Saturday, May 23, 2020

With A Mask, I Don’t Recognize You!

laitman_627.1Today we have to face a new perspective of reality, a loss of security due to problems in personal relationships and an unknown future. One of the disturbing factors is the use of masks that people all over the world are wearing now to protect themselves against the coronavirus.
However, the mask changes our communication because a person’s facial expressions convey certain information, they are part of human language that helps us understand who is standing in front of us. If the face is covered with a mask, like with a screen, then others feel unsafe, not knowing to whom they are talking. Will this change the nature of relationships between people?
I think the mask is a good thing because it helps us realize that we do not know the person standing in front of us. It is good that we treat a person as if he is something unknown. After all, I really do not know what he wants, what his intentions are, what he thinks about me.
I need to get to know a person, convince him to open his heart to me. It does not matter if I do not see his face, we know that a smile can be artificial. Instead, let him meet me with an open heart so that I can be sure of his good attitude.
If I treat him well and he treats me well, then we will not be afraid of any virus, and we may not need any masks. The coronavirus is playing with us, and it is very cunning. We are yet to discover it at the human degree, see how it plays with us and takes us through different states. Time after time, it attacks someone nearby, pulls us along, drags us into the jungle of human relationships, qualities, and forms of connections.
We will suddenly realize that the coronavirus is not just a genetic mutation but a factor acting on the human level that requires us to change our relationships. To the extent that our relationships are friendly, we can be in communication with each other.
And if our relationships are bad, then we cannot get closer to each other in any form. You cannot even talk from a distance. I will suddenly feel that I hate everyone and they hate me, and if we want to maintain some kind of connection, we have to change ourselves and become closer and friendlier.
If we want to survive in this world, we must change our relationships to good ones. Otherwise, we will not be able to agree, we will not be able to contact each other. It is not just the mask, I will find myself completely deaf to others, and they are deaf to me.
We cannot do any business together. This will be revealed in a special form, and then I will say that this is not a virus, but an educator, a guide for humanity, which makes sure that we rise to another degree of development: the development of hearts and relationships, to begin to live as one person, one family.
Then we will build new businesses, not like before when everyone was trying to make money at the expense of others. We will not have to put a mask on our face, but a screen on our egoistic desires and connect with each other through it.
The anti-egoistic screen the wisdom of Kabbalah speaks about does not just block us, it blocks our egoistic desires and bad attitude toward each other. If we correct our desires in order to think about the benefit of others, we will be able to open our desires in this form and connect with each other.
In this way, we build a new, correct field of connections, which is beautiful and kind, and will lead us to new businesses where everyone helps each other and everyone acts only for the benefit of everyone else instead of thinking about his own benefit and success and competing with each other. We will only build relationships that benefit everyone.
The virus will teach us to work in this way. We will find out what is behind the coronavirus, and if not behind this one, then behind the others that will come after it. All this is in order to educate us and make people out of us. People are not the animal degree we exist at now,  but the created beings who are in good relationships with each other above their egoism.
This transformation will occur due to the limitations and unpleasant blows, through which the virus influences us. After all, it must awaken us, otherwise, we will not pay attention to the changes that need to be made. On the other hand, the wisdom of Kabbalah and Kabbalists will help us by telling us how we should change in order to properly organize our life as grown-up, mature people.
From KabTV’s “World,” 3/12/20

The Attaining And The Attained

laitman_537The upper light that reaches us contains two discernments: the attaining and the attained. When the Light enters us we feel ourselves and also what we perceive inside us.
I always perceive the Creator by attributes that I create in order to attain Him. This means that I don’t feel the Creator Himself but something that is in the middle between Him and me.
It is just like drinking a cup of coffee and I can say the coffee is bitter, sweet, black, hot or cold. For another person these may be totally different attributes, or they may be the same attributes, but he may call them by different names. He may say, “No, it is not cold, but warm, it is not black, but brown,” etc.
This means that each of us feels the Creator differently, and we can never compare our perception, never! It is just as I cannot share the feeling of my taste with someone else. I can let another taste something, but he will feel it in his own way. He will never feel what I feel.
Our perception is absolutely individual for each and every one of us, and so we say each one has his own Creator. I feel Him in a way that no one else feels Him, according to my internal attributes.
From KabTV’s “Fundamentals of Kabbalah,” 12/8/19

Friday, May 22, 2020

Upheaval In The Economic System

laitman_220Comment: You talk about a spiritual revolution. But it cannot be denied that at the same time there is a massive revolution in the economic system of all countries.
Answer: Of course! I talk about this a lot. The economy is impossible without ideology and ideology without the economy. We are not dreamers.
Naturally, the whole system of the human structure in this world will change. Unnecessary professions that we specially invented to earn by using others and nature will wither away. Only what is essential for our existence will remain. It is clear that we will not return to caves. But only what is strictly necessary for a correct, healthy, normal life will remain and no more.
We will begin to understand where we should make our efforts and where we shouldn’t. We will have a lot of free time, and people will begin to engage in their development by understanding nature.
This was stated in Kabbalah and programmed 5,000 years ago. Therefore, we have nothing to fear about what will happen. It is just that you do not have to do unnecessary things, burn fuel in vain, throw combustible materials into the atmosphere, and so on—this is only to the detriment of the environment, to our detriment, and does no good to anyone. See how the atmosphere and water have become cleaner now because we have involuntarily stopped spoiling nature.
From KabTV’s “Fundamentals of Kabbalah,” 4/5/20

“What Is Human Development?” (Quora)

Dr. Michael LaitmanMichael Laitman, On Quora: What is human development?
Human development is the development of positive connections upon our innate differences and divisions.
Prior to the existence of humans, connections formed on inanimate, vegetative and animate levels that paved the way for humans to develop and connect.
For instance, particles connected into atoms, and amalgamations that could sustain their connections continued living, while those that failed to do so broke down and became obsolete.
On inanimate, vegetative and animate levels, nature maintains balance.
However, at the human level, where we hold a certain amount of responsibility for our development, we see that we have made a lot of mistakes and brought about a lot of suffering to ourselves, and imbalance with nature.
Instead of focusing our development on connecting positively to one another upon our divisive drives, we let such drives define our so-called “development” until today.
As such, we have developed scientifically, culturally, technologically and economically, i.e. in numerous superficial fields, but we have failed to develop the most important aspect of our lives: our attitudes and relationships to each other.
In the process, we set ourselves up in opposition to nature and experience its side effects. Instead of becoming happier, healthier and more confident social beings, we experience rising depression, stress, anxiety and loneliness.
Nature shows us an example of how cells and organs function for the benefit of the entire organisms that they inhabit, and receive what they need in order to operate for the whole organism’s benefit. If a cell receives more than what it needs for the organism’s functioning, it becomes cancerous and brings disease.
Human society today is like a cluster of cancerous cells, each prioritizing self-benefit over benefiting others.
A shift to a healthier, happier and more confident human society requires a shift in our priorities: that we will all prefer benefiting others over benefiting ourselves.
We can also expect more and more events that will show us the extent of our interdependence—with each other and with nature.
The coronavirus was the latest such event.
Therefore, as we head into the future, the more we positively connect to each other, the better we will become equipped to deal with the changes taking place in the world, as the extent of our connections will be the extent of our balance with nature.

Theory Of Anti-Semitism, Part 1

laitman_750.01Antagonism within the Jewish People
Comment: Throughout the course of human development, there has never been a nation that has been subjected to greater persecution than the people of Israel. Some people say this is irrational. From your materials, I see that this, on the contrary, is rational.
My Response: Super-rational! This is the law of nature.
Question: What is the root of this hatred? As far as I can see, it lies in creation itself.
Answer: Man was created an egoist, but he was given a method of correcting his egoism. It is found in the people of Israel, that is, in a small group of people organized in Ancient Babylon in the time of Abraham, as described in the Torah (Bible), by Flavius Josephus, and in many other Jewish and non-Jewish sources.
In the hands of the Jews is a method of uniting peoples, rising above egoism, reaching the highest comfortable level both in earthly existence and in the unearthly. This means that even during material life, a person can begin to feel the next level of existence and dissolve the boundaries between the earthly and the upper world.
Since this is all embedded in our methodology, the wisdom of Kabbalah, the Jews tried to implement it, especially after leaving Egypt during the time of the First and Second Temples.
This happened in a constant struggle between them. After all, there were groups among the people who advocated the implementation of this method of connection and achieving a spiritual level, a sense of the upper world in this world, and groups who believed that it was impossible or not necessary because, as they thought, there are still other opportunities for a comfortable existence.
Thus, in the people of Israel, there has always been a great opposition of opinions up to the point of civil war. This continued until the complete exile during the period of the Second Temple. Therefore, there was no need for anti-Semitism from the peoples of the world who did not like Jews. Before the advent of the Christian and Muslim religions, they were practically non-existent.
Question: So the hatred was between the Jews themselves?
Answer: Yes, there were many different currents within the people.
Comment: For example, during the Roman Empire, the people were divided into Sadducees and Pharisees. Then the Maccabean war was underway not with the Greeks, but with the Jews who had adopted Hellenism.
My Response: Even during the period of the First Temple, large groups of people formed who were antagonistic to each other.
Comment: In addition, it was not the Egyptians who prevented the Jews from leaving Egypt but a layer of Jews called the “mixed multitude” (Erev Rav).
My Response: It must be said that although during the Crusades or in medieval Europe there were pogroms and persecutions of Jews by the surrounding peoples, the source of it came from hatred between groups in the Jewish people themselves.
All this is based on the spiritual principle. Among the Jewish people, there are those who believe that Jews should fulfill their spiritual function, meaning reveal the Creator in this world for themselves and for other peoples. And there are those who say: “No, we can exist as others. And our religion is given to us to fulfill on a normal, everyday level.” This is what is happening today.
Question: So, the dispute is about what is chosen by God? Do I have to fulfill some external commandments and for this I will have future peace and power over all peoples, or do we have to unite and spread the method of connection among all the people?
Answer: And with this, as it were, to serve them, to become a light for other peoples. In fact, this is a big job, to care for the correction of the whole world.
*For more information on this topic, I suggest you to read my books Like a Bundle of Reeds: Why unity and mutual guarantee are today’s call of the hour and The Jewish Choice: Unity or Anti-Semitism.
From KabTV’s “System Analysis of the Development of the People of Israel,” 7/22/19

Kabbalistic Terminology: Aviut

laitman_243.04Aviut is a selfish desire that separates a person from the Creator. This desire must be overcome and not destroyed. One has to rise above it by using it correctly as a lever with which you can turn the Earth upside down.
Therefore, egoism in the usual state and when it separates us from the Creator it is called Aviut, the thickness of a desire. When we use it correctly, then Aviut turns into Zakut, to brighten, and, conversely, help us recognize, study, and approach the Creator.
Question: Aviut is coarseness, the size of our desires? Are they divided into four stages?
Answer: Yes. They are divided into the inanimate, vegetative, animate and the human levels.
Question: Is it advisable not to translate Kabbalistic terminology? For example, Aviut as coarseness, etc.
Answer: Of course. As in medicine, the terms in Latin are accepted, in music, in Italian, and in Kabbalah, Kabbalstic. You just need to remember the definition.
From KabTV’s “Fundamentals of Kabbalah” 6/17/19

Seeds Of Exile, Part 6

laitman_748The Consequence of Failure to Comply with the Law of Love Your Neighbor
Question: During the destruction of the Second Temple, unfounded hatred appeared between the students of Rabbi Akiva, and all 24,000 of them died because of this. Is this an allegory or not?
Answer: No, they really died. Rabbi Akiva taught them the law of love your neighbor, but they could not stay in it.
Such egoism flared up between them that they began to make selfish calculations relative to each other. Of course, their condition cannot be compared with the current state between believers. These were people of a completely different type—great people. But egoism at their level manifested itself so much that they led themselves to death.
Question: Can it be said that, as a result of this hatred, the Bar Kochba rebellion was crushed, and therefore the people could not restore independence?
Answer: Naturally. These were the greatest people of that era, the spiritual representatives of the people. If their spirit fell down to hatred, then the people had no opportunity to exist further.
Remark: The most interesting thing is that unfounded hatred arises precisely among those who should engage in unification and spread the spiritual ideology of the people. Hatred has always manifested itself between kings, priests, between the elite, between the sages, not among the common people.
My Comment: Yes, ordinary people did not really participate in this.
From KabTV’s “Systematic Analysis of the Development of the People of Israel” 7/8/19

Fit Into Nature As Its Integral Part

laitman_741.02The impairment of health of every person is an impairment of the balance in the general system that is called Adam because it is built in the image and the likeness of a person.
What does that mean? At the inanimate, vegetative, animate, and human levels of nature, there are systems that interact with each other. They are absolutely integral, mutually complement each other, utterly complete, and are intended for human beings to use them correctly and to improve them through faithfully using them for becoming similar to the Creator. Then, through all these systems, he will begin to feel a vast upper world that includes absolutely everything.
In our world, we see integrality at the level of inanimate, vegetative, and, partially animate nature. In human nature, we do not notice this because we ourselves are on this level.
For example, we see how we disrupt the balance of inanimate nature: we emit gases, heat the atmosphere, block rivers, and stop natural processes. In the end, it all backfires on us in the most unpleasant way.
However, nature is intentionally created to be harmonious, so that we fit into it as the highest layer of harmony. However, when human beings begin to interfere with nature with their dirty, clumsy hands, they only cripple it. We constantly break it to suit our egoism and believe that we are doing the right thing, that nature is not a huge whole living organism.
Moreover, its inanimate, vegetative and animate levels are connected with each other and jointly participate in a common integral interaction. And human beings are created in such a way that they would gradually fit into this nature as an integral part of it, studying and supplementing it with their sensible participation.
However, unfortunately, this is not happening because we are egoists, we are originally arranged against the inanimate, vegetative, and animate nature. Therefore, with our human egoism, which is higher than these levels, we do not fit into nature, but on the contrary, we begin to break it to suit us.
For many thousands of years, people were doing whatever they wanted with nature. And nature, as an impeccable judge, punishes us. Rather, it does not even punish, but simply compensates for the crude, unreasonable distortions that we bring into it.
Therefore, we can only talk about health by taking into account the entire inanimate, vegetative, animate, and human organism, that is, all of nature, and more or less understanding how it should be in the correct interaction between all its parts, how it can compensate and complement all its levels.
Then, while maintaining our health, we will be able to ascend to higher levels of attainment, adhesion with the vast integral nature.
From KabTV’s “Fundamentals of Kabbalah,” 3/15/20

There Are No Individual Problems, But Common Ones

laitman_943Question: When we pray for the health of others, do we lose something or on the contrary, receive strength and health to pray?
Answer: If I pray for the health of the other, if I’m in the same system with him, then how can I lose something?
When someone in the system where we are all directly connected with each other falls sick, he thereby signals everybody else that the entire system is sick. It is expressed in him as in a particularly sensitive element, which he represents.
But this problem is not his, it is our common problem. No person is responsible for himself, nobody gets sick for himself, and nobody is behaving badly. All of it is expressed only as a result of breaching the general integral human interaction.
What does it mean to pray or to ask? We connect with each other and try to turn to the upper force so that it balances all the negative qualities, phenomena, which are seemingly expressed through some particular person.
But because it is not his, but our common problem, we have a right to pray for him. It is exactly when we compensate for nature and receive a wonderful response. Let’s try and you will see how it works.
That is why we shouldn’t remain indifferent to what is happening around us: “We don’t care what’s happening in Italy. Everything is quiet here!” Such an attitude will only aggravate the condition. This is a horrible reaction!
Hence, we must think about how we can respond to what is happening, especially now, when the integral viciousness of our relationships is being revealed.
Question: Should we pray for the health of people or the correction of the system? And how should we do it correctly without telling the Creator what to do?
Answer: We should ask the Creator to show us how to connect correctly. We don’t need anything else. If we add to it that we wish to unite correctly so as to form a mutual connection that would reveal the Creator within us with the goal of bringing contentment to Him, then we will turn to Him correctly.
From KabTV’s “Fundamentals of Kabbalah,” 3/15/20

A Happy Ending For Humanity

laitman_629.1The coronavirus deprived us of confidence in the future, it is covered in fog. It is not known what will happen to me and my life tomorrow or in a month, what will happen at work and at home.
How can one live in such an unpredictable world? But this unpredictability is due to the fact that we are trying to approach the new world with old egoistic standards, while it is gradually appearing before us like a mirage in the desert.
It is getting closer and closer, but we still cannot see it correctly because we are still treat each other egoistically. It was as if we were walking along a road and suddenly we entered an unknown city where some strange relations between residents that are incomprehensible to us. What surprises us is what happens there.
And this is what we are seeing now. We do not realize that we have entered a new era and nature requires us to have completely new relations according to the law of love your neighbor as yourself, for the unification of people. And we are perplexed at what they want from us, like little children to whom mother says: “Stop fighting, be good children! Why can’t you play together?”
But I can’t, my nature demands quarreling and fighting all the time; this is the only way I feel that this is life. And no matter how much my mother reproaches me, I do not want to listen, and I run away and climb into the fray again. This is today’s humanity.
But how can one convince oneself to change and heal in a new way? After all, as soon as we build a communication network between us based on mutual bestowal, love, and unity, we will immediately see where we are. We suddenly find ourselves in a completely different world that we had not noticed before.
So children run after each other between adults, not paying attention to them as if they were furniture. Children have their own accounts with each other and adults only interfere with them. And suddenly the children grow up and understand that there is new meaning, new relationships, another program, a great and lofty goal, which is also worth striving for. This is the state we are in today.
This is a very important period, and although it manifested itself in the form of an epidemic, it should not harm us. I think that the coronavirus will radically change humanity.
We all ended up in the same condition, and let’s begin to gradually change ourselves from mutual hatred and competition to mutual communication and support. We will begin to relate to life and our world globally and integrally, as nature teaches us, and in this form this story will come to a happy ending for all of us: ourselves and our children.
From KabTV’s “The World,” 3/12/20

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Bring The Whole World To Balance

laitman_427.01We exist in a global world where integral laws operate that govern not only our world and our universe, but the entire system of the universe, which includes the five upper worlds. They must be felt, seen, and formed in our perception and worldview. All this is given to us.
If we work incorrectly with this system without taking into account its objectivity, integrality, and interconnection of all its parts, it turns out to be a very bad situation for us. We feel the opposite, a very unpleasant reaction from it.
This so-called “feedback” comes to us at different levels, depending on what distortions we bring to the overall system. We are currently seeing this reaction in the form of the coronavirus.
We cannot say that this is a bad thing because it aligns us, advances us. But on the other hand, it is still unpleasant for us. In fact, for many years we have been at the stage called the last generation where we clearly feel that we live in an integral world. This world should be brought to normal, to a whole, complete system. This work is assigned to man.
Therefore, if we start behaving correctly, we will reveal this system. When we treat it incorrectly, that is, when we do not move toward it by connecting between ourselves and approaching it, and when we do not perceive nature as an integral system, then it automatically reacts to this and there are all sorts of obstacles, as we see them.
But these are not obstacles, on the contrary, they are influences that should direct us differently.
So there is a virus in the world that makes us stay at home and communicate less with each other because there are bad, selfish relationships between us. We have to start behaving differently.
All this is explicitly calculated by nature since we are part of the overall integral picture. We are, as if, placed in a sphere that affects us from all sides. It is this system that identifies the reactions that clearly track what we need to be like in order to get closer to the integrated system. This is how the virus advances us.
I think that in the near future we will feel this more and more, we will become closer to each other and understand each other. We will remove a huge number of unnecessary professions from our world, we will stop treating the Earth as something with a bottomless cellar from which we pull out everything we want.
We will stop treating the atmosphere, water, and oceans as if they are useless parts of nature.
I do not think that we will be able to bring ourselves into proper interaction with the surrounding nature very quickly. Therefore, I would say that we should be prepared for the fact that this condition will continue for the next five or six months.
This will be a very long, serious system of rigid interaction between us and integral nature until we begin to understand that we need to get rid of many professions and occupations, close unnecessary businesses, and take from nature only what is necessary for normal existence and no more.
By our behavior, we disturb the ecology, the dynamic balance of nature, so much that no system can stand it. In general, we must behave in balance with the world around us.
Then everything will calm down and we will really begin to feel through the integral equilibrium world, its upper sphere—the sphere of governance called “the Creator.”
From KabTV’s “Fundamentals of Kabbalah,” 4/5/20

Seeds Of Exile, Part 5

laitman_747.04Resist Egoism
Question: After the suppression of the Bar Kochba rebellion, the Jews scattered all over the world. Didn’t the great sage Rabbi Akiva know about this?
Answer: Naturally, he knew that this would be so. But one does not interfere with the other. Jews should resist this and try to correct themselves all the time, even though they are in a free fall.
Question: Rabbi Akiva knew that after going into the fourth exile, the people would have to unite and, as a result, build the Third Temple. But he did not know when this would happen. He thought that this would take place immediately, but it took 2,000 years. Was he mistaken about the time? Or is it wrong to interpret these events?
Answer: I do not know. I cannot speak for Rabbi Akiva.
I know only one thing: the spiritual law is such that when you have the opportunity to do something good for connection between people, you must do it. You have no reason to start this process because we are still under the authority of the development of the laws of nature.
Question: So, was there still some possibility?
Answer: Even if it did not exist, we are still obligated to resist the egoism that develops, grows, and controls us. Resist it at any stage and in any condition.
From KabTV’s “Systematic Analysis of the Development of the People of Israel,” 7/8/19

Attuning To The Upper

laitman_267.01We are not able to understand the view of the upper who thinks on a different level, and therefore, we do not agree with it. No matter how much I check my conclusions and the conclusions of the upper, I only become more and more convinced that this is unacceptable for me.
The view of the upper seems to be unreasonable to me, detached from reality, a naive fantasy. According to my understanding, it can’t be true.
And after I have checked several times and made sure that there is no way to justify the upper, I stop myself by saying, “Now I am going to accept the opinion of the upper above my mind, even though it contradicts my opinion.” And it is because it is against my understanding that I accept it by faith above reason and rejoice in the opportunity to do so.
And if I can’t accept it, then I ask the upper to give me the strength to do so because I go by faith above reason and accept the opinion of the upper. And it is clear to me that my knowledge remains at the bottom, and the knowledge of the upper is higher, one on top of the other.
That is, I did not replace my previous knowledge, understanding, and perception with the upper’s knowledge, understanding, and perception, like in our world children accept the opinion of adults. In the spiritual, I remain with my own opinion, and in addition to it, I receive the opinion of the upper and work according to it. In this form, I will exist in spiritual reality.
My opinion, verified a thousand times, with which I remained, is called my knowledge. And the opinion of the upper, also verified by me a thousand times, becomes my faith, which is higher than my reason because I take it for the truth, although according to my understanding, it is not real at all.
It is clear that this does not agree with the rational logic of our world, but this is how the spiritual ascent occurs and the perception of the upper world is revealed. Even now we are in the upper reality, so why don’t we feel it? Because we cannot yet replace our attunement with the corresponding spiritual reality, that is, tune our heart and mind to the perception of the higher world.
And even if I don’t understand the upper world yet and I can’t reveal what the Kabbalists are talking about, I should be grateful that I was allowed to at least get close to it and hear about it. I am happy to be among those who are moving toward the entrance to the spiritual world—this in itself is a great privilege and a personal gift from the Creator. Therefore, I am full of gratitude and joy, and bless the upper force for the great mercy to me.
It is very important to develop such an attitude in oneself, a desire to get closer to the Creator, thank Him, and do everything necessary to be able to serve Him in some way.
From KabTV’s “Fundamentals of Kabbalah,” 4/17/20

Woman’s Desire

laitman_565.01Question: Why did the Creator give women a desire to change and to engage in Kabbalah? It would be better to give her yearning for the family, and then a woman would not seek to listen to the lessons but rather to accompany her husband.
Answer: A woman’s desire to reach the source of her soul, i.e., the Creator, is by no means less than that of a man. It is a bit hidden by corporeal aspirations to have a family and children, but in fact, it is also very strong.
To attain the essence of the soul, its source, its root, the Creator, is a human desire. It is unique to humans. If this yearning awakens in a woman, like in a man, we must help her, provide all the conditions so that she can discover the purpose of her destiny and realize it.
From KabTV’s “Fundamentals of Kabbalah,” 3/8/20

On The Threshold Of Renewal Of Humanity

laitman_537Question: Studies have proven that up to 60% of the human genome is modified by viruses. That is, the coronavirus is, in fact, the carrier of structures that are very close to the proteins of our cells.
There is a hypothesis that nature, with the help of the coronavirus, is performing a global reconstruction of humanity. If so, what should we, as humanity, become?
Answer: I do not know. It is of no interest to me. According to what the science of Kabbalah says, we are in the last generation, that is, we are approaching the state wherein we will have to rise above egoism and begin to explore higher properties, levels, layers of nature, where we are outside the body.
There is no inanimate, vegetative, or animate matter there, there is nothing but our consciousness. And all the previous layers of matter will disappear from our feelings and cease to exist. We will come to a world where there is only consciousness.
Question: Is this the reconstruction of humanity? Will humans be different?
Answer: Yes, a new humanity. Such a state is called the last generation. This is what we are going through now. It will continue for some time until the blows of nature and our correct interaction with it will raise us to a level where we will exist only in our consciousness.
Question: Does it mean that there will be no bodies but only the totality of all our desires and thoughts?
Answer: Yes. There will be no sensation of corporeal bodies, qualities, and forces. There will be only consciousness. It will be common for all and everyone will have their own. As it is written in the Torah that “the spirit of God was hovering,” but there is no matter yet.
Remark: It is interesting. It is similar to viruses. I read that they also live in colonies, they have common consciousness, and they understand each other. Can we become a modified virus?
My Comment: We can become the individual souls that interact with each other in this way, forming one common perfect system called “Adam.”
From KabTV’s, “Coronavirus Is Changing Reality,” 3/26/20

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

“Why Do People See The Human Ego Is Bad?” (Quora)

Dr. Michael LaitmanMichael Laitman, On Quora: Why do people see the human ego is bad?
The human ego is seen as bad when it is overblown, causing people to exploit, manipulate and abuse each other in the name of pleasure.
Due to the ego causing so much division and conflict in and between societies, many people try to lessen the ego’s impact, trying to restrain it using a variety of techniques.
I have been studying and teaching the wisdom of Kabbalah for over forty years, which fundamentally differs to many other approaches to the ego.
It does not deal with restraining the ego. Instead, using Kabbalah, we reach an acknowledgement of the ego’s purpose, and learn how to navigate the ego in a way that makes it beneficial to society.
The human ego differentiates us from animals. It is an additional desire to enjoy ourselves beyond our survival necessities.
While on the surface it might seem as if certain animals are bad because they live their lives killing other animals, it is far from the case. Animals follow an inner programming that leads them to fulfill their survival needs, and if they kill other animals, it is due to their programming to feed themselves and their offspring, which emerges naturally.
Humans, on the other hand, can kill out of hatred for others, enjoying from others’ pain, and of their own growth in status above those that the human kills. Such hatred and enjoyment in the pain of others is a quality unique to humans, nonexistent in animals, and which extends from the human ego.
The ego thus separates humans from animals.
On the other hand, the ego is a driver of human progress. Our pursuits in science, technology, arts, music, culture and many others, are primarily fueled by the ego that wants more than the other.
It has placed us at the top of nature’s four-layered pyramid comprising the inanimate, vegetative, animate and human.
The question then becomes when is the ego detrimental and when is it beneficial?
The ego becomes problematic when we use it to self-benefit at the expense of others. When we adjust the intention upon the ego, directing it to benefit others over its drives to self-benefit, then the ego becomes beneficial to other people, as well as to all other levels of nature.
The adjustment of our intention upon our ego from self-benefit to benefiting others is possible the more we acknowledge the tightness of our interdependence.
The more we feel dependent on each other, then the more we will realize that we need to aim our egos at the common good.
On one hand, blows such as the coronavirus pandemic increase our understanding and feeling of our interdependence. On the other hand, we need not wait for such blows to wake us up to our interdependence, but can instead learn about how we can realize our interdependence in a positive way, and by doing so, alleviate many blows that we otherwise feel.
In the wisdom of Kabbalah, the way of accumulating suffering and blows to wake us up to our interdependence is called “the path of pain,” and the way of actively waking ourselves up to our interdependence and how to adjust our egos to it is called “the path of light.” The latter path is one which the wisdom of Kabbalah offers a method to access.

Seeds Of Exile, Part 4

laitman_747.01Where do all the troubles come from?
Remark: In the newspaper The Nation, which Baal HaSulam published in 1940, he wrote: “Jerusalem was ruined only because of unfounded hatred that existed in that generation.” At that time, the nation was plagued and died, and its organs were scattered to every direction.
Also Naftali Berlin wrote in Introduction to the book of Bereshit: “The generation of the times of the destruction of the Second Temple was stubborn and depraved. Therefore, because of unfounded hatred of each other in their hearts, they believed that every person acting contrary to their opinion should be killed. And all the troubles ensued from this, until the Temple finally fell.”
But on the other hand, the Jews kept the outer commandments.
My Comment: No. This, in our time, is considered keeping commandments. At that time, keeping commandments was considered to fulfill the basic principle of loving your neighbor.
Everything else is just etiquette, customs that have nothing to do with the internal state of the people. Therefore, the destruction of the Second Temple occurred only because of unfounded hatred, although the people observed absolutely all the laws.
Rabbi Akiva was calling only to one thing: “Love your neighbor as yourself. Nothing else is needed.” Still, the Temple collapsed precisely because people said: “But we follow all the customs.” However, the most important thing was missing—closeness of hearts.
Remark: But we can say that they could not observe the principle of love your neighbor, as nature led them this way.
My Comment: On one hand, this is a natural process, and on the other hand, we are obliged to do this. Indeed, even now we do not know what nature is preparing for us.
From KabTV’s “Systematic Analysis of the Development of the People of Israel” 7/8/19

The General Vessel Of Humanity

laitman_595.01Question: Does all of humanity have to connect as one single vessel?
Answer: Of course! Each of us carries inside of oneself a particle of the immense shattered vessel. This is the reason that we must gather all the particles and reach a state of absolute adhesion, of actual love.
The first to do this are those in whom the point in the heart has awoken. If the point in the heart has awoken in you, you can already begin the process of getting closer to others in whom the point in the heart has also awoken. You will see how you will begin to reveal the general vessel in the connection between you.
To the extent that you reveal the general vessel, you will begin to reveal its filling that comes from the upper light, the consciousness, and the feeling of eternity or of immortality, of the entrance to a totally new dimension. It is in your power to do so. You can do it now, in our world. Just do not stop.
All the people in the world who engage in this, each in his own unique way, help each other because we are all particles of the one shattered vessel.
From KabTV’s “Fundamentals of Kabbalah” 2/2/20

Success Depends On The Woman

552.02Connection between women can have a very strong impact on governments, countries, and the whole world. Indeed, during this time of the coronavirus epidemic, everything depends on our intentions and not on actions.
When men go to war and women remain at home, we think that the men were the force that ensured victory in the war. But actually this is not true. It is the women with their intentions that determine the success of the war.
From Malchut, that is, from a woman, from the depth of her desire, is what determines the kind of screen and reflected light that will be on him. Therefore, all success regarding how quickly we can end the epidemic of the coronavirus, come to a connection between us, and reach the end of the correction of the world depends on women’s intentions and the dissemination of information by women.
After all, this epidemic is a consequence of the fact that we are in the last stage of the development of mankind, which is called the “last generation.” So let us end the selfish development and former life, and move on to a higher level of existence, which is called life in the higher world.
From a Women’s Lesson 4/4/20 “Questions and Answers”

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