Comment: The Pope made a speech about the refugees in which he emphasized: “It cannot be that so much suffering should fall on innocent men, women and children!” He called for everyone to open their doors and hearts to them.
Answer: Everything he spoke about is correct, but only if there is no violence. There is a total lack of education, information, and previous unity among the population of Europe and the refugees.
The refugees want to dominate Europe. They have not really fled from their homeland because of a terrible war; rather, it is more because of the fact that they have been paid a lot of money to come to Europe as conquerors, not as those seeking a temporary warm and safe place. So it is impossible to speak of them as refugees, but only as a conquering army.
Question: Is there a way out of the situation into which Europe has been thrown?
Answer: No, this kind of situation will continue; the situation will drift out of control. Europe cannot oppose it. It cannot close its borders to them because it is completely divided into factions. It is broken, and the nations of the European Union cannot reach any agreement between them. So it is natural that this problem will not be solved.
Question: Will nations like Hungary, Macedonia, and others be able to close themselves to the refugees?
Answer: Eastern Europe can be closed. First, the refugees aren’t really trying to get there. Second, people are living there who learned in Soviet schools and don’t have any particular emotional weaknesses and so on. They recently had a similar experience not long ago.
Question: Basically, is the prophecy about the subjugation of Europe by the Muslims materializing?
Answer: Yes, Europe will be conquered by the Muslims, and everywhere, instead of European churches and cathedrals, there will be Muslim mosques and madrassas (Islamic religious schools).
Question: Will there be a war between Christianity and Islam?
Answer: No, Christianity will surrender peacefully.
Question: What will happen to Judaism?
Answer: Nothing. Those who can will leave Europe; those who cannot will gradually dissipate.
Question: What should the perspective of Israel be regarding this process?
Answer: We very simply don’t need to be interested in what is happening in Europe at all or its conquest by Islamic hordes. We don’t need to get involved with any mundane matters; rather, we must re-educate ourselves to full unification. This is our only concern.
Our unity will then influence the entire world and the nations of the world, first of all, the Christians and Muslims; they will suddenly feel an attraction to each other and the possibility of their mutual acceptance. They will understand that this comes from the Jews, and then they will gradually form mutual relationships between them, and after that this will spread throughout the world.
From KabTV’s “News with Michael Laitman” 3/17/16