Saturday, January 1, 2011

I’m Asking For Everyone’s Sake, Including Ourselves

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: What should we actually do to counter nature’s blows, such as the fire in the north of Israel that’s happening now?
Answer: The only thing we need is the common intention, the unity of our thoughts. We need our friends all over the world to think about how our unity with one another will help eliminate all the disasters in the world, including the horrible fire that has broken out in Israel.
You have to include your personal plea into the common plea for the whole world and unite with all of the world’s suffering. That is the only way it works: If you think about everyone, then at the end you can also add “us” – but not yourself! This is the only thing that can help.
It is impossible to fight catastrophes or a crisis using the old methods if you find yourself facing the Upper Light that acts against you. We are yet to see how the financial crisis will come back, even though people have tried to extinguish it using all the possible means. In fact, it will explode much more powerfully than before. And the same thing will happen with everything else. We cannot cope with these problems using the usual methods. We can only suppress them temporarily, but later they will break out even stronger.
Correction is possible only through bringing hearts closer, only through unity. The world has to become global. The force operating on us from Above surrounds us, shutting us in from all sides and becoming revealed as one global force. Therefore, we feel how humanity is becoming as one organism where everyone is connected with each other.
We are yet to see that these very catastrophes will force humanity to unite. Now fire-fighters from all over the world will come to Israel to help fight the fire, and tomorrow something else will happen in another place and the whole world will come rushing there, and later it will be a new place. In this way, through disasters, nature will force us to unite and understand that we need each others’ help.
Nature will become so hostile that we won’t have time to think about how to fight with each other. If we don’t agree to it the good way, the Creator will force us to it. The situation will become so serious that not one nation will be able to single-handedly fight the natural catastrophes. Everyone will have to help each other. And suddenly, everyone will understand that they have to be together; otherwise we simply won’t survive,
Everyone will unite in the face of a deadly threat. But why should we wait for it if we can advance by the good path?
From the lesson on Baal HaSulam’s article “Freedom of Will” on 12/3/10
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Appealing To The Creator Together
Connecting To Good

The Most Essential Necessity Of Life

essential Faith above reason is the new system of relationships that we have to establish in the world, because without it we could never build the connection between us necessary for our survival. The new state of humanity that is being revealed today is not just a discovery that the world is global and integral, but also a realization that we have to get to know the Upper Force (the Creator). He has to be the governing force among us that will connect us all with each other and with all the levels of reality (still, vegetative, animate, and human).
When this force fills the space between us, we will be able to save ourselves. Otherwise, we will never be able to do it. Even in the face of death, we won’t be able to connect with each other in the way that Nature demands from us. Through the crisis, the Creator shows us that He is not among us; this is also called “the breaking of the common soul.”
We have to discover that the only thing we need is the Creator, the Force that will be revealed to fill the vacuum between us and connect all parts of the universe in the right way. This Upper Force is the most essential necessity of absolutely everyone’s life. Everyone will realize that without it, we simply won’t be able to survive.
In the same manner we are now becoming aware that we have to connect with each other and feel others as ourselves. Otherwise we destroy nature and harm ourselves by harming others, because we are all connected.
This is the realization that Kabbalah wants to reveal and elucidate to all so that people can reach it easier and quicker.

You Know It’s A Crisis When The Porn Industry Is Hit

Does Charity Really Help Anyone In the News (from CNN): “Hard times for porn industry” The porn industry in the United States was worth around $6 billion before the recession but now estimates filming on new productions is down by as much as 50 percent.
My Comment: This is happening because people’s sexual desires are of less importance than the desires for food. Apparently the crisis is reducing the value of these desires and the importance of fulfilling them in the face of greater threats.

A Bright Mind Is Not A Guarantee Of Light

Dr. Michael LaitmanMy task is to transform my nature. It means that I have to change all my inclinations completely.
I won’t take anything of what I have now with me into spirituality: neither reason nor feelings, nor views, criteria, or calculations. This poses huge, almost insurmountable obstacles in front of intelligent people, and they often fail. One needs to be truly wise in order to abandon one’s own mind.
A smart person believes in his or her logic that works perfectly well in our world, and it’s difficult for him to imagine that it’s powerless on the spiritual path. “Mind, energy, and perseverance are my strong suit. Isn’t that enough?”
Actually, such a person has nothing more than keen intelligence and sensitivity, but here’s the catch: That’s not the currency that buys you a ticket into the spiritual world. There, you need faith. What is it?
Faith is a power that you receive from Above, from the Light. You don’t have it inside you; it’s above your mind and feelings, above who you currently are. An upper influence comes, and you feel like something penetrates inside, awakens in you a consideration which is opposite to everything that you are.
Then, you begin to relate to reality in an inverted way. You used to look at everything through the prism of personal profit. Now, however, you take into account not yourself, but the unity. It’s so strange that it’s indescribable, but, nevertheless, a new consideration forms in you, and you now can’t return to the old one.
Certainly, there are intermediate states, but after a person “exits Egypt,” he comes to a higher consideration, completely abandoning his previous priorities. After all, his intelligence and wealth of feelings, experiences, and reflections just cease to work.
That’s why it is said, “It’s not a wise one who learns.” Typically, success does not favor the brightest minds. Actually, they in particular need a great deal of perseverance and luck to break through into the upper world.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 12/26/10, “What is the Extent of Repentance”
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Wednesday, December 29, 2010

American Healthcare Reform: To Be Or Not To Be?

reformSymptoms: America is in agony. All people can think about is healthcare reform.
Medical history: Everything began with the money factor being introduced into the doctor-patient relationship, which threw greed into full gear. Now every player in the health care system is looking to save money. This is how the law of mandatory insurance came about.
The system is tried and tested: the first several thousand dollars must be paid out of one’s own pocket, and then an additional $20-30 for each visit (besides the insurance). Drugs are ridiculously expensive, and doctors are prescribing them by the dozen.
Doctors pay one third of their salary for insurance, in case their patients decide to sue them. And why shouldn’t the patients sue when there’s good money to be had? You don’t even need start up capital to sue a doctor. All you need is a lawyer who will sue and retain 30-50% from the award as his fee. And so the wheels keep turning on this well-oiled machine known as “The Healthcare System.”
Prescription: We must change our relationships with one another. If the pharmaceutical companies were to think about curing people, rather than maximizing profits by pushing drugs, if the insurance companies were to concern themselves with maintaining the public’s health, rather than expanding the business of being sick, if the doctors were to stop being afraid of insurance companies and of their patients, and start treating them according to the accumulated knowledge and experience of their profession, and if the patients were to regain faith in their doctors… well, there simply wouldn’t be any need for reforms!
But in order for that to happen we must recognize the evil and greed of our highly developed egoism. 51 million dollars have already been spent just on advertising for this reform. The greed clouds our vision and prevents us from thinking of our neighbors. But gradually, we will begin to understand that unless we change our attitude to others, we are bringing ourselves closer and closer to our collective demise.
(Sent to me by Dr. A. Angelov, from the Bnei Baruch group in Boston, Massachusetts)
Related Material: Post: Three Simple Maneuvers To Cure The Health Care System Post: How Did Medicine Turn Into A Business?
Kabbalah Today Article: How Can We Stop Medicine from Being a Business?
Bail Yourself Out: “Being Well and Staying Well”

Everything That Happens To Us Is Meant To Guide Us To Kabbalah

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soul and bodyA question I received: I have been studying Kabbalah for a few months, since Winter 2009, first with the Learning Center via the Internet, and now going to your morning lesson, reading the texts and being part of the Kabbalah group. My question is about your blog post, “We Are Brought to Perfection Through The Cure Of Absolute Kindness.”
I was a ballet dancer in a company, and a childhood competitive gymnast. I have had many physical injuries, including foot, knee, and an achilles tendon injury and a serious back injury that finally necessitated three surgeries and a spinal fusion.
For the last three years I was on opioid pain medication. In the last six months I have been able to stop using the very strong medication and now only use over-the counter medication. However, I do use the medication every day, as without it, I still am in pain all the time.
Tell me if I am right or wrong. It seems as if I have had to suffer these incessant blows in order to come to the eventual realization that everything has been done in absolute kindness to bring me to my destiny, and by studying Kabbalah, this will calm me down, be my painkiller and I will no longer have pain of any kind. Meaning I will not need to take any more pain medication.
Should I be trying to stop even the over-the-counter medication? Does this mean I may expect eventual, hopefully soon, release from this pain?
My Answer: Everything that has happened until now took place so that you would come to Kabbalah!
Related Material: Post: Our Greatest Asset Is Everything We’ve Gone Through post: Kabbalah Gives Humanity The Opportunity To Live In Total Harmony Post: We Can Change Our Destiny
Spiritual Search: “How to Relate to Suffering in Life”- Talks
Attaining the Worlds Beyond: 34.”Suffering Sent As Absolute Kindness”
Video: Kabbalah on Suffering (0.59)

The Acting Mind

Every person is obliged to attain the root of his soul. This means that the aspired-for purpose of the created being is Dvekut (adhesion) with His qualities, “As He is merciful, etc.” His qualities are the Holy Sefirot, and this is the acting mind that guides His world and by which it allots them His benevolence and abundance. 

But we must understand why this is called, “Dvekut with the Creator,” as it seems to be mere study. I shall explain it with an allegory: In every act in the world, the mind of its operator remains in that act. In a table, one can attain the carpenter’s dexterity and deftness in his craft, whether great or small. This is so because while working, he built it according to his mind, the qualities of his mind. And one who observes this act and considers the mind imprinted in it, during this act, he is attached to the mind that performed it, that is, they actually unite.

This is so because in fact, there is no distance and cessation between spirituals, even when they are in distinct bodies. But the mind in them cannot be distinguished, since what knife can cut the spiritual and leave it separated? Rather, the main difference between spirituals is in their qualities – praiseworthy or blameworthy – and the composition, since a mind that calculates astrology will not cling to one that contemplates natural sciences.
And there is great diversity even within the same teaching, for if one exceeds another in even one element, it separates the spirituals from one another. But when two sages contemplate the same teaching and bear the same measure of sagacity, they are in fact united, for what separates them?
Hence, when one contemplates another’s action and attains the mind of the sage who performed it, they have the same mind and power. Thus, now they are completely united, like a man who met his beloved friend on the street, he embraces him and kisses him, and for their utter unity, they cannot be separated.
Hence, the rule is that in the Speaking, the mind is the best-adjusted force between the Creator and His creatures. It is considered the medium, meaning He conferred a spark of that force, and through that spark, everything returns to Him.
And it is written, “In wisdom hast Thou made them all,” meaning that He created the whole world with His wisdom. Hence, one who is rewarded with attaining the manners by which He had created the world and its conducts is adhered to the Mind that performed them. Thus, he adheres to the Creator.
This is the meaning of the Torah being all the Names of the Creator, which belong to the creatures. And by their merit, the creature attains the Mind that affects everything, since the Creator was looking in the Torah when He created the world, and one achieves illumination through Creation and forever cleaves to that Mind; thus, he is adhered to the Creator.
Now we understand why the Creator has shown us His tools of craftsmanship. For do we need to create worlds? But from the above-mentioned, we gather that the Creator has shown us His conducts so we may know how to adhere to Him, which is “cleaving unto His qualities.”

Neale Donald Walsch Interview With Dr. Michael Laitman

Neale Donald Walsch’s book series Conversations with God has developed from self-help topics to broader ones, concerning humanity as a whole. In this interview with Dr. Michael Laitman, Neale Donald Walsch discusses how today humanity should be recreated as a brand new organism, as a group instead of a scattering of individuals.
Dr. Michael Laitman put the question across, how can people unite today? Walsch rephrased the question as, how can we make people understand that we are already united?
Laitman and Walsch agreed that humanity’s lacking consciousness of its unity is the greatest problem in the world. Moreover, they agreed that humanity’s experience of separation from one another is the cause of all personal, social and global-scale problems people face.
Walsch raised the idea of organized religion being a major area of separation among humanity. Dr. Laitman responded that it won’t help to attack religion, but that as a result of the knowledge of humanity’s unity spreading, people will gradually start understanding problems inherent to organized religion from within themselves. Moreover, Dr. Laitman mentioned how religious writings and people’s opinions about them are totally different, that religious texts write about developing relationships of love among people, and that the law of nature is revealed to people through such relationships.
Defining these problems, Walsch and Laitman moved onto talk about what solutions they could suggest for them. You can read or listen to the full interview by using the following links:
Make Yourself A Better Person By Connecting With Others
Dr. Michael Laitman interview series with Neale Donald Walsch.
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Neale Donald Walsch is the author of the best-selling book series Conversations With God, and his newest book, When Everything Changes, Change Everything.

Monday, December 27, 2010

The Whole World? What A Trifle! |

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Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: What is my responsibility for the world? If during the day I haven’t succeeded in something, does it reflect on the world?
Answer: It certainly does. After all, you are a “cogwheel” in the common mechanism of creation. The Creator created the system where everyone is an egoist. This system is divided for you into 125 degrees or spiritual states: from complete separation from the others to an increasingly closer and tighter link of your cogwheel with the others, until all of you become one whole.
Besides, this is how it looks only to you; in reality, there aren’t multiple people but only Adam HaRishon. You are affected by the same laws that work on everybody else. Your will to receive (desire) is simply greater than that of the others. They are satisfied with “trifles,” while you wish to “consume” the spiritual world as well.
The point in the heart is not bestowal yet. On the contrary, the most “restless” desire of pleasures unfolds namely in spirituality. And only then, when this abyss opens up, a person is prepared for transformation.
From the 4th part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 12/26/10, “Peace in the World”
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