Saturday, November 25, 2017

Where Does The History of Kabbalah Begin?

laitman_2505,777 years ago, the first person to attain the upper nature appeared in the world; he was called Adam. From him we begin to count the history of Kabbalah.
Adam wondered about the meaning of life; he began to search where everything comes from, and revealed that there is only one force in the world that moves the whole universe.
This positive force can be called the Creator, because it really creates. It has no body, no weight, no volume, nothing of what we think we have. After all, what we have and see in our world is a pure illusion that appears in our mind, in our sensations.
So, 5,777 years ago a man appeared who revealed this quality of the world. Adam is called the “first man – Adam HaRishon” because he was the first to attain the essence of the world. He told about it in the book The Secret Angel (Raziel HaMalach). This small book of only a few pages has reached our time.
The next book about Kabbalah was written by Abraham in ancient Babylon. But between Adam and Abraham there were 20 generations of Kabbalists who attained the spiritual world by means of the methodology revealed by Adam that he then handed over to his disciples. Over the centuries, this knowledge has been gradually supplemented. So there was the method of attaining the upper world.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 7/23/17

The Two Forces Of The Universe

laitman_567.04Question: If the Creator is one, then why does His reflection manifest itself in our world through a multitude of different forces?
Answer: There are two forces in the universe: the force of the Creator—the force of bestowal and the force He created opposite to Him called the created being—the force of reception.
All the rest are all kinds of emanations, modifications of these two forces (plus and minus). Other than that,nothing else exists.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 7/9/17

Tear Them Down And Shatter Their Monuments

Laitman_115.05Torah, Exodus 23:24: You shall not prostrate yourself before their gods, and you shall not worship them, and you shall not follow their practices, but you shall tear them down and you shall utterly shatter their monuments.
What is being referred to here is not idol worship of primitive tribes, but about man building the likeness of the Creator within himself.
“Shatter their monuments” means to destroy all egoistic desire, all the way to the last level, to the “rocks,” in other words, to the inanimate level. Man must stop using egoism in any of its forms.
Initially, when a quality called, for example, Jebusites or Hittites, which had never been experienced before, begins to develop, a person may think that he can move toward the goal correctly with this quality: live in this world in order to grow spiritually. But, later, he begins to discover that this quality is opposite to the spiritual.
Moreover, this quality still needs to be developed to such an extent that you grow to despise it: you are ready to die if only to no longer remain in this guise, in this shell, in this form—that is how completely opposite it is to the likeness of the Creator.
Nonetheless, thanks to this, thanks to each of these forms, each of these qualities, each of these “nations,” the form of the Creator is revealed within you. That is how you come to recognize Him from all angles and gradually reveal Him.
Only a person who is moving toward the Creator is able to come to despise these “nations” within oneself.
Question: Any other hatred is not considered hatred?
Answer: No, earthly qualities are not being referred to here, but the people who took on the goal to make themselves similar to the Creator.
No matter how grand this sounds, it is still a very difficult job. Actually, the Creator does everything, but identifying all the opposites to Him within yourself to such an extent that you beg Him to correct you, that you must do yourself. “Strike me with a chisel and hammer, cut from me all the egoistic excesses and leave in me only Your image,”—this you need to beg for.
From KabTV’s “Secrets of the Eternal Book,” 7/1/2013

New Life #915 – Between Extremism And Reconciliation

New Life #915 – Between Extremism And Reconciliation
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Yael Leshed-Harel
How can we determine what is normative in our world today? Extreme opinions are more dangerous than extreme behavior because opinions have no limits. In order to reconcile opposing opinions, we need to study the wisdom of Kabbalah, which teaches us how to build the “middle line.” Extremism exists to push us toward recognition of the higher, general power in nature called the Creator.
From KabTV’s “New Life #915 – Between Extremism And Reconciliation,” 10/31/17
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One Who Is Higher Than Others…

laitman_608.01Question: If a Kabbalist has the greatest egoism in the world, does it mean he is the most unfree person of all?
Answer: A person uses his egoism in order to rise above it.
Egoism is a force, and when we rise above it, we continually feel freedom to a greater degree. I cannot feel free if I don’t have the sensation of being unfree.
Therefore, Kabbalah is built upon two parameters: the Creator and creation—an enormous quality of bestowal and love, and enormous egoism.
Question: That is, I am grateful to the Creator for having my great egoism and wanting to separate from it?
Answer: This is a must. One who is higher than others has greater egoism too. Otherwise, how could he ascend?
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 7/2/17

The End Of The Era Of Neoliberalism

laitman_2201. It takes time for people to realize what state our world has come to. It is already becoming clear that it is impossible to return industrial production back to America and other developed countries.
2. If we can produce goods in China for one dollar, then obviously, there is no point in producing them in America for ten dollars. This will only lead to further increase in debt.
3. However, we need to understand that work has to change; the work is to educate people in society. The modern world requires only that. Concerning this, all material things are worthless from the point of view of influencing peace in the world, peace in society, the quality of life, the standard of living, and the sense of satisfaction with life.
4. It is impossible to achieve this through material wealth. Everyone is already completely fed up with this. We must only strengthen our spiritual values and then we will have great success, abundance, serenity, and peace in the world.
5. This would be a new “industry,” spiritual and very important; otherwise, we cannot avoid a world war. It will be impossible to calm down the masses of people who will remain without work in any other way.
6. In any case, there will be a need to provide people with a minimum income. But when they are provided with an income, in their spare time they will instigate riots and disturbances throughout the world. So, we must give them Integral Education. This is a big job that must be implemented all over the world.
7. There is no problem in the world with shortages of food and clothing. There is only a problem with the relationships between people. This is clearly revealed in our time. It is no accident that the Socialist Sanders suddenly became popular in the United States.
If he acted more skilfully during the elections, it isn’t clear who would have become president. Although Trump’s approach is also pro-socialist. This is a new modern trend, considering the number of people who support it.
8. Let’s see how things develop. Everything certainly could change a lot when Trump actually takes charge, but his approach, which aims toward changing society and improving international relations is very pleasing. I think that it will be the most favorable, considering the trend in human development.
9. With Clinton and Obama’s approach, the world would have gone through suffering because a third world war was on the horizon.
10. Thanks to the Obama administration, relationships between the United States and Russia were ruined, chaos arose in the Middle East, and the United States stopped supporting Israel and opened the door to illegal Muslim immigrants.
In addition, the financial elite were allowed to cash in even more on swindles in the stock market without limit, making money from money.
11. This must come to an end someday. Instead of strengthening the industry, the banks who print money basically took control in the United States. People understand that this financial bubble must burst sometime, that we must put an end to the growing gap in a society in which a few are becoming richer and richer, and others are becoming poorer and poorer.
12. In the past, Middle America was populated by a middle class, which truly had a middle-class standard of living. They could find work, buy a house, a car, and insurance, and could provide education for their children. But today, everything has been destroyed. Factories have been closed and production has been moved to China because it ia more profitable for the factory owners to do so.
13.This has already been done and it is not possible to return to the past, but we must think about what to do with all the people who have been left without work. The US is not a simple country, many residents there have two or three pistols or rifles in the house. Today it looks more grim than before.
14.Through Trump a process is being realised that humanity will have to undergo in any case,: destroying the financial system that exists today in America and throughout the world, the so-called “neoliberalism,” and coming to a new state of society.
15. Unfortunately, in the meantime, American Jews only consider dollars and do not understand that there is already nothing other than emptiness behind them. It is impossible to continue to advance this way.
Financial neoliberalism is destroying the nation. The United States is no longer the same nation that it once was, and the financial policies of recent years are the cause of this.
16. Therefore, I am happy that new people came to power and there is a hope that now not only money, but also a different ideology will rule. The American Jews have only two ways: either they will listen to these words, or a new Hitler will emerge.
17. From the point of view of the upper leadership, there is no other way. If American Jews do not return to Israel and their Jewish roots, then the same catastrophe as in Germany will come. I must warn them. I hope for good changes.
From KabTV’s “A Talk About The Situation That Is Flooding The World” 11/18/16

How Does The Objective Perception Of The World Happen?

Laitman_931.02Question: According to the method of Kabbalah, I take ten people, organize relationships with them according to certain laws, and through these relationships begin to perceive the world. Isn’t this subjective? Anyway, I will perceive through them, I will see some other world. And my friend will see something different.
Answer: You have no other possibility of attaining the upper world. However, you with your friends will feel the same because each of you will include in yourself all the rest, the entire ten.
Being in the ten, I remain Malchut (M), and my nine friends represent the first nine Sefirotthat I annul myself before. I include all of them in myself and it turns out that I see everything in them.

At the same time, I do not take myself into account. I make a restriction (Tzimtzum) on myself.
I act only through the friends and therefore perceive the world objectively, through them. I see the spiritual world, the degrees of attainment. The only thing that is revealed at these degrees of unification is the Creator. There is no one and nothing else.
Question: Does it mean that there are no stars, trees, and cities?
Answer: No. The Kabbalist perceives these in his five animalistic (corporeal) sensory organs.
If you want to correctly perceive world history, you must immerse yourself in your ten and constantly seek greater compression in it, that is, unification. In this measure, you will begin to attain the degrees of connection and your steps of ascent on the ladder of the revelation of the universe, of the Light.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 7/16/17

New Life #914 – The Era Of Extremism

New Life #914 – The Era Of Extremism
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Yael Leshed-Harel
Extremism is only found in humans because we are the only part of nature that can exercise free choice. Extremism brings us to the recognition of the evil that exists within our narrow egoistic motivations. In our world, extreme negativity is prominent whereas extreme positivity can only be found in the root of all reality, within the Creator. It is only through the contrast between these two extremes that we can discover the “middle line” which brings balance.
From KabTV’s “New Life #914 – The Era Of Extremism,” 10/31/17
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What Is The Stretching Of Time?

laitman_537Question: In the articles of Rabash it is written that the stretching of time along the spiritual root is related to the Klipot (impure forces). What is the stretching of time?
Answer: Actually, time does not exist. Everything that we are doing in the present moment is preprogrammed and already known.
Moreover, just as there is movement in a straight line from past to future, there is also movement in the reverse direction from future to past.
In principle, we can change the past from the future, just as in our world we are used to changing the future from the past. These are interconnected and interchangeable processes flowing in both directions.
In physics, for example, if we choose to measure either the electron or the wave, then by this choice we predetermine if it is as an electron or a wave.
In other words, I choose a measurement instrument now, and what I am planning to study already knows, from the past, what I am thinking and rearranges itself. And then I measure it either as a wave or as a discrete particle. But in Kabbalah, this happens in action.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian, 7/9/17

New Life #913 – The Desire For Harmony In Life

New Life #913 – The Desire For Harmony In Life
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Nitzah Mazoz
Only through love can one reach the ultimate, eternal, and general order called HaVaYaH. People long for order in their lives and try to determine it according to their own egoistic desires. The only way to succeed in creating a harmonious social order is through the law: “Love will cover all crimes.” We exercise this law when we take on the will of others as more important than our own.
From KabTV’s “New Life #913 – The Desire For Harmony In Life,” 10/24/17
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Thursday, November 23, 2017

How Do We Reach Equality?

laitman_527.03Comment: In our world, equality is a something that people have constantly fought for throughout history.
Answer: There is no equality and there never can be. Equality can only be with respect to the Creator because to Him we are all equal, like children are for their parents. The Creator is our common root. And consequently, we are created absolutely equal by Him.
But with respect to each other, we are all different. We cannot even measure the kind of differences between us. There is no common measuring stick to compare us. Only as we approach adhesion with the Creator and unite in Him do we all become equal before Him.
Question: Can it be said that we are equal in our desire for adhesion with Him?
Answer: Even in this we are not quite equal, but we are gradually getting there.
Only by adhering to Him and becoming His “slaves” do we acquire equality because in slavery everyone is same.
When you obey the upper system, participate in it in the right way, then this state, in principle, is called slavery. But this slavery is filled with a tremendous sense of inspiration and joy.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian, 7/9/17

The “People” In A Person

laitman_243.07Torah, Exodus 23:23: For My angel will go before you, and bring you to the Amorites, the Hittites, the Perizzites, the Canaanites, the Hivvites, and the Jebusites, and I will destroy them.
All of these tribes symbolize desires that need to change from egoistic to altruistic use.
An angel is a force that leads to these desires. You will feel how certain kinds of egoistic inclinations are being revealed in you. And you can count them since each of them has its own manifestation and character, as if it were a people inside of you.
As a result, it is as if you first become one person, then another, then a third, and so on.
It is written: “I will destroy them.” While being inside egoistic desires, you will want to get rid of them because these qualities are absolutely opposite to the Creator.
The desire to get rid of them is necessary; we cannot do without it. Unless a person decides to get rid of them no matter what and asks for it, the Light will not be able to perform this action.
From Kab TV’s “Secrets of the Eternal Book” 07/1/13

What Does Kabbalah Say About Love On Earth?

Laitman_910Question: What does a Kabbalist think about love?
Answer: Kabbalists constantly think about love. The question is what exactly does he think about it? Does he wonder whether it exists or not? Does he ask himself what love itself means, what is its definition, what are the boundaries of its existence, what is the level of its manifestation, and what are the conditions under which it manifests and exists?
Can an eternal type of love be reached?
The kind of love that passes is not love. It cannot be anything other than eternal.
Once I gave a lecture to a large audience in Tel-Aviv and I immediately told them that there is no love. At first there was silence but gradually everyone agreed with me.
There is a constant, native, natural love, which is only for the dear and unforgettable me. Within the material framework, this is the only kind of love that is real. It is born and dies together with me, with my “I.”
This is the egoism that exists within me, that develops all the time, and pushes my nose further into myself to see what else can I wish for, get, and bring closer to my dear self. It always asks: how I can love myself even more? This is our egoistic nature. Therefore, self-love is a natural quality of everything that exists.
All material nature in the universe consists of a huge type of egoism that divides into four levels: inanimate, vegetative, animate, and human. These types differ only by the degree of egoism that manifests as love for oneself.
Love on inanimate, vegetative, and animate levels is instinctive and not recognized by the object itself. It does not check how much it loves itself but just satisfies its love.
On the human level love is programmable. Although it remains a love for oneself and for oneself only; nevertheless, it undergoes various stages of development, such as in what way it can be expressed and which forms it can assume. Since a person depends on society, on the ones similar to him, and on the ones opposite to him, his idea of love or how to fulfill and satiate himself changes under the influence of society.
However, in principle this is the same self-love but in even more refined and constantly renewed forms. This is the love that exists in our world including such manifestations of it as a mother’s love for a child, a person’s love for their homeland, and so on. No matter what form of love we are talking about, all of them eventually reflect egoistic love for oneself.
Remark: You dispel all the romantic ideas people have about love.
My Comment: There is no romance here except for minor misconceptions. This is known to everyone including scientists, philosophers, physiologists, and psychologists. In our time, egoism has grown so much that we are especially, acutely aware that there is no love.
Even scientists say that people only get together for two to three years. The normal manifestation of mutuality cannot last between them for a long time since all of it quickly disappears. Our egoism is constantly renewed and it erases all of the past conditions that supported the manifestation of any kind of mutuality, even though it was egoistic or only for my beloved self. This, however, also changes.
Question: So, what is next? Habit? After all, many people live together for years.
Answer: If someone lives together for many years, they are just “dinosaurs.” In our time, no one voluntarily lives in the same family for a long time either because of children or because of the goods and everything else they acquired together.
The fact is that, previously, life expectancy did not exceed forty years and people died before their so-called love ended.
Besides, a man—while choosing a spouse—considered not love but whether the woman could be a housewife, making sure that she was healthy, capable, could cook, and could maintain a house. Therefore, there is no room to talk about love here either.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 8/6/17

The Correct View Of The World

laitman_934Remark: In Kabbalah courses there is a section about the history of Kabbalah, which examines how the first Kabbalist Adam emerged, how he was followed by 20 generations until Abraham, what Abraham contributed to the development of Kabbalah, etc.
One way or another, we cannot get away from the fact that there is a timeline, eras, a certain sequence in transferring of the method. Anyhow, we appeal to world history.
Answer: The point is that no one, not even scientists, can explain all of Einstein’s physical experiments with time flowing backward. Scientists are faced with concepts that imply that time does not exist or flows backward, that space does not exist, etc.
Yet, we are in a more advantageous position relative to everyone else because we can offer people the practice of Kabbalah: to begin to expand your consciousness by including yourself in a ten, and then you will feel that the world is folded inside yourself many times over.
With your complex consciousness, you will be able to find the right view of the world. You will see that this world is inside you. Outside, there is only an imaginary field, a world of illusion. As a matter of fact, it does not exist. Everything exists only within a desire. Everything happens only in Malchut.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 7/16/17

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Why Are We Given Unique Talents?

laitman_571.03Question: What is the spiritual root of talents?
Answer: It depends on the talent. In principle, a talent is a special application of one’s innate tendencies.
People cannot all be the same. We are all different; everyone, I would say, has a unique talent. It is simply a matter of the individual not discovering it or maybe even suppressing it.
But in general, everyone has a particular talent. If we were to educate people correctly, then something unique would be revealed in each person, something that no one else has. And this unique talent is the point in which the individual is similar to the Creator.
Because talents are given to us specifically in order for us to come to similarity of form with the Creator.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian, 7/9/17

Freedom Without Limits

laitman_231.04Question: Does a person who reveals the Creator gain freedom or does he still have to go through various stages in order to attain it?
Answer: If you acquire even one percent of the Creator’s quality, you become completely free of the egoism that is revealed within you. And then another level of egoism appears; the inner “snake” rears its head again and says: “I am still here!” And you must rise above it again.
Question: But making an effort to rise above it takes time: days or even months. Does that mean that during this time I am not free and I experience freedom only after I have risen above it?
Answer: You want to measure spiritual states by approaching them with material tools.
The thing is, you obtain freedom for only a moment and only in order to become aware that there are still more levels of without freedom within you, above which you need to rise until you attain the degree of full correction.
Question: By rising above my egoism, I become free from it and not from the Creator?
Answer: The Creator is the quality of love and bestowal. How can this quality not be considered freedom? If you only want to bestow, emanate love, you have no limitations on this.
Remark: But I am still not free since I am dependent on those to whom I want to bestow, whether or not they receive, and so on.
My Comment: No, this is different kind of thinking. And that is why it is impossible to explain it from within the framework of our ordinary, everyday thought.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian, 7/2/17

Kabbalah Lessons, Part 2

laitman_530Question: What exactly does one study in the Kabbalah lessons in order to reach the revelation of the upper world, the network of forces acting on us?
Answer: In essence, it is one force that is divided into many forces that are opposite to each other. We need to awaken its revelation through the study that is conducted in a group of ten people who are building increasingly friendly relationships between themselves. For this purpose, the preparation before the lesson is conducted.
Through our connection and penetration into the study material, we intend not just to learn what is written in the book, but to receive from it a special inspiration, a special force that will connect us even more strongly. As a result, we begin to reveal the network of forces acting on us and we understand that it does not exist somewhere outside, but between us.
The general force of connection called the Creator is manifested within our connection with each other, as it is written: “You shall see your world in your lifetime.” Therefore, the wisdom of Kabbalah is the method of revealing the Creator to the creatures in this world.
All this we achieve through connection in the ten, which is a means of achieving the purpose of creation. The first stage is to reach the love of the creatures, and this is exactly what is being realized in the ten. Then, from the love of the creatures we come to the love of the Creator, the general force governing the system of nature.
Question: So, what is the central subject of the study?
Answer: In the Kabbalah lessons, we study the very same network that connects us with each other that is called the system of the upper worlds. ”Olam – world” comes from the word “Alama – concealment”, that is, a concealed system.
Gradually, we begin to reveal it. Inside these worlds, this network of forces, we discover the connection that exists between us in the ten. This connection is called our soul, or Shechina, in which the Creator (Shochen) is revealed.
Question: Is the purpose of studying Kabbalah to feel the concealed reality or to understand it?
Answer: The purpose of studying is to feel the upper reality. Once we begin to feel it, we must understand it based on the sensation.
Question: What exactly do we want to feel?
Answer: We want to feel a special mutual connection between us that is constantly growing in quality until it reaches the degree of love. Inside this connection we begin to reveal a special force acting in it, which is called the Creator.
From KabTV’s “A New Life” 7/20/17

Kabbalah Lessons, Part 1

226Question: Why in studying Kabbalah is such great importance given to the lessons?
Answer: The study of Kabbalah is intended not for receiving knowledge like when studying other sciences and professions. Kabbalah assumes a completely different approach to study: the goal is not to learn the material, but to change a person’s nature.
The most important thing is to lead a person to such changes that will allow him to reveal the upper force and to see the upper world. Through the correct study in the Kabbalistic group, even in this life, he will reveal the force that elevates him to the new degree of consciousness, perception, and revelation, which is above this world.
Therefore, in Kabbalah it is not an academic approach to study with students just memorizing texts. Even if we wanted to study them theoretically, we still would not be able to do so.
After all, the Kabbalistic texts describe phenomena and actions that take place on a completely different level, not accessible to the attainment of a regular person. This is something that is not clear to us, not understandable, not revealed, and does not appear before our eyes in this world.
It is about the system that controls us, about the network of spiritual forces, that is, about two opposite forces of reception and bestowal that drive us. We need to study how this network operates, how it influences us, and how we must react to this influence.
If from our current state in this world we make efforts in order to react to this influence in a special way, then the upper system begins to gradually change us and oblige us to become similar to it.
This is the desired result of the study. The study widens our consciousness to such an extent that we see not just the material world, but the network of forces affecting the entire reality, this world, people, and everything in general. We begin to distinguish these forces, justify them, and connect with them. We can affect them and change our fate in this way.
Eventually, we correct ourselves to such an extent that we fully reveal the entire universe, the entire network of forces called the upper, next, hidden world, or the Creator. The study of the wisdom of Kabbalah should bring us to such results as it is written: “You shall see your world in your lifetime.”
The entire hidden network of forces controlling us is called the Creator. Therefore, according to the definition, Kabbalah is the methodology of revealing the Creator to a person in this world. During the time when a person still lives in this world, in his biological body, he must fully reveal the upper force, the upper system of governance.
From KabTV’s “A New Life” 7/20/17

Admitting Your Mistakes

laitman_600.04Question on Facebook: Why aren’t people aware of their mistakes and why don’t they apologize for treating others badly? Does this happen consciously?
Answer: How can I be aware of my error if it means that I am an unreasonable, underdeveloped person?
Question: Aren’t there people who admit their mistakes?
Answer: There are, but they do it in a way that lets them receive greater benefit: “Look at how special, good, and objective I am—I admit my mistakes.” By that, they profit even more.
Otherwise, as egoists, we cannot really admit our mistakes since that humiliates us. We are only capable of admitting them in a way that raises us higher. I stand up in front of my peers and say: “You know, I am ready to admit my mistakes.” And they all applaud.
Question: Will man or humanity ever reach this state?
Answer: Only if a person starts admitting his mistakes, realizing that through it he will receive a higher reward. He cannot do it otherwise.
Egoism remains; it cannot disappear anywhere. We only replace one reward with another. That is, it is worthwhile for me to admit my mistakes; it is worthwhile to crush my ego; it is worth working with it differently in order to rise to the next degree. For that I need to develop the greatness of the altruistic goal, the greatness of love for others. Then I will be able to admit my mistake. One must be higher than the other.
Then I will need egoism only in order to reject it, to rise above it, because by doing so I earn more. That is how everything is arranged.
From Kab TV’s “News with Michael Laitman” 10/2/17

What Is Freedom?

laitman_744Question: A robot, artificial intelligence, does not have egoism. Can you say it is free?
Answer: Freedom signifies rising above yourself to the next level. It is experienced relative to the previous level. That is when you can be considered to be free.
But with respect to the next level, you are once again no longer free. You exist below it and must rise to it in order to once again experience freedom. And so on, until you reach the final level where you attain equivalence with the Creator.
It is the highest level of freedom where all other levels exist below you. This is what we have to reach.
Freedom is our final state, our goal. Kabbalah enables us to achieve it.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian, 7/2/17

Untouched By Time

742.03Torah, Deuteronomy, 34:7: Moses was one hundred and twenty years old when he died. His eye had not dimmed, nor had he lost his [natural] freshness.
All these are qualities of Bina because she has no connection with Malchut, being higher than Malchut. No egoistic states have power over Bina.
It is written: “…nor had he lost his freshness.” There is no process taking place within Moses himself. He is in a state of complete bestowal, that is why he is not touched by time.
The death of Moses means that, with respect to the lower ones, he completed his mission.
From KabTV’s “Secrets of the Eternal Book,” 2/6/2017

Evil Is The Foundation Of The World

Laitman_115.05Question from Facebook: How do Kabbalists affect our world? Can they eradicate evil?
Answer: Absolutely not! Evil cannot be eradicated. We should have learned that from the thousands of years of our history. Annihilation of evil is impossible!
Evil is the foundation of the world. As it is written in the Bible: “I created the evil inclination, I have created the Torah as a spice,” not as elimination. Spice means that the evil remains, but we learn how to work with it correctly. That is what the science of Kabbalah is all about.
Question: You say: “Evil remains.” And so this always presents a hardship for a person?
Answer: Undoubtedly! What can you do? We have no other choice, we have to learn to work with evil. We have to understand it, respect it, and properly treat it as the Pharaoh (evil is Pharaoh): politely, with utmost courtesy, for it is only because of the evil that we are able to climb the ladder of more and more good.
Evil is the stimulus, the stage, over which we can constantly rise. On each level it is revealed in us even more, while we keep rising above it to goodness. Therefore, it is evil that advances us toward the good. The evil angel becomes the good one.
If not for evil, we would not be able to advance at all. Evil remains in all its glory, but we envelope it in a very good wrapping: goodness. It makes a wonderful “dish”: evil inside, goodness outside.
For we know, that every dish needs pepper added to it, salt, and something spicy. Even for children’s pastries cognac is added. Without it you cannot achieve the correct taste. Therefore, you have to taste some evil, but only for the purpose of elevating the good.
From KabTV’s “News with Michael Laitman” 10/2/17

Is There Freedom Of Choice Between Good And Evil?

laitman_961Question: Is a person initially good or evil? After all, depending on this, all the systems of governance and the systems of the state are built. What does Kabbalah say about it?
Answer: A person is a creature who can harm anyone, even those closest to him, for the sake of his own fulfillment. This is his nature.
Questions: So is there freedom in this? Can he use his nature or not use it? After all, we see that not all people are evil.
Answer: This is another question: “Can I rise above my nature?”
Question: To be kind is a free choice? Do I choose to be a good person?
Answer: A person chooses nothing. These questions are in a very narrow framework, as if we ask a prisoner: “Are you free or are you in prison?” If he was born in prison and has never left it, he would say that this is life. He does not even know what freedom or prison are.
Question: That is, the science of Kabbalah begins with the fact that a person suddenly has a question: “Am I not free? Am I in prison?” This moment begins his search for the meaning of life. Does it mean that before that he should not be touched?
Answer: He should not be touched at all. Only people who want this come to us. And those who are not interested do not come. We have nothing to do with them.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 7/2/17

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