Saturday, May 20, 2017

National Patriotism

Laitman_200_02Question: Can the state educate a person with the spirit of nationalist patriotism, of the type in North Korea? What are its implications? Is the concept not a catalyst for the beginning of world wars?
Answer: Certainly, national patriotism or of any other type of patriotism is contrary to the mutual convergence between all people and nations, and therefore constitutes a negative movement.
The world is in a state where it cannot welcome narrow-minded patriotism any more. Humanity is moving toward general unity not because that is what it wants, but because that is how the forces of nature are developing it. Opposing this is like shooting ourselves in the foot.
Let’s not engage in narrow patriotism; we will only suffer from it. We see that everyone who goes around arrogantly with their noses in the air ultimately will be bound by various restrictions, and no one will want to connect with him.
Therefore, we must accept a priori that our great world is integral. It is a “small village” in which everything is interconnected. There is no place for narrow-minded individualism because a person cannot do well for himself at the expense of others and vice versa, because it will act like a boomerang against him. We have seen this, and more than once, throughout the 20th century.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 1/8/17

Is A Person Responsible For His Thoughts?

laitman_281_01Question: Is a person responsible for his thoughts?
Answer: A person is not responsible for anything. If he acts only according to the fact that everything comes from the Creator and he is in under His full control, then the Creator is responsible for everything.
But to the extent that a person attributes these thoughts to himself, he is responsible for them.
A person himself determines what he is responsible for and what he isn’t. If you claim that “there is none else beside Him,” based on your inner state, then everything really comes from the Creator. But this is your perspective of life, so you act accordingly.
Question: Is it possible to say that bad thoughts are harmful to a person, while good ones are beneficial?
Answer: I would not say that. We do not know what is bad, and what is good.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 01/15/2017

Jewish Business News: “The Fundamental Flaw Behind The Cyber Attack“

In my regular column in Jewish Business News, my new article: “The Fundamental Flaw Behind The Cyber Attack
The best way to secure cyberspace has nothing to do with computer technology and everything to do with human nature.
The massive cyber-attack the world has been under for several days now is a serious wakeup call for all of us. It is still unclear how many facilities and individuals have been affected and to what extent, but this is clearly the most widespread ransomware attack in history.
For the most part, the $300 US ransom those affected were required to pay were more symbolic than actual financial damages. Yet, the extent and speed of the spread should teach us several things: 1) no agency is hack-proof, not even the National Security Association (NSA), whose stolen software, WannaCry, is used in this ransomware; 2) today, inflicting widespread damage requires only a computer geek with plenty of ill-will; 3) there is no way to completely guard from such attacks.
Incomprehensible Capability to Harm
Consider this scenario: A terrorist hacker simultaneously infiltrates the computer system of several large hospitals in Iran and installs malicious software. The malware changes the prescriptions of drugs to thousands of patients causing a mass poisoning that kills hundreds of patients. The malware is built in such a way that it points to Israel as the perpetrator. How Iran would retaliate is anyone’s guess but the risk of starting an all-out war is evident.
Consider another scenario: A hacker breaks into the navigation system of a passenger jet, causing it to crash into a crowded residential area. With today’s hacking capabilities, a 9/11 type scenario would not require terrorists to hijack planes. They could simply hijack their systems in midair and cause the same damage without risking themselves.
Hacking can also hit us on a very personal level. Imagine that one morning you wake up to find that your bank account with all your savings has been emptied by what seems like a legal withdrawal. When you call the bank, they tell you that you made the transaction; it is even documented in their computers.
Train derailments, uncooling of nuclear reactors, traffic lights turning green all at the same time, drugs and dosages being changed in hospitals so as to cause harm, records of government decisions deleted or changed… In an age when everything is controlled by computer networks, anything can be hacked and sabotaged. We should know: No firewall or anti-malware is hack-proof.
Machines Control Us, but Unhinged Narcissists Control Them
Globalization and the internet provide endless opportunities for happiness. Think of all the people you can meet on Facebook, all the places and things you can see on Instagram, and all the products you can buy at huge discounts on eBay. Also, today there is no need to go to stores when you can order literally everything online.
But instead of enjoying ourselves, exploiting these possibilities for pleasure, these developments only increase our loneliness and pain. Social media has become a replacement for real friendship, and people use it to broadcast the most sickening acts that humans can do to one another. According to CNN, Facebook is planning to hire thousands of people to help review users’ posts following multiple incidents of people sharing videos of suicide and murder. The WannaCry ransomware has demonstrated that instead of benefitting from our interconnectedness, we fear it.
We have turned over control to virtual machines, but unrestrained narcissists control these machines and use them to manipulate and exploit us. The virtual arena not only reflects our ruthless, callous nature, it even emphasizes it because the relative anonymity of the virtual realm allows us to show our true, pitiless hearts. If anything good is to come out of the online realm we have developed, it is the recognition of evil—the acknowledgement that our nature is evil to the core, and without taming our very nature, we can forget about peace or peace of mind.
An Anti-Malware for the Ego
There is a way to tame the ego, if we are only willing to open our minds and hearts to it. It is thousands of years old and stems directly from the cradle of civilization. The progenitor of the method is Abraham, father of Isaac, Ishmael, and subsequently all Abrahamic religions, such as Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.
In the days of Abraham, his town of Ur of the Chaldeans—a bustling city in the Babylonian Empire—was struggling with a similar problem to ours: excessive egoism was destroying the social order. Some sources, such as Pirkei de Rabbi Eliezer (Chapters of Rabbi Eliezer), detail the extent of the enmity among the ancient Babylonians. The book writes that at some point, the builders of the Tower of Babel became so hateful toward each other that they hammered their plowshares into swords and their pruning hooks into spears, so to speak, and slaughtered one another. Naturally, the building of the tower was never completed.
When Abraham saw the hatred among his townspeople, he reflected on this day and night, writes Maimonides in Mishneh Torah (Chapter 1). Maimonides also writes that Abraham discovered that there is only one, uniform force in the world, which always manifests through opposites: heat and cold, expansion and contraction, giving and receiving, life and death, etc.
Abraham also discovered that in nature, everything is harmonious and balanced because the two opposites manifest equally. Yet, in humans, the negative manifestations have such dominance in society that the positive ones barely show. This is why the Torah writes, “The inclination of a man’s heart is evil from his youth” (Genesis 8:21).
Additionally, the sage from Babylon realized that forcefully suppressing the ego was hopeless. His father, Terah, was no ordinary man. The Midrash (Beresheet Rabbah) tells us that Terah was a high-ranking priest in the Babylonian Empire, who built and sold icons for a living and had contact with the Babylonian king, Nimrod. Abraham, who grew up with him and stood in for him at the shop, knew about the ways the Babylonians dealt with their problems and recognized their futility.
Therefore, instead of fighting with the ego head on, Abraham suggested something so radically different that to this day it is a novel approach. He said, “If you can’t suppress your hatred, use it as a tool to increase your love for others, and that way cover your hatred with love.” Several generations later, King Solomon capped Abraham’s method with his adage, “Hate stirs strife, and love covers all crimes” (Proverbs 10:12).
How Hate Increases Love (if used correctly)
Abraham’s idea was revolutionary, but implementing it was quite easy: Every time the ego increases and people become more hateful toward each other, use this enmity as an indication that it’s time to increase unity. When there is no hatred, people mind their own business and have no need to unite. They get along but they are basically indifferent to each other. But when hatred manifests among them, they can either part ways or strengthen their unity and brotherhood to match the increased hatred. The result of such work on unity is that brotherhood among people increases proportionally to the intensification of the hatred.
Think of it this way: If you build a house where there are hardly any winds, you do not need to make the walls exceptionally strong. But if you build it in an area that is prone to hurricanes and fierce storms, you must build it that much stronger in order to withstand the weather. As a result, your house would be much stronger.
Abraham realized that the intensifying hatred was therefore an opportunity to restore the balance between positive and negative that exists in nature but is absent in humans. Moreover, the conscious effort to unite made people aware of nature’s modus operandi and granted them wisdom that they could not otherwise acquire.
With this knowledge, Abraham’s descendants built the social system by which the ancient Hebrews were arranged. That system was so perfect, just, and balanced, that it became the basis of human justice to this day. Historian Paul Johnson wrote in the prologue to his book A History of the Jews: “No people has ever insisted more firmly than the Jews that history has a purpose and humanity a destiny. At a very early stage in their collective existence, they believed they had detected a divine scheme for the human race, of which their own society was to be a pilot.” Even the most notorious anti-Semite in American history, Henry Ford, noticed the importance of the ancient society of the Hebrews to humankind. In his book The International Jew—the World’s Foremost Problem, Ford wrote, “Modern reformers, who are constructing model social systems, would do well to look into the social system under which the early Jews were organized.”
Restoring Abraham’s Method
When Abraham’s descendants and followers achieved a sufficient level of unity, they were declared a nation, after committing to unite “as one man with one heart.” For more than a thousand years, they struggled with their growing egos and overcame them, all along improving their method of unity above hatred.
Yet, 2,000 years ago, the Jews succumbed to their egos. Awash with unfounded hatred, they helped the Romans overtake the Land of Israel and were exiled and dispersed. But worst of all, they have forgotten the true meaning of Judaism—to exalt love over hatred, to love your neighbor as yourself.
Today’s world has become worse than Abraham’s Babylon. We are not only killing one another like the builders of the Tower of Babel, we relish our selfishness and take pride in our narcissism. We want more of everything not because we need more, but because we need to have more than others! The need for superiority is the sovereign of our hearts. And as we are fighting one another, we are destroying ourselves just as cancer destroys the healthy cells around it until it kills its host and at the same time itself.
Despite its widespread damage, the WannaCry ransomware is but a tiny sample of the harm the human ego can inflict. It is a warning sign that no one is protected. All of humanity is in this together. The more humanity becomes technically interdependent, without correcting our attitude toward each other, the more suffering our interconnectedness will cause us.
We have failed at suppressing our egos, so now we must learn how to use them to increase our unity, just as Abraham did almost four millennia ago. This may seem like a formidable task, but the history of the Jews proves otherwise. If we rise above our cynicism and resignation, we will achieve such powerful solidarity and mutual concern that our unity will dwarf even that of our ancestors.
In the process, we, too, like Abraham, will reveal the unity that drives all of nature into harmony. We will find that meaning in hatred can be found only when it is turned into love of others, and that love of others does not exist unless through our efforts to unite above our hatred. If we choose to meet the challenge, we will emerge united and triumphant over our egos. If we capitulate, we will be tormented beyond belief.

Education By Example

laitman_625_01Question: Is there a role for personal example in education?
Answer: Yes, everything is supported by personal example. Show a child an example. Say what you are doing, treat him as a friend. And then you will see how everything will flow to him.
Question: If I have to show the child a kind attitude, how can I punish him for an offense?
Answer: You must explain why you are doing this. For example, tell him: “Sitting within you is a little imp that must be limited. What will we do with it? Give me some advice about what must be done to help you rein in this demon and not let him go free.”
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 1/8/17

Haaretz: “The Fundamental Flaw Behind the Cyber Attack”

In my regular column in Haaretz, my new article: “The Fundamental Flaw Behind the Cyber Attack
The best way to secure cyberspace has nothing to do with computer technology and everything to do with human nature.
The massive cyber-attack the world has been under for several days now is a serious wakeup call for all of us. It is still unclear how many facilities and individuals have been affected and to what extent, but this is clearly the most widespread ransomware attack in history.
For the most part, the $300 US ransom those affected were required to pay were more symbolic than actual financial damages. Yet, the extent and speed of the spread should teach us several things: 1) no agency is hack-proof, not even the National Security Association (NSA), whose stolen software, WannaCry, is used in this ransomware; 2) today, inflicting widespread damage requires only a computer geek with plenty of ill-will; 3) there is no way to completely guard from such attacks.
Incomprehensible Capability to Harm
Consider this scenario: A terrorist hacker simultaneously infiltrates the computer system of several large hospitals in Iran and installs malicious software. The malware changes the prescriptions of drugs to thousands of patients causing a mass poisoning that kills hundreds of patients. The malware is built in such a way that it points to Israel as the perpetrator. How Iran would retaliate is anyone’s guess but the risk of starting an all-out war is evident.
Consider another scenario: A hacker breaks into the navigation system of a passenger jet, causing it to crash into a crowded residential area. With today’s hacking capabilities, a 9/11 type scenario would not require terrorists to hijack planes. They could simply hijack their systems in midair and cause the same damage without risking themselves.
Hacking can also hit us on a very personal level. Imagine that one morning you wake up to find that your bank account with all your savings has been emptied by what seems like a legal withdrawal. When you call the bank, they tell you that you made the transaction; it is even documented in their computers.
Train derailments, uncooling of nuclear reactors, traffic lights turning green all at the same time, drugs and dosages being changed in hospitals so as to cause harm, records of government decisions deleted or changed… In an age when everything is controlled by computer networks, anything can be hacked and sabotaged. We should know: No firewall or anti-malware is hack-proof.
Machines Control Us, but Unhinged Narcissists Control Them
Globalization and the internet provide endless opportunities for happiness. Think of all the people you can meet on Facebook, all the places and things you can see on Instagram, and all the products you can buy at huge discounts on eBay. Also, today there is no need to go to stores when you can order literally everything online.
But instead of enjoying ourselves, exploiting these possibilities for pleasure, these developments only increase our loneliness and pain. Social media has become a replacement for real friendship, and people use it to broadcast the most sickening acts that humans can do to one another. According to CNN, Facebook is planning to hire thousands of people to help review users’ posts following multiple incidents of people sharing videos of suicide and murder. The WannaCry ransomware has demonstrated that instead of benefitting from our interconnectedness, we fear it.
We have turned over control to virtual machines, but unrestrained narcissists control these machines and use them to manipulate and exploit us. The virtual arena not only reflects our ruthless, callous nature, it even emphasizes it because the relative anonymity of the virtual realm allows us to show our true, pitiless hearts. If anything good is to come out of the online realm we have developed, it is the recognition of evil—the acknowledgement that our nature is evil to the core, and without taming our very nature, we can forget about peace or peace of mind.
An Anti-Malware for the Ego
There is a way to tame the ego, if we are only willing to open our minds and hearts to it. It is thousands of years old and stems directly from the cradle of civilization. The progenitor of the method is Abraham, father of Isaac, Ishmael, and subsequently all Abrahamic religions, such as Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.
In the days of Abraham, his town of Ur of the Chaldeans—a bustling city in the Babylonian Empire—was struggling with a similar problem to ours: excessive egoism was destroying the social order. Some sources, such as Pirkei de Rabbi Eliezer (Chapters of Rabbi Eliezer), detail the extent of the enmity among the ancient Babylonians. The book writes that at some point, the builders of the Tower of Babel became so hateful toward each other that they hammered their plowshares into swords and their pruning hooks into spears, so to speak, and slaughtered one another. Naturally, the building of the tower was never completed.
When Abraham saw the hatred among his townspeople, he reflected on this day and night, writes Maimonides in Mishneh Torah (Chapter 1). Maimonides also writes that Abraham discovered that there is only one, uniform force in the world, which always manifests through opposites: heat and cold, expansion and contraction, giving and receiving, life and death, etc.
Abraham also discovered that in nature, everything is harmonious and balanced because the two opposites manifest equally. Yet, in humans, the negative manifestations have such dominance in society that the positive ones barely show. This is why the Torah writes, “The inclination of a man’s heart is evil from his youth” (Genesis 8:21).
Additionally, the sage from Babylon realized that forcefully suppressing the ego was hopeless. His father, Terah, was no ordinary man. The Midrash (Beresheet Rabbah) tells us that Terah was a high-ranking priest in the Babylonian Empire, who built and sold icons for a living and had contact with the Babylonian king, Nimrod. Abraham, who grew up with him and stood in for him at the shop, knew about the ways the Babylonians dealt with their problems and recognized their futility.
Therefore, instead of fighting with the ego head on, Abraham suggested something so radically different that to this day it is a novel approach. He said, “If you can’t suppress your hatred, use it as a tool to increase your love for others, and that way cover your hatred with love.” Several generations later, King Solomon capped Abraham’s method with his adage, “Hate stirs strife, and love covers all crimes” (Proverbs 10:12).
How Hate Increases Love (if used correctly)
Abraham’s idea was revolutionary, but implementing it was quite easy: Every time the ego increases and people become more hateful toward each other, use this enmity as an indication that it’s time to increase unity. When there is no hatred, people mind their own business and have no need to unite. They get along but they are basically indifferent to each other. But when hatred manifests among them, they can either part ways or strengthen their unity and brotherhood to match the increased hatred. The result of such work on unity is that brotherhood among people increases proportionally to the intensification of the hatred.
Think of it this way: If you build a house where there are hardly any winds, you do not need to make the walls exceptionally strong. But if you build it in an area that is prone to hurricanes and fierce storms, you must build it that much stronger in order to withstand the weather. As a result, your house would be much stronger.
Abraham realized that the intensifying hatred was therefore an opportunity to restore the balance between positive and negative that exists in nature but is absent in humans. Moreover, the conscious effort to unite made people aware of nature’s modus operandi and granted them wisdom that they could not otherwise acquire.
With this knowledge, Abraham’s descendants built the social system by which the ancient Hebrews were arranged. That system was so perfect, just, and balanced, that it became the basis of human justice to this day. Historian Paul Johnson wrote in the prologue to his book A History of the Jews: “No people has ever insisted more firmly than the Jews that history has a purpose and humanity a destiny. At a very early stage in their collective existence, they believed they had detected a divine scheme for the human race, of which their own society was to be a pilot.” Even the most notorious anti-Semite in American history, Henry Ford, noticed the importance of the ancient society of the Hebrews to humankind. In his book The International Jew—the World’s Foremost Problem, Ford wrote, “Modern reformers, who are constructing model social systems, would do well to look into the social system under which the early Jews were organized.”
Restoring Abraham’s Method
When Abraham’s descendants and followers achieved a sufficient level of unity, they were declared a nation, after committing to unite “as one man with one heart.” For more than a thousand years, they struggled with their growing egos and overcame them, all along improving their method of unity above hatred.
Yet, 2,000 years ago, the Jews succumbed to their egos. Awash with unfounded hatred, they helped the Romans overtake the Land of Israel and were exiled and dispersed. But worst of all, they have forgotten the true meaning of Judaism—to exalt love over hatred, to love your neighbor as yourself.
Today’s world has become worse than Abraham’s Babylon. We are not only killing one another like the builders of the Tower of Babel, we relish our selfishness and take pride in our narcissism. We want more of everything not because we need more, but because we need to have more than others! The need for superiority is the sovereign of our hearts. And as we are fighting one another, we are destroying ourselves just as cancer destroys the healthy cells around it until it kills its host and at the same time itself.
Despite its widespread damage, the WannaCry ransomware is but a tiny sample of the harm the human ego can inflict. It is a warning sign that no one is protected. All of humanity is in this together. The more humanity becomes technically interdependent, without correcting our attitude toward each other, the more suffering our interconnectedness will cause us.
We have failed at suppressing our egos, so now we must learn how to use them to increase our unity, just as Abraham did almost four millennia ago. This may seem like a formidable task, but the history of the Jews proves otherwise. If we rise above our cynicism and resignation, we will achieve such powerful solidarity and mutual concern that our unity will dwarf even that of our ancestors.
In the process, we, too, like Abraham, will reveal the unity that drives all of nature into harmony. We will find that meaning in hatred can be found only when it is turned into love of others, and that love of others does not exist unless through our efforts to unite above our hatred. If we choose to meet the challenge, we will emerge united and triumphant over our egos. If we capitulate, we will be tormented beyond belief.

A Kabbalist And His Students

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: As a Kabbalist, do you feel the current state and the corrected state of each of your students at the same time?
Answer: No, I don’t penetrate this matter so deeply because in a usual lesson, there are about 500 students sitting before me, and another 2,000 connected virtually.
I cannot feel each and every one of them, and I don’t do it because I have a totally different mission. I must feel the general vessel and guide it toward the goal, and this is the mission I focus on. To the degree that each student connects to the general vessel, he is connected to me during the lesson.
The word “lesson,” “shiur” in Hebrew, means measure, magnitude. To the degree that the students can connect between them, they can receive what I insert into that vessel.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 1/29/17

Phobias In Kabbalah

Laitman_049_01Question: What do phobias mean in Kabbalah? For example, I want to ask a question, but the fear of being criticized or ridiculed stops me from asking.
Answer: People have many phobias, over 800. But what do these phobias have to do with Kabbalah?
When you engage in the wisdom of Kabbalah and you are in contact with your friends, you begin to sift through yourself, all your inner phobias, uncertainties, all kinds of preconceived notions, subconscious and conscious perceptions, and from this assortment, only the most necessary will remain.
Of all the negative feelings, you need to leave only fear, which helps you advance, to not stop, and to not fall out of the framework in which you can move along with the group. The doubts remain, and you can only be sure of yourself when you advance together with others according to the correct methodology and by maintaining constant contact with the teacher during the lessons.
Then, all of your phobias, insecurities, and all sorts of depressive states obtain a proper form. They form your advancement.
Question: What is the basis of fear?
Answer: The basis of fear is very high: “Will I be able to reach a state of the Creator being pleased with me?
In our world it is the opposite; it distorts and turns into fear: “Will I be able to satisfy myself?” It has to be inverted. We also rise through these changes.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 1/15/17

Lifting Twice

laitman_571_06Question: Why is it considered that a person who is in a spiritual descent can only be lifted twice?
Answer: This is a law of Torah. The first time you should try to lift him; even if you fail, your attempts still connect with him..
The second time, you really are working with him, knowing that you have common desires, common Kelim (vessels). When you try to rise together and you feel that you are unable to pull him, you have to leave him. It means that a “human being” has not sufficiently developed within him in order to pull him together with his “donkey” (his animal part).
From KabTV’s “Secrets of the Eternal Book” 10/19/16

Remembrance Day For The Fallen In Israel’s Wars And The Victims of Terror

Laitman_417We arrived in the land of Israel after 2,000 years, after the Holocaust, after extermination and after pogroms. We returned to our historical land to establish our nation, our homeland, our people here, and we must do everything possible so that what we have gone through will never be repeated.
Wars come and go, there is no end to them. Just as one war ends, preparation for the next war begins.
We need to understand how we can achieve true peace, such a peace where all nations will not feel hatred and rejection toward us and will begin to accept the nation that was established by our hands, as a nation, will stop thinking that we have no right to exist as a people, like every person, as Jews and as a nation.
Why does everyone think that we should disappear from the face of the Earth? We must understand the reason for this, for those who gave their lives for the sake of the existence of the people and the establishment of the nation.  And then we will understand that we are not carrying out our special role on Earth, that we are a special people.
We must be the people of Israel. And the people of Israel are a people that were created on the basis of mutual responsibility, mutual connection, friendship, love, and unity, “as one person with one heart.”
If we become a people like this, we will succeed in establishing a different nation, not like the Western nations. It will be based on spiritual foundations. And then, as a people and as a nation, we can also provide an example to all other peoples and nations who are earnestly seeking ways to a better future but cannot find it without us.
We must be a “light unto the nations” (Isaiah 48:6), an example for them. I very much hope that we understand and implement this. And then the aversion and hatred toward us, the accusation that we exist only to cause harm to all the nations of the world, will naturally disappear.
Let us think about this and carry out our mission together for the sake of those who gave their lives so that we could exist today.
From KabTV’s “Conversations with Michael Laitman” 4/19/17

The Education Problem

laitman_245_09Question: I don’t quite understand why I have to feel all of humanity. I have no need for it. I am even ready to overcome my egoism, but I can’t say that it is for all of humanity.
Answer: You should start gradually. Can you imagine how the whole world would change if Europe were made up mainly of educated people?
What not only Europe but other countries and continents would be like? There would be mutual cooperation, mutual help, and mutual support. The world doesn’t need anything else! Our only problem today is education and nothing but that.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 1/8/17

Islam, Spain, And The Entire World

laitman_437In the News (Breitbart): “Hundreds of posters displayed in a migrant-dominated part of Barcelona are urging Muslim men to marry Spanish women in a bid to spread Islam, and inviting members of the community to an ‘information meeting’.
“The posters, which are derogatory about Christians but call on ‘Brothers’ to marry women of the religion to ‘strengthen’ Islam, have been plastered through the neighbourhood of El Raval. Official data collected in 2014 found that 56.7 per cent of residents in El Raval were born abroad.
“’It is permissible and encouraged that the Muslim man marries honest and chaste women who belong to the People of the Book. Even though they have distorted and altered the tradition, they are still suitable for marriage.
“’Brother, enter a partnership with a Spaniard, teach her that Islam is the true religion. …
“Local media reports that El Raval is a key target for Muslim supremacist groups who say followers of Islam have a ‘right of return’ to Spain.”
My Comment: Spain was once conquered by Muslims and stayed under their rule for a long time.
According to Islam, the lands that were once Muslim for some time, first of all, are obliged to return to Islam, not to mention the entire world.
Question: What is going to happen to Spain?
Answer: The same thing that will happen to the entire world: Islam will cover the entire world. Of course, there will be big problems with Christianity, especially with Orthodoxy. But they will settle it. This is what the Torah says.
Question: What about us? Will we be able to handle it?
Answer: When they come up against us, they will become ill. But first they will conquer Europe.
From KabTV’s “News with Michael Laitman” 03/27/17

Thursday, May 18, 2017

Reshimo And Time Travel

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: What is a Reshimo (spiritual gene)?
Answer: A Reshimo is a record of the complete spiritual state.
Suppose, now I want to be ten years younger. So I arouse the Reshimo (informational record) of the state I want to be in, I realize it, and jump there.
That is, a Reshimo is a complete informational record of a specific state. It contains absolutely everything except for Light.
In this way, I can find myself in any state that is necessary for me to maximally reveal the Light of the Creator in the entire system.
Question: Does this mean that I can travel in time?
Answer: There is no time in spirituality. There is spiral movement in a precise direction. You move not along a timeline, but in spiritual states.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 1/15/17

Who Am I After All?

laitman_610_2Question: If the Creator awakens desires, and thoughts grow from them, it turns out that desires and thoughts are not mine. Then who am I?
Answer: Nobody. You are the one who realizes that thoughts and desires, mind and heart flow through you. Nothing more.
How can a person have something of his own? The organism is born, it grows and develops. How can anything of his own emerge in a person? From what? From the influence of the outside world? He is an element of the outside world, and what he feels, what flows through him, depends on how the world affects him. Does it really belong to him? No, this is what passes through him.
This is our beastly life.
In fact, every human is really great, but he remains in a dormant, inactive state until he is awakened and opens his eyes. Until then, we live our lives; we come back again and again until our conscious participation is required.
All our listeners have a point in the heart, which at some moment appeared in them. They are no longer enacted just like robots. They were brought to hear, to begin to understand, to see the method, to become aware of the great system of the universe in which they exist, and how they can start to consciously and efficiently work in it by themselves.
From my perspective, these people are completely different from all the others; because in those that simply exist around us, the point in the heart is still asleep. In The Book of Zohar they are called “sleeping.” Their eyes are turned inward because they value only their egoism and nothing else. They cannot yet look outside to see everything through the quality of bestowal and love.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 1/15/17

Body And Soul From The Point Of View Of Ancient Philosophers and Kabbalah

laitman_612Comment: As is known, many philosophers and Kabbalists mentioned that long ago the ancient Greeks visited Judea to learn from the Kabbalists. For example, the great ancient Greek philosopher and mathematician Pythagoras wrote: “Souls never die, but always on quitting one abode pass to another. All things change, nothing perishes. The soul passes hither and thither, occupying now this body, now that… As a wax is stamped with certain figures, then melted, then stamped anew with others, yet it is always the same wax. So, the Soul being always the same, yet wears at different times different forms.”
My Response: This is about reincarnation. I can not say whether he understood correctly what a soul is, But what he said is correct.
My Teacher used to tell me that human body is like a shirt, which one changes, but the soul remains the same.
Comment: Socrates wrote: “Just as you ought not to attempt to cure eyes without head or head without body, so you should not treat body without soul.”
My Response: In Kabbalah, by body, we mean desire. Our physical body is not taken into account; it is nothing more than an animal.
Comment: Aristotle said: “Friendship is a single soul dwelling in two bodies.”
My Response: It’s beautifully said. My friend and I are one whole, we are separated only by animal bodies.
In Kabbalah, a friend means a person who is my partner in spiritual work. And everything that I wish to liken to the Creator, I give to him, and he gives it to me, and we exercise together how through each other we can become similar to the Creator. Then a field of mutual bestowal and love is formed between us, in which the Creator is revealed.
From KabTV’s “A Talk About Soul” 3/30/17

Is It Possible To Pray For Others?

laitman_239Question from Facebook: Human nature is to always take care of only one’s beloved. Is it really possible that we will pray for others? This is absolutely unnatural and false.
Answer: Absolutely. You’re right. This is already a true starting point. Is it possible to correct and change our nature to the opposite, to the correct balance between us? If all of nature—still, vegetative, and animate—exists in an integral mutual connection, how can we make people co-exist among themselves in the same way?
We see that this is possible in a limited field: in engineering, trade, science, art, but not in communication between people.
How can this be achieved? Only by changing human nature from egoistic to altruistic. And this is beyond our control. We can only wish that it happens.
But there is a power in the world called the upper force because it is above our egoism. It can correct us. We will feel each other closer than our brothers, sisters, parents, and children. We will acquire such a feeling, and it will oblige us to be together as one family.
Question: Do I have to think that in this process, I am attracting the upper force?
Answer: It’s not important. It’s a matter of methodology. There are different human levels. The main thing is that there is such a positive force in nature that can change us if we draw it upon ourselves.
From KabTV’s “News with Michael Laitman” 3/27/17

Opening The Higher Faucet

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: How can I shape the right thoughts within me and cleanse my mind from all kinds of nonsense? Is this possible and is it necessary?
Answer: It is possible and it is also necessary, but it is possible to do this only through a group that is directed toward the discovery of the Creator so that He will carry out this action.
The Creator makes all the corrections and changes, and everything that happens in creation. What remains for us is only to turn to Him with a specific request so that He will do what is needed for correction. He will do this anyway, but He is “waiting” for our desire.
For example, when we open a water faucet, water flows from it. So it is in spirituality as well. We can open the faucet within us and then the Light of the Creator will work through us and correct us.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 1/15/17

How Does A Kabbalist Thoughts Affect The World?

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: How do thoughts of a Kabbalist affect all the worlds?
Answer: A Kabbalist’s thoughts influence the worlds to the extent he can rise above his animalistic state and act independently. What does independently mean? To the degree that he can, through his thoughts, overtake the Creator in His plans, he acts independently.
If I, while studying the wisdom of Kabbalah, understand the thought of creation and everything that happens to me, then I can move half a step ahead of the Creator, like a child who drags an adult by the hand. The fact is, that in this case a person rises to a different level. All Kabbalistic books speak only about this.
It turns out that with my desires, I cause actions of the Creator. As it is written, “The righteous decides and the Creator performs.”
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 1/15/17

How Can We Receive Spiritual Information

laitman_276_02Question: I am the kind of person who needs examples, not explanations, for concepts that I don’t understand. If the wisdom of Kabbalah is a science, is it possible to give examples of the phenomena about which you speak?
Answer: How can I give you an example if you don’t see and don’t understand spiritual phenomena yet? You need new extra senses so that you will see what I see, then you will understand what I am talking about. This means that you need to expand your senses, and this is what the wisdom of Kabbalah engages in.
Only a person who becomes a Kabbalist, which means who receives spiritual information, can see this information though his insight and not with his eyes.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 1/22/17

Thoughts And Desires

Dr. Michael LaitmanBaal HaSulam, Shamati, 153: However, there is a special role to the thought: it intensifies the desire. The desire remains in its place; it does not have the strength to expand and perform its action. Yet, because one thinks and contemplates on a matter, and the desire asks of the thought to provide some counsel and advice to carry out the desire, the desire thus grows, expands and performs its actual work…
Our thoughts can expand or diminish our desire according to what we think about and what we engage in. If I keep thinking about something, my desires regarding that object grow and develop and I already live in them and begin to operate them.
Question: If I have a desire to fill myself and all my thoughts are automatically aimed at that, I cannot think about anything that doesn’t fill my desires. But the desires are under the Creator’s control. He created them so everything is under His control and domination. So where is my freedom?
Answer: Only in hastening your development. If you are in the right society and it influences you correctly, you hasten the development of your desires. The Creator can impact you more intensively; your desires will change more quickly, and thus you will begin to advance increasingly faster in the right direction toward the desired goal. Everything is predetermined, but the speed of the motion and style of movement will be optimal.
Comment: The whole correction is in the fact that you have to think about others, but I can’t think about others because I don’t have this desire and so I have no such thoughts.
Answer: If by being in the right society you evoke unto yourself the Surrounding Light, the desire and thoughts that determine that it is vital to be in contact with the friends will emerge in you.
Question: This means that it is impossible to change your thoughts and desires without the Creator’s force, without His help.
Answer: No. Without the Creator’s help, a person remains a beast.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 1/15/17

Catch The End Of The Thread That Returns To The Creator

Laitman_025_01Torah, Deuteronomy 17:8 – 17:10: If a matter eludes you in judgment, between blood and blood, between judgment and judgment, or between lesion and lesion, words of dispute in your cities, then you shall rise and go up to the place the Lord, your God, chooses. And you shall come to the Levitic kohanim and to the judge who will be in those days, and you shall inquire, and they will tell you the words of judgment. And you shall do according to the word they tell you, from the place the Lord will choose, and you shall observe to do according to all they instruct you.
A person can never decide by himself how to act. The solution of the problem can be found only on the next level: either on the level of Levites (ascent to Bina), or on the level of Kohanim (ascent to Hochma). This is the only way we can accumulate strength for our own correction.
It is written: “If a matter eludes you in judgment, between blood and blood, between judgment and judgment, or between lesion and lesion…” It speaks about person’s scrutiny of his qualities; after all, he doesn’t know what drives him: correct or incorrect qualities, or correct or incorrect thoughts. It is not known where his egoism hides, how it incites him and gives him some kind of a bribe.
Therefore, each one should always rise to such a degree where he could decide his actions and intentions with the help of an external standard. A special force is required for this: the next degree, ascent to it, acceptance of its qualities and advices, so that it would change, test, and subjugate a person. Then he will be sure that he moves correctly.
We advance this way in constant contradiction “between blood and blood, between lesion and lesion.” How else? If from the beginning of creation to its full correction a person is an egoist, then every time bigger and bigger egoism is revealed in him.
Let’s say you corrected yourself by 90%, but the revealed 91% that must be corrected is bigger than all the previous ones. Therefore, you can’t rely on anything, and every time you are in absolute incomprehension, wondering, and marveling at everything that happens to you.
Every time, the unique, kind Creator completely disappears from your senses, and instead of Him, there are multitudes of all sorts of haters, traitors and evil dogs. All this you must again relate to the Creator as arising due to the lack of connection with Him. That is, these are the qualities that are specifically created in you so that you would get closer to the Creator. You have no choice.
Everything is arranged so amazingly that you unwillingly, consciously or unconsciously, or as a result of big problems, worries, sleepless nights, searches, and internal struggle with yourself finally catch the end of this thread that returns you to the uniqueness of the Creator and His absolute goodness.
Such is the way of awareness—scary on one hand and beautiful on the other hand—because you are born on the level of the Creator and become similar to Him.
From KabTV’s “Secrets of the Eternal Book” 8/24/16

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