Answer: A Kabbalist is a scientist, only not an ordinary scientist. He explores the world and wants to reach the root of everything that is happening, to discover and know why everything is arranged in such a form, from where this appears and where everything is going.
This is a person who has an inner need to reach the world in which he lives and discover what this world expects of him. This is a person who is born with a question that burns within him and doesn’t let him rest: What were we given this life for? What is its meaning? Why was I born? Today this question bothers many people, but in the past it was the inheritance of selected people.
The first Kabbalist was Adam HaRishon (The First Man), a person who lived 5,775 years ago. Adam discovered the secret of life and wrote a book about this. Certainly people lived long before him, but Adam is considered the first man because he discovered the inner essence of nature and the hidden power that stands behind all the external and individual forces that appear before us.
We live in a reality in which part of it is clearly revealed, whereas the other part is hidden. Each time we disclose some other part of reality, and so we advance. But there is a reality that always remains hidden from our discernment if we don’t change ourselves.
The hidden reality is imperceptible to our senses; we are limited by the five senses: sight, hearing, taste, smell, and touch, but reality is much more extensive than them. We know nothing about anything that doesn’t enter into the range of our senses.
We are only ready to expand their range a bit: increasing vision through microscopes and telescopes, hearing through radar and range finders; we invent all kinds of sensory instruments. But in principle, these are only small additions to our natural senses so that the eyes will see a greater distance and the ears will hear better.
In principle, we cannot even guess what senses we still lack. The world is much more rich and diverse, but we don’t know a thing about it. There are other, higher dimensions, more expansive than the usual mundane reality, and they could be revealed to us, but we are not ready to discover them.
The development of science brings a person to a line; he feels that there must be something else beyond the limits of our world. But where is its door, the way through which it would be possible to go out of our nature and enter into whatever dimensions we are unaware and don’t feel now?
Suppose that all people were blind, then we would get along in this world without sight, even without suspecting that we are missing something. In the same manner, we don’t suspect that we are missing a very important sense, the feeling of the general Higher Power that organizes everything and manages everything.
We don’t feel this power and our connection with it; it is concealed from us as if it didn’t exist at all. But in fact, we simply lack the development that will make it possible for us to discover and attain it.
From the Israeli Radio Program 103FM, 8/2/15
From the Israeli Radio Program 103FM, 8/2/15