Thursday, June 9, 2016

I Am Not Among You

Torah, “Deuteronomy,” 1:44 – 1:45: And the Amorites, dwelling in that mountain, came out towards you and pursued you as bees do, and beat you down in Seir, as far as Hormah. So you returned and wept before the Lord, but the Lord would not hear your voice, nor would He listen to you.
The connection with the Creator, i.e., with the force of Light, is very simple: If you are equivalent to Him you can connect to Him, and never otherwise.
There are no movements from the side of the Light, it is in absolute rest, and only we move toward it. But it seems to us that the Light is getting closer and then we feel good, and if we are opposite to the Light, we are moving away from it, and then we feel bad.
We think that the Light, the common force of good that fills the entire universe, performs all the actions, but in reality everything depends only on our internal movement.
By connecting more strongly with each other, we reveal the Light within us more and more. Egoism constantly supplies us with bigger desires so we can correct ourselves by getting closer to each other, until the complete revelation of the Upper Light is within us.
Question: Would it be an error to think that I will do everything by myself?
Answer: Of course. The fact is that we go forward without the Light, the entire development of humanity before our time was through the attempts to do something inside egoism. We were enclosed in our little black ego and all the time we were digging in the depths of the earth, ostensibly seeking to progress.
But the entire progress came down to robbing, stealing, and appropriating something from each other. It never took place due to good ideas or kind actions. Therefore, now we are left with nothing.
We have come to such a state because as the Creator said, “I am not among you.” After all, Moses, or the Creator, is the quality of bestowal (Bina).
Today, we finally begin to uncover the reason for our common universal suffering. Its source is the fact that humanity is in one single quality of egoism. And we don’t have the second opposite to it, the quality of altruism. Even the altruism we think exists in this world is purely egoistic.
From KabTV’s “Secrets of the Eternal Book” 1/20/16

The Land Of Israel, Producing Fruits Of Altruism

laitman_934Torah, “Deuteronomy,” 1:41 – 1:43: Then you answered and said to me, “We have sinned against the Lord; we will go up and fight, according to all that the Lord, our God, has commanded us.” So every one of you girded his weapons, and you prepared yourselves to go up to the mountain. And the Lord said to me, “Say to them, ‘Neither go up nor fight, for I am not among you, lest you be struck down before your enemies.'” So I spoke to you, but you did not listen, and you rebelled against the command of the Lord, and you acted wickedly and went up to the mountain.
Moses says to the sons of Israel, “You weren’t corrected enough in order to fight with your internal egoism. I warned you but you decided nevertheless that we need to race against time.
Remark: But they repented by saying, “We have sinned against the Lord! Now we will go and correct our sin.” And God replied, “I am not among you.”
Answer: We can’t get away, the laws of nature are unalterable. God is not some kind of puppet or capricious woman. It is the clear laws of nature. If you fulfill them, you receive life; if you don’t fulfill them you are going to die.
Moreover, he sent spies, the wisest men, to the land of Israel. And what did they see? They saw the enormous fruits this land gives! And why does it give such fruits? There are no Jews there yet, completely different people live there. However, they can’t extract these fruits from the egoism without having quality of bestowal.
Comment: But in the Torah it is said that two people are carrying an enormous cluster of grapes…
Answer: Correct, but who is carrying it? The children of Israel that entered it; the seven spies, they saw these fruits! They brought them to the people! They work with egoism! They discovered that with its help it is possible to obtain such fruits, i.e., to reach such spiritual heights!
Therefore they say, “If we enter this land, (plunge into egoistic desires), take a bit from inside egoism and raise it outside, then we will receive enormous fruits! This is special land!”
There are few levels of desires: zero, one, two, three, and four. The fourth level is the most base, heavy, and egoistic. Throughout the history of evolution, egoism is constantly growing. The people of Israel, by exiting Babylon, corrected the first four levels of egoism in them: zero, one, two, and three.
And now they enter the land of Israel, the last, most terrible egoistic state. Therefore, the spies who entered the fifth level, bring fruits and show them to everyone, saying, “Look what we can obtain there!”
But everybody understands that these fruits are possible to obtain through a serious fight with terrible giants living in the land of Israel, i.e., with those enormous egoistic desires that exist in this level.
Moses addresses the people saying, “We must work on this level. Do you agree?” Half of them shout, “What for? Here it is good for us as well! We will wait.” And another part is ready to go forward at any cost. Hence Moses tells the Creator that he must explain the Torah to them again.
But this is another Torah, preparation for entry into the land of Israel; we can say it is a compilation or an assembly of the previous path and a presentation in a form that requires a person to start working with the most difficult and dark layer of egoism.
Among these egoistic desires are some that we are unable to correct and just have to leave them aside. But first we need to explore, sort, select, and set them aside.
Seven nations living in the land of Israel, i.e., seven egoistic desires, must be corrected gradually. This means conquering them by covering them with the altruistic intention.
From KabTV’s “Secrets of the Eternal Book” 1/20/16

Life Beyond The Boundaries Of Birth And Death, Part 1

Question: How do we deal with the loss of a loved one? It is impossible to accept that a person was here right now and suddenly he is gone. The mind doesn’t agree with the fact that our life is temporary. Death seems unreal to us.
Answer: Doesn’t this attitude indicate that our perception is limited, that we are naive, immature, and lacking the understanding of our condition? We are not able to perceive life and death.
Apparently, we are able to perceive just a tiny fragment of our life, like little children, and we don’t know what is really happening in it. An encounter with death plunges us into shock, when someone was living and suddenly disappears. We look at a lifeless body and are astonished that this is not a human anymore, not a friend, not a relative. There was a person and now he is gone. How is it possible?
This person lived in me, was imprinted in my qualities, desires, feelings, and memory. And suddenly he disappeared. How is it possible that a person ceases to exist? Our mind can’t perceive it. And the problem is probably not reality itself, because nothing is eternal in this world. The problem is in our limited perception that is able to see only to the threshold of death.
Why is life arranged this way? Why is a person placed in a limited body that occupies a very small volume in reality? We attach great importance to this body, much higher and more significant than is due a physical body situated on the animal level.
We are used to the temporality of our existence and live very well with it. And not because we are not depressed with this knowledge. But because we live in and can’t see beyond this life, we are reconciled with the understanding of our mortality and console ourselves by masking these questions, convincing ourselves that this is life.
Humanity invents religions and beliefs that tell about the afterlife. People believe them for lack of choice because it is still some compensation for the impermanence of life that suddenly stops.
But in fact, this question requires a much more mature attitude. We can look beyond the boundary of life and death, beyond the borders of this tiny reality that we see around us now.
Would we be able to see reality on a higher level, i.e., stop perceiving it as animals that perceive everything only through their bodily senses: sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch? Would we develop new, out of body organs of perception that are outside of our material body, its animal degree?
The wisdom of Kabbalah explains all this, which is why it is called the “science of perception,” as “Kabbalah” means “reception.”
Kabbalah helps us to open our eyes and see the real, wider reality right here and now, not after the death of the physical body.
From KabTV’s “A New Life” 5/5/16

Children Of The Desert

Torah, Deuteronomy, Devarim, 1:39 – 1:40: [Moreover] your little ones, whom you said will be prey, and your children, who on that day did not know good and evil, they will go there and I will give it to them, and they will possess it. But as for you, turn yourselves around and journey into the desert by way of the Red Sea.
Children born during the journey in the desert will be able to enter the land of Israelbecause they weren’t in Egyptian slavery, in the slavery of egoism. They fought with it!
In other words, those altruistic qualities that were born from the corrected ego are ready to enter the land of Israel and work with egoism further by ploughing it, and those qualities that were in the slavery of Pharaoh are screaming constantly, “Let’s return to Egypt!” and therefore they must die.
The children will not be the prey of giants because they will be above them, above this egoistic power that is revealed in the land of Israel. This is the next stage after rising toBina, the work with Malchut, with the common enormous egoism that is represented by giants.
From KabTV’s “Secrets of the Eternal Book” 1/20/16

The Completion Of Moses’ Mission

Moses asked, “Allow me to repeat Torah from the beginning to the Jews before my death! I want to explain to them all difficult places and details of the laws of the Torah!” (Midrash Rabah, part “Devarim”, 4:1 – 4:2)
Moses can’t enter the land of Israel because we enter it in order to conquer it, and Moses is on the level of pure Bina, absolute bestowal. Therefore, all his work ends in the interval from Egypt to the receiving of the Torah and its development.
The sons of Israel passed the first period of learning the Torah and its adaptation while wandering in the desert for forty years. They die during these years, meaning all theegoism with which they exited Egypt dies in them and gets fully corrected to bestowal.
Now they need to work with this quality in order not just to rise above all egoistic desires but to convert them into altruistic ones. Like a farmer in ploughing the earth, turns it over, allowing new shoots to come up, the same thing happens here.
And Moses is not ready for this. This isn’t his force, but the use of the lower egoistic quality, of the land of Israel that isn’t the land of Israel yet. It will become the land of Israel once it is conquered.
From KabTV’s “Secrets of the Eternal Book” 1/20/16

New Life #560 – The Holiday Of The Giving Of The Torah

New Life #560 – The Holiday Of The Giving Of The Torah
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Nitzah Mazoz
What is the difference between giving the Torah and receiving the Torah, how can one discover the good force inherent in the Torah and why is the general rule of “And you shall love your friend as yourself” (Leviticus 19:18), the entire Torah on one leg?
Giving the Torah and receiving the Torah are two different matters. The Torah is not a book, but a correcting force.
The Torah is the Upper Light, the Light that Reforms, the force that corrects our egoistic nature to love. In the past we used the force of the Torah and there was love among us, but then we were destroyed through unfounded hatred. Today we are not approaching the great general rule in the Torah, “And you shall love your friend as yourself” (Leviticus 19:18), at all.
The “Torah of Light” is the upper force that influences us under special conditions and can change our nature. The evil inclination in us is composed of 613 parts; it is up to us to correct them into love. This is what is called Mitzvot (commandments). The more we develop, the more the evil inclination, our egoism, grows. And according to the wisdom of Kabbalah, now is the time for correction.
The evil inclination means that I want to harm others for my own benefit. It is written, “Thou shalt not steal” (Exodus 20:13) and there is a means provided for correction of the human ego, the Torah, which is connection to the concealed force. The Torah is eternal; at every moment it is possible to connect to the good hidden force; we only need to learn how to do this.
The “circle of connection” is a practical tool for summoning the good force into our lives. The wisdom of Kabbalah is a method that teaches us how to use the Torah, the force of Light, the power that is hidden in nature. The effort to maintain the general rule, “And you shall love your friend as yourself” brings this force to dwell among us.
When we were standing at Mount Sinai, there was mutual hatred between us. We wanted to ascend to love, and we received the Torah. In the divisive situation in Israel today, the wisdom of Kabbalah is revealed as the “Torah of Light,” as a means for correction. Specifically, in Egypt, after we discovered the 49 gates of Tuma’a (impurity), which is the summit of separation, the need for the Torah was created. The Torah is given every day; it is possible to connect to the positive force that will build love for others in us.
From KabTV’s “New Life #560 – Holidays and Festivals: The Holiday Of The Giving Of The Torah,” 5/3/15
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Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Teacher And Student—Upper And Lower

The Torah, “Devarim,” 1:37 – 1:39: The Lord was also angry with me because of you, saying, “Neither will you go there. But Joshua the son of Nun, who stands before you he will go there (the land of Israel); strengthen him, for he will cause Israel to inherit it. [Moreover] your little ones, whom you said will be prey, and your children, who on that day did not know good and evil they will go there and I will give it to them, and they will possess it.”
During the forty years in the desert, a person completely fulfills the qualities he had when he started his spiritual journey, meaning after receiving the Torah until reaching the quality of Bina before entering the land of Israel. Now all these qualities must acquire a totally new form, receiving in order to bestow.
Question: What does it mean for a student to make his way to Mount Sinai, then from Mount Sinai to Bina, and exit to the next level?
Answer: A student performs these actions relative to a teacher by annulling himself more and more before the teacher. He reaches an understanding that everything he considered right before is absolutely wrong. It always happens at the lower degree relative to the upper one.
A student sees a teacher in a new form that he is only now beginning to reveal, which he didn’t understand or feel before. He couldn’t value his teacher. As it is said, “Anyone who denies the upper, denies him because he is lower.”
Question: What does the rebellion of the people against Moses, against the teacher, mean?
Answer: It is natural! They can’t agree with what they are offered. In such a case, the teacher dies.
In our world he dies physically, and in spiritual degrees, he dies spiritually for the student. The moment the student stops using the teacher as the upper, this person dies for him, meaning he stops leading him. And in a physical form, if students don’t require their teacher anymore, he has nothing to do in this world.
Every degree is for the lower ones. And according to this direct connection, the teacher has no reason to stay in the material world if his students don’t require him.
Students can’t be blamed for this because this situation is definite and natural! They receive such guidance from above that it seems to them that they can survive perfectly without a teacher. They already received what they needed, sorted everything out, and now, supposedly, know how to move forward. He even slows them down and distracts them somehow.
The same happens with respect to Moses. The people think he already gave them everything; they don’t see the next degrees and following opportunities in him, and therefore he dies.
Question: Then what does the death of the generation mean for the students?
Answer: If they are rising to the next degree, they need to pass states where all their previous desires, no matter to what extent they were corrected, must now die, meaning to accept upon themselves a new level, called receiving in order to bestow.
I hope that everyone will understand, know, feel, and experience this and that we will enter the land of Israel.
Question: What do students need to do in order to learn from the past? After all, we still learn from it so that the generation won’t die.
Answer: We can’t learn from anything. We are just told this story. However, we will still disregard, and strike against Moses who leads us forward. And this will be repeated again and again in every person.
Question: Did you also rebel against your teacher internally?
Answer: Of course. You can’t move further without it. Therefore he said to me, “I understand that all miseries in your life are because of me.”
The upper really understands it. And then he acts for the sake of lower, either beats him with the pain in the heart, the way we punish little children, or waits till he grows up.
From KabTV’s “Secrets of the Eternal Book” 1/6/16

Who Is The Creator?

laitman_742_03Question: Who is the Creator?
Answer: The “Creator” is the upper force that holds within it the entire system of creation that manages and nourishes it, just like the life force nourishes our physical body.
Our physical body is comprised of different cells and organs that are connected to each other in a completely mutual manner.  A kind of “quickening” force flows through them, which is called “ life,” and if this force disappears, then the body dies.
The same life force fills all of nature and is called “Bore” (Creator). It not only instills life in nature but also directs, creates, remodels, continuously changes creation, and perfects it; in this way it leads it to a particular target, which was predetermined by this same force.
Question: What is the “creation”?
Answer: “Creation” is the “desire to receive,” the desire to enjoy, which exists in each one of us in inanimate, vegetative, animate, and speaking forms. This desire is the entire material of creation, and all that animates it is called “Bore” or the “force of creation.” Thus, everything that exists is comprised of only two attributes, the desire to receive and the force that gives life to this desire and maintains a certain level.
Question: Where does this force go when it leaves a person?
Answer: It either increases or decreases. If it decreases, then it falls from the level of speaking or animate to the levels of vegetative, and then the person will die. And after that, the vegetative level dies and then only the inanimate level remains, which gradually turns to dust.
Question: If the force of the Creator enters this material, connects it and gives it existence, then what does it’s disappearance depend on?
Answer: There are many reasons for this. This is a complete system, but when the material of creation disappears from this substance, it creates another kind of material because energy does not disappear but disintegrates into its constituent parts.
Question: Does this mean that the material cannot exist without the “life force”?
Answer: The “life force” is the primary force. It created the material, gave it life, and transfers to it all the changes until the final state. In order to make the material “clothe” in the attributes of the Creator, it must acquire them and become a Kli (vessel) for their reception.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 3/13/16

The Creator On Trial

Laitman_182_02Comment: If I could reach your Creator, I would want Him to account for all of history!
Response: Generally, I agree with you. And even the CreatorHimself is not against people turning toward Him, even with their accusations. Because otherwise they do not turn!
Everyone in the world complains about his life. Understandably, everyone is right about something or even about everything. After all, it is not the person who places himself in all kinds of situations and unpleasantness; it is his nature, his lack of understanding, his lack of foresight, the unpredictability of the world. So in what way can we come to anyone with complaints?
If we look at his fate, at his behavior, we discover that each one of us is born, lives, and dies not according to his desire. Even our actions are determined according to circumstances and characteristics that are established in us from the start and not according to our desire. So a person is not free in regard to anything.  If so, there is no one to complain to!
But the originator of all that is happening, who created  everything, is ready to hold him. He is also ready for us to arraign Him. Because during the trial of the Creator, with all of our claims and accusations, we learn His attitude toward us, the reason that He made us is so small who are punished by nature. We discover the goal of our creation and our destiny. We will understand why we were born, live and die in suffering.
Ultimately we will begin to understand that all of our claims are toward our Creator, and it is specifically Him that we want to bring to court!
It is precisely the wisdom of Kabbalah that clarifies the problem of the mutual relationship between a person and the Creator. Therefore, it is the most important science in the world because a person has nothing more important than clarifying these relationships. In nature, there is nothing more than this!

New Life #372 – The Attributes Of The Integral Woman

New Life #372 – The Attributes Of The Integral Woman
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Tal Mandelbaum ben Moshe
How can a woman operate ideally in an integral world and bring it to connection? What should she learn and what should she teach her children?
In ancient times women were connected to one another in the tribe or extended family. Today we are reconnecting once again.
We have to find the natural balance between the man’s place and the woman’s place.
In ancient times the woman’s state after giving birth was much better than it is today, she had support. Today we have to develop the feeling of mutual guarantee in society, so a woman will feel that she is not alone at home. We should have meeting places for mothers and babies, and offer them special courses and activities, etc.
A mother wants her baby to grow and to be very successful; today it means to be properly connected. We have to teach her how to make sure that the child develops as a human being and not just physically.
An integral mother works on a qualitative connection with other mothers and together they raise integral children.
From KabTV’s “New Life #372 – An Approach to Life: The Attributes Of The Integral Woman,” 5/15/14
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The Kabbalistic Principle – “Mutual Concessions”

Question: How do we work between a man and woman according to the principle, “living with faith in the Creator”?
Answer: To begin with, the couple must build the right mutual relationships between them. The idea is not to break through to the upper world immediately.
Our world is built according to the upper world. So first and foremost it is necessary to create a mutual connection built on the basis of mutual concessions, which is one of the working principles in a group of Kabbalists.
When I come to a group, I must nullify myself completely in regard to the others; I must become integrated with the friends, give them what they require, serve them, and do everything to connect with them.
Similarly, a married couple must operate mutually, he for her and she for him. Moreover, this must be done within reason without dwelling on the other. Rather, their relationship must be built carefully and sensibly
If we want to create a group that works according to Kabbalistic principles in a family, we must precisely establish the conditions that are written in the first 15 articles byRabash about constructing a group. It doesn’t matter with whom we are mutually cooperating, with a partner or with the friends in a group. In every case, what is built is a system of mutual connection, of right and left lines, characteristics of reception and characteristics of bestowal, of one person with another.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 3/6/16

What Can I Do Today?

laitman_938_07Question: You write that anti-Semitism is a natural phenomenon and so it is possible to study it and influence it. As far as it seems, it is impossible to explain this fully in one article.
But even the practical way that you suggest is very abstract. How can we come to our senses and create the same warm atmosphere you speak about? Are there more concrete suggestions? What can I do today?
Answer: You can do only one thing: Join our organization and begin to study themethod of integral consolidation. I cannot explain this in two words. In our organization, whose branches exist in dozens of nations all around the world, close to two million people are studying. We publish books in all languages, publicize our material and give free access to them on the Internet.
First you must discover and know who you are, what you are, why you exist and not only you, but the whole world. You can clarify where we are moving, what we must do, in what manner we can correct our situation, what nature is pushing us toward, and how to reach the next level of our development. If we don’t discover this, then we cannot realize our mission and then things will be bad for us.
From a Webinar “The Security of the Jewish People,” 5/8/16

New Life #712 – The Effect Women Have On Men

New Life #712 – The Effect Women Have On Men
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Tal Mandelbaum ben Moshe
The matter of creation is a desire to receive, called a woman. A female is the desire to be filled and the man is the one who fills her. In the animal world a female’s desire exists only in order to have offspring and the male’s role is to fulfill her desire. On the human level we have freewill and we have to use it in order to resemble the Creatorand reach a level of existence on which all our actions are aimed at the revelation of the upper force that operates us.
If nature, for example, evokes the sexual desire in a person, he has to discern and discover the upper force that operates him; his goal should be to discover the upper force that manages his life, which operates him and which is behind everything.
The Creator is dressed in a person like a hand that operates a puppet and His desire is that a person would be His partner. Freewill is in carrying out the upper plan in the correct way.
A woman is much stronger than a man in her ability to change reality so a woman has to guide the man toward the Creator in order to receive the spiritual filling through him. The Creator is revealed in the home they build by this common desire and the right connection between them. We are initially created as egoists and our goal is to fill the other and to complement one another, which is the creation of the soul.
The Creator is the general force of love that fills our reality, and a man and a woman want to discover Him in the love between them.
From KabTV’s “New Life #712 – The Effect Women Have On Men,” 4/7/16
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Life Is A Continuous Movement Forward

laitman_760_4Question: Why does a person constantly doubt what he previously believed to be true? Could a time come in which even the smallest revelation will not be rebutted?
Answer: No, otherwise we would have no motivation to move forward. The entire evolutionary process of what we know and of our attributes is based on the law of negation of the negation.
We always deny the past and build the present on top of it, and then deny the present and build the future. Don’t try to freeze yesterday or today because in this way you make everything freeze. We must accept the fact that our life is a continuous movement forward.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 3/13/16

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Orders Of Jewish Officers Reveal The Secrets Of The Bible

laitman_926_01In the News (from “Pottery shards found in a small Israeli fortress reveal an answer to one of the most important issues of Biblical studies—whether basic texts of the Old Testament were written before the Babylonian exile or after it. Inscriptions on potshards attesting to the literacy of the Jews speak in favor of the first version. This was reported in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. …
“However, Israeli archaeologists have studied the inscription (in Hebrew) on the clayshards from the fortress of Arad (southern Judah), dating from about 600 BC – and found a high level of literacy among the Jews of that era.
“It turned out that the text on 16 potsherds belong to a minimum of six authors, who did not need the help of scribes. Among the records were instructions to the deputy quartermaster of the fortress about the issue of provisions for a detachment of Greek mercenaries. The literacy of junior officers far from Jewish centers of culture indicates that Jews could read the sacred texts long before the Babylonian exile.”
My Comment: From the days of Abraham, comprehensive learning and education were practiced in his group, as well as reading of books written by him. The books from more ancient Kabbalists, from Adam to Abraham, as Rambam wrote, just didn’t reach us. But it indicates that in the period of the First Temple there was no uneducated child who did not know how to read and write and did not know all the sacred texts by heart.

Senators In The United States Are In Favor Of Increasing Aid To Israel

400Comment: 83 of the 100 American senators signed a letter that calls upon the President of the United States Barak Obama to increase the aid to Israel and to sign a security agreement soon. The aid package is currently three billion dollars per year whereas Israel insists on increasing the budget to five billion dollars per year.
Response: First, it is up to us to rely more upon ourselves, improvement of our situation depends on the order that we make in our nation. We can collect two billion dollars from the state funds if we just get serious and less wasteful. Second, the restrictions contained in the agreement are not beneficial for the nation of Israel. The Americans profit a great deal from the Israeli innovations related to ammunitions, so it is very worthwhile for them to support us, yet in the meantime it could be that we have no other way out.
Despite the help from Obama and others, it is up to us to rely upon ourselves. We shouldn’t rely on help from European nations or Russia and also not on our military power, but only on the connection with the upper force.
Nobody will take this from us. The problem is that this relationship is up to us to discover, to arrange, and to use correctly. Then we will have no need of help from the Americans or anyone else, and they cannot defeat us; on the contrary, everyone will require our help.
From KabTV’s “News with Michael Laitman” 4/26/16

Dispelling Myths About Kabbalah, Part 7

Is Kabbalah connected to religion?
Question: Is Kabbalah connected to religion?
Answer: In his article, “The Essence of Religion and Its Purpose,” Baal HaSulam writes that “religion” is the attainment of the Creator, the upper force, which acts in the entire universe. This definition fits only the wisdom of Kabbalah because it is the only method engaged in the revelation of the Creator to the creations.
Kabbalah is the only true religion. All other faiths and “religions,” as it is customary to call them, are really not a religion.
Question: How is the wisdom of Kabbalah connected to these religions?
Answer: There is no connection between religions and Kabbalah. They all originated after Kabbalah was concealed, that is, after the destruction of the Second Temple. Before the destruction of the Temple, the entire nation of Israel existed in spiritual attainment, with a sensation of the upper force. However, later on, they fell from their spiritual level, from the love for others to unfounded hatred. This is called the exit into exile from the attainment of the Creator, the upper force.
Because they were in brotherly love, they attained the upper force, while unfounded hatred concealed the upper force from them. This is why this state is called exile or destruction. In order to continue living in the conditions of concealment, the Kabbalists created a substitute. They replaced the wisdom of Kabbalah with Judaism, which later gave origin to Christianity and after that, to Islam.
From Israeli Radio Program 103 FM, 2/28/16

Monday, June 6, 2016

Who Needs Kids Today And For What?

laitman_624_03_0In the News ( “The vast majority of animals raise their chicks, puppies, kittens, lambs, etc. to a certain age (height and weight of mature individuals, as a rule), and then immediately loses all family feeling. For a cat, her one-year-old kitten – is just another cat or a cat.
“Only people who have learned to consider the degree of kinship, have invented names for them, and have introduced numerous rules and prohibitions concerning not only marriage, but in general the relationship between people based on their blood relations and, therefore, between the older and younger.
“Now, the foundation of the social structure begins to waver.
“The expansion of children’s rights, giving humanity a great warning against the disgusting abuse of children, at the same time leads to overt unilateral commitments. It turns out that the child has considerably more rights and a parent – has many more responsibilities. …
“Children, at least in the ‘golden billion’ countries, have long ceased to be a guarantee of a secure old age for their parents.
“Some people naturally raise the question: Why do we need children? Why have them? If it takes you almost a quarter of a century to raise them, and then they leave? …
“So why? Who needs children?..
“Very rich and very poor children solve the problem on its own. The very rich do not need care and support in old age, they have great-grandchildren grandchildren who may provide moral support; it is also possible to buy, hire, a loving people… .
“Very poor generally live within the traditional framework of mutual obligations in the family, with greater cohesion and branched multigenerational families – almost communities.
“But the middle-class need children as a source of … love, both spiritual and physical at the same time. The first smile, first steps, first word “mama,” the child beaming adoringly, the first class, the first notebook – for it one can give everything!
“But parents pay dearly for the few years of enjoyment of parental love, unconditional love. financially, with time, and, most importantly, emotionally with the subsequent disappointment, resentment, loneliness. …
“It is possible that in the course of all the cultural fractures another quite interesting cultural shift will occur. Parents will perceive their grown children about the same as a cat does – as grown kittens.”
Answer: In the future a person’s attention will be focused on attaining the upper state where relations are not determined by earthly connections but by the connections between individual souls and the one general soul.

Going To “Correct Communism”

laitman_435Question: Over the generations, a great number of Jews lived in Russian territories. What are the similarities and differences between Russia and Israel?
Answer: First of all, a very large number of immigrants from Russia live in Israel, about one million people. I think more will come and the number will rise to more than a million since there are still many Jews living in Russia, even though they might not admit it.
The Lubavitcher Rebbe once said that it is officially reported that there are three million Jews in Russia, but in actuality there are about 20 million. It’s the same in America, and that’s without counting the ten tribes whose locations are not known. For the time being all of that is concealed, but it will be revealed when needed.
I believe that the relations between Russia and Israel should be promoted to ensure that we show them the proper communism.  Correct communism is not the communism that they tried unsuccessfully to build in the USSR, but is when the right society is built, a commune. The tendency for this kind of society, and streams of socialistic orientation are beginning to emerge in Western countries and America. The world is approaching a situation where automated production is gaining force and pulling unemployment behind it.
The economy based on money will gradually disappear and society will be left with a great problem, thus unity of society is the first challenge the world is already beginning to wake up to today. The problem is that no one knows how to proceed toward this since the correct and united society can only be formed with the help of integral education, which comes from the wisdom of Kabbalah.
So I think that in Russia there is a special predisposition for such relations since, despite the huge problems that appeared during the Soviet era, people nevertheless had a positive feeling and a certain affinity for this state. The Russian nation will continue with socialistic elements, exactly like those foundations that the Jews of Israel are attracted to.
The creation of the correct future society will be the salvation, not only Israel, but also Russia since otherwise it won’t come out of its current crisis. The entire world can escape the crisis only through the building of a new society, not through using technological aids.
From KabTV’s “A Talk About the Independence Day” 4/30/15

Man And Woman – Such Different Worlds, Part 3

laitman_246Question: There are two qualities: male and female that connect with each other. Do you add some third upper factor to this?
Answer: This factor is the most important one. Man and womanconnect specially for it, in order to merge with it and reach its degree. We exist in this world for this purpose; we perform different corrections and connect with each other.
The third factor is the upper force that is called the Creator or love. The feeling of love is reached through mutual completion, when each feels oneself fully devoted to a partner. If we exist only for the sake of completing the other, then we attain the force of love.
Question: Is this the same force that we are looking for all our life?
Answer: We dream about the force of love, but we are mistaken if we hope to find it between our bodies and not between our souls.
Question: Isn’t it good that the man and woman receive pleasure from meeting with each other?
Answer: Sexual pleasure is one of the basic corporeal pleasures, next in importance after food, without which it is impossible to exist. Once a person secures the necessary existence, he thinks only about sex.
Question: What distinguishes pleasure from the force of real love that includes the third upper factor?
Answer: Pleasure from real love is called heaven. We are so devoted to each other that I only look for ways to complete the other, in order to reveal the force of love between us that is called Creator.
And today we demand love from each other egoistically, which is completely opposite to love. We need to rise above our egoism, and then instead of demanding love from another, we will be showing it, meaning we will love not in reception, but in bestowal.
Adam – Man” means similar to the upper force, to the Creator, by being in perfection. And he can achieve perfection only through connection with a woman. When they both annul one before the other, each one annulling egoism, then they connect in mutual bestowal.
This can be expressed in all kinds of corporeal actions, but here one intends to give to the other in order to reveal the Creator between them. It is said, “A man and a woman and Shechina between them.” Only in such a form can we reach perfection, and this is what the wisdom of Kabbalah teaches us.
Question: Normal man dreams to posses all the women he sees around him. And doesn’t the spiritual man want this as well?
Answer: He wants the same, but not in a corporeal form. He wants to take all the female force that exists in the universe and all the male force and complete one with the other.
And so all men and women work only in order to complement each other, and in this mutual completion and connection, in the center of humanity, reveal the spiritual world, the spiritual force, and the upper force of the Creator.
The Creator created us in this form and we return to it. And then we attain love in the point of connection between us and the Creator.
From KabTV’s “A New Life” 3/31/16

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