Saturday, November 11, 2017

Diligent And Prosperous

 Baal HaSulam, The Writings of the Last Generation: First, according to the development of the communist regimes, I find that the terms, “bourgeois” and “proletariat,” are no longer sufficient to explain that economic history, and we need more general terms. It is truer to divide society into a class of diligent and a class of backward.
In the bourgeois regimes, the diligent are the capitalists and the middle class. The backward are the workers who labor for them. In the communist regimes, the diligent are the managers, the supervisors, and the intellectuals, and the backward are the workers who labor for them.
Remark: Baal HaSulam places both capitalist and communist regimes in parallel, accentuating that in both of them there are diligent and backward people.
My Comment: This is given by nature. If I am diligent, smart, and fast, then under capitalism I find an appropriate place for myself and move forward. I bought two apples, washed and sold them, then I can buy four apples, etc. 
For example, during the great repatriation [in Israel], many intelligent, educated people who came from Russia had to sweep the streets in the beginning. But after a while they disappeared from sight. I asked my friend who worked in the municipality, “Where are these people?” He answered, “They are already working somewhere else.”
It means that unlike immigrants of the past years, these people quickly found their place here, and their children even more so. They were educated at local universities and began working in various institutions. This is being diligent and prosperous.
This is given by nature and nothing can be done here. However, among them there were those who quietly remained working in their places because they had no pressure from within.
That is, the egoistic level determines absolutely everything. A person either remains on the level of “food, sex, and family” or goes further to wealth, honor, control, and knowledge. This is the ladder that he climbs according to his natural desire.
In this respect, there is no difference between capitalism and communism. For a person who realizes himself in any society, even under a communist regime where everything is open for everyone, everything depends on his spiritual desire.
Remark: These seems to be simple truths, but none of the ideologists thought of it for some reason.
My Comment: The fact is that they are not based on natural egoism, they do not see it as a given. “How is it possible?! Everyone is free! Everybody is equal by nature. Freedom, equality, brotherhood!” They initially proceed from the fact that all people are equal. They do not understand that this is not so. How is it possible for two people to be the same? The one who talks about this does not understand anything about nature.
According to the wisdom of Kabbalah each person is not only not equal to another, but he is unique! The right society differs from the wrong one by the fact that it seeks to provide to each person such a place, such an environment, such an opportunity, for his own realization that he is happy.
However, this is provided to him in accordance to his abilities and capabilities. He cannot say “I want to be a head of government!” Therefore, it is necessary to determine how to realize each one properly with the maximum benefit for him and for society.
From KabTV’s “The Last Generation” 8/7/17

While It Is Not Too Late

laitman_293We are facing a task of double complexity. First, we must convince the people of Israel that we need to achieve unity, even though they are opposed to correction and unification.
Apart from this, it is also necessary that people understand that unification is only possible through studying the wisdom of Kabbalah and the Reforming Light that is attracted by this study. That is, the problem is to convince them to accept both the goal and the means.
The goal is that “All Israel are friends,” in other words, the complete unification of the people within which the Creator will be revealed. Not only is it necessary to achieve love between us, but also through the wisdom of Kabbalah, and this is even more repelling. However, we need to understand that our unity is an absolute necessity if we want to avoid extermination.
Remark: When the situation becomes threatening, then the people of Israel will rise as one man and unite.
My Comment: Then it will be too late! Why didn’t the Jews escape this way during Hitler’s time? Today the fire can flare up instantly, as if on dry chips. Back then Hitler’s plans were implemented over several years. Laws against the Jews began to emerge about ten years before concentration camps appeared.
The situation was getting worse gradually, but no one rose to protest. The world turns a deaf ear and heart to what is happening to the Jews. This deafness comes from nature, from the side of the Creator in order to oblige the Jews to fulfill their mission. The Creator does not consider animate bodies and egoistic desires; the most important thing for Him is the desire to bestow that is called a soul.
However, we can avoid blows through awareness and understanding in order not to receive them physically. It is written that “Everything will be clarified in the thought.” If we are aware of our mission, then this is enough and we will no longer need suffering. A clever child understands everything through one glance of a parent and there is no need to shout at him and, all the more, to beat him.
Therefore, it is worthwhile even now to think where the blows come to us from and their cause. Who controls this world and sends us these sufferings? If the people want to sort out this question and listen to the opinion of the Kabbalists who wrote about this at all times, then they have an opportunity to reveal the truth.
We all witnessed the conflict that erupted around the metal detectors installed by Israeli security services on the Temple Mount, which eventually had to be removed. However, in fact, they were not at all important to Arabs, for them this was just a reason to protest.
Look how they united around this trifling reason and inflated a big flame from it. However, we have nothing to say, after all, we passed them the reigns of control of the entire universe. We give the Arabs the right to control the world by our disunity.
If we continue in this way, it will become worse. The UN, UNESCO, and various commissions will start issuing anti-Israeli decrees one after another. First, they will tell us to leave the Temple Mount, then Jerusalem, and then the land of Israel. We will have nowhere to go, nobody will accept us, just like it once was in Germany. After all, we have not learned from the past mistakes.
The entire universe is one spiritual system and the people of Israel can only affect its head. It is not without reason that Israel is called “My head” (Li-Rosh). If we start to perceive current affairs correctly and influence them wherever we can, then we will be able to change reality.
This is the only way to correct the situation. We rely on our missiles, weapons, and strong army, but this will not help. It may happen that with all our military power, arsenal of rockets, and atomic bombs, we will not be allowed to take a single shot from the smallest pistol. Therefore, we must explain to the people that we do not have any other way to save ourselves from this dangerous situation, except for unity.
From the 2nd part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 7/28/17, Lesson on the Topic: “On the Merit of the Study of Kabbalah, Israel Will Come Out of Exile”

Different Roots Of Unity

laitman_293Remark: If you look at economic statistics, then society is completely at a dead end, and the answer to this is likely to be fascism. We see what is happening in the world, and we understand that in fact everything is going in a very bad direction.
My Comment: Fascism is also connection between people, but it is egoistic, not altruistic. Kabbalists call it reverse reflection. Naturally, the development in our world will lead to it.
Question: During the last twenty years the situation in the world has not improved; it is worsening on all economic parameters. What is missing for changes to take place?
Answer: We do not convey enough information to all sectors of society, not just about the state of society, but what we should come to, and why it should be so from the perspective of nature, or the Creator, which is the same.
The word “Creator” is intended for religious people, and “nature” is for the non-religious people. But, technically, people should understand that it is the same, and everyone should come to this.
As for fascists, they, among other things, also hoped to find an upper sphere as well, they looked for their higher roots in the Himalayas. They felt that unity was at the heart of the right society. But what kind of unity? They indulged their natural egoism.
Remark: They thought that if they pulled this force, they could conquer the whole world.
My Comment: Yes. But for what? They were looking for the roots: Where is the upper force that can be reached by putting the whole world at their feet. That is, egoism is a very broad ideology, which has its roots.
Question: Is unity a core of law inside of which we all are?
Answer: Of course. Only in this case, it is absolutely the opposite of Kabbalah, but this is how it reveals itself. Therefore, fascism is ahead.
Remark: But we hope that we can somehow prevent it.
My Comment: For this we need to do what Kabbalah teaches us.
Remark: We talked about this five to seven years ago, and today we can already clearly see how this starts to close in on humanity. But the society is exactly where it was before.
My Comment: Because we are given the time and opportunity to try to advance not in a fascist way, but in a Kabbalistic way.
From KabTV’s “The Last Generation” 7/31/17

Leadership In The Future Society

laitman_259.02Property owners will be under public supervision, or under self-trusteeship, or through bookkeeping. (Baal HaSulam, “The Last Generation”)
The society of the future will constantly move forward. However, a person is still born an egoist. His parents do not pass anything onto him from the high spiritual level that they have achieved. And he, born as an animal, has to gradually enter into a totally new area, a new environment. He has to go through all of these transformations.
However, people will move very quickly into this new system of interconnection. Today, even a small child is much better at handling a mobile phone or a computer than his parents.
Question: On one hand, it is better for me to give up as much property as possible and free myself from all these types of concerns. On the other hand, I want to serve society. So maybe I should do the opposite and acquire different factories?
Answer: So, do what the society tells you to do. You should not just listen to the demands of society but strive to be as useful as possible to society. And in what way? That, you decide together with the leaders.
Leadership is not cancelled. There is an ideological leadership called Sanhedrin as well as corporeal planning, guidance, and leadership. But, most importantly, the society operates with new principles.
Question: I cannot even think that I could disobey the Sanhedrin’s decision, is that right?
Answer: You are not interested in disagreeing because each move that is suggested to you by society and which you perform for the sake of the society’s good, ends up benefiting you as well.
From KabTV’s “The Last Generation” 7/31/17

The Spread Of Kabbalah

254.02Question from Facebook: Why is Kabbalah openly accessible only now? What is so terrible about it that it was forbidden to do it before?
Answer: When I was a child, we had a large library at home—an entire room lined with bookshelves. As I was growing up, I could get to the higher shelves, take books, and read them. The most inaccessible books to me were my mother’s books on gynecology—they were on the highest shelves. Of course, I wanted to get them, but I could not.
Now you understand that a person must reach only the level that will properly educate him. We start with children’s books, then read junior books, then classics, and so on.
It is a similar process with the wisdom of Kabbalah. It is revealed to a person when he is ready for it. And we reached this only in the early 20th century.
The modern author of the wisdom of Kabbalah is the great Kabbalist Baal HaSulam. We mainly study his works, and we base everything on them and the implementation of his method.
The wisdom of Kabbalah was not waiting for the person who would reveal it, but for the whole generation in which it can unfold. We are that generation.
Question: That is, the “lower bookshelves” can be called the history of humanity?
Answer: Yes. There we developed science, art, politics, war, technology, and mainly religion. And now all of this must undergo a complete overhaul.
Only real, spiritual, altruistic values can be higher than us and give us the opportunity, the strength, and the direction to aim for them.
From KabTV’s “News with Michael Laitman” 9/7/17

Change Fate

Laitman_712.03Question: You say that by studying Kabbalah it is possible to change one’s destiny. But is it necessary?
Answer: Yes, it is necessary. Now we are at the level of our compulsory existence. It is not even an animalistic existence, but much lower because an animal does not ask questions about the meaning of life.
Once we start asking such questions, we have an opportunity to rise with their help to the level of absolute freedom, freedom from death, from material life, and from the tight framework of our present existence. This is freedom from being under some special supervision, restrictions, distributions and so on. That is, you become the highest.
In this way, each of us, by reaching an ability to bestow, becomes the highest. One can say, “This is an illusion. How can everyone be the highest?” But it is, in fact, so because we will find ourselves in another, spiritual space.
Question: Do we change our destiny by this?
Answer: Of course. Our destiny is in our hands. We can change not only our corporeal life, but a destiny we know nothing about yet, those stages that we still have to go through.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 7/2/17

The Illusion Of Our World

737.01Question: Does war have a spiritual root?
Answer: There is nothing in our world that does not have a spiritual root, otherwise the object or phenomenon would not exist. The forces that came down from the spiritual world, from the upper system of governance and integration of forces, gradually materialized and formed various objects in our world.
That is why it is written: “You haven’t a blade of grass below that has not a fortune and a guard above that strikes it and tells it, ‘Grow’!” This is obvious.
Upper forces that come down from the world of Infinity through the worlds of Adam Kadmon, Atzilut, Beria, Yetzira, and Assiya reach our world and materialize here.
However, if we are talking about the upper root, in regard to its branch in our world, then it is difficult to explain anything because the system is completely confused. For example, how can you relate a cup or a human hand to an upper equivalent?
Moreover, our world has no such equivalents! It is merely the forces that depict them in our consciousness, in our perceptions. Although, we think that they are material objects, they are illusions.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 7/9/17

Gradual Entrance Into The New Society

laitman_565.01Baal HaSulam, The Writings of the Last Generation: It is important to make such a correction that no person will demand his needs from society. Instead, there will be selected people who will examine the needs of every person and provide for every single person. Public opinion will denounce one who claims something for oneself, such as today’s thief and scoundrel.
Thus, everyone’s thoughts will be devoted to bestowal upon one’s fellow person, as is the nature of any edi cation that calculates it, even before one feels one’s own needs.
We must have faith in the leadership, in that it knows all, understands everything, is smarter than we are, and is leading us correctly to the real goal. Society needs to be consciously aware of this and accept it willingly.
When an individual is consciously aware of the evil within his own nature and the need to accept the benevolent nature of the upper instead, then he will be able to exchange all forms of physical actions for spiritual attainment.
Question: Can just one ten within society be ready for this, while the rest of the society is not?
Answer: That is the gradual entrance. Baal HaSulam writes that the society will gradually, ten by ten, enter the new state.
From KabTV’s “The Last Generation,” 7/31/17

The Language Of The Kabbalist

laitman_526Question: What were the relations between Baal HaSulam and his students? What was his connection to them and the letters that he wrote to them?
Answer: The connection between a Kabbalist and his students is described very well in Baal HaSulam and Rabash’s letters.
They wrote more than they spoke. Practically, I never heard Rabash say, “It seems to me that my eyes see the friends, my arms embrace them, and my legs dance with love and joy along with them in a circle, and then my ‘I’ is annulled and dissolved in my friends.”
As for Baal HaSulam, he expressed everything academically.
Remark: Nevertheless, he had a breakthrough when he wrote: “The only thing that stands before you is the love of friends.”
Answer: He points to this as the most important thing; otherwise, what is the use of all the other actions if there is no clear intention to unite the group in which all this is revealed?
The fact is that there are four languages for explaining the actions: the language of the Tanakh, i.e., the Torah and everything that exists behind it, the language of the Talmud, the language of legends, and the language of Kabbalah. We need to connect all these in order to fully explain it. This is HaVaYaH—the full name of the Creator—that is, a complete revelation of the upper force, the property of bestowal in the property of reception.
Only in this is the love of friends is revealed. Therefore, Baal HaSulam writes that the most important commandment is the commandment of unification and now it stands before the whole world.
I hope very much that with the help of such great figures as Baal HaSulam and Rabash we can do it. At least we see how it all materializes.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 10/16/16

Thursday, November 9, 2017

In Order For The Higher Energy To Penetrate The World

laitman_212After the war, Baal HaSulam was able to accomplish a lot: publish his works, although they were not numerous. He wrote a lot, but usually ended up burning his writings. Once, he gave his little grandson, the son of Rabash, a bag of papers to burn. His grandson was a smart boy. He understood that there was something precious about it and saved the bag.
When I came to Rabash, his son showed me that bag, and we started sorting it out together. The first thing I did was to photograph those writings. It was not easy to make copies of manuscripts at that time.
So I made the copies for Rabash and one for myself. Later four books were produced from them including A Sage’s Fruit. The first two books came out when Rabash was still alive. We used to go to the park together, read the text, and he would edit it. And the last two books were produced after his death.
Previously, Kabbalists always burned their writings. Sometimes their works were even buried with their bodies, as it was with Ari, who was buried with his manuscripts. And sometime later, the works were dug up and rewritten. The same happened with The Book of Zohar that was concealed for many years until somebody found its separate pages used them as wrapping paper.
Question: What kind of action is it when a Kabbalist writes something and then burns it?
Answer: When I studied with Rabash, during the lessons it often happened that he would say a phrase, I would stare at him and understand nothing. He would continue speaking on the topic, adding another phrase and again, nothing was understood, although, it seemed there was nothing mystical about the subject.
The Kabbalist does it on purpose so that this knowledge, this power, can come out from him into the general world. By letting it into the upper world, he gives it the right to exist on the same level as his own, and lower.
Why can’t he say this when he is alone? Because, in front of him, there are “babies,” meaning students, who are currently on the level of our world. When he imparts something to them, his words, energy, and then Light transcends through them and begins affecting the entire world.
Nothing more is needed. That is why great Kabbalists burned their writings.
Question: And no one has even read them?
Answer: No. That was sufficient.
Question: Do you, also, want to burn something, or have you already?
Answer: No, my work is different. I explain everything to you, verbalizing it.
The thing is, you can’t do it any other way! There are no mysteries here! Mystery is only what you do not understand. That is the single framework for restrictions.
Revelation is a paramount task, it is the most worthwhile task. We have to reveal the quality of bestowal; there is nothing else in the world. Inside us, we have the quality of reception, opposite to it is the quality of bestowal; you reveal one inside the other; here, you have all the mysteries of nature and all the worlds.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 10/16/16

The Concept Of God In Kabbalah

226Question from Facebook: The central place in all religions is the concept of God. What does God mean in Kabbalah?
Answer: God in Kabbalah means the general force of nature, except for it, nothing exists.
In itself, this is an abstract concept in relation to a person, and we cannot speak about something that exists outside our perception. No one has ever felt it. This state of the Creator, which is not in relative to us when this upper force exists by itself, in no way can be perceived by us, and therefore, this force is called Atzmuto, meaning He by Himself is Himself.
Everything that we attain and what is possible for us to attain are the actions of the upper force in relation to us. The wisdom of Kabbalah deals with revealing these actions in relation to a person.
We call this upper force the Creator because He created man, He created all the qualities in a person, within which we feel our world and can explore through our senses the Creator Himself, the one who created us. We can explore why He created us with these qualities, with these limitations or, conversely, with these abilities, and what the Creator wants from us.
Developing in this direction, we begin to attain Him, meaning the Creator. Not Atzmuto, not Him by Himself, but exactly the Creator in relation to us. In this way, we explore His actions, how He created our world and all other worlds, which is a certain system of connections between Him and us. Such a system of connections of gradually descending degrees is called worlds. This system affects us.
By studying these worlds, we study the Creator, we study ourselves, we understand in what states we are in connection with Him. And we can change our behavior and our actions in accordance with this in order to raise ourselves to higher connections, to be connected directly with the Creator, literally face to face.
In other words, we can see what kind of reactions our actions produce in Him and, conversely, what reactions His actions produce in us. We can reach an absolutely complete, open two-way connection.
When we begin to attain this opportunity, to reveal and achieve it gradually, we naturally change our behavior in accordance with what we reveal, and we enter a completely different stage of our development where we begin to change into similarity with the Creator. At the same time, our world and we ourselves are change radically and our state becomes more and more reliable, convenient, correct, and true.
Question: Who do I call God if I study Kabbalah?
Answer: I call God the general force of nature. It is called Elokim, which in gematria (the numeric value of the word) is equal to Teva (Nature). The entirety of nature that I reveal, everything that affects me externally, I call the Creator, and everything that is inside of me, I call the derivatives of the Creator.
This is the whole purpose of our work, study, and all sorts of actions—to make an absolute similarity between ourselves and the Creator in desires, intentions, and actions and to reach a completely harmonious connection.
Just as I discover that all the qualities of the Creator are bestowal and love, so I raise myself to these qualities. All this is perceived through feelings; after all, a person is a sensory creature. The mind is given to him in order to control these feelings and form them into similarity to the Creator.
We are created only for this. However, in order to come to this decision, conclusion, and action, we must go through a very long stage of historical development: inanimate, vegetative, animate, and speaking.
Now we have come to the very last stage of human development. We just need to reveal the Creator and make ourselves similar to Him. Then we will be called “Man” (Adam, which means similar).
From KabTV’s “News with Michael Laitman” 8/31/17

Newsmax: “What’s Next When US Is Divided Like Vietnam War Days?“

The largest portal Newsmax published my new article “What’s Next When US Is Divided Like Vietnam War Days“?
It comes as no surprise to me that a majority of Americans said in a recent Washington Post poll that divisions in the U.S. are at least as big as they were during the Vietnam War, and that American politics have reached a dangerous low point.
America’s socio-political climate is looking more and more like a prison yard where you have to choose your gang to get a sense of support: you’re either on the left or the right. The country is torn between liberal Democrats and conservative Republicans, and the pluralism, equality, and independence that define the American spirit have been tossed out the window. Instead of a healthy exchange of ideas, there is intimidation and smothering of free speech, and fear that if you exhibit certain political or religious affiliations, you will face verbal or physical abuse.
Moreover, what’s dangerous about this divisive atmosphere is that when there is no unity in mainstream society, it appears on the fringes in forms of Nazism and fascism.
Letting matters develop as they have been will result in an even more divided, contentious, and violent American society. Therefore, unity of the entire American people is imperative to keeping the American society intact.
Having said that, I do hold great hope in the unity of the American people. It requires major changes in the country’s socio-economic infrastructure, most notably in education and the media, but I believe that America’s pioneering spirit can bring about a positive, creative transformation during these tough times.
In terms of education, as I proposed in one of my previous columns, the establishment of basic income for participating in connection-enriching educational programs would tackle the problem of social division directly, and bring about improvements in the economy, as well as in social health and well-being.
In terms of the media, instead of the constant barrage of divisive messaging, the media should aim to promote ideas and examples of the kind of unity America needs. It should primarily address America’s main problem head on: the country is divided, which negatively affects its citizens and weakens the country, and that the way to a greater America is to work on achieving nationwide unity.
By coupling a more unifying media discourse with a connection-enriching educational agenda, people would learn how to accept, understand, and get along with everyone, and become influenced by a new atmosphere of mutual understanding, support, awareness and sensitivity. As a result, there would be reduced violence, crime, substance abuse and increased happiness in society.
America still has a chance. By emphasizing the unity of the entire American society, the American spirit can be revived. Today’s American Dream, however, needs to revise its surge of motivation through a new vision: people of different cultures coming together to find happiness through social cohesion. If the American people don’t realize their need for unity in a positive way, then the negative versions of unity—Nazism and fascism—will increasingly close in on society from both sides.

True Freedom

laitman_537Question: To reveal the Creator’s absolute control, is that true freedom?
Answer: Yes. But when it is revealed, the individual receives it as his own corrected state. That is why it is experienced not as the Creator’scontrol, but as your own voluntary, freewill.
Question: True freedom is my right to determine what I will desire in the next moment?
Answer: Yes. But this is possible only if you rise above your egoism, if you have a connection with the upper light, and if through this connection you are able to clearly ascertain what you will actually be engaged in, what you will desire in the next moment.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian, 7/2/17

Two American Tragedies And The Parallels Between Them

Dr. Michael LaitmanThe Manhattan terrorist attack occurred not far from where the twin towers used to stand. A few years after their destruction, conspiracy theories about the Jews’ involvement in the incident started spreading around the world.
In every evil the world tries to find the “Jewish trace.” I would not be surprised if this too will be blamed on us, and maybe even faster than in the past. Why?
It is written in the tractate “Yevamot” 63, “No calamity comes to the world but for Israel.” From the point of view of common sense, it sounds religious, mystical, and even absurd. But the fact remains that this is how the world “traditionally” perceives the role of the Jewish people. No matter our contributions to the world, it doesn’t see any good in us, only harm.
This attitude comes through in social media, politics, official documents, decisions of international organizations, even in Google searches. We keep being assigned blame for things that do not have the slightest relation to us. And it becomes even more urgent after tragic events.
The real cause behind all this is really us. But just not in the sense that it seems to the confused the world. It is just that the Jewish people are the carriers of the methodology for unity, the potential for peaceful coexistence and mutual understanding that everyone needs today.
But we ignore this treasure; we pretend that it doesn’t even exist. And then calamities come to remind us, and the world, that it is the nation of Israel that has the ability to give an example of healthy social connections, an example of rising above hatred to unity.
Of course the Jews did not plan the terrorist attacks. But we did not prevent it either, although we could have. This is our responsibility. This is why we are hated now and will be loved when the people will see good progress on our part.

Fairytale Love

laitman_942Question: Is playing at demonstrating love an effective method only in a group of Kabbalists or can it be used in any group that works together, or in a family, or anywhere else?
Answer: I don’t know what is a done in any work groups. In a group of Kabbalists, it is necessary to play at demonstrating love in order for us to draw the surrounding Light. We use the method of induction here because we are actually working with very powerful forces of nature.
When I intentionally force myself to behave lovingly toward friends and they do the same toward me, we draw the upper force of nature to ourselves, and then this force begins to build this kind of attitude and interactions in us.
If we want to be kind to each other, then we must act as if we are kind, even when we understand perfectly well that in reality we are not like that at all. But we also know that as we are doing this, the upper Light is correcting us.
Question: Is that why, for example, when you give a gift to a friend, you have to tell everyone about it and not hide it?
Answer: Of course. Everyone must be told. You are demonstrating a positive example and advertising love to the world.
You must give gifts and do the rest also. That is why when I give something, I must tell everyone about it! And no false modesty is necessary! All those are lies anyway! It doesn’t get you anywhere. Let it be the opposite. Let people talk about what kind of gifts they want to give to each other.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 6/11/2017

Two Unique Languages And Their Spiritual Roots

Laitman_151Question: What are the spiritual roots of Hebrew and other languages?
Answer: Lately, this information can be found on the Internet. Recently, it was discovered that Egyptian hieroglyphs originated from ancient Hebrew.
The first type of writing with Hebrew letters came to us from Adam. He discovered the interaction of two forces, the force of Hochma (the Light of Hochma, descending from above downward) and the force of Bina (the Light of Hassadim moving horizontally in the plane).
Such an interaction between vertical and horizontal vectors builds, like in the oscilloscope, all kind of figures, all kind of letters. Therefore, the letters are square because they consist of four elements, four phases of the direct Light.
The desire to receive begins to spread from the middle of Bina and by passing throughZAT de Bina, Zeir Anpin, and Malchut, forms 22 letters, nine letters in ZAT de Bina, nine letters in Zeir Anpin, and four letters in Malchut.
There is another screen (Masach) under Malchut, what is called the Parsa that consists of five final letters that mean a potential barrier through which the Light of Hochma cannot pass downward.
This is the basis of the alphabet of two related languages Hebrew and Aramaic. They sound a little different, but have the same alphabet. One of them denotes the descent of the Light and the other, the descent of the desire. Therefore, they complement each other. There are no two languages in the world with the same alphabet, one parallel to each other, depicting upper qualities.
Thus, we use both Hebrew and Aramaic. We use Aramaic very seldom because it comes from the representation of desires and they are characterized as darkness. Hebrew comes from the side of Light and so we use it more often. For example, The Book of Zohar and both the Babylonian and Jerusalem Talmud are written mainly in Aramaic, from the side of desire.
Baal HaSulam once wrote a very serious letter in Aramaic because in it he wanted to show a vision from the side of the Kelim (vessels), from the side of letters and forces, not from the side of Light.
The grammar of both languages is precisely built on the correspondence between spiritual rules. Therefore, it does not change. As Adam discovered it almost 6,000 years ago, so to this day it remains the same. We can open a book that is 4,000 years old, let’s say The Book of Creation of Abraham or the Torah that is 3,000 years old, or books written in Aramaic or Hebrew 1,000 years ago and read them without problem and understanding what they are talking about.
If today we met a great Kabbalist from the past, who lived, say 3,000 years ago, we would be able to talk to him freely and understand his language; we would not have any problems understanding each other. This is the unique state of the Hebrew language because it is intended for representing upper actions.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 7/9/17

Spiritual Blindness And Deafness

laitman_276.02Question: What is spiritual blindness and deafness? Such phenomena also exist in our world.
Answer: There are no such phenomena in our world. Here everyone is spiritually blind and deaf.
Question: Is the fact that there are blind and deaf people in our world a consequence of spiritual roots?
Answer: Yes, the person who cannot hear has a problem with this in the upper world as well. It descended to him from there. It is the same with blindness.
How to correct this? Rise to the upper world, and as you move toward it you will see that instead of corporeal correction of blindness and deafness, you receive spiritual correction. The quality of Bina is called hearing and the quality of Hochma, the Light of wisdom, is sight.
In other words, once you attain the quality of Bina, you begin hearing, and once you attain the quality of Hochma, you begin seeing. Therefore, according to the level of their attainment the prophets wrote “I saw” or “I heard.”
Question: A person can hear in the range from twenty kilohertz. Is spirituality everything that is below and above twenty kilohertz? Can we call spirituality everything that is outside of our sensory organs?
Answer: No. You want to draw a clear parallel between our qualities and their various changes throughout life and everything that happens to the upper root. However, there is no direct interconnection.
In our world, we are animals. There is a resemblance in the way this animal was created. Yet, the way it develops and everything that happens to it is completely unrelated to the control of the upper forces.
Question: But the same nature or the Creator determined that a person must hear in a certain range, no more and no less. Is there a spiritual root to this? Does a person in the spiritual world also hear within some limited range?
Answer: This depends on a person’s level, on which of the 125 spiritual degrees he is. His sight, hearing, smell, and touch, all his five spiritual sensory organs, are interconnected and develop in complete harmony.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 7/9/17

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

The Task Of The Creator

515.02Torah, Deuteronomy, 32:26 – 32:29: I said that I would make an end of them, eradicate their remembrance from mankind. Were it not that the enemy’s wrath was heaped up, lest their adversaries distort; lest they claim, “Our hand was triumphant! The Lord did none of this!” For they are a nation devoid of counsel, and they have no understanding. If they were wise, they would understand this; they would reflect upon their fate.
The task of the Creator is not to destroy humanity, but to bring it to the realization that ascent above our nature is a blessing, necessity, and an absolute freedom from the side of the Creator.
He must bring us to a very interesting, almost paradoxical state, where while being absolutely free and not being acted upon by some terrible states, we voluntarily choose the quality of bestowal and love. However, we do not see this. On the contrary, so far we are moving “toward happiness by the stick.”
But eventually under the influence of this stick, a person will realize his true nature and will say, “Even if I returned to the previous egoistic state, I would in no case want to remain in it! Thank God, I recognized the evil of my nature and now I am saying goodbye to it. Not because I felt bad being in it and I experienced great suffering, but because egoism is an evil in the relationship between me and other people, and between me and the Creator.”
Here is manifested the attainment of amazing height, perfection of the quality of bestowal and love. However, all this happens through great suffering. We see that people who experience such suffering, nevertheless, are themselves drawn to mercy because Light enters into them a little and gives them a taste for it.
It is written, “Were it not that the enemy’s wrath was heaped up, lest their adversaries distort; lest they claim, “Our hand was triumphant! The Lord did none of this!”” A person must see with his own eyes that everything that happened to him could not happen by itself (from the point of view of inanimate nature), but this is a controlled program that works on him and leads him to the realization of his source.
From KabTV’s “Secrets of the Eternal Book” 2/1/17

Workshop In A Circle And Practical Kabbalah – Part 4

laitman_527The Kabbalistic Meal
Question: What is special about the Kabbalistic meal?
Answer: The meal is the most difficult action in Kabbalah because during it a person must feel himself as being together with the others in a common connection and loving them. He wants everyone to enjoy the good tastes that he now experiences.
There should be such a common connection between them that a person enjoys, not the taste of food, but the fact that they eat together and that this is what fills him. The main taste is not in the treats themselves but in the fact that now we are filling each other with our mutual relationship, love, connection, and unity.
It turns out that, during the meal, a person experiences great inner tension. After all, he must constantly control with what intention he is taking every bite, putting the spoon into his mouth, chewing, swallowing, as well as feeling the tastes while chewing, swallowing, and digesting the food.
Thus, he is in the process of receiving the Light into his spiritual Kli (vessel), in connection with all the others because the spiritual consumption of food is common to all and not only to each one individually.
Therefore, each one must feel that he eats the food together with everybody else as one man with the same mouth, with one tongue, one palate, and one throat. He chews with 32 teeth, which means he clarifies 32 streams of wisdom (the Light of Hochma).
When he swallows, he feels not the taste of the food but the taste of performing the action together with everyone. He transforms this material action into the reception of Light into the spiritual Partzuf for the sake of bestowal. If he does so with respect to everyone, then he can also be sure that he does it together with the Creator. Therefore, a meal is a very difficult spiritual action and requires much higher attainment than a workshop or a gathering of friends.
All in all, there are three actions performed by a Kabbalistic group that aims toward unification: a workshop, a gathering of friends, and a meal.
The goal of all of these actions is to connect the person with the rest of the group so that he ceases to feel himself as a separate element, dissolves in the group, and becomes included in everyone as a whole. Thus, he loses his egoistic individuality and receives the entire common Kli, the quality of bestowal, that all the others also have.
He exits his egoism and becomes included in the friends, feeling that there is nothing but them. As he loses himself, he enters the spiritual world, the sensation of the Creator, that is, the elevation to another nature based on bestowal and love.
From KabTV’s “A New Life” 7/20/17

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