Thursday, April 25, 2013

The Purpose Of Life Is The Revelation Of The Creator

We always clarify the issue of “there is none else besides Him” in our conventions. It’s a very important issue because it actually opens up the essence of the wisdom of Kabbalah, meaning the method for the revelation of the Creator, the only force that operates in all of creation.
Besides this force there is nothing else indeed. Everything else is what it generates, develops, what it motivates and manages. Everything depends on this one unique force. It makes no difference whether we call it ”Nature” or the “Creator”; it creates and manages everything, but it’s actually one.
Unlike other parts of nature (the still, vegetative, and animate), man has a goal, a role, a purpose, and he has to attain it: to discover this force and to feel it. The perception of this force and its revelation happens according to the basic law of physics, the basic law of nature, the law of equivalence of form: To the extent that our attributes are similar to the Creator’s, we feel Him, become part of Him, and merge with Him.
The Creator constantly pushes us towards this state so that we will attain Him. This movement occurs from the beginning of the creation to its end, until we fully discover Him. We start the path of revealing and attaining the Creator while being in our world.
Our world conceals the Creator from us.
The Purpose of Life is the Revelation of the Creator

The Creator influences this world. He influences us and if we perceive His influence correctly as essential so as to attain Him from within and from this world, then we advance towards the Creator. We are given the wisdom of Kabbalah in order to attune ourselves to the revelation of the Creator through the outward shell of our world.
By revealing the Creator we attain our source, our root, the state of eternity and perfection. We can detach from our body to such a degree that our body (drawn as a point from which we attain Him, the point in the heart) and our world suddenly disappear.
We begin to feel that there is one Creator in all this, one upper Light. Everything that was previously depicted to us, our body, the five senses, by which we felt ourselves and the world, all seem to evaporate, disappear, and through this we see the one upper Light.
This is the state we need to reach. It’s very real, much more real than our “illusive” world. The article “There is None Else Besides Him” tells us how to do that.
From the European Convention 3/23/13, Lesson 3

Mission Impossible?

Baal HaSulam, “The Arvut (Mutual Guarantee)”: This means that each and every one in Israel would take it upon himself to care and work for each member of the nation, and to satisfy all their every needs, no less than the measure imprinted in him to care for his own needs.
An approach like this sounds as something unrealistic. So in spite of all this, how is it possible to realize it? If this condition is already laid in creation, is means that whether we want this or not, we will have to fulfill it.
In general, there are many things that we do against our will, even if we sometimes naively suppose that we want it. But any intelligent person is able to discern what results from nature that arouses in us all kinds of drives, thoughts, and desires without asking for our opinion. We don’t decide about them beforehand, but rather we only discover them within ourselves post factum.
Today we already see that in the end, the system will oblige us to resemble it. Should we tremble in fear as if we are standing before the volcano eruption, something that cannot be prevented, and flee from it? Or can we do something in spite of all this?
Whatever the case, Kabbalists claim that we need mutual guarantee. And if we look at the whole world, we see that we probably won’t have other choice. If we begin to oppose this, we only arouse our entire ego and in the end, we will be finished with the entire earth. After all, nobody thinks that he is capable to truly unite. In our eyes this seems impossible; it is simply easier to die. But we won’t even be allowed to “get off” that easily….
So, if this condition is standing before us, it is a sign that we must learn how to realize it by way of hastening. It is already clear that this path will save us from sufferings that are worse than death since they are derived from something that I hate the most, something with which we are not prepared to agree.
And therefore it is necessary to consider all these seemingly unrealistic principles: loving one’s neighbor as yourself, mutual responsibility, brotherly love, and being as one man with one heart. After all, the solution is hidden here: It’s not merely a way to avoid troubles, to get off the path of suffering; rather, a surprising possibility is here—we didn’t even think that meanwhile, through love for another, the eternal world will be revealed to us.…
From the 4th part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 4/22/13Writings of Baal HaSulam “The Mutual Guarantee”

The Choice In How To Prepare For Action

Question: What characterizes our free choice in the work?
Answer: True free choice, as opposed to all “false free” choices, is possible during preparation for, and not at the time of the deed itself. When the action is taking place, then it’s no longer possible to influence it. Some kind of state comes from Above and only in the beginning can we establish how we will accept it.
Nothing depends on us other than this. The plan of creation already exists and cannot be changed. We can only hasten our development. Besides this, we still don’t understand our connection within the entire great system. How could it be that I will advance faster than others if we are in a single system in which all components have to develop in harmony? It follows that all of us depend upon each other.
But if you want to know what our free choice is, it’s in the preparation. I have to isolate that single datum that I’m able to influence and work to change it. All of this change depends solely on how I raise the society so as to succeed in evaluating every state as given by the Creator, by “there’s none else besides Him,” and the “Good that does good.”
Only the environment that I organized for myself will determine how much I will succeed in rising above the forces of separation that deny the unity of the Divine Providence, “there’s none else besides Him,” and the darkness that opposes the “Good that does good.” Then I can see whether or not I can justify every state both personally, internally, and also in general, in the entire group.
Suppose that some general problem, a great trouble is discovered. Here we can check whether we are prepared to deal with it and overcome it all together. Have we prepared for it or not? So accordingly, everyone must check himself, how much is he joining with everyone and strengthening them all.
All this depends on preparation and on the recognition of our evil, the clarification of ouregoism, and the aspiration to do good. Here we also examine the person: Is he really controlled by his ego or does he feel the importance of the environment, group, which is above all of his personal, egoistic evaluations? This is our entire preparation, meaning our free choice.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 4/17/13Writing of Rabash

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Balance Will Cure Everything

Question: Today, modern medicine is not based on compliance withnature. Alternative medicine, such as Chinese medicine or homeopathy, is based on observing nature, on how to create balance between man and nature. But alternative methods treat only narrowly defined diseases.
Answer: Balance will cure everything. We must either give it a push, or give the body a sense of loss of balance, and it will straighten itself out. After all, our body is under such an influence of polluted environments and poisons, which affect us, that it does not sense an imbalance within itself and between itself and nature.
If you put a person who is used to normal ecological environment into our conditions, he will go crazy because of the noise, smells, and harmful effects of the environment. Additionally, if you give him our food, he will be taken to the intensive care unit. But we exist normally; this imbalance in us is constantly compensated.
Therefore, all the natural methods of treatment are very hard to apply, they barely work. For this, it is necessary to be in the appropriate environment.
From KabTV’s “The Medicine of the Future” 4/7/13

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

The Creator Grants A Loan Only To Someone Who Has Guarantors

Baal HaSulam, “The Peace”: He believes that this world is not like an open store without an owner, but that there is an owner present, a shopkeeper, who stands in his store and demands of each customer the right price for the merchandise he is taking from the store…
Such a person is regarded as one who wishes to borrow. Thus, even before he stretches his hand to take from this world, which is the store, he takes it as a loan, to pay its price. 
Question: What is this loan?
Answer: The loan is a collection of forces, thoughts, and actions, correctly arranged in order to bestow. This “individual order” is exactly what you have to do in your state. You are given all that is required, a complete package deal.
However, the trouble is that you already have left this state. You already want to “debit,” to steal part of this loan. Well, this happens in general. Some organization demands a budget for lofty purposes, and afterward they do business “on the side” instead.
I don’t accuse anyone; we only have to draw a conclusion from this. This is how a person is built. This is our nature, and this happens everywhere in the world, in every nation. It happens even when someone speaks enthusiastically, he’s sure that he is truly and simply handling the means at his disposal. However, a different desire comes along with a different usage. It is natural that when a person receives millions, his desires heat up.
Generally, theft and corruption are natural things; they always have existed. In the past, leaders didn’t need to take anyone into account and did what they wanted, but today some things emerge on the surface. This is even though we still don’t understand where to find the correction.
The problem is only a lack of an environment that will support and hold you in the right state. If the environment were strong enough, you would correctly use a loan, which comes in response to a request that has been approved. You are not guilty; you simply are not connected to the right environment, which would be the one thing that would maintain the right approach for you.
Therefore, it is first necessary to build the right environment. Without this, there is no chance. This is so even if a person submits a truly justified request and receives the means correctly. A number of years go by, and they discover that he has accounts abroad or secret real estate investments or something else. And we ourselves are to blame. We didn’t investigate all the conditions, not at the time the loan was approved, but at the time it was received.
On the other hand, in spirituality, there are no mistakes like these. If you don’t prepare the environment, then your request simply is not accepted. You can knock on the door all you want, but no one will open it for you.
Question: Which is to say, without friends who are guarantors for me, I cannot receive any loan?
Answer: Right, this is because you intend to realize it from the start with unsuitable conditions.
Question: Which is to say, my request for receiving a loan needs to pass through thegroup?
Answer: Yes. I want to help the friends so much, to unite them, to see them as one body that I must do something, and then, with this, I raise pain through the group. This is not talking merely about a “transition,” rather it is about absolute despair that rips me apart. I am like a mother who suffers because she cannot feed her children. I turn for help with this and then receive the loan.
However, this is not a loan on our terms. The Creator wants to help the friends himself. Therefore, this is speaking here about the Torah. I receive the Light that Reforms and the Light that fills the Kelim. I receive this on condition that I truly have a desire, an urge to bestow. I’m boiling up, but I don’t know what to do. And then everything will be arranged for me: I will be given the understanding, the Kelim, the means, and all that is required.
Question: So, how do I ask ? To whom do I turn?
Answer: This is my internal appeal. Not everyone is prepared to express the burning, inner love. Sometimes, it is the opposite. From the outside, it seems that it is contempt.
Love doesn’t burst out like lava from a volcano. It is the opposite. In accord with the spiritual source, it always comes with limitation, concealment, with covers and with modesty. Don’t expect hugs and kisses from the friends. The love burns within, and outside of us is a screen and the Reflected Light, which is to say, something completely opposite. After all, the screen with the Reflected Light are built above the egoistic desire, dark and gloomy to death. Therefore, love always is covered with modesty. The screen itself is concealment.
So, we return to the loan from the Creator. I receive the power to bestow to the group from Him. I help the friends, unite them so that they will join together wholeheartedly, and I feel that the Creator becomes revealed in the connection between them, with a laughing, happy face.
This is all the realization of the action. His powers act on me inside and out. By constructing the vessel, I see these forces when He is revealed. So, what did I do by myself? In sum, I prepared a place for this revelation.
From the 4th part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 4/19/13, “The Peace”

Things We Must Not Give Up

Question: How can we reach the innermost point from which we can rise above the ego? What is that point?
Answer: This point is my “Self.” What can be more precious to me in all of reality than my “Self”? We are still not aware of how extreme our selfishness, the egoistic tyranny, is. Nothing can compare to it.
Our mistake is that we usually compare and measure everything according to the physical, beastly, corporeal concepts of life and death. This drastically lowers our “expectations,” and often under the pressure of troubles a person is even ready to give up life, which seems worthless to him compared to his suffering. Many are ready to put an end to their lives because of the wrong standard, because of a “beastly” perspective on life.…
But if you measure your life with respect to eternity and wholeness, you cannot give it up. You cannot give it up since your true “Self” is hiding here, the most precious thing that you have, although you have not yet revealed it and have not compared it with the real standard, with eternal life, with the eternity and the power of the real creation and not with the corporeal life on the level of our world.
Question: Do I need a strong and secure environment into which I can “dive in” in order to give up my egoistic self?
Answer: We must understand that generally speaking, only the Light that comes from Above can help us here. In the meantime, we have not actually realized this and live in a lie, measuring everything with respect to corporeal life. When we begin to measure everything according to the spiritual standard, we will discover terrible depths, in which self-abnegation is utterly impossible.
Then you will see that the intervention of the upper force that is above you is necessary. You will finally understand that there is room for the upper authority.You will have such sensation for the first time, and this is already a new step along the way.
From the 4th part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 4/18/13, “Introduction to The Book of Zohar”

Balance Will Cure Everything

Question: Today, modern medicine is not based on compliance with nature. Alternative medicine, such as Chinese medicine or homeopathy, is based on observing nature, on how to create balance between man and nature. But alternative methods treat only narrowly defined diseases.
Answer: Balance will cure everything. We must either give it a push, or give the body a sense of loss of balance, and it will straighten itself out. After all, our body is under such an influence of polluted environments and poisons, which affect us, that it does not sense an imbalance within itself and between itself and nature.
If you put a person who is used to normal ecological environment into our conditions, he will go crazy because of the noise, smells, and harmful effects of the environment. Additionally, if you give him our food, he will be taken to the intensive care unit. But we exist normally; this imbalance in us is constantly compensated.
Therefore, all the natural methods of treatment are very hard to apply, they barely work. For this, it is necessary to be in the appropriate environment.
From KabTV’s “The Medicine of the Future” 4/7/13

Monday, April 22, 2013

Find Your Place Of Work

Baal HaSulam, “Introduction to The Book of Zohar,” Item 44: And all the spiritual elements of still, vegetative, and animate in that world, which correspond to that Sefira of Malchut of Assiya, serve and aid that Partzuf of Nefesh of one who has risen there.
Question: What are the spiritual elements of the still, vegetative, and animate nature?
Answer: All the five phases, from the root phase until phase four, connect in a person’s exertion. Although we exert ourselves only with regards to the intention, only with regards to the human nature in us, there are also other layers in the desire, in which we are managed, having no free will. These layers of desire are similar to our physical needs and are included in our work; they operate on us while we cannot influence them in any way. As Baal HaSulam says in “Preface to the Wisdom of Kabbalah,” the elements of the still, vegetative, and animate nature ascend and descend together with the human level having no accounts of their own.
Question: Does this mean that in spirituality we also do things not by our choice?
Answer: Of course. The same thing also happens in our world since it’s an exact replica of spirituality. I don’t need to work on the multitude of spiritual forces that don’t belong to the human level. On the human level I also have to clarify things first and only then perform corrections. First, I should clarify where exactly I can exert myself so that I will bestow where it can lead to actual results. Most important is to differentiate between the “working area” and the “non-working” one and to put much effort in the former.
From the 4th part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 4/18/13, “The Introduction to The Book of Zohar” 

The Differences Between The Light And Darkness

There are many “waves” of desires within us. Where does this separation into many parts, levels, sides, forms, and so forth come from? The fact is that the Light, which is pure bestowal, enters into desire, whose nature is reception.
The Light and darkness were connected together through opposing characteristics at the time of the shattering. As a result, all the Lights are incorporated into all the individual desires and form countless combinations. The differences and facets in understanding, perception, and analysis, the wide spectrum of colors, sounds, tastes, and smells are derived from this. Everything comes from the various combinations formed through the conjugation between the Lights and desires.
It is precisely thanks to this multiplicity that we discover the Creator. We would otherwise feel ourselves at the bottom of the still level in Malchut of the world of Infinity.
This variety makes it possible for us to peel away layer after layer, to clarify the essence, and to distinguish differences between possible combinations of the Lights and the vessels. So, we begin to discover the Creator in contrast to the creature: We transition from “existence from absence” to “existence from existence,” “format” the vessel and the Light, light and darkness. This is our work. So, in spirituality in every moment we carry out billions of corrections, reaching the smallest details.
This is similar to the classification and clarification of matter in our universe. It seemed an impossible task to perform at the time, but it wasn’t  Mutual integration enables us to work in all directions simultaneously so that even one small action produces billions of results in the entire Malchut.
Today, this picture is still concealed from us, yet as we continue, we will clarify and identify more subtle and deeper components. This will be possible for us when we begin to distinguish between bestowal and reception in every part.
I am able to comprehend in its spiritual form only a corrected desire, as one of the 613 desires, into which the Kli is divided. Until correction I face only an “egoistic monster,”Pharaoh, which can’t be separated into parts, in which nothing can be clarified. As long as the Light has not arrived, I will not be able to feel any desire and see how to activate it for the sake of bestowal above my ego, I will not be able to discern its separate facets. The only thing that I feel in Egypt is the ten plagues.…
[105460]From the 4th part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 4/18/13, “Introduction to The Book of Zohar

Giving In To The Dominion Of The Friends

Baal HaSulam, “Introduction to The Book of Zohar,” Item 44: When he begins to delve in Torah and commandments, even without any intention, meaning without any love and fear, as is fitting when serving the king, even in Lo Lishma, the point in one’s heart begins to grow and disclose its action.
When the point in the heart awakens in a person, he comes to an environment in which he is provided with all the conditions for his inner spiritual development. It is said that “theCreator puts a person’s hand on the good fate and tells him: Choose it.” This is exactly where his free will is: to advance to the center of the group and through the group to the Creator.
Then a person begins to understand the system, the “kitchen” where everything is “cooking.” From that point on, if he looks for how to focus correctly on the goal by using the influence of the environment, subduing himself to the environment, and yearning for the Creator through it, then his point in the heart expands and grows.
Here his basic participation with the intention that is not yet aimed at pure bestowal is enough. Even if a person doesn’t feel sorry about that yet and can’t think about that seriously, it’s still a start. If he already has a “point in the heart” and, most importantly, is already incorporated in the right environment that influences him, that’s development.
Even acts without an aim can purify one’s will to receive, but only in the first degree called “still.”
A person doesn’t have the right intentions yet and he can’t see himself as one who bestows yet, but he can at least choose to “lower his head” with all his might, to annul himself, and thus advance. The greatness of the still level is its ability to subdue itself before the group and the study. This level ends when a person totally annuls himself before what has been revealed to him on the current level. This is the climax of the still level.
Afterwards, on the vegetative level everything changes: If before he only had to restrain himself while rising above his ego, now he has to open up as much as he can. Such a change is typical in each transition from one level to another.
Question: So, it turns out that the still level is not as “coarse” as one may think?
Answer: I may not understand or feel anything and may not be able to participate in real bestowal, but I need to acknowledge the lack of feeling, mind, and the right attitude, the lack of anything spiritual. I am 100% outside the dimension of bestowal. So how can I enter it?
To do that, I have to annul everything that awakens within me. I don’t delete and don’t cover up my attributes, but I know that I can’t enter spirituality with them. So, I cling to the dominion of the environment. They tell me to join something, and I do that without understanding what it means. They tell me to read, to study, and so I read and study. They tell me to do something, so I do it. I do it specifically because I am told to do so. In other words, I subdue myself before the group and the study with all my might. I accept this dominion as I relinquish myself thus advancing to the correction of my still level.
After all, my still level can’t move by itself, and so the only way to do that is to have the friends move me from the outside. In order to do that, I have to be in their hands.
In this nobody has any obstacles. Everyone is capable to perform these actions upon himself. A person just annuls himself before others and depends only on this. Self-annulment automatically puts him into their hands. Later he will be asked to perform actions that are based on interdependence and cooperation, but on the still level he only has to renounce himself. The desire grows, the interruptions increase, there is greater confusion along with disagreement, and the answer to all that is self-annulment. One needs to lower his head time and time again and thus advance. This is the first phase on our way.
[105267]From the 4th part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 4/17/13, “The Introduction to The Book of Zohar

Sunday, April 21, 2013

A Blister On The Beautiful Face Of Creation

Question: Can an evil thought be equated to slander?
Answer: Humanity is like a malignant tumor inside nature’s healthy body. The body consists of the still, vegetative, and animate levels of this world, which are in complete harmony with general nature, and under its control that leaves no room for freedom of choice. That’s why these levels cannot be held liable for anything at all since they fully obey natural instincts.
Egoistic nature acts within human beings and motivates them. This makes us different from other beings since we have a tendency to harm others. There is no other creature in this world (a stone, a plant, or an animal) that harms others except humans. People enjoy when others feel bad. This is what is called the human evil.
We don’t kill each other for the sake of food or to avoid dying of hunger. If that were the case, we wouldn’t touch others after satisfying our appetite, as animals do. Human beings want to “swallow” the entire world even after they receive everything they need, and that’s only because they don’t want others to have it.
A desire to harm our neighbors, take advantage of them, and enjoy somebody else’s troubles is called the evil of egoism, which we have to correct. Because of this quality, we act as a foreign body and “infiltrate” the general picture of all of nature, including the higher worlds.
Being a cancerous tumor that strives to ingest everything around pertains solely to this material world and exquisitely to humans. As a result, humanity kills itself because it destroys the environment that becomes unable to feed it any longer. This is how a cancerous tumor behaves in a human body: It devours everything around it. When there is nothing left, the body dies and the tumor dies together with it. Nowadays, we see that humanity behaves the same way and approaches a lethal finale at a tremendous speed.
In order to cure the disease, we have to understand how to approach this phenomenon. We can perform mechanical and physical actions, or we can act at the level of desires and thoughts. We can perform mechanical actions with our bodies even without the desire or much thought. Corporeal bodies are capable of moving either because of persuasion or under outside pressure.
Besides, we have an ability to correct the connection between us by following our desire, meaning from the heart that embodies our feelings. Moreover, we can add our thought, plan, and intention, that is, our reason.
One has only three opportunities to correct one’s attitude to the environment: an action, a desire, and a thought. Out of these three ways, the most effective and powerful is a thought. Thoughts influence our desires that in their turn impact our bodies.
However, there is a different way to activate ourselves, as it is said: “Hearts (desires) follow the actions.” Desires change thoughts. This flexible remedy can be used in various ways.
Connection among people defines the shape of the universe. Corrupt connection is called slander. It stands for a bad attitude to others and an unwillingness to maintain healthy connections and mutual communication, in similarity to organs of a single body, which help each other and make the body healthy. All parameters, such as blood pressure, temperature, fluids, and so on, everything should be in balance. If some bodily organs do not maintain correct interaction with others, it is immediately seen in medical tests.
Everything is built accordingly: ecology, politics, finances, and human relationships. Divorces, depressions, and drugs are the consequences of the imbalance in the system of our connection. It’s not terrible if one person is spoiled—the major thing is a corrupt connection between us. It is the real reason for all our problems. And an incorrect connection is called slander.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 3/19/13Writings of Rabash

The Meaning Of Merging With The Creator

How do we examine our relationship at the beginning and at the end of the work? Where do we begin and what must we reach in the end? A person has to remember always that “There is none else besides Him” and strive not to leave the authority of the one, higher power.
You have to check as to what exactly influences you, in which states there are foreign thoughts and emotions that awaken in you, weakening your feeling of the uniqueness of the upper governance, and you have to work with these states. This is to say that it is forbidden for you to “accidentally” depart from the state of “There is none else besides Him.”
Even if you go to a marketplace or a doctor, it is up to you to know in which part of your grasp of reality you now intend to correct your lack of adherence with the Creator Who “Thou hast hemmed me in behind and before,” Who  controls  you directly and indirectly. The Creator prepared this entire state from the start, but you need to complete it with your attitude.
When your desires are corrected, then the past, present, and future will be connected for you into a single whole. This means that you make an effort physically and mentally in order to connect the behavior of the Creator with yourself, with your mind and heart, so that at all times, in all places, and in all deeds these will be joined together.
This doesn’t mean that you have to ignore the control  of the Creator as if He were not looking out for you. Rather, you have to clarify within yourself, in your private world, the place where you feel an opportunity to add something of yourself and do it yourself. You feel that not all of your actions are done according to the desire of the guiding hand of the Creator. Instead, you feel that this is not the Creator Who acts in you, but you yourself. This is what you need to correct. It is up to you to address cases like this, a desire like this, an area like this.
The work is to invest maximal effort and ultimately reach the decision that “There is none else besides Him.” If you are doing the right action through your connection with the group and self-annulment, by connecting yourself (Israel), the Light that Reforms (the Torah), and the Creator, then you also are connecting all of these states to the Creator and become convinced that “There is none else besides Him.” This means that you are bringing all these states back to holiness.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 4/14/13Writings of Baal HaSulam

Ascending Thanks To Our Humility

With the help of the environment one should try not to forget that we are specifically making inner corrections. Throughout the entire way, a person perceives his own wretchedness more and more. As it is said, “Where you perceive His greatness, there you perceive His humility.” These two polar opposites are connected and depend upon each other: The higher Keter, the lower Malchut is.
Thus with our point we descend to minus Infinity and with the characteristic of bestowal, with the Reflected Light, we reach plus Infinity. All of our work is in this.
Therefore, we require very strong support from the environment; otherwise, the person is not prepared to descend at all, to shame or to lower himself, to trample on his pride. Even if he wanted, he cannot do this since his entire nature opposes this. This is because he doesn’t have both types of nature in him, only one.
Therefore, there is a great need of an environment that will support you in the goal, of learning in your group that will attract the Light to give you the power to endure blows to your ego, pride, and the desire to control and be the master of every state. In this way you will finally reach adherence with the upper one.
There is no going back, only going towards humility and correction of the ego, bringing us to bestowal and holiness. This correction always happens from within, not through external actions or words.
In order to hasten our development, it is important to pay attention to what you associate your ascents and descents. A descent is suffering from your wounded pride, while an ascent is the feeling of adherence with the Creator. These are determined not by your mood or by something else, but exist only in relation to your pride, narcissism, control, the feeling that you act, decide, and understand on your own. It is specifically here that you feel the blows and descents. You feel that you cannot handle your state or control your life.
And you determine your ascent according to how much you are ready to annul yourself and to find new opportunities for self-abnegation. And a real miracle happens here: From Above you are shown how to annul yourself and how by this all problems and difficulties disappear immediately. This is the next stage of the work, which we must learn from experiencing descents and ascents.
[105524]From the Preparation to the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 4/18/13

The Key To 99% Of The Global Soul

Question: What is the role today of the global Bnei Baruch groups  in different countries?
Answer: The world  groups play a special important role because Israel cannot correct themselves if they are not focused on the world. The GE have no way of correcting themselves if they are isolated from others.
The Creator wanted to give the Torah first to the nations of the world . All the Light is opposite this desire, opposite the AHP and not opposite GE. In fact the AHP makes up the whole vessel, 99% of the whole desire. Therefore the nation of Israel, GE, is the smallest of all the nations. It has no right to exist except for serving all this great AHP.
The Creator wants to fill the AHP with the Light and He tests GE as the part that serves the Creator and these desires to receive. Israel are the slaves of their mission, and the nations of the world are not. We have to carry out our mission towards the Creator and all of humanity. Therefore, the two sides come complaining to us, and their complaints are just since we have to be the link, the adapter,  between the Creator and the world and between the world and the Creator. We, however, don’t fulfill our role.
In order to function correctly, we need a connection with the upper force, with the Creator, which is realized through the center of the group. On other hand, we need to be connected to all our groups and to all the friends who belong to the nations of the world since this is how the connection from them to us and from them to the nations of the world among which they live is fulfilled. Thus we all connect paving the path from Malchutof Malchut, the greatest desire of the created being, to the desire of Keter of Keter and all the way to the Creator.
The central group must treat all the groups around the world lovingly, with great concern and attention, to connect to them as closely as possible despite the language barriers and the geographic distance, and to accept them as closely as possible. It is through them that we can reach the other people, the other nations, and to pass on to them themethod of integral education.
Our friends all over the world who live there as “converts,” which means that they also have a point in the heart, are part of Israel and fulfill the connection between AHP and us,GE. We cannot establish such a connection by ourselves, and it is our friends in other countries who do that.
The Key To 99% Of The Global Soul
It turns out that they belong to the main layer of the desire that is on the border betweenGE and AHP. Without this connection the GE and AHP are meaningless. For this reason, we have to pay great attention to our friends and to support them in every way we can, to hold conventions, to provide translation in every language, that is, help them as much as we can. It is because they belong to the layer of desire that allows us to answer the question: What do we exist for?
We exist thanks to the fact that we have such connection to the AHP, thanks to our friends all over the world.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 4/15/13Writings of Baal HaSulam 

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