, a lack of methodology, a program, an ideology that would connect different poles: the desire to receive of the creation, which is in contradiction with the desire to give of the Creator.
The two opposites must come to work together, to balance, to connect, to embrace, and to love. But there is no understanding among the people today that we need these two forces and only need to combine them correctly. And the right connection is possible if we have a goal in front of us, a guiding polar star to which we must precisely come together.
Let us move toward this goal together. These two opposing forces must find what they have in common. This means that both should rise above their egoism and find what unites them, only in this form. And this should be the case not only in Israel, but in the whole world. There is already unrest in America and then it will spread to all continents.
The polar star is the connection of all the forces of nature together in order to manifest one force that unfolds in the connection between us if we can unite over all differences. This force unfolding in us, gives us a sense of true reality instead of this material world. And then we begin to live in the upper world, called so according to our feelings, in a world that is eternal.
The blows received from the coronavirus will eventually cause all of humanity to bow, calm, and quiet down, realizing that there is an upper force at work here that will not allow us to do what we want, neither right or left. We will have to surrender to the influence of a third force from the higher degree.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 7/30/20

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