Thursday, August 8, 2019

The Importance Of Disseminating The Wisdom Of Kabbalah To The World

laitman_962.4First of all, we must remember that the goal of correction is the whole world, all the nations. It cannot be any other way and this is the role of the people of Israel. Just like our forefathers, once in the corrected state, worked with the people of Israel and drew them to spirituality, we must today reach the degree of the forefathers in order to perform their work and be able to lead others. They were once able to make us into the people of Israel, and now we need to do the same work and draw the entire world to the spiritual degree.
No concessions and compromises are possible here because this is the law of nature.
Abraham raised disciples and then they passed on his teaching to other people, who formed the nation of Israel. In the same way, we too must become teachers who will deal not only with the ones who came out of ancient Babylon, but rather with all people, elevating them to the same degree that the people of Israel were once in, that is, leading them to understanding and awareness of spirituality. This means correcting the desires into bestowal with the help of the reforming light and coming to love for one’s neighbor.
Fathers and sons are two degrees and today’s sons are the whole world, so we must teach everyone. The whole world demands correction and we are responsible for it like fathers are toward sons.1
Before we come to correction, we need to determine exactly what we want to correct. Therefore, we need to connect to the nations of the world and discern their deficiencies, their state, in order to imagine the state we need to come to ourselves and the state to which we need to bring them. And then we will be able to perform our correction because we do not correct ourselves for the sake of ourselves but for the sake of becoming a pipeline for the whole world.
Our correction should from the very beginning be aimed at such a selfless transmission, “the pipeline.” If in our request we do not present ourselves as a pipeline, passing everything received from the Creator to others and leaving nothing to ourselves, then we will not receive anything from the Creator but only ruin ourselves even more. We have nothing left of this transmission but our role and it is called “the vessel that holds the blessing for Israel.”
This is why the people of Israel still do not see the blessing no matter how many actions they perform. On the contrary, there is a continuous descent from generation to generation because we do not fulfill the main thing—our role regarding the world that many Kabbalists wrote about. A person limits himself to observing traditional commandments, not wanting to take upon himself responsibility for the nations of the world and the soul’s correction. The necessity to think about it and worry about it all the time is difficult because it goes against the will to receive, and therefore, our egoism resists it.
Until the time of the Ari, it was enough to observe the corporeal commandments. But after the Ari, the opportunity for everyone to engage in the wisdom of Kabbalah opened up and became a duty, because only through it the correction of the world will come.2
From the 2nd part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 7/23/19, “The Importance of Disseminating the Wisdom of Kabbalah to the World”

Tisha B’Av, Rising Above the Straits (Jewish Boston)

Jewish Boston published my article: “Tisha B’Av, Rising Above the Straits
We Jews, the bearers of the tenet “love your neighbor as yourself,” must rise to the challenge, put down our internal disputes and unite above them.
We have just entered the period of time called “Bein ha-Metzarim” (“Between the Straits”), which begins on the 17th of Tammuz and ends on the 9th of Av (Tisha B’Av), during which we commemorate the destruction of the First and Second Temples. This special time could never be more pertinent than now. The ruin of the temples, in fact, symbolize the shattering of our human relations—a true reason for mourning—but we can also find joy in the situation if we recognize it as an opportunity to rebuild ties of unity between us.
Repairing the current political divide in America, especially during the already exacerbating campaign climate of the 2020 election, has nothing to do with Trump, specific members of Congress, or either side of the political spectrum. The problem is much wider and deeper. The divisions are between American Jewry and the Israeli nation, between Muslims and Jews, and within U.S. society as a whole. The myriad aggravations signal an urgent imperative for change in human relations that Jews must initiate and lead by rising above all the divisions that separate us.
Why must Jews lead the charge? It is because the Jewish people possess precisely what America and the world desperately needs: the key for a cohesive and harmonious existence. Jewish unity must now be our first priority. It is the historical purpose of Jews to demonstrate unity within their ranks as a model of corrected social relations for others to follow.
We became a nation at the foot of Mount Sinai only when each person present accepted the condition of being “as one man with one heart.” In the centuries that followed, Jews practiced principles of connection enabling them to rise above their differences for the creation of ideal social cohesion and unprecedented human development. It was only during the long exile that followed the ruin of the Second Temple that this unity was forgotten.
Therefore, why should we mourn the destructions of Tisha B’Av at this particular time?It is because, since the 16th century when the great Kabbalist, the Ari (Rav Isaac Luria), declared the opening of the process of correction for all humanity, our negligence in repairing the shattering perpetuates the destruction. By delaying this process we block the building of the Third Temple, meaning the correction of the shattering in our connections. Our state of shattered connection is what’s truly considered the ruin of the Temples, a state in which we have lost consciousness of ourselves as a single entity.
Thus, there is both great joy in our opportunity for correction that the shattering brings us while, on the other hand, there is sorrow over our fragmentation under the forces constantly emerging to damage our connection. Our state is a manifestation of the principle that, in spirituality, we always encounter two opposites in the same place in order to advance.
Now is the time to be proactive. We Jews, the bearers of the tenet “love your neighbor as yourself,” must rise to the challenge, put down our internal disputes, and unite above them. As King Solomon stated: “Hate stirs strife, and love covers all crimes” (Proverbs, 10:12). This is the true and positive call to action that we should take from this special period of reflection. It is the one act that will guarantee our safety and happiness in America and wherever we live.

Mourn The Temple That Hasn’t Yet Been Built In Our Hearts

laitman_961.2The 9th of Av is a day that reflects a very important emphasized state in the development of creation—the shattering. Without this shattering no correction is possible. Therefore, on one hand, it is a joyful event, but on the other hand, it is a day of mourning and contemplating how it was possible to prevent the shattering, or at least, to resist it.
As usual, in spirituality, two opposites are included together in one event. Therefore, we should mourn all the disasters that resulted from the shattering, which was planned in the spiritual roots. Yet, on the other hand, we should rejoice that we have been through the shattering and are in the process of correction. This opportunity is given to us from the time of the Ari, and it is only due to our own negligence that we still have not come out of the shattering to correction.
This is what we must mourn on the 9th day of Av, not the ruin of the Temple that occurred thousands of years ago, but the Temple that still has not been built in our heart, and which is thus as if ruined anew every day. This is the real mourning and catastrophe: why do we still lead to ruin and shattering? After all, it is written, “Each day that the Temple is not resurrected is as if it is destroyed anew.” This is what we should think about.
Instead, we mourn the ruin that occurred 2,000 years ago, as if we are great righteous and those people were wicked since they allowed the ruin of the Temple and the Romans and Egyptians to come to power. It is not for us to judge them, we do not understand what happened back then. All those events were inevitable according to the order of development of the degrees.
However, if today, so many years after the Ari when the time has come and the wisdom of Kabbalah has been revealed, we still reject Kabbalah and the method of correction, not admitting the need for connection—this is the true shattering within us. The real catastrophe is not the one that happened in the past, but the one that is happening now within us day after day.
Rabbi Akiva called to love one’s neighbor as oneself. However, when the Temple was ruined, he rejoiced, because it meant the beginning of the correction. Therefore, we need to think about the present and the future, and not regret the past.
The past shattering was the result of the upper forces battling with each other. Although we understand that the Temple must be destroyed, we still must resist the shattering. We should disagree with exiting holiness. If you have reached even a drop of spirituality, you should disallow yourself to fall out of it into Klipa.
Therefore, Rabbi Akiva was calling to hold on to “love your neighbor as yourself.” On the other hand, if the shattering has already happened, we must understand that it was for the good and from this moment the correction begins. If the Temple has been ruined, we should not cry about it. Instead, we should begin to restore it with renewed strength.
There is nothing worse than shattering. Yet, only from this shattered state is it possible to rise and be reborn, and therefore, it is good when we discover our shattering. We, again and again, try to connect, but each time we discover how the evil forces are awakening within us even stronger than before. That is, we reveal greater shattering.
It is revealed precisely when I want to connect with the friends and suddenly discover that I cannot do it. All day long I was dreaming about how tomorrow I will meet my friends and there will be a strong connection between us. In the morning, I wake up and do not even remember that there is a gathering today. I forgot everything! All my good intentions crumbled into dust; this is what is called the shattering, this is how it is revealed in us.1
I myself have no strength to resist the shattering. The only way is to become incorporated in the correct environment that has this strength. The friends must hold me and drag me after them and through this, they themselves are strengthened. After all, I was a reason for them to unite for the sake of my salvation. It turns out that I helped the group.
From the 2nd part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 7/21/19, Lesson on the Topic “Tishaa BeAv (Ninth of Av)”
1 Minute 08:20

What Is Tisha B’Av? (Quora)

Dr. Michael LaitmanMichael Laitman, On Quora: What is Tisha B’Av?
Tisha B’Av is a very important and prominent state in the development of creation. According to the wisdom of Kabbalah, Tisha B’Av commemorates the ruin of the Holy Temple, i.e. the shattering of the vessels, the state when we lost consciousness (i.e. the shattering or ruin) of our connection as a single entity (i.e. the Holy Temple). In the wisdom of Kabbalah, we learn extensively about this state of shattering and how important it is, because there cannot be correction and connection without corruption and shattering. Therefore, on one hand, there is great joy in the opportunity for correction that the shattering brings us, and on the other hand, there is sorrow and crying from foreseeing the oncoming shattering, knowing that we needed to resist it, i.e. to maintain our connection as a single entity despite the forces emerging to shatter this connection. This coincides with the spiritual principle that, in spirituality, we always encounter two opposites in the same place.
Therefore, together with the joy at the opportunity for correction that the shattering brings us, we need to simultaneously be sorry about all the ruins that have taken place, out of necessity, due to their spiritual root. However, what is the destruction that we need to be sorry about today? It is that today, after the 16th Century, the time of the great Kabbalist, the Ari (Rav Isaac Luria), which marked the beginning of the opening of the process of correction to humanity as a whole, then all we need to be sorry about is our negligence to willfully engage in this process of correction. That is, we shouldn’t be sorry about ruined Holy Temples from 1,000s of years ago, but that each day we fail to actively engage in the process of correction, we fail to build the new Holy Temple—a correction of the shattering in our connections. That is what is truly considered the ruin of the Temples.
Therefore, what do we need to take into consideration during Tisha B’Av? It’s why we cause the ruin and shattering of the Temple today. We shouldn’t cry about what happened 2,000 years ago. We don’t really know what happened back then. By crying about it, it’s as if we position ourselves as great righteous people and think poorly of the people back then, and that they lost the rule of the Temples. What we need to understand is that this ruin played out according to a necessity for a certain order to unfold. However, since the time of the Ari, the 16th Century, when we position ourselves against the process and the method of correction—the wisdom of Kabbalah—then the ruin is the shattering of human relations, the division that is spreading worldwide among humanity. We thus don’t relate to Tisha B’Av as a historical occasion, but as a state that is playing out in our daily lives.

The Long Road To The Question About The Meaning Of Life

laitman_760.3Question: In the parable about the shield and sword, the king presents his son with a weapon without first teaching him how to use it, and goes into hiding. Why didn’t he show his son how to fight enemies knowing that they will attack him?
Answer: Don’t you feel that way in this world? Don’t you feel that you were thrown here and you exist not knowing why and how, and for what? All of a sudden, you are told that there is a science of Kabbalah that will help you feel yourself in the upper world and learn the purpose of your existence.
After all, really, you are lost and do not know anything. This is indeed our state in the material world. Therefore, first of all, let’s define that we are truly in such a state.
Now another question: Why are we given a state in which we exist like animals, not knowing where we are, what for, and why?
We develop over thousands of years like animals until we gradually become humans. Then, we continue developing for thousands more years until from so-called humans grows something that starts to ask questions such as: “Why do I exist?” “Who am I?” “What is life’s purpose?” “What is the meaning of life?” “What happens to me before birth and after death?” Tens of thousands of years pass until humanity begins to think about this and ask questions because in each generation egoism grows and gradually develops us. Now we are thinking: why is all this necessary? Do we really need it? There are many questions that arise that are very difficult to find answers to.
Why don’t we get an answer right away? It is in order for us to comprehend our question first. Believe me, it is not that simple. For a long time, maybe even a few years, you will be tormented until this question fully ripens in you. Only then will you see the answer in it.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian, 4/7/19

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Tisha B’Av: It’s Been Nearly 2,000 Years Since The Destruction Of The Temple, How Come Jews Still Mourn It Yearly On Its Anniversary? (Quora)

According to the wisdom of Kabbalah, the mourning at Tisha B’Avshouldn’t be about the ruin of the First and Second Temples that took place in the past, but the sorrow should be in relation to the failure of the Jewish people to make moves in establishing the Third Temple.
How does this work? Firstly, we need to understand that the wisdom of Kabbalah doesn’t relate to corporeal depictions in the Torah, but according to the language of root and branch, relates to the inner processes of human correction that are presented through its writings. Therefore, the meaning behind the establishment of the Holy Temples is the establishment of a united people above division. That is, using the method of correction that guides people to connect on a basis of “love your friend as yourself,” a group of people known as “the Jews” reached a state of spiritual unity (the Hebrew word for “Jew” [Yehudi] comes from the word for “united” [yihudi] [Yaarot Devash, Part 2, Drush no. 2]), and this is what the Torah describes as the construction of the Temples.
The ruin of the Temples that Tisha B’Av symbolizes means the detachment of the Jewish people from their spiritual unity “as one man with one heart,” and their exit into a state of exile, i.e. a state of dispersion from their spiritual unity.
This destruction and detachment is a necessary state in the process of humanity’s development. Why? It’s because we need to reveal the force of our shattered connections as a preparation to correct those connections. Therefore, on one hand, we need to resist the destruction before it takes place, and hold onto our connection as much as possible. On the other hand, since the destruction took place, we need to see that it could not take place in any other way. We thus enter a period of preparation until we are worthy of reconnecting on a new level, i.e. worthy of correction. This explains the laughter of Rabbi Akiva, a great Kabbalist, after the destruction of the Second Temple. Rabbi Akiva saw how it became possible to establish a much greater connection, one not just for the people of Israel, but one that includes the whole of humanity—the complete and final correction. In other words, he saw that the scene was set for the establishment of the Third Temple.
Therefore, if we work on developing our connection, everything should become more corrected without further destruction, wars and so on. If the people of Israel can use and spread the wisdom of Kabbalah, then we can correct ourselves and live in an upgraded harmonious reality.
However, if we fail to implement the method of correction to rise above our divisive drives and establish a new, heightened state of unity in our times, then we experience many delays and enemies on the path, such as the foreboding trend of anti-Semitism. For that reason, the people of Israel suffer from not wanting to accept the method of correction—to correct their connections to be “as one man with one heart” in “love your friend as yourself.”
Therefore, we don’t need to cry about what happened, since everything that happened in the past was necessary and there is nothing we can change about it. What we need to cry about is the fact that we fail to build the new Temple, i.e. a new movement to unite above the growing division of our times, because that is in our hands to establish—the Third Temple—and our idleness in doing so brings about myriad forms of suffering in the world, and also negatively rebounds on the people of Israel in the form of rising anti-Semitism. Therefore, there is no sorrow in terms of what happened, but sorrow in terms of what we’re failing to implement.

The Person Is Revealed, Not The Text

Laitman_522.03Question: Did Kabbalists write texts with codes and hide secrets with letters or words or should the books be understood as they are written?
Answer: You should understand them as they are written. Then you will see that a completely new and different meaning is found, not in the text itself, but within you, as a reaction to the text. That is, you unfold, not the text.
There is no code, no secret, no cipher in the text. The whole cipher is inside you. Your reactions to the same words will be completely different . You will be captured by what is revealed within you.
In principle, the text will be the same text and the book will be the same book; only you will perceive it in a new way. For example, when reading a book for the first time, you will feel that it says something clever and then, returning to it again after a couple of years, you will see that it describes the structure of the upper world and you are in it.
From the Kabbalah Lesson In Russian, 3/10/19

Why Are People Blaming The Rise Of Anti-Semitism In The US On Trump’s Election? (Quora)

Kabbalist Yehuda Ashlag (Baal HaSulam), the greatest Kabbalist of our era, explains how anti-Semitism is a sensation that exists in all nations, and that before people translate the hatred they feel toward Jews into all kinds of circumstances in our world, the hatred itself precedes all reasoning.
“It is a fact that Israel is hated by all nations, whether for religious reasons, racial reasons, capitalist reasons, communist reasons, or for cosmopolitan reasons, etc. It is so because the hatred precedes all reasons, but each merely resolves its loathing according to its own psychology.”
– Kabbalist Yehuda Ashlag, “The Solution.”
Therefore, today there are people blaming the rise of anti-Semitism in the US on Trump’s election. Tomorrow, someone else will be blamed, and yesterday, anti-Semitism was due to something else.
Anti-Semitism is a historically reoccurring phenomenon that has taken place over 1,000s of years, so how could you explain its existence 1,000s of years ago? Was it because of Trump? Of course not. Everyone explains it according to however best suits them.
I think Trump is less anti-Semitic than those who shout at him that he is anti-Semitic—less anti-Semitic than American Jews themselves who hold government positions, especially liberal Jews.

What Is The Burden Of Exile From The Sensation Of The Creator?

Laitman_630.1Question: What is the main burden and horror of exile from the sensation of the Creator?
Answer: Only that it comes from the Creator. Nothing else.
If you want to win this war, then you must imagine yourself as fighting against the Creator. You must affirm the unity of the upper force in the world. This is our mission. Everything will then become revealed to you.
The struggle is needed only so that you can apply sufficient efforts that develop certain abilities in you and the feeling of what you lack. These efforts sharpen you and make you more refined in perceiving the upper force.
This single force is for everybody. It is all inclusive. We must prepare ourselves to start feeling it.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian, 3/24/19

Michael Laitman And Prof. David Patterson Talk – The Responsibility Of Being A Chosen People

Prof. David Patterson, Hillel A. Feinberg Chair in Holocaust Studies at the University of Dallas, Texas, meets with Kabbalist Dr. Michael Laitman to discuss the reasons for anti-Semitism and the role of Jews in the world.
As author of the book, Anti-Semitism and Its Metaphysical Origins (2015), Prof. Patterson mentions that one of the main reasons for anti-Semitism is the secretiveness of Jewish culture and the ability of the Jewish people to communicate with God, which the Jews hide. Moreover, Prof. Patterson states how this divine ability is what makes the Jews a chosen people, separate from other nations of the world.
Dr. Laitman elaborates on what it means to be a chosen people: i.e. it is to convey to the people that they are chosen. This can be done by showing an example of a loving attitude, according to what is written, “love your neighbor as yourself” (Leviticus 19:18). If so, still, why Jews? It stems back to the origins of Jewish people.
The group of Israel (from the words “Yashar Kel” [“straight to the upper force”]) as a collective of 70 nations, was gathered by Abraham around the principle “love covers all crimes” atop of the great crisis in ancient Babylon called the Tower of Babel.
According to Abraham’s teaching, there are two forces operating reality: continuously evolving human ego (“negative”), i.e. ego as the desire to enjoy at the expense of others, and the force of connection between people (“positive”). Apparently, by connecting these two opposite forces and setting “positive” above “negative” it is possible to reveal Godliness, a single force of love and bestowal, called in Kabbalah “the Creator.”
After the Jews left Babylon, the human ego continued evolving. They thus revealed the unfounded hatred between them and could no longer cover it with love. Therefore, Jews lost their connection with the upper force, forgot their method of connection, and dispersed all over the globe.
Because of the current global crisis in every area, the world requires the method of connection above the ego, revealed by Abraham, and the Jews, even if they are unaware of it, are the carriers of this method. From now onward, the people of Israel have to reactivate their connection and show an example to humanity: to be the so-called “light unto the nations” (Isaiah 42:6): to teach and share an educational method for everyone to be able to learn how to live harmoniously in today’s world. If the Jews fail to fulfill their role, anti-Semitism will rise even more, but if they succeed, the entire world will receive an opportunity to reveal the sublime upper force of love and bestowal through their unification, and live a new life of happiness, confidence and perfection.

Is The Right Or Left Where Most American Anti-Semitism Comes From? (Quora)

Anti-Semitism is equal to everyone. However, for the time being, there is more anti-Semitism coming from the left, because the left can cover itself more and say “no, we’re liberal, we’re for equality,” etc., but it’s interesting to see that after all that, they’re more anti-Semitic than the right.
Also, why does the right support Jews, Judaism and Israel? It’s because, for the time being, it fits with their struggle against the left, the liberals.
These things, however, can overturn, because as I mentioned, anti-Semitism is equal to everyone.

The Secret Of Black Holes

Laitman_152Remark: Black holes have been verified. Time stops there; the laws of physics do not apply. The gravitational field is so strong that it consumes everything, including the light.
My Comment: The laws of physics of this world do not work there.
Question: What does this knowledge give us?
Answer: It lets us understand that there is a border for time, space, and motion. Completely foreign laws are in effect there that we cannot approach or study.
That is, we can guess based on what we know that everything is different there. But how different? In a few more centuries, we still will be no closer to discovering this because we are standing behind the radio-telescopes that gave us a picture of that black hole.
We are trying to research this phenomenon with our egoistic minds that are quite mechanical rather than quantum, and therefore, nothing will come from it.
In order to perform a serious study of what lies beyond, of what happens inside the black hole, where totally different laws of physics are at play, we too need to be different.
We have only caught a glimpse of our universe to this point of transition to some other space. This is the boundary of our attainment. We call it “the border.” It is the boundary of time and space. Neither exist there.
We have no knowledge of whatever lies inside these black holes. One thing is clear: everything disappears there for us. It would be interesting to see how we would appear from up there if we looked at this world through this black eye.
Remark: This would be interesting, indeed! To look, from a different dimension, at our own.
My Comment: We would appear to be very primitive, below the speed of light. It is the most primitive state in all of nature—existence below the speed of light. This means that I am completely under the power of mechanical light. I am overpowered by it and controlled by it; I am nothing. I do not exist because my “I” cannot be felt.
Question: What will bring us to the understanding that when a person changes, so does the world?
Answer: When our world becomes a black hole where everything disappears.
Comment: When will humanity arrive at this state?
Answer: We will arrive at it through the recognition of evil, which we are gradually approaching. We can feel this evolution.
From KabTV’s “News with Michael Laitman,” 4/23/19

Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Is The Right Or Left Where Most American Anti-Semitism Comes From? (Quora)

Anti-Semitism is equal to everyone. However, for the time being, there is more anti-Semitism coming from the left, because the left can cover itself more and say “no, we’re liberal, we’re for equality,” etc., but it’s interesting to see that after all that, they’re more anti-Semitic than the right.
Also, why does the right support Jews, Judaism and Israel? It’s because, for the time being, it fits with their struggle against the left, the liberals.
These things, however, can overturn, because as I mentioned, anti-Semitism is equal to everyone.

Wisdom And Love

laitman_608.02Question: What are the stages of gaining wisdom and love in Kabbalah?
Answer: Where there is wisdom, there is love. Where there is love, of course, there is wisdom.
Wisdom we call the light of Hochma that spreads in the light of Hassadim.
Hassadim is the light of devotion, unconditional, absolute bestowal, above all problems, beyond all reason.
“Above” does not mean that you have no reason. On the contrary, you have a huge mind, and still you are ready to give everything. It is in this devotion that you begin to feel the Creator, and in this you feel love.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian, 3/24/19

Monday, August 5, 2019

What Is The Actual Reason As To Why Nazis Still Exist, And Why Do They Still Hate The Jews? (Quora)

To state it concisely, it’s because the Jews have not made any steps toward realizing their spiritual role, to unite (“love your friend as yourself”) and become a positive example of unity for humanity (“a light unto nations”).
As human egoism—the desire to enjoy at the expense of others—grows from one day to the next, humanity increasingly suffers. The more humanity suffers, the more anti-Semitism increases and surfaces among people globally.
How does this work? It is because the Jews became known as “Jews” by uniting “as one man with one heart” some 4,000 years ago in ancient Babylon. It was at that time that Abraham guided Babylonians from all walks of life to unite above the growing human ego that was causing problems in society, and to be a positive example of unity to all people. These people who implemented such unity became known as “the Jews” (the Hebrew word for “Jew” [Yehudi] comes from the word for “united” [yihudi] [Yaarot Devash, Part 2, Drush no. 2]). Since then, the Jews lost consciousness of their spiritual unity (when they fell into the exile some 2,000 years ago), and developed among the nations of the world.
Over the course of human development, the human ego has grown to a state where today, it is overblown and demanding correction. The symptoms of having a continuously growing-yet-uncorrected ego are the myriad problems and crises that the world experiences on all scales: personal (e.g. depression, loneliness, anxiety, stress, suicide, drug abuse), social (e.g. social division, crime, war, poverty, unemployment, inequality), and ecological (e.g. natural disasters, global warming, food insecurity). The demand for the ego’s correction today coincides with a demand for unification above the division we experience in our world. Since the Jews fail to implement their spiritual unity—unity above egoism—and have it enter mainstream society, then Nazi and fascist versions of unity appear in society’s fringes. The Nazi and fascist versions of unity are dangerous because they are not unity above egoism, but unity within egoism, i.e. the unity of one people against others.
Last century, the climax of Nazism and anti-Semitism erupted in Nazi Germany, since Germany was the most developed country in the world at the time. Today, there is a strikingly similar tendency of rising Nazism and anti-Semitism that is headed toward a climax in the United States, Europe as well as all around the world, because of today’s tight global interdependence and interconnectedness.
Therefore, since the Jews have made no steps toward realizing the method for their and humanity’s positive unification, the negative form of unity surfaces as Nazism. And Nazism is a force that indeed once again threatens to rise in its power and inflict much suffering upon the Jews if they again fail to bring unity to the world in time.

The Illusion Of Our World

laitman_423.01Question: You called our world illusory. Why correct it if it is so?
Answer: You are right; we do not correct it. We correct ourselves, our egoism. The world is in our perception as a reflection of our egoism.
The world is what our ego draws for us. As soon as we begin to push our way through the world to the Creator, we will increasingly feel the upper world.
We will begin to see within the framework of our world the acting forces of the upper world, and gradually our world will disappear from our perception. Its picture remains, but the forces that act behind it will increasingly manifest. Thus, our consciousness and attitude toward the world will begin to change
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian, 3/24/19

“Unity As A Panacea, But What Unity Are We Talking About?” (The Times Of Israel)

The Times of Israel published my new article “Unity as a Panacea, But What Unity Are We Talking About?
The deep divisions within Israel, America, and basically every society in the world are the subject of in-depth study in both academia and the media, but the most effective way to repair the breakage is itself also a source of intense dispute. This dispute is one which I will clarify. As a Kabbalist and researcher I publish in dozens of different publications on social networks on a daily basis. My message is constant: unity is the solution to all problems. Egoistic human nature divides and distances us from one another and is the root cause of all problems and predicaments we experience every day.
One of the recurring questions that is sent to me asks what unity am I talking about? What connection do I call for? Is it for the reunification of the souls? Is it unification between men and women, or political and/or religious alliances?
My answer is simple, set, and it derives from the ancient sources of the wisdom of Kabbalah. The unity I speak about is a unity not meant to fix anyone or change anyone’s perception, mind or heart. All we need to repair is the connection between us, the way we relate to one another. We have to rise above all our myriad opposite attributes, characteristics and viewpoints and unite as one. As our sages rightly wrote: “Love will cover all transgressions.”
Achieving this level of connection is precisely the role of the Jews in the world. We must join between two layers, like the meat between slices of bread in a sandwich: “All transgressions” is the bottom layer, and “will be covered with love” is the top layer. The correct connection between those two layers will make a very tasty meal. Both sweetness and a little bit of salty spice are necessary to balance the flavors when love and hate are revealed. Nothing in life can exist without its opposite, like how the plus requires a minus in physics.
Although the people of Israel should be the first to pave the way to such a “tasty” existence, all humanity, every person on earth, ultimately has the destiny to attain this approach to fulfillment in life. According to the wisdom of Kabbalah, Jews are obliged to experience this unity first by learning how to connect above differences, above hatred and rejection. To discover existence “in the middle line” means, on one hand, that you might want to reject the other, while on the other hand, you learn how to embrace the other person in spite of all. On one side, I am right. On the other side, the other person is right. Since everything is in the eye of the beholder, we are all right, and justice lies above us. This is the love that covers everything.
Even further, we must not destroy evil, conceal the differences, or uproot the undergrowth. We need only realize that they are the foundation over which we have to add the good, the spice that gives complex new flavors to the relationship. Therefore, I see no hater or enemy in anyone, but instead full partners in unity.
The way to travel this golden path is taught by the wisdom of Kabbalah. Because the clock is ticking and our troubles are increasing, we must hurry to rise above the egoistic force within us that seeks to draw everything to its own advantage, to rise above the gathering storm clouds into a wide and open dimension, to rise from this world into a spiritual, complete and eternal world. The entire Torah encompasses this: unity and love cover schism and hatred.

Sunday, August 4, 2019

What Is The Root Of All Arab And Nazi Hate For Jews? (Quora)

Dr. Michael LaitmanMichael Laitman, On Quora: What is the root of all Arab and Nazi hate for Jews?
Arab hatred of the Jews comes from Arabs and Jews being quite close to each other, struggling for the same land. However, beneath this surface reason, the deeper cause of the hatred is due to us Jews failing to realize our spiritual role and purpose in the world. This spiritual role is one of uniting (“love your friend as yourself”) in order to spread unity to humanity (to be a “light unto nations”), as we received it around 4,000 years ago in ancient Babylon under Abraham’s guidance. If we were to realize our role, then certainly we would be awarded with a different, positive attitude not only from Arabs, but from everyone in the world.
In relation to Nazi hatred of Jews, in the 1930s, the Nazis tried organizing Jewish emigration to the Land of Israel, as such a physical gathering would have been a major stepping stone toward the realization of the Jewish spiritual role in the world. The Jews, however, objected. As such, they received punishment. The punishment didn’t come from people, since people in our world aren’t running anything. The punishment came from nature, which acts also through the desires, thoughts and behaviors of people. If the Jews had wanted to emigrate to the Land of Israel, as the Nazis strongly recommended them to do over many years, then the outcome would have been very different. Jews, however, refused, and we thus experienced the Holocaust. (I elaborated on the Nazi efforts to move Jews to Israel in the 1930s in my answer to “Were Jews able to escape Nazi Germany in the 1930s as the Nazi party became increasingly aggressive towards them?” and in my article on “Holocaust Remembrance Day.”)
Today, as we discuss these matters, we also see a sharply rising anti-Semitic sentiment showing a tendency toward another Holocaust.

Can One Read Other People’s Thoughts?

laitman_547.05Question: Can a person with a great desire, read the thoughts of other people?
Answer: Reading thoughts is a material thing. I cannot say that it is appreciated, because at the same time you catch the thoughts of other people at the everyday level. But this is possible because the thoughts on our level are material.
You can take a person by the hand and feel his thoughts, as psychics do. But what will that give you, other than tricks? Nothing. Some people have such increased sensitivity, and so they advertise themselves in such a way.
In general, I would not advise doing this, it is a pity to make such an effort. Efforts should be directed conversely, to dissolving in the group and by doing so, revealing the Creator.
Question: Is it possible to influence someone’s thoughts if I have a strong desire?
Answer: Of course. And how! Such things are known to us since the days of the KGB. By the way, they are used by all intelligence services in the world. But why do we need it? As it is at the level of our world, these are purely egoistic, mutual influences on each other.
I would not want you to think about it at all because the influence of thoughts leads to the subordination of each other, that is, to the destruction of the world.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian, 2/3/19

Will There Be Anti-Semitism After The Coming Of Moshiach (Messiah)? (Quora)

Firstly, what is the Moshiach (Messiah)? According to the wisdom of Kabbalah, the Messiah is not a human being, but a higher force that unites people above all differences and divisions. It becomes revealed through people’s efforts to attract it through their efforts to unite to one another, above their differences. It is a force that we need to attract, to draw upon us, which connects us and fuses us into a single nation on this planet.
The word “Moshiach” (“Messiah”) comes from the word “Moshech” (“attract” or “pull”), since it is force that pulls us above our divisive drives, the human ego residing within each and every one of us. The act of attracting this force is reciprocal: We attract it to correct us, and we attract it to pull us above our destructive ego, and when we engage in this action, then not only anti-Semitism, but all problems, diseases and negative phenomena in the world will disappear.

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