Saturday, March 10, 2018

How Is It Possible To Feel Eternal Love?

Laitman_036Question: How is it possible to feel eternal love?
Answer: It is not possible because there is no way a person can feel it from within his egoism.
A person who is serious about it comes to study Kabbalah in a group. The lessons awaken and summon the positive energy in nature that is hidden from him. Within this energy, the person begins to feel his own negative energy and understand that a balance can be created between them.
Between the “plus” and the “minus,” the person discovers the higher force that fills our world with both negative and positive forces. This upper force is called the “Creator.” He is the power of love.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 8/6/17

The Pioneer Nation

laitman_749.01All creations must attain unity—this is the final state of evolution of the entire creation. Evolution is constantly progressing, taking us through the stages of revelation of evil.
Eventually, everyone must comprehend the advantage of Light over darkness, and after passing through all the forms of separation, desire to rise above their egoistic nature. Revelation of evil leads us to unity.
There were always some people who understood the virtue of unity, being altruistic by nature. However, in our day and age, nature is giving us practical evidence by becoming integral and tying up the whole world into a single network. Egoism is becoming global and it is connecting us all to each other. Whether we like it or not, we have to unite in order to disallow the force of separation to reign endlessly.
By studying Kabbalah, we learn that the obligation to unite comes from nature itself, from the sin of the Tree of Knowledge. The entire creation was made as one soul that was later purposely broken into many separate parts.
We don’t have a choice. We must rebuild and unite the whole creation. This is the state that both the Creator and people desire. Those who understand it are called Yashar Kel—straight to the Creator—because the upper force, the Creator, is the self-contained nature that is united, integral, and global. In order for us to achieve adhesion with the Creator, similarity of form, we have to become like Him, rise above our divisive egoism, and begin to unite.
We are not socialists or communists, nor humanitarians or biologists observing examples of unity in living organisms. Proof of the necessity to unite is presented to us by the science of Kabbalah, and we are constantly revealing the need to achieve it in our consciousness and feelings.
By nature, we are the biggest egoists because those who come to Kabbalah have the biggest desire. But along with it, we understand that we have to become similar to the upper force in order to achieve the meaning of life. That is why Abraham, from all of humanity, chose a group that became the people of Israel, whose foundation is love of others as oneself, the great law of humanity, nature, and the Torah. We have to consider ourselves a group of pioneers from all around humanity, who are trying to realize this great law of nature—the love of others—and implement it so that we can pass it on to everyone.
The responsibility of the people of Israel is to be the first to reach unity because they are called upon to realize the law of love of others and serve as an example to the rest of humanity, that is, to be “the Light unto the nations.” Philosophers and the founders of the State of Israel also spoke of unity. However, they did not take it from the science of Kabbalah, the structure of nature, but from their internal, instinctive understanding.
Kabbalah says that unity is the law of nature and that first of all it applies to the people of Israel. Baal HaSulam writes that we have received the right to return to the land of Israel, breaking from the rule of the nations of the world, only to fulfill our purpose: to realize unity and show this method to the nations of the world and become the Light unto the nations.
In anticipation of Israel’s 70th anniversary, let us hope that the people of Israel, especially those who live in the land of Israel, will understand the purpose of their existence. For if we do not realize the law of love of others as yourself so that we can serve as an example to the world, then we have no right to exist.
This is a very important point. It is the only reason for a person to live in the land of Israel. Otherwise he has no right to be called “Israel” and does not belong to the nation of Israel.
The State of Israel will have the right to exist only if we work on realizing our common responsibility to become one person with one heart, “all Israel are friends,” to the point of fulfilling the law of love of others as the basis of all existence.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 2/07/18, Lesson on the topic of “The Israeli Nation’s Duty of Unity”

The World Is Improving

laitman_202.0Researchers of the project “Our World In Data,” backed by numbers in their hands, ascertain that there have been significant improvements in the world over the last two hundred years. For example, at the beginning of the 19th century over 94% of the world population were destitute, while today this number is 9.6% (
One in ten people over the age of 15 could read, while today 85% of the people are literate. Two hundred years ago 43% of newborn babies made it to their fifth birthday, today the world child mortality rate is down to 4%.
Indeed, we have learned to take care of our bodies and we achieve great success in doing so. But what is happening to the body is not quite what is happening to the person.
Before people used to fight for daily survival and seldom questioned its meaning. Today when developed countries are practically guaranteeing everyone their basic necessities, the question arises: “What is the meaning of my life?
There is no answer.
With time, some people become really bothered with this question. No matter how much we try to escape it or mask it, the emptiness remains. Behind it there is not just a simple obscurity, but a problem for all of humanity: the absence of the meaning of its very foundation.
That is why, even though life becomes easier, it also becomes harder. Subconsciously we carry this burden of unspoken truth inside us, the blunder in the foundation of our consciousness.
We can certainly brag about our statistical indicators, but in reality we are becoming lonelier, even in our families, we interact with each other less and less. There’s a vacuum around each person. Instead of common happiness and prosperity, we are wandering in the dark among the shadows. As we prosper materially, we become indigent spiritually.
That is why people stopped believing in a better future, despite the increased standard of living. No wonder the percentage of optimists fell below ten percent in some places.
Unfortunately, not everyone realizes that the reason for it is the lack of meaning. But at a certain point this question will become paramount for everyone: “What is this all for? What am I for?” Then people will hear what the science of Kabbalah, which studies the higher level of the system of governance, says. There is no other answer, everything else is just a runaround and postponement.
So the question of the meaningless of life and lack of its goal leads us to the real revelation and ascent. When we penetrate the view of the upper system and start to consciously interact with it, our lives will truly become productive. We will actively participate in our own development, and from an unfortunate, lonely, small people, we will grow into a great, eternal, perfect creatures.
From KabTV’s “News with Michael Laitman” 1/30/18

What Is Born In Dispute?

laitman_600.04Question: Where did all the rules of the workshop come from: to speak in turns, to annul myself, to not criticize? After all, on the contrary, truth is born in a dispute.
Answer: All the workshop rules are based on principles described by the Kabbalists, starting from The Book of Zohar when ten great Kabbalists gathered together, took shelter in a cave, and wrote this book. From there came the understanding of what the “ten” is, how to unite in it, and what we should do with it. Later, my teacher Rabash described relationships in the ten in great detail, stressing that all the basics of interaction between people in the circle have nothing to do with psychological training.
The statement that truth is born in dispute is absolutely wrong. How can truth be born in dispute if everyone is an egoist, everyone thinks incorrectly, and because they argue out of ten egoistic truths another twenty, thirty, or forty of the same will be born. I have not seen that truth is born in dispute. For this, people must be special, understanding in what way in our limited abilities we can use this principle.
This is completely unacceptable in Kabbalah. There can be no disputes because truth must come to us from the next level of awareness, not from our level! We have nothing to look for within ourselves. It seems to me that the history of humanity has already made it clear to us: we cannot dig out anything good from ourselves.
Therefore, there is no need to search for anything, including any “truth.” We must only assemble ourselves in such a way that we will bring upon ourselves the upper illumination, the upper Light. Then we will succeed.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 10/8/17

The Times Of Israel: “International Women’s Day 2018: Gender Equality From The Perspective Of The Wisdom Of Kabbalah”

In light of International Women’s Day, I was asked to give my take on gender equality from the perspective of the wisdom of Kabbalah.
To begin with, the idea of comparing men and women is just as wrong as comparing apples and oranges. Nature designed men and women as different creatures, both biologically and psychologically. Just as our bodies work in very different ways, we also think, feel and perceive the world differently.
Therefore, the attempt to make men and women one and the same is completely unnatural. By trying to judge men and women by the same standards, and equalize them as much as possible, it’s as if we are trying to “fix” nature. And nature doesn’t need any fixing.
Rather than trying to level the differences between men and women, we need to learn how to embrace them. We should aim for harmony – not equality. That is, we have to upgrade our view on gender equality to a more holistic approach, to see how it is precisely our differences that make us capable of complementing each other to create harmony.
The whole of nature works that way – unique and opposite qualities are woven together to create life – plus and minus, contraction and expansion, heat and cold, ebb and flow, male and female. In fact, I believe this is something that women understand a lot better than men, since they are generally more sensitive to nature than men.
On the practical level, I’m not saying that men and women can’t serve in the same roles in society. Examples such as Margaret Thatcher and Angela Merkel prove that a capable woman can find herself in a position that was typically occupied by a man. However, placing a woman in a certain position just because it makes things look more “equal” is foolish and won’t do any good to society.
For instance, when a steering committee is asked to have an equal amount of men and women for the sake of “equality,” it is a childish perception of equality that aims for political correctness rather than optimal results. A steering committee could have a majority of men or a majority of women, depending on what the committee needs to achieve, and what each person brings to the table – not how we can make a poster of equality.
Western society needs more education about how various systems of nature achieve harmony when differences come together. Then, we will see that what we should strive for in society is mutual complementation, which means highlighting the unique qualities of men and women, and weaving them together to achieve the best of both worlds.
I invite you to take our free Kabbalah course and learn for yourself how to uncover your unique qualities for the benefit of all.

Thursday, March 8, 2018

My Facebook Page: “International Women’s Day 2018”

From My Facebook Page Michael Laitman 3/8/18
In light of International Women’s Day, I was asked to give my take on gender equality from the perspective of the wisdom of Kabbalah.
To begin with, the idea of comparing men and women is just as wrong as comparing apples and oranges. Nature designed men and women as different creatures, both biologically and psychologically. Just as our bodies work in very different ways, we also think, feel and perceive the world differently.
Therefore, the attempt to make men and women one and the same is completely unnatural. By trying to judge men and women by the same standards, and equalize them as much as possible, it’s as if we are trying to “fix” nature. And nature doesn’t need any fixing.
Rather than trying to level the differences between men and women, we need to learn how to embrace them. We should aim for harmony – not equality. That is, we have to upgrade our view on gender equality to a more holistic approach, to see how it is precisely our differences that make us capable of complementing each other to create harmony.
The whole of nature works that way – unique and opposite qualities are woven together to create life – plus and minus, contraction and expansion, heat and cold, ebb and flow, male and female. In fact, I believe this is something that women understand a lot better than men, since they are generally more sensitive to nature than men.
On the practical level, I’m not saying that men and women can’t serve in the same roles in society. Examples such as Margaret Thatcher and Angela Merkel prove that a capable woman can find herself in a position that was typically occupied by a man. However, placing a woman in a certain position just because it makes things look more “equal” is foolish and won’t do any good to society.
For instance, when a steering committee is asked to have an equal amount of men and women for the sake of “equality,” it is a childish perception of equality that aims for political correctness rather than optimal results. A steering committee could have a majority of men or a majority of women, depending on what the committee needs to achieve, and what each person brings to the table – not how we can make a poster of equality.
Western society needs more education about how various systems of nature achieve harmony when differences come together. Then, we will see that what we should strive for in society is mutual complementation, which means highlighting the unique qualities of men and women, and weaving them together to achieve the best of both worlds.
I invite you to take our free Kabbalah course and learn for yourself how to uncover your unique qualities for the benefit of all.

The Period Of Concealment In The History Of Kabbalah

Laitman_138Question: If Kabbalah is the method to discover the Creator, why was it concealed for two thousand years, preventing people from using it?
Answer: It was a latent period in the history of Kabbalah, like the Middle Ages.
To us, it seems like nothing happened during the Middle Ages. Development in Europe appeared to freeze, but this was not so. Experts will tell you it was a period of rapid development, but it was internal, hidden. It prepared Europe for all the subsequent progress. Without this preparation, there would have been no cultural or industrial revolution. no Renaissance, nothing.
Question: If our development were not technological, what would it be?
Answer: Our development had to be technological because it was the result of our egoistic development.
Today, this period is coming to an end. The next stage will be spiritual development. We are gradually entering it now. Our recognition of the evil of our current development will lead us to it.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 7/23/17

Is It Worthwhile For An Older Person To Study Kabbalah?

laitman_622.01Question: If you know that you will not be able to apply Kabbalahpractically due to your age, should you continue to study and work in connection with a group?
Answer: There is no question about age here.
How can you know how much time is left until the end of your soul’s correction? If you received this opportunity at a mature age, at a certain time, in a certain situation, it means that you specifically need it to be this way and not otherwise. Do not curse and negate anything.
Don’t complain. Instead, learn specifically in the situation given to you and you will see that it is optimal for your soul.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 9/24/17

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

The Main Thing Is To Work!

laitman_528.02Everything is arranged in a miraculous way so that even without any contact with spirituality I still have the opportunity to come to it just because I allegedly love, unite, come closer and sit with the friends, and supposedly give.
If we measured our true distance from each other, one would be thousands of kilometers away from me, another one hundred thousand, the third one million kilometers, and the fourth would disappear altogether beyond the horizon.
However, we appear to sit together. This is called an “imaginary world.” Thanks to this, we can begin to approach each other and gradually attract the Light that will start changing us. By doing so, we will begin to acquire the mind and the feelings we did not previously have. Every time we will have ups and downs, feel increasingly stupid or ever smarter. The most important thing is to continue to work!
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 2/28/18, Baal HaSulam, Shamati, Article 37 “An Article for Purim”

Workshop: Hear Everyone

laitman_938.04Question: Why is it important that everyone speak during the workshop?
Answer: We need to foster our friends, to feel them. Each of them should be able to speak in order to understand himself more, to be able to express himself.
Question: And if a person says: “I will skip, I cannot speak, I do not want to”?
Answer: There is nothing you can do. People in our world are different: some are silent and some are talkative. But in the group, we have to smooth it all out.
Remark: During the workshop we listen to each friend and demonstrate this emphatically. That is, we speak in turn, do not interrupt each other, listen carefully.
My Comment: In the workshop we are interested in the opinion of absolutely everyone. And even if I am not interested in certain opinions, I have to force myself to listen so that my ego does not ignore my friends’ messages.
And although my ego does not want to listen to anyone, their opinions are the most important, necessary, and effective for me.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 10/22/17

Education In The Society Of The Future

laitman_942Question: What should the educational environment of the society of the future look like?
Answer: It will need to consist only of tens in which people learn how to connect with each other and solve all problems and study all subjects together.
Question: The classical structure of the educational system includes students, teachers, and the subject of study. How do these three components fit into the concept of the ten?
Answer: The teacher is the organizer who asks the students a specific number of questions and gives them a specific amount of information. The students must then, with the help of this information and their connection, solve the questions.
First, they practice connecting with each other. Let’s say they need to study some topic in physics. Before they start studying, they connect with each other such that they become as a single unit with one desire and one mind. They can then start studying physics correctly.
Naturally, they will experience the subject in a completely new way.
Question: In the groups there is usually a differentiation: one is a better writer, another reads, etc. Is differentiation allowed in a ten for the sake of achieving a common goal?
Answer: Of course. It is even written in The Book of Zohar. One reads, another writes, the third discusses, and the fourth prepares the solutions, excerpts, citations, and so forth. Each person’s abilities are gathered into a unified whole.
Furthermore, no one is told in advance what to do. There are no set limitations nor any specific roles assigned. On their own, through their connection, the students find their individual places for maximal contribution to the group.
Question: Do you place importance on knowledge?
Answer: The new level of knowledge is not egoistic knowledge, but what is gleaned from the integral spiritual system being revealed. This knowledge is beyond the limits of Einstein’s theory.
Question: So there are ten students who know the problem they need to solve. Do they formulate the goal themselves, decide which abilities are needed to reach this goal, and then delegate tasks and move toward that goal also through mutual decision?
Answer: They must solve any and all problems only from their unity. They will have a new mind, new sensations, new interconnections—a ten, as one shared structure.
Within this structure of connection, call it a “matrix” or Partzuf, they will find the solution to any question: technical, biological, whatever. Other methods for finding solutions do not exist.
From KabTV’s “The Last Generation” 8/17/17

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Fight For Freedom

laitman_424.02The most dangerous state is neither ascent nor descent, but indifference. We do not have the strength to get out of it: neither upward nor downward. It is considered death. In a descent, a person experiences various problems, negative influences, and alien thoughts, but he is alive and not dead. Death is indifference.
The Creator says, “Come to Pharaoh!” That is, He invites us to find out how opposite we are to the upper force, to the spiritual world, bestowal, and love. We will then have tools for work: the Light will be revealed on the background of darkness.
Otherwise, we cannot discern nor feel it. Therefore, the Egyptian exile was necessary because it revealed our complete opposition to the Creator, since Pharaoh is the reverse side of the Creator. When a person discovers the full extent of such opposition, he is ready to exit Egypt.
Our problem is neither light nor darkness, but grey twilight, indifference. Nothing can be done there. If I am in prison and feel imprisoned, then I make every effort to escape. Yet, if I do not feel that I am in chains, in prison, cut off from real life, then I am ready to remain in this cell forever. There is no worse state. This is a real prison and only the environment can help a person.
Bad or good states both lead to advancement, but the state of indifference is absolutely static and takes up 90% of our time. It swallows our life, leaving us without any hope of reaching the purpose of creation. Therefore, we must fight against it. This is our area of freewill, the middle third of Tifferet, where neither forces from above nor forces from below act on us—we are in the middle between them and we cannot escape anywhere. This is the real prison.
From 1(sup>st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 1/18/18,Lesson on the Topic: “From Obstructions to Ascents,” (Prep For World Convention 2018)

Consent Of The Pharaoh

749.02In order for the people of Israel to leave Egypt, Pharaoh’s consent is necessary. He must know and understand the reason for its necessity. Pharaoh then opens the door for them and shuts it behind them once they exit.
What this means is that without spreading the wisdom of Kabbalah among the nations of the world, the people of Israel will not be able to correct even themselves. Not only will we not be able to implement a correction in the nations of the world, but we also will not receive the methodology from above in the correct, complete form unless we first turn to all the nations, absorb their desires, and raise them to the Creator.
We need to act in the environment of the nations of the world and this will help us unite more, become included in the Creator, and pass the Light. This is a closed system. Of course, this happens in stages, but I think that we have already reached a stage when the nations of the world should adopt this method, which has opened up in its full power.
As the waves of anti-Semitism grow, it is clear that the nations of the world need a method of correction. Since the Creator arouses these waves, it means that in this way through the nations of the world, He turns to the people of Israel and wants to wake us up to act. If we do not react to His calls the way we did not react eighty years ago in Nazi Germany, then a catastrophe will occur. All because we do not want to notice the Creator’s appeal to us!
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 2/7/18, Lesson on Topic: “The Israeli Nation’s Day of Unity”

A Kabbalistic Guarantee

laitman_265Question: When you talk about the future society, you mention the word “commune” (a collective farm). After the bloody and violent seventy-year attempt to impose the ideas of communism on one-fifth of the world’s population, what guarantees do Kabbalists give that it won’t produce an even worse totalitarian system?
Answer: Nobody intends to entice humanity into communes. A person who is ready to live in a truly altruistic community lives in absolute freedom. He strives to maintain altruistic spiritual relationships with others and to provide mutual spiritual help where people become united into groups of ten and groups of ten into hundreds, thousands, and so forth in order to fill the space between them with the quality of bestowal. With the quality of bestowal they establish, they discover the higher power that will fill them with love. This is the discovery of the Creator.
Question: So this is meant for someone who has been prepared for it through the appropriate education and wants to do it? It’s not about someone being forced into it?
Answer: Certainly. You cannot obligate anyone by force here. There must be absolute freedom of choice, which requires education.
Question: Baal HaSulam writes that with altruistic communism, people will stand in line to enter such a society, and it will be determined if one is ready to enter it or not. So there won’t be any coercion at all?
Answer: Correct, because a person needs to be ready to connect with others properly. People who enter this community and who are included in these reciprocal relationships immediately discover Ein Sof (infinity), the limitless creation, the higher power they are in, and they will feel that they exist eternally.
Remark: When Baal HaSulam tried to explain this, they accused him of being a communist. After all, the discovery of the Creator, the disclosure of the quality of bestowal within me, and as a consequence, its manifestation similar to communism in our world, cannot be comprehended in the mind.
My Comment: No, this is not the same communism as in the past. The essence of the commune is that there will be inner connections with each other, not connections through money, communal life, or small villages.
When there is the right inner connection, each person thinks about his interconnection with others. Only this creates a common connection among people on the level of the soul in which they discover their higher life. In other words, even if I were to be separated from my physical body today, I would remain spiritually alive.
Relationships are based on a clear understanding that we are in an eternal, perfect, and reciprocal system. These are not ordinary human feelings. This happens within the same network we exist in today. We don’t need to create anything. We only need to discover this network.
Question: What is it like when I feel that another person is a part of me?
Answer: Let’s assume you discover that you depend on us. Then you will begin to relate to us differently because our existence determines your existence. This is no longer called egoism because you begin to relate to others in the same way you relate to yourself. Everything begins from egoism. If I depend on others, I must act in a way that is good for them so that it will also be good for me. This is a very precise and completely egoistic act.
But this is only the beginning. After that, from Lo Lishma (an intention only for myself) we move to Lishma (an intention for the sake of bestowal). When I work like this, it becomes clear to me that bestowal itself provides me with a higher level of existence. In other words, I begin to understand within my egoism that it is worthwhile for me to be released from the ego. This is called, “the angel of death becomes the angel of life.” The ego overcomes itself.
Question: Is it possible to bring large numbers of people to these relationships through education?
Answer: The entirety of humanity. This is our mission.
Question: Do you have an education plan for 2018?
Answer: Yes. But it is not something to discuss. It’s something we need to apply! Entering a state of a spiritual Ubar (embryo) is the first step in our program, and we will achieve it in the coming year.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 12/24/17

Monday, March 5, 2018

Hackers Congress

laitman_959In the News (Deutsche Welle): ”The Chaos Computer Club (CCC) is one of the world’s leading white-hat hacker meetings and maker fairs, and its annual general meeting in Leipzig this week was a celebration of digital arts and technology stunts.
“What do hardcore computer hackers and technology freaks do when they get together in a big horde? The place to find out is Leipzig, and the time is now. That’s because CCC is holding its 34th annual meeting there, from December 27 to 30, under the rubric ‘Do Something.’
“Around 15,000 people are expected to take part in the sold-out event, some 3,000 more than last year. For Germany’s dedicated white-hat hackers and computer nerds, it’s the biggest, best festival of the year. …
“CCC is concerned with freedom of information, privacy, digital technologies, experimentation, and digital arts, culture and politics, among other things.”
Question: Is it harmful for society to have access to general data on any individual? Who can be permitted to have such access?
Answer: This is a problem. If society were corrected, then all information would be accessible and open and everything would be correctly accepted, comprehended, and digested, as in a meat grinder, and we would have a “nice cutlet.”
However, when society and various countries’ regulating federal organizations, their attorneys, courts, and the like, are only waiting to grind and mold everything to their own favor, then I don’t think this type of access is worth revealing. I think that in such a case the Internet will turn into a sewer.
If we open the Internet and pour everything into it, then it will be like what happens in our oceans; as you’re flying over, you see the mountains of garbage in the middle of the ocean. The Internet is also an ocean. It really can contain anything, but ultimately, even if it is endless and without limits, mountains of garbage will begin to accumulate in it, which will have the effect of slowing down the flow of information, creating spam, and so forth.
That is why I am not in favor of absolute freedom, but of reasonable freedom. We have to deal with the individual as with a child—allowing only what is beneficial for his development. If we allow a child to do absolutely everything, then we might cause him harm. So it is here.
Humanity is like irrational children, requiring education. At the same time, we can allow anything on the Internet according to the extent of education humanity receives. However, only based on the level of education—so that the individual draws from the Internet only what is actually beneficial for him and society.
From KabTV’s “News with Michael Laitman,” 1/7/18

The Creator Chose You

laitman_284It is said about the people of Israel: “The Creator chose you.” He chose them by giving them a bigger and more developed desire to enjoy. This would make them feel the need to engage in the purpose of creation and correction and find an answer to the question about the meaning of life.
Such questions were revealed in a small group of people whom Abraham took from all the Babylonians and formed as the group of “Israel” (Yashar-Kel – directly to the Creator). This is how their inner desire, received from above, was directed.
After the breaking of Adam’s soul from the tree of knowledge, all pieces fell and mixed. But under the influence of the reforming Light, the lightest and less broken parts of the soul begin to rise first. The people of Israel seem the most egoistic, but this is because egoism reveals itself in them. In fact, the greatest egoism lies in those souls that ascend later.
First, there was a shattering and mixing of all parts, and then it filtered from this sediment, from all its layers, and was distributed according to the degrees of egoism. The same order applies to our world. There are very intelligent people, scientists and inventors, and there are technical specialists and engineers who implement these inventions in practice. And then these innovations are transferred to people to use.
It is the same way, in the wisdom of Kabbalah, there are scholars who are Kabbalists. Then there is the “technical staff,” the students who take these ideas and bring them to the people. And when people receive it, then everyone uses it to the best of their ability.
For example, when one buys a car, he does not care what is inside the car, the main thing is to learn how to drive it. But there are specialists who built this car and understand how it works. The wisdom of Kabbalah is organized in the same way as other sciences.
Our generation is in crisis because it is time for us to know how nature works and to get to know all of its systems. We have already fully realized ourselves in the material form: What else can we do, add a few more buttons? A person will still remain the same inside.
Throughout the history of development, man has tried to build external systems that will give him happiness, joy, and tranquility. And we built a material paradise around ourselves, but we see that it has not brought happiness.
On the contrary, we hit a dead end. Material well-being does not free us from problems and does not fulfill us. It is now that we reveal that we are completely empty, although we are in the midst of complete abundance. This is called the realization of evil in which we understand that we need to correct ourselves within ourselves, because this is where the problem lies. Therefore, the time has come for this correction.
As once we were engaged in the correction of the external world, so now we need to turn to the correction of man’s inner world. And in this, too, there are “scientists,” “engineers,” and “users.”
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 2/7/18, Lesson on Topic: “The Israeli Nation’s Day of Unity”

The True Origins Of Kabbalah

laitman_527.07Question: What is the difference between the school of the Baal Shem Tov and that of the Vilna Gaon?
Answer: This is a very complex system of two trends in the wisdom of Kabbalah. In general there are four streams in the wisdom of Kabbalah:
1. The Eastern wisdom of Kabbalah,
2. Kabbalah of Baal HaSulam, which is a continuation of the wisdom of the Kabbalah of the Baal Shem Tov,
3. Kabbalah of the Vilna Gaon, which is a continuation of the wisdom of Kabbalah of the Ramchal (Rabbi Moshe Chaim Luzzatto), and
4. The wisdom of Kabbalah of the Ramak (Rabbi Moshe Cordovero).
Today, however, there are no more unique streams. They are all studied mixed together and different Kabbalistic sources are used. Today you can’t even understand which of them are true and which are not.
I believe that the true sources are The Book of Zohar with the Sulam Commentary, the writings of Ari, and the writings of Baal HaSulam and Rabash. We study according to them.
There are streams that study according to other streams, with other sources. I cannot say anything about them, nor do I want to say anything about them. Each person will choose according to his interests.
Our main task is to make the wisdom of Kabbalah accessible to everyone in all languages and in the simplest way so that every person in the world can use it and discover how to correct himself and discover the system of higher management.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 10/1/17

Sunday, March 4, 2018

Anti-Semitism Was Born At Mount Sinai

laitman_740.03The law of development leads us to an ever greater mutual connection which requires us to have good relationships with each other. But the more communication systems we build, the higher the opposite side rises: diplomatic games, war, and the breaking of relationships.
On one hand, according to the development of nature, we will always strive to unite because this is demanded by advanced technologies and modern life. We switched from connection in small groups that existed thousands of years ago among cave people to complete disunity, and now we must unite again at a new level.
Also, humanity is striving toward connection, trying to create it. An example of this is the European Union, and various international organizations and unions. But it does not work out; they are all doomed to collapse and enmity, even greater than before unification started. After all, they cannot realize the law “love your neighbor as yourself.”
In order to realize their dream and become a truly united Europe, there is not even at least a small rapprochement between the nations, a mutual spirit and attraction. In a natural way, there is hatred, rejection, and separation between all nations. Therefore, we need to create a mutual attraction, but this cannot be done. After all, the method of correction can come only from Israel.
If Israel does not provide a method of correction, then tremendous anti-Semitism will break out in Europe again. All the “united Europe,” all of its three dozens of states, will be like Nazi Germany eighty years ago. The same future also awaits North and South America.
Everyone is ready for this. The time has come when Israel should show the method of connection. If we do not do this, the nations of the world will instinctively blame us again and again.
Anti-Semitism was born at Mount Sinai. Moses descended with the method of correction of egoism, and in parallel, at the same time, hatred toward Jews descended to the nations of the world. It is necessary to use the Torah in order to correct the hatred they receive from above, from the Creator.
The people of Israel are in the middle between the Torah and the nations of the world and must set one against the other. If we do not fulfill this mission, then we are bound to it from above and from below.
Therefore, one should not think that the State of Israel was created as a refuge for Jews. Of course, it serves as a refuge, but the question is: What for? What are we living for? This question about the meaning of our life should awaken us to find the right answer. We live in order to realize the law “love your neighbor as yourself” and to become a light for other nations, that is, to teach the whole world how to do it.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 2/7/18, Lesson on Topic: “The Israeli Nation’s Day of Unity”

The Rich Become Richer, But They Aren’t The Problem

Social stratification is increasing in the world. The rich continue to rapidly become richer and the poor become poorer.
According to recent data, last year, one percent of the world’s population accumulated about one-third of the world’s wealth. Is this bad? Within the framework of human egoism, this is normal and natural. It is not about billionaires. Like all of us, they too cannot sacrifice their nature (The Guardian).
Our egoism is bottomless and nothing is enough for it. It is good that today we still manage to keep it under control and squeeze out some funds for others. Nonetheless, the general tendency leads to a dead end.
After all, a rich person estimates his success not by billions, but by feeling. He does not feel that he is rich because others are richer than him or because he does not own everything and everyone yet.
Paradoxically, with fifty billion, he feels poorer than before. There is no limit. He gives huge sums to charitable causes precisely because money itself does not satisfy him. By the way, we would be exactly the same in his place.
On the other hand, even massive infusions into the Third World did not help radically change the situation. Hundreds of millions are still starving and most people are far from meeting their basic needs.
What should be done?
To begin with we need to understand the essence of the problem, its root. Evil is not in the concentration of the world’s wealth, but in the system itself, where people are unable to change because they do not want to hear that they need to change themselves.
We are faced with history’s challenge: the need to radically renew human nature and nurture a new quality of bestowal to our fellow human beings. Only this will make us equal, truly, honestly, reliably, and bloodlessly. This is not a “one size fits all” solution. Rather, it allows everyone to realize themselves by benefiting others.
Only in this will we all find our calling and happiness.

Responsibile For Every Word

laitman_209Question: Is there a difference between a teacher, and a teacher in Kabbalah?
Answer: There is a teacher in Kabbalah, and there are also his assistants who teach certain aspects of Kabbalah. But in any case, everything comes from a teacher who sets the general direction and spirit of development. His assistants report to him, but each teaches separately.
Question: Does the teacher feel responsible for every word that he says to the students?
Answer: Absolutely. One can pass on this knowledge only to the extent that one believes that it is true, and that one has experienced it, and suffered for it. It belongs to him, meaning that he has paid for it.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 10/1/17

Man And The Creator Without Intermediaries

Laitman_017.01Question: What is the essence of the relationship between the Creator and man? Is an intermediary necessary?
Answer: There can be no intermediary between a person and the Creator: only him or her and the Creator. Also, the rest of humanity supposedly exists to everyone, but humanity is also within the person.
If he correctly relates to what is happening to him, realizing that it is all a demonstration of his personal properties against the background of the Creator’s properties, and correctly connects both pictures, he comes to the real view of the whole creation where he and the Creator meet in the world that he reveals.
Question: Does it mean that a person absorbs this world and remains alone with the Creator?
Answer: As a rule, this happens in the ten.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 10/29/17

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