Friday, August 14, 2020

In Direct Contact With The Creator

laitman_572.01Question from Facebook: What kind of contact with the Creator do we speak about? After all, contact is unilateral, the Creator has been silent for over 5,000 years now, why?
Answer: The Creator is silent and will continue to be silent. Of course He will be silent if you don’t connect to Him and don’t establish the connection.
Comment: But people have been trying to do that throughout these 5,779 years.
My Response: You can try, but if you dial a wrong number, or you call the wrong line, there is no connection.
So you imagine that you are seemingly in direct contact with the Creator and that you speak to Him and feel that He answers you. Here everything depends on a person’s imagination. This is what all religions are based upon.
Comment: But the connection is unilateral.
My Response: No. The wisdom of Kabbalah calls us to re-establish complete and absolute two-way sensory connection with the Creator through all our senses and even above them.
Question: And then there will be a concrete feeling that He answers?
Answer: Not only answers. It is a kind of connection that does not exist in our world. It is telecommunication, teleportation, whatever you like, which means that the Creator is inside me and I am inside Him.
Comment: People are asking for proof.
My Response: Go ahead! Come and get acquainted with the method of the revelation of the Creator and reveal Him. All the evidence will be right in front of you.
A few years ago the mathematician Grigori Perelman proved the PoincarĂ© Conjecture. If you haven’t read about this research, look it up. It is not a big book. The first 300 to 400 pages introduce the actual theorem, and then a bit more about his actual revelation.
Here we speak about the Creator, while the theorem of the Poincaré Conjecture is merely about the connection between a few parameters that are not that obvious, while here it is about much more.
Question: So you mean to say that it is a complicated matter.
Answer: No. I want to say that even in the connections in our world, because mathematics deals with the connection between different quantities, it is a problem to link these things with each other. They may be on different planes, different volumes, and perceived differently, after all, we are also complicated elements of creation.
So we need to reveal and to scrutinize all that. But I promise you that eventually you will be able to be in direct contact with the Creator.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 10/2/18

The Laws We Are About To Reveal

laitman_448.1Question: Over the past several hundred years, we have discovered more than 200 physical laws. In addition, there are also social laws that we have invented ourselves: ethics, civil laws, and even religious laws and traditions.
Can we assume that the reason for all our crises and sufferings lies in the fact that we have artificially invented these laws?
Answer: Yes, I absolutely agree.
Question: What does it mean to follow the laws of nature?
Answer: Unfortunately, we do not follow the laws of nature but our egoism, which puts us against nature and does everything to ensure that we destroy it.
Question: So, we have yet to reveal the social laws?
Answer: Of course. These are laws of an integral society in which we are one single whole like all of nature.
We do not separate ourselves from nature, we do not divide it into inanimate, vegetative, animate, and human. We consider it a single global system that exists and develops within itself in absolute interconnection of all its parts. And most importantly, the basic law of this nature is love.
To love means to take into account everyone and everything, to have a kind attitude toward everyone, and realize how much everything that determines my next state will be good for others. I look at nature as an integral system and only care that it is in the best possible condition.
From KabTV’s “The Post-Coronavirus Era” 5/7/20

New Life 1263 – The Strengthening Of The Female Force In The World

New Life 1263 – The Strengthening Of The Female Force In The World
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Tal Mandelbaum ben Moshe
Women used to spend their time at home cooking and raising children and now they are prime ministers. The female force will continue to grow in global management in order to balance the role of the male force, which is diminishing. The female force in nature is the will to receive and the male force is the will to bestow. The will to receive or the pulling force of gravity is at the center of creation. It is the part that gives birth, cares for, controls, develops, and educates new life. The male and female forces must learn to complement and add to each other. They will learn to connect as human beings above their own natures and beyond gender so that true equality and balance can be achieved. We will learn to bestow upon each other and thereby attain a new, higher level of spiritual development as one essence. Connection, peace, fellowship, sharing, mutual responsibility, unity, and love will rule in this new world.
From KabTV’s “New Life 1263 – The Strengthening Of The Female Force In The World” 7/8/20
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Contradiction To The Laws Of Nature

laitman_962.3Question: The external manifestations of our incorrect relations cause a crisis. In the economy, this can be shown by such examples as throwing out huge amounts of food to keep market prices higher.
In the field of healthcare, only medicine that is profitable to the pharmaceutical industry is produced. In the field of ecology, the chemical industry annually produces hundreds of tons of inorganic products that pollute the atmosphere. That is, everything is dictated by someone’s profit without taking other people into account.
Don’t people understand that the laws of society are the same laws of nature as the physical laws?
Answer: People cannot touch them, cannot take them into account and implement them. If I don’t feel the limitations from a force, it doesn’t exist for me.
Question: How does the ideology of a consumer society contradict the tendency and laws of nature?
Answer: The point is that nature is integral. It doesn’t do anything in vain. For it, the beginning, middle, and end are states that are equally necessary and exist only to bring it to its best state.
In order for a person to do something, he needs to know the beginning and the end, to feel his full relationship with nature, to understand where he exists. This we do not have, and therefore, we focus only on our egoism.
But in fact, we must necessarily connect to nature, feel the greatness of the goal, and try to go along with it with all our force.
From KabTV’s “The Post-Coronavirus Era” 5/7/20

Thursday, August 13, 2020

“The Light At The End Of The COVID-19 Tunnel” (Israel Hayom)

My new article on Israel Hayom “The light at the end of the COVID-19 tunnel

People’s will to weather the coronavirus storm and get back to normal life has vied with the surge of record-breaking infection rates around the globe. People are tired of hearing about the pandemic but it grips and does not let go, spreading and striking. Yet, we can find the stamina to navigate the crisis when we realize that the solution is in our hands.
“For the first time in history, nearly every scientist in the world is focused on the same problem … this is starting to pay real dividends,” say academics from Harvard who highlight the new era of cooperation we have entered to mitigate the impact of the pandemic on every realm of our lives: the economy, health, education, culture. Millions of people worldwide are stressed out over the variables that predict what awaits us in the future. What will happen in the upcoming winter in terms of COVID cases? How many more people will be unemployed?
The uncertainty shapes our collective consciousness and prepares it for a sharp turn. Precisely this kind of change of perspective – from a narrow-minded, egoistic perspective to a comprehensive, broad approach to solving our common challenges – is what will help us to reach a solution to the crisis at the deepest root of the problem: our dysfunctional human relations, rather than approaching it only from a scientific, economic or political perspective.
From a world where a person sees only himself, we need to transition to a world where people consider one another. From a world where we no longer stop to consider whether or not to wear a mask or keep social distance to avoid the transmission of a harmful virus to those near us, we need to attain a reality in which we consciously do whatever it takes to protect others, in the same way as we would like others to take care of the health of our children.
Our current sense of helplessness is making us more sensitive to the relationships between us. Without improving our human relations, we will be unable to secure a good future. Instead, we will only waste precious energy and resources on wars and conflicts of interest. Even if a cure for COVID-19 is found, it will not cure the social phenomenon of excessive egoism, the state that causes people not to feel the needs of others but only their own selfish demands.
The ultimate vaccine against all pathogens targets the healing of the hearts, neutralizes venomous criticism, and corrects our exploitative attitude towards others. Nature is not blind and nothing happens by chance. The engine of evolution produces what we perceive as negative events so we will react and make connections that move us in the opposite direction toward alignment with nature. This is the formula for the evolution of life, and the times require everyone to realize this. The world we have built is completely interconnected, but our hearts remain far apart. This incompatibility is exactly what we are required to fix so we will function as an integral system in mutual consideration and harmony.
If we help each other take on the mindset of the good of all, our hearts will be cleansed of egoistic and alienating attitudes and all the parts of nature will recover balance. The common concern for the well-being of others will create solutions for every possible situation, building a shield that will protect us from all predicaments. Then we will discover that there is nothing threatening in nature and that the coronavirus was just the means for curing the world of hatred and excessive consumerism.
The bottom line of this formula for security and prosperity is simple: without connection of the hearts we will all suffer, but mutual support will build a sensation of paradise. We are like a family stuck together in a tunnel. We will be able to see the light at the end of the tunnel only with the power of love.

“A Collective Solution For A Collective Blow”

Dr. Michael Laitman

From My Facebook Page Michael Laitman 8/13/20
When everyone is hit by the same blow, where’s the wisdom in looking for a solution separately? Why not join forces, work shoulder to shoulder, and find a vaccine or a cure to Covid-19 together? The answer is that there’s no money and no fame in solving things together.
This is typical of the attitude we’ve held until today, and for the most part, we still do. But if there’s a lesson to be learned from the coronavirus, it is that the solution has to match the problem. When it’s a collective blow, it requires a collective solution.
Covid is just the harbinger. We’re moving into a time where all the crises will be global in the full sense of the word, since the whole purpose of the blows we’re taking today is to make us work together. Until we learn to do so, the blows will grow more powerful and more painful.
We have entered a new era: the era of oneness. The sooner humanity learns to function as one, the easier and smoother will be our transition into the new era. And as we learn to deal with crises together, we will grow closer in our hearts and develop mutual responsibility and a truly sustainable society, in harmony with all of nature.

Where Did The Virus Come From?

627.2Question: Where did the coronavirus come from? It was believed to be of animal origin. Bats got it, then pets.
Then they said that viruses appear when snow melts, and it is even possible it is from there. Now they say that the intrusion into forests, the Amazon, for example, will bring us a huge number of viruses. Suddenly, it turns out that people who are on some deserted island also get sick with this virus. And there are no bats there.
Great scientists start to wonder where it is from?
Answer: Out of thin air. Not even out of thin air but out of nothing. From the fact that man himself is the source of the virus.
Why? Because when in the process of our growing egoism we treat each other with more and more disdain and rejection, we thereby cause such negative forces in nature that stimulate compounds called viruses.
Question: That is, the virus comes upon our thoughts and actions that are directed against other people?
Answer: Yes. Forces acting between us and generated by us give rise to such a combination of elementary matters, which we call viruses.
Question: So in principle, scientists will not find an antidote to it?
Answer: The antidote comes along the way: start treating each other well and there will be no viruses. And even those that exist will disappear. These will eat those. This is too lofty for scientists because it is at the level of desires, at the level of aspirations, at the level of relationships—something that scientists cannot comprehend.
Scientists work at the level of matter. And this is at the level of subtle matter: desires, love, hatred, fears, and so on.
Question: What is your solution now? To deal with the origin of the virus?
Answer: If we do not do this, we will not even know what we are dealing with. But here we go to the level where we rise from matter to the next level: desires, thoughts, relationships, that is, in general, to subtle matter.
Question: Both viruses and antiviruses originate from there?
Answer: Yes. Everything is there. In general, all matter originates there.
Question: In practice, are you entering the control room of our world?
Answer: Of course. Why not? A thought gave birth to everything, to all nature. “In the beginning was the word.”
Remark: But we cancel all earthly sciences by this.
My Reply: We are not canceling anything. They are absolutely correct at their level.
Remark: But they do not find an antidote. For now, anyway.
My Reply: They cannot find it at their level! What can you do?
Remark: So, a doctor of today should become a sage?
My Reply: Or, today’s sage can be a doctor. And do not demand anything from the doctor.
Question: Or should the doctor understand that this is all on a different level?
Answer: Yes, at the next level. And he must work at his own level, on the earthly one.
The second wave will come, and the third, and more viruses will spread everywhere. We will see that it all depends only on our thoughts, on our feelings, on our relationship to each other.
Question: What is your main advice?
Answer: Not to fly anywhere, to some deserted island. It will not help. Only one thing will help: think well of others.
Remark: Very simple advice for people. It is, of course, very difficult to execute in reality, but it is very simple. Think well of others—we were taught that in kindergarten and at school.
My Reply: And they taught you correctly. If only we could absorb it. perceive it.
Question: What is the secret here? What kind of add-on to “think well of others” is there?
Answer: Our thoughts rule the world.
Question: But can I think well of others?
Answer: No. This must be learned!
Question: What is the secret here? I cannot think well of others. I cannot.
Answer: It is done on purpose so that you cannot. Because your attitude toward others depends on the direction of your thinking, your desire, connection with others, mutual work with each other, in general, from so many conditions that you must develop in yourself, in your society, at least in a small group.
Question: So, until I work it out, we will be exposed to viruses?
Answer: Yes. Not only that.
Question: Can this be worked out in a short period of time? Still, we are now talking about the fact that humanity is sick.
Answer: Hordes of viruses are approaching us.
Remark: So, when can we start getting rid of viruses?
My Reply: We can reduce their harmful effects. We can somewhat postpone all sorts of problems caused by them until we get smarter. But it depends on how much we start now to try and perceive these viruses correctly so that with their help, we can be directed to the right goal.
Let’s really understand their presence among us correctly.
Question: What should I understand?
Answer: I must understand that this is for me, because of me, for my benefit.
There is nothing in nature against man at all. Nothing! Everything is so that we will grow wiser, mature, and change a little—to a positive relationship to each other and in general to the whole of nature.
Question: And if I start understanding this?
Answer: Then you improve your health. You just start to feel physically, morally, and mentally healthy.
At the same time, we reach a completely different level of interaction and perception of nature. That is, our whole life will be at the level of our thoughts, our interactions—positive and negative. And there is nothing in nature except for the plus and minus interacting with each other. And the same with us: we will be able to manage our desires, our thoughts. So simple!
Remark: That is, I enter the level of thoughts, without words. I can remain silent.
My Reply: There are no words, nothing physical at all. We suddenly find ourselves in a huge space completely filled with pluses and minuses. Such particles as thoughts, feelings.
Question: So, there are still minuses there? Isn’t it just filled with goodness, love?
Answer: There can be no plus without a minus.
Question: Is the minus my resistance to the plus?
Answer: Yes, it must exist. And therefore, as we know from Kabbalah, we do not remove our egoism. We only use it correctly.
We open this huge computer in which we exist and begin to interact with it with the help of our thoughts and desires. And we get involved in the work of this computer and bring it into a state of complete equilibrium. All this is in order for it to reveal to us the basic equation of the universe, that all this exists only to reveal happiness.
Question: What do we do? How much must we talk? How long do we have to repeat this? How long are you willing to repeat this? Return to this all the time, how long?
Answer: “As long as I live, the universe shines.” You have nowhere to go.
Question: That is, you have and will have the patience for this, and you will continue?
Answer: I will do it as long as I am able to speak.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 6/15/20

Nature Is Pregnant With A New Humanity

laitman_289The crisis that the coronavirus has brought us into, in essence, is the birth of a new world. However, all of humanity looks like a girl who unexpectedly became pregnant, completely unwilling, and is now terrified and does not know what to do.
Let’s not see ourselves in this position. We entered, like an embryo, the process of preparing for birth in a new world. Nature is pregnant, the Creator, who must give birth to us. And He will do it!
But we must help Him; we must agree with this process, unite more and more, and prepare for our birth. Thus, we can accelerate our development, because this pregnancy is not limited to a certain term, but depends on how we manage to unite in order to be ready to be born.
The only thing that is required of us is connection. We have to always think about how to connect more and more, and then we will understand how to behave during the delivery. There is still a long way to delivery. After all, if we are born before we are all connected together, then the baby will be born deformed, some organs will be missing in its body since we are not fully connected.
Through our connection, we are forming the body of the newborn humanity, and therefore, we are obliged to unite in such a way that this baby is born healthy, with all the necessary organs. An unsuccessful delivery should be out of the question.
If our union is not correct, then nature, the Creator, will bring such troubles, will put such pressure on us that we will have to unite. The birth canal is very narrow, and we will have to rally very strongly to get out.
If we connect, we can easily get out. And besides, we need to change our values ​​so that previously important things become unimportant, and vice versa, what previously was unimportant becomes important. This will mean that we are turning our heads upside down and we all share the same opinion.
And then labor pains come, which are well known to women. But now we all will have to go through them in a spiritual form so they prepare us for the birth in a new world. All this is ahead of us because we have not even collected ourselves in the form of an embryo so far.
The coronavirus is helping us tremendously to advance toward this birth, leaving us only the bare essentials and putting everything else aside. Therefore, it can be considered a medicine and not a blow. The opposite is true: with what the Creator beats us, He heals us.
A drop of semen has begun to develop, a spiritual gene (Reshimo) from the new world, which has awakened in us based on the fact that we have already completely exhausted our previous state. It is developing in each of us and in all of us together, and it contains information about the new state of humanity, just like the cell from which the embryo begins, a drop of semen.
The spiritual embryo floats in the light of Hassadim, in mother’s waters, with which it then exits during the correct birth. If we behave correctly and unite into a healthy embryo, we will feel that we are in the light of Hassadim, in the ocean of mercy, in the mother’s womb. Our embryo will grow and develop month after month and learn to see the new world in which it is supposed to be born.
If we do not unite, then our state will grow worse and worse, and we can reach real hunger. Nature will persuade us to change our values and understand that there is nothing but uniting: a group or death.
After all, we have not even attached to the wall of the womb yet. This requires connection above everything. We must become an embryo within the upper mother, all of nature, the Creator, and begin to develop in Him in order to be rewarded with birth.
It is easier for women to understand this process because they have gone through it and have felt it inside themselves. And now both men and women must go through this process and feel themselves in the womb and develop there. Despite the fact that this is a dark place regarding our egoism, regarding the desire for bestowal and unity, this is a world full of light, which gives us new development and new life.
From KabTV’s “Women in the New World” 7/9/20

Toward Integral Responsibility

laitman_600.04Question: In order to bring oneself closer to observing the laws of nature, must one learn to receive from society only what is necessary and give as much as possible?
Answer: Not as much as possible, but to use all your forces and abilities to give, to receive necessities but only for ordinary, normal, human existence.
This means that I am in balance with nature, giving everything to it at the human level and receiving what I need at the animal level. The pandemic will lead us to this; if this one does not, then the next one will.
Question: In such a case, where is our free choice?
Answer: This is the free choice: “by the stick to happiness,” as they say.  đŸ™‚
This is obvious today from all that is happening. And you can try to equalize yourself with the state of complete, mutual, integral responsibility.
Question: Why should I believe this? Maybe this is all not true?
Answer: If we proceed from ordinary laws, there seems to be nothing special in this. But if you begin to logically calculate everything that a person does based on his egoism, you will see that this force simply drives us into the grave.
On the other hand, how would we act if we are on the same small globe and have become practically a single community? Get together and decide how we can coexist properly.
Question: Despite our inherently selfish nature, we can, under the influence of our environment, cultivate certain values that are opposite to our selfish inclinations. Is this freedom of choice?
Answer: Yes. Excellent wording, simple and clear to everyone.
From KabTV’s “The Post-Coronavirus Era” 4/30/20

The Choice Is Voluntary, But The Steps Are The Same

laitman_565.01Question: Once upon a time in my childhood, my grandmother told me that every person is endowed with freedom of choice because he or she was originally created in the image and likeness of God.
I remembered that if I use the freedom of choice, it means that I am the creator of my destiny and my life. It turns out that I already have this program? Or is it just my choice?
Answer: No. Your only choice is to take a step forward, which you must take. Either you make it your free choice now or you will be given a couple of blows and you will still be forced to make it.
But everything is absolutely predestined. The only difference is whether we go voluntarily or under blows; the difference is in sensations, in states, in perceptions. But the steps are the same.
From KabTV’s “Together about Important Things” 7/14/20

“Revealing The Wide Picture Of Reality”

Dr. Michael Laitman

From My Facebook Page Michael Laitman 8/12/20
America awaits good news. People expect to receive federal unemployment benefits in the coming days as a result of an executive order for relief from Covid-19’s economic impacts. In addition, new experimental treatments to get a grip on the pandemic promise to bear fruit soon, and billions are invested in the ongoing race to find a vaccine against the coronavirus. Despite these efforts, the only solution capable of brightening up and sharpening the blurry image of the future is fixing our human relations. Why? It is so because only there at the root can the problem be tackled for good.
The path to healing begins with an accurate diagnosis. It is no coincidence that as soon as humanity barely recovers from a particular catastrophe, a new blow arises. This indicates that the previous treatment failed to address the underlying cause of the troubles, thus they continue to reappear in new forms.
Therefore, focusing on finding band aid solutions to the pandemic and its consequences will never be lastingly effective. A complete cure for this global problem requires a fundamental change in our social relations since that is the triggering force for all that unfolds in reality. We live within the system of nature, which is a great force field where everything is connected: inanimate, vegetative, animate, and human levels. The more developed a creature is, the more powerful its impact on the entire system.
Our attitudes, thoughts, and desires towards others are at the highest and most potent level in nature. So if these elements are directed correctly, they will radiate favorably on all the levels of nature below the human level. In other words, the things we want and think of—especially in relation to our surrounding environment—create the most powerful impact within the network of the forces of nature.
The Accurate Image Revealed 
Whether consciously or not, we constantly measure ourselves against those around us. The more we consider ourselves to be on a higher status, smarter, and more successful compared to others, the more comfortable we feel. At the same time, a greater separation is perceived between ourselves and others that results in making little effort to be considerate of others. This is what we refer to as the egoistic, selfish relations that create imbalance in nature, which returns in a boomerang effect upon us, making us weak, vulnerable, and unhealthy.
The coronavirus continues to advance us to a new level of connection in which we function “as one man with one heart,” forming a complete image of reality as if billions of pixels have connected with no division between them. Such an image will be crystal clear to each and every one if we only hold on to each other tightly, if we support each other to the point that we would never cause harm or take advantage of others in any way but only do good to everyone.
Of course, such aspirations toward perfect harmony with others do not come naturally. It is not in anyone’s power to change the egocentric operating mechanism inherent from birth. All that is required from each of us is just a readiness for that change to take place. And when there is a deep understanding that good human relations are indispensable for survival in the 21st Century, we will discover an upwelling of sublime qualities of loving and giving, and the world will change from end to end. Instead of scrambling to survive after each and every beating, we will experience lasting positive outcomes.
Change must begin within each of us, in our thoughts, because they are the most powerful force in creation. If we make efforts to do this together, we will feel how deeply we are connected in one system—spiritually, mentally, internally—and instead of viruses and hardships, we will be filled with the perception of life on a higher level, the perfect picture of reality.

Business From Heart To Heart

Laitman_507.03We are living in a new era, and the old one will not return. Therefore, there is no point in sitting and grieving for the old life, like an old man who remembers his younger years with tears. This time is gone, over! We were thrown out of our previous state, the door closed behind us, and there is no way back.
It is impossible to manage anything in the world today with the help of the old systems. What’s left is just to ensure they don’t work. In the next year or six months, we will see the collapse of many of the systems we have built: financial, industrial, and educational, which will crumble before our eyes like a house of cards.
And then, how to exist? We will have to abandon all the systems built over the past hundred years—companies, banks, industry, commerce, health care, and education—and move to a new system.
Calmly, friends, without panic and without nerves! We have grown up in order to now consciously move into a new state, holding the management in our hands.
Everything that was controlled by our egoism according to a single program, to win more, which meant success, and it does not work today. Nature is introducing a new program to us. And I can no longer make a profit by what worked before: expensive things. The coronavirus is deliberately preventing us from retaining the old systems.
We are already in a new system, but we don’t know how to use it. The new system is the ten, the world Kabbalistic group. It is necessary to start building a new humanity, new relationships from heart to heart. You don’t need anything else. According to the new internal non-egoistic relationships, it will become clear how to build relationships in business. They must correspond to a heart-to-heart relationship.
A new desire will bring a new method of communication in business. Everything will change. The old will be destroyed, but the new production will grow even more than before, but for the sake of bestowal, mutual involvement. The principle should be different: for the benefit of all and not to harm anyone! No one should win more than others at someone else’s expense; everything is only for a better connection.
And then businesses will start to grow before your eyes, as it is said: “The sprouts have come out of the ground,” and there will be a new crop, a new harvest, all over again. This is called “the field blessed by the Creator.” And the principles of connection can only be borrowed from the ten, from the connection between us.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 8/5/20, “Preparation for the Virtual Convention  ‘A New World’ 2002, ‘The Last Generation from the Old World to the New World’” 

“The Solidarity Israel Needs To Offer To Lebanon” (Times Of Israel)

The Times of Israel published my new article “The Solidarity Israel Needs to Offer to Lebanon
The human impact of the recent massive explosion in a port warehouse district in Beirut cannot leave anyone indifferent. It has left a gaping wound among the already maimed Lebanese population, which has suffered a prolonged existential economic crisis. The international community is questioning how the aggravated crisis in Lebanon will affect a region as volatile as the Middle East. The answer will depend entirely on Israel, on its ability to deliver what the world expects from it: to become the light to the nations and radiate that light to the region and the entire world.
Some analysts consider the deadly explosion beneficial to Israel since the terrorist group Hezbollah—to whom Lebanese protesters point as the prime suspect in the blast—could be forced to enter a period of restraint. I do not agree. I do not think a disaster harming the citizens in one country can possibly benefit another country. Therefore, this human catastrophe will not influence the Middle East for the better or for the worse.
Israel offered humanitarian aid and support to the disaster-stricken country, and Lebanon’s flag was displayed on Tel Aviv’s City Hall, but both gestures were perceived by many as mockery. We need to express sympathy, but not forcefully and persistently reach out. We can learn from our attempts to build a close alliance with our neighboring countries Egypt and Jordan: Despite our efforts to get closer and invest in cooperative projects, relations remain cold.
Israel, in fact, can provide the invaluable assistance that Lebanon (and the entire world) needs, as it holds the key to a better future. But we first need to understand precisely what the nations truly demand from us to carry out.
The Help No One Will Reject
Throughout history up to current times, the Jewish people have presented the nations with remarkable accomplishments in scientific and academic skills, in life-saving inventions and breakthrough discoveries. But while developing all those, we overlooked the one tenet that the world needs most today and which is altogether absent on our entire planet: unity. This does not refer to the kind of unity necessary for defeating an adversary. Rather, it is the kind of connection that can provide an example to be shared with whoever has interest in embracing it.
As foremost Kabbalist Rav Yehuda Ashlag wrote,
“It is upon the Israeli nation to qualify itself and all the people of the world … to develop until they take upon themselves that sublime work of the love of others, which is the ladder to the purpose of Creation.” (The Arvut, Mutual Guarantee)
By engaging in this mutual venture to build a new, positive society based on love and connection above differences, Israel will be able to make giant strides toward realizing the destiny that our forefathers dreamed of: to be “light unto the nations.” As a result, the world will happily absorb the spirit that we will spread, and the animosity toward Israel will disappear.
As Rav Kook elaborated about the role of the Jewish nation to a global positive change,
“The construction of the world, which is currently crumpled by the dreadful storms of a blood-filled sword requires the construction of the Israeli nation … in anticipation of a force full of unity … that is found in Israel.” (Orot [Lights])
Indeed, if the nations of the world want to find peace, the only thing that they need to do is invert their hostility toward Israel into pressure upon this nation to unite, which will open the pipe to tranquility and security in the world. At that time, Israel will be a beacon of hope for all the nations to live in peace, brotherhood, and unity with our neighbors and the entire world.

“Aliens On Our Own Planet” (Medium)

Medium published my new article “Aliens on Our Own Planet
With every passing day, it’s becoming clearer that we’re moving into a new era. The protests against wearing masks are the rebellion of our egos against a compulsory change. Big tech companies such as Google, Apple, and Facebook have already told their employees to keep working from home for at least another year. Everything will change: jobs, banks, industry, education, commerce, human relations, international relations, our whole civilization will turn on its head, and so will we. Only then, the virus will leave.
The exploitative, excessively competitive system where one had to destroy the other in order to survive has exhausted itself.
Both WHO Secretary General AntĂ³nio Guterres and White House coronavirus advisor Dr. Anthony Fauci have stated that an effective vaccine is unlikely in the foreseeable future, if ever. In simple words, our lives have changed forever.
Moreover, the more we try to return to the previous “normal,” the more we will inflame recurring waves of Covid. If every time the contagion rate declines we will insist on reopening businesses, we will experience a third, fourth, and who knows how many waves of the pandemic until we realize we cannot beat it. Nature has landed us a knockout, and every time we try to get up and fight, it lands another blow.
But nature isn’t out to kill us; it is out to teach us how to be a part of it, rather than hostile aliens on our own planet. And being part of nature means first and foremost to unite among us, to feel close to our fellow human beings, and in this way learn how to be close to nature. The world we live in is one complete and integral system. To feel its integrality, we need to make ourselves similar to it: integral and complete. And the journey toward it begins at home: with us people.
The exploitative, excessively competitive system where one had to destroy the other in order to survive has exhausted itself. The mindset of survival of the fittest runs contrary to the whole of nature, which operates on the completely opposite principle: survival of the friendliest (Google it). Now it is upon us to build this type of society, and in the process, begin to understand the true nature of the world around us.
No one will help us. As a society, we are egoists and don’t know how to truly care for one another. But we can fake it till we make it, and if we keep in mind that our goal is to build a united, integral system where everyone shares the benefits, we will succeed.
Although deep down we all wish we could go back to our old way of life, even if there were no coronavirus, it would be very unwise to do so. There is already so much hatred in the country that a social collapse, if not an all-out civil war, is imminent. In many ways, it has already begun but it is not yet bloody, and it seems like someone has forgotten to make an official declaration.
But it is not too late to reroute. We can look around us and see that everything consists of opposites that complement each other. Only people think that opposites should annihilate one another, oblivious to the fact that just as in nature, opposites allow each other to exist, so it is with us.
We see the world as flat, a two-dimensional image, not realizing that the same human nature operates all parties, all factions of human society. When we insist on seeing the world only through one perspective, we miss the chance to use the other perspective as a “second eye” and get a three-dimensional view. This is the only way that we can see the full depth and scope of reality, and find what operates the whole picture that we see before us. Only when you can look at the world through both prisms can you see it, so instead of trying to abolish the other viewpoint, we should cherish it, thank it for existing, while keeping our separate perspective.
Unity is not created when two opposites become the same. It is created when two opposites complete each other’s different viewpoints to create the full picture, which neither can see alone.

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