Thursday, June 19, 2014

The Point Where A Person Connects With The Creator

Question: Why does Baal HaSulam tell us about how the Masach(screen) rises and descends, about how Bina mixes with Malchut, etc.? Why should we know all these details?
Answer: Baal HaSulam tells us about our foundations, our roots. It is because a person in this world acts either like an animal, worrying only about how to fill himself, not caring about anything else (if something happens one millimeter away from him he doesn’t care one bit), or he may be troubled by questions like: Who am I? Where do I come from? Why am I living, for what purpose?
If a person thinks about such questions that are a bit beyond his own body, they already belong to the human level and not to the animal level. An animal is totally closed inside itself.
The wisdom of Kabbalah tells us about the roots that belong to the human level, that is, everything that is external to me. External to me means external to my corporeal existence. Corporeal means from one end to another: from birth to death, as long as the body lives. This is the only thing about which the animal cares.
On the human level, however, one asks: Where did I come from and where am I going? These questions do not belong to our inner system but to the external system. I have to reveal it and then I will get the answers to all the questions such as: Who am I, what am I living for, and what is happening to me?
So when we read the descriptions of the upper system in Kabbalah books, we may not care or we may care very much, and accordingly we discover that this story actually refers to us. It refers to our behavior and our functioning on the animal level and also on the spiritual level. Spirit refers to what is outside the body.
In the article “Preface to the Wisdom of Kabbalah,” Baal HaSulam tells us about our foundations. Up to a certain point he tells us about Malchut itself and about how it spreads from the top down. Malchut is considered the animal level, but Malchut is connected to Bina, which is the foundation, the root of the human level.
By its connection to Bina, Malchut can resemble Bina and thus reach the level of Keter, that is the Creator. This is why the connection between Bina and Malchut is so important. In fact it is the point where a person connects with the Creator.
From the 4th part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 6/13/14Writings of Baal HaSulam

For The Essential Changes

Question: We are going through an immense number of states. In one of the lessons you gave advice to record these states and follow that with how we are changed in our attitudes towards one another and the outside world. I would like to clarify how to do this.
Answer: It is advisable to record our states because this shakes us up and obligates us a bit. Through scrutiny of those states, I suddenly begin to catch myself thinking: “But I really didn’t think this way yesterday. The day before yesterday I didn’t act this way. I behaved this way before and now quite differently.”
This means I am begin to notice changes within me. I recommended recording your feelings so that you will feel that serious changes are gradually happening in you that bring you closer to essentially new states.
Question: Does every person evaluate this individually or should the entire group do this as a result of the shared work?
Answer: The group also. But in a group all kinds of changes can happen all the time: people come and go. As a result of this, the influence of the individual on society is discovered and that of the society on the individual. But in general the group can evaluate its state, how much it reacted before in an unhealthy way to various actions by someone or something else, whereas now it understands that it must be more patient.
But the main thing is for everyone to set a goal for himself: “I want to see how much I have changed.” These can be very serious changes under the influence of Ohr Makif, which must be discovered in such a group, for you have indeed produced it.
So you need to experience very serious changes and this must be seen: You were lazy, you have become more diligent, you were scattered and lacked attention, you have changed for the good. Everyone changes differently, but it must be recognized.
And the main thing is that you feel your inner connection more, which can appear even as a result of physical activities. You always show concern for your common “baby” that is born among you, your shared general desire and common aspiration.
And this common general state is very valuable to you. It becomes so important for each one that personal life is not important to him at all; the main thing is not to obstruct our society, our common sensation, and our common connection that has already begun to appear and has its own right to exist.
And this is the Adam (human) that we are creating. This is that common part of Malchutthat we compose together and in which soon, after the composition accumulates enough power, the Creator will be revealed.
From the Sochi Convention 6/9/14, Lesson 1

Laying The Foundation For A New World

We are now writing history together. Day after day, we have to create a booklet with explanations that will be relevant for a short period, for that day, and then we move on.
There was never anything like this before and certainly this work will also continue after us, but on the same basis that we lay down today. A very unique period has begun, for we are now making a transition, an innovation, and then this new stream will only go and grow.
Certainly, an innovation will happen on every level, but there is no more fundamental and important transformation than what is now happening with people in the world today. The world is going out from a mindless form of existence where its evolution is managed by internal forces. The natural program evolution (“in its time”) pushes and pokes you from behind and you are like a donkey, running forward, trying to escape from the blows of fate.
Now, the transition has arrived in which you continue to advance forward, but you, yourself, put a grain bag in front of your donkey so that he will run faster. This is a new and completely different approach to evolution in which you have become a partner with the Creator.
The Creator is not compelled to push and poke your donkey. Instead, you get up and sit on the donkey as a human, preparing the feed bag for him, and you hang it in front of your donkey’s head, and so the donkey advances, runs forward, and you are riding him.
Question: How is it possible to make sure every day that you have found an explanation most appropriate for that day?
Answer: If you are connected with your friends and from this connection you find a way to approach people, then you certainly will not make a mistake. There is no other way to observe this. There is only the most appropriate connection between us for the nation and the world, and nothing else.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 6/12/14Writings of Baal HaSulam

Kabbalah Or Fascism?

Opinion (Central News Agency of New Russia): “Politics of the recent years tends to delay the arrival of fascism. But fascism will come everywhere, on the shoulders of liberalism, as a step towards fascism. Nationalism is the last brace of the people, fragmented, crushed by the market.
“Postulates of fascism:
“National pride, this is the only thing that the market leaves to the people; nationalism is developing everywhere, identifying itself with justice; nationalism is the ideology to which everyone resorts, after having been disappointed in others. In the beginning, national pride is called patriotism.
“Unity of the people and the state. From now, disagreeing with government policy, you will not agree with the people, with the entire nation. Unity of the will of millions of people with the will of the ruler is natural.
“Tradition, rejection of progress.
“Inequality. Fascist states are armies; they are characterised by inequality, but the inequality of the army fascism gets ready-made from the market. Fascism is constitutional inequality, embodied in the firm imperial hierarchy.
“Totality. Fascism will come everywhere, in all countries, in their versions of fascism. Today, nothing can be opposed to fascism.
“Paganism, a modification of the Christian religion to the needs of consciousness; division into pure-impure, the black-and-white picture of the world.”
My Comment: Baal HaSulam described all this at the beginning of the 20th century. He warned that according to the law of social development, fascism arises after capitalism if it is not replaced by integral education and the “society of the last generation.” Therefore, we have no choice. We must spare no efforts in the dissemination of integral education and upbringing.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

The Force That Performs Miracles

Question: What exactly gets connected during the workshop?
Answer: The desires that are ready to bestow unto one another.
Question: But do strangers who are not friends connect?
Answer: We sit and talk without arguments and each one annuls himself a little in order to connect to others in mutual bestowal. To the extent that we annul our ego and connect, we invoke a certain force that is concealed inside, the force of connection.
This force exists in nature. It stems from the same source that the first spark once broke out from and from which the universe developed. This is the force of unity because all of creation stems from one spark.
As a result of this spark infinite universes and galaxies were created, but that doesn’t matter. If we connect as one man like the source the universe was created from, then it invokes this unique force in us. It is in nature and sustains nature.
Let’s try it and you will see what confidence it gives each one, what a feeling of a new life, of peace. It can even heal us and correct our connections. Let’s use this force of connection which exists only in the unity among us.
The more we manage to connect and the more deeply we annul our ego, the more we will discover the force of connection and with it we will be able to perform miracles. It will affect all our problems and heal all the illnesses. Let’s pull it out of nature and learn how to use it practically, creatively, just like we use nuclear energy, which we didn’t know about before.
This force is in nature; it can be called the Creator because the universe begins from it, but it doesn’t matter what we call it. It is in nature and we can use it like all the other forces. We call all of humanity to do so, because this force is the solution to all our problems.
This force is the source from which two forces later emerge: plus and minus. But the source itself is one, and if all the opposite forces are balanced inside it, it can solve any problem since it integrates these two opposites inside.
By using it we can fix everything. One may want money, another health, another respect, and another peace at home and with the children. So let’s be cured of all the illnesses and all the evil. “He who makes peace in Heaven will make peace upon us with his mercy and upon all of Israel,” he who makes peace under Heaven, which means balances the negative and the positive forces, will also make peace among us.
If you wish, let’s start, if not, then you don’t have to, but you should know that we have a universal means. We only need to invoke this force and receive from it like from a power plant, but in order to do so, we have to connect since it is revealed only when we connect.
If you are connected and this force is revealed among you, start working together and you will succeed in everything that you want! After all, you will have the source of the force, like a container of fuel that can be used as you wish: you can use it to make plastic and you can burn it for fuel.
You can use this potential force anyway you want, as long as it is not to hurt anyone! This is the force of connection and if you want to abuse it, it will disappear immediately. We must use it only for connection, only for the good.
It is very simple and we have to explain this to everyone. It has nothing to do with any religions and there are no mystic forces here.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 6/8/14Writings of Baal HaSulam

Other Than The Person, There Is Nothing To Change

We don’t want to change anything, not the media, not the government, nothing, not even the education system. We only want to change a person, so we come to him and start talking to him. But we don’t demand any changes in anything that is happening to the nation or the world.
This is because it would mean changing the connections and systems that were built by people according to their ego. But all this is built correctly and suits them well. If we want to change this, then we must change the person who builds everything according to what is inside of him.
Question: But a person must see some benefit in order to want to be changed internally. What kind of motivation would he have?
Answer: 15 years ago you couldn’t talk about the wisdom of Kabbalah at all. This word was forbidden and aroused fear. And today nobody is afraid of anyone anymore. So leave its work to the Upper Light and only do for yourself what is up to you to do.
We need to leave an informational brochure for people with some explanations, but the main thing is to attract them to practical activities, to workshops. I don’t see any means other than creating circles.
According to its form, the circle matches the world of Infinity. It is not by chance that a workshop is done in a circle. This has been the accepted form since ancient times: Tribes sat around a campfire, all discussions were conducted around a round table to show that all were equal. A circle symbolizes equality.
But in our workshop the circle is a symbol of the world of Infinity. Through our wanting to connect in this form, we attract the Light that Reforms. It comes to us in an infinite form, for we don’t limit it in any way, we don’t have a Masach. And so we use this Light as Ohr Makif.
But the brochure doesn’t need to attract people to workshops, but simply should explain the laws of the existence of the world. These are totally objective and don’t depend upon us at all. So the booklet needs to be written like an abstract by a scientist, a researcher, observing nature. It is not necessary for there to be any ideology, which already belongs to a person’s personal relationship, but only natural laws that don’t depend on us.
Whether we like it or not, that is how the world is organized and built. And dur to these workshops and all kinds of exercises, we want to participate in all of this evolutionary process in the best and most beautiful form.
Nature urges us on through blows and obligates us to evolve and turn from an egoistic form to an altruistic form. And we have no choice: We receive blows until we agree to accept the altruistic form. But there is also another way; instead of the way of “in its time,” the way of natural evolution, we can go in the way of “I will hasten it,” the way of accelerating time.
And the booklet explains how to pass from “in its time” to “I will hasten it.” It will become clear that this is definitely possible. And we are actively realizing this transition, and that is how we attract everyone to workshops.
From the Preparation for the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 6/8/14

The Upper Force Without Any Mysticism

Question: How can we explain to a person how he can change his evil egoistic nature without mentioning the upper force so as not to sound mystical?
Answer: If we consolidate the connection between us, then above us, a greater and more qualitative force is revealed in the central point of our connection, in the center of the circle. This can sustain us at any state we wish.
This force can remove all our problems, raise us, and organize our life in a totally different way. We don’t look for it somewhere up in the sky, above the clouds and the stars, or by using different tricks and meditations, but only in the connection between us.
Besides, the Israeli nation lived in this state for more than a thousand years. There are many stories that trace back to those times about the revelation of the upper force, from the same level that all the holy books were written. This is how the nation lived and this state is called the Temple.
The Temple isn’t a building made of stones but the connection between us. When the connection between us was shattered, it is said that the Temple was destroyed. Then instead of love and connection, there is unfounded hatred among us. Therefore, today we don’t feel any connection between us and that is how we live.
This state is called exile, and that is the exile from connection. The force that can do whatever we want is revealed in this connection and can actually perform miracles. We don’t need to do anything in order to attain it, but we must only know how to connect.
Question: You have met with many well-known scientists all over the world. Do they accept this explanation? Can they perceive a concept like the center of the group by rational thinking?
Answer: Scientists today not only believe and accept such explanations, but also believe all sorts of nonsense. You wouldn’t believe the state they are in. Once they were sure about their science: Newton’s laws and even about Einstein.
But today, scientists have a really tough life because such deep voids are opening up in nature that scientists realize; by using the ordinary human mind, they are unable to perceive and to digest it or to understand these laws.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 6/06/14Writings of Rabash

A Special Force For Making A Breakthrough

Question: What proof do we have that there is a special force in connection?
Answer: Haven’t those who were in the commando or in a sports team ever felt this force?
Question: But this force doesn’t change human nature.
Answer: The force that is revealed in the connection can convince and dominate those who are connected. If five, ten, or even twenty people come together sharing one intention or inclination, this inclination dominates everyone and doesn’t let anyone fall.
This is what happens in an ordinary, egoistic, corporeal connection. We are built in a way that this force sustains all of us. What is more, when we convene or assemble no one can decide or come up with a solution by himself. Instead, we discuss things together and consult one another and the sharpest and most extreme decision comes up. Although everyone worries and had doubts, the group decision is accepted in the direction our ideology breaks through.
This happens since the force of connection is revealed in the group, which draws all of us forward and blurs all the negative and extreme implications. It is because this force already identifies whether we can continue to advance according to our connection. The group doesn’t simply accept the best decision but also the most decisive and extreme one for our advancement, for making a breakthrough.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 6/06/14Writings of Rabash

All Of The People In One Infinite Circle

Today, the broader mass of humanity has become theKli (vessel) for revealing the Light. This is what the times demand. First there was the period of the patriarchs, after that the sons, and today,  this is the period of the of the Messiah. In every period the conduct from above changed.
Our group is a transitional conduit first for the people of Israel and then together with it for the whole world. But specifically among the broader humanity the purpose of creation, theOhr Hochma (Light of Wisdom), must be revealed.
The Creator is not Ohr Hassadim (Light of Mercy). The work on the density of theShoresh (root),  Aleph (first), Bet (second), is not yet the revelation of the Creator to the creatures, but only the correction of creation. After that it is necessary to realize the purpose of creation, to reveal the Ohr Hochma within the Kelim (vessels). This is possible only through the external Kli, the masses. As it is said:  “If someone says there isHochma among the nations, believe it.” (Eichah Rabbah 2:13).
But, “If someone says there is Torah among the nations, don’t believe it.” The Torah is the Light that Reforms. The nations of the world are not ready to attract the Light that Reforms to themselves, so they cannot heal themselves. But if someone helps them attract the Light and be healed, then the great Lights are revealed in them; specifically among them, the Creator is revealed.
The people of Israel merit the discovery of the Creator thanks to the nations of the world. When Israel joins them to it and corrects them, then the Ohr Hochma will be revealed in them. And Israel will also discover the Ohr Hochma thanks to this, when it conveys this to the nations of the world into what they are lacking. This is called is that Israel fills theOhr Hassadim that is found in it with Ohr Hochma.
Israel belongs to the Kelim of bestowal and it cannot discover the Creator on some level by itself, without the nations of the world. But this is not that Light that must be revealed in the period of the Messiah. Our essential work is to prepare ourselves for the correction of the world. In this specifically we must see our mission, the work of the Creator.
The Creator is discovered in the deficiency of the people. When we accept the deficiency of the public, from it we create MAN (female waters) and raise it to the Creator. Then we receive double Light in response, as it is written,  “The firstborn takes twice as much” (Baba Batra 124a) and we convey it to humanity. This means that the Ohr Hochma that is revealed among us is revealed in the Kelim of the public that we join to us. And among the public themselves, this Light is revealed in their main Kelim.
But in the meantime, all of the Kelim are connected into one Kli. Israel brings the adhesion with the Creator, and the nations of the world bring their deficiencies. This is how they work together. The nations of the world cannot discover the Creator without the help of Israel, and Israel cannot reach this discovery without the nations of the world.
For this it is necessary to create circles, many circles, until ultimately they will connect into one infinite circle. This is reciprocal work. Therefore it is said that the nations of the world raise Israel to the height of the third Beit HaMikdash (temple). And Israel is not prepared to rise to a height like this by itself, for the third Beit HaMikdash is the discovery of Ohr Hochma within Ohr Hassadim to a full degree, when: “They shall all know Me, from the least of them unto the greatest of them.” (Jeremiah 31:33
Something like this is possible only thanks to the great Kelim of the nations of the world. But Israel must carry out this work.
From 2nd part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 6/12/14Writings of Baal HaSulam

Blessed Are Those Sitting In A Circle

Question: In what way is studying the wisdom of Kabbalah different from the wisdom of connection?
Answer: We can speak to people who come to study the wisdom of Kabbalah about the Light of faith, about the Light of bestowal, about self sacrifice, about faith above reason, about ascending above our egoistic nature and about rejecting our nature, and about going through all the states of the shattering.
On the other hand, when we present the wisdom of Kabbalah to the public, we cannot approach them by talking about these ideas and concepts. We can tell them only what can be revealed to vessels of receiving. This means that we tell them that there is a method that enables us to receive pleasure, filling yourself by the connection with others.
There is an upper force or an inner force in nature that allows us to connect and to correct all the problems by this power of connection that we have received. If you want to correct your connection with your children, hold a workshop in a circle with them. You will discover the force of connection and unity among you that will change and fix everything.
When the force of connection is revealed, there is an immediate correction. I cannot generate this force from inside our circle during the workshop and fix my washing machine by it, but by holding the workshop, your washing machine will not break down anymore if this is supposed to be your correction.
We should understand that only the force that is revealed in the connection will fix everything. Therefore, we must be everywhere and hold debates around roundtables, and wherever we do that, the situation will be corrected. Thus, we teach people to avoid problems, to find a blessing, luck.
From the 2nd part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 6/12/14Writings of Baal HaSulam

Emotional Science

Question: What is the difference between caring and service? You say that we must attract the future states. This is unclear because it truly doesn’t exist within our sensation.
Answer: Certainly. So, this is not understandable. We understand only what is given to us in sensation. The matter of the world, of creation, is desire. So, feelings are primary. First, we feel, and after that we begin to understand what we are feeling, the reasons, all kinds of connections and everything that is happening within the desire itself. We understand how it is reinforced and  how it is possible to recover it, and so forth.
It is very important to understand that the main thing is desire, meaning feeling.
What touches upon the difference between care and service? Well, “service” or “usage,” these words are not good because they indicate that we must do something without ourselves understanding what. This is what has been taught to us, commanded and forced upon us. I am not saying that this is bad. For instance, service to a nation is something else. However, this is something that cannot be in the spiritual way.
In the spiritual path, it is necessary to attain everything emotionally within ourselves and, after that, explore our emotions. On what level of desires areShoresh (root), Aleph (first), Bet (second), Gimel (third), and Dalet (four) found? WhichLight is extended into these desires according to our intention? The degree of intention—Shoresh, Aleph, Bet, Gimel, Dalet—determines the amount of the Light that is revealed, in other words, the intensity, the strength of feeling of the Creator which is discovered in that desire.
All of us must begin to feel to such a degree that when reading a book, we experience and measure our feelings at the same time. The book must be our spiritual and emotional guide in the full sense of the word so that we will laugh and cry when we read it, for it is talking about which activities I must carry out within me at every moment.
The wisdom of Kabbalah is a very emotional science, but only for someone who can feel these emotions in himself already, and, if not, then it will seem dry to him.
From the Sochi Convention 6/9/14, Lesson 1

Spiritual Gene Instead Of The American Dream

Question: What does it mean “to become a Reshimo (a spiritual gene) relative to the rest of the world?
Answer: The modern world is lost without any idea where to go or who can lead it to some kind of goal. This feeling of helplessness, distress, and emptiness will increasingly grow.
We are going through a complete disintegration of the basis of previous life. Formerly, the world was developing very rapidly, it looked as if the American dream would come true any moment and a well-developed capitalism would allow each one of us to live a good life and earn “big” money. All of a sudden this state of affairs has stopped and life has lost its meaning. This sensation of hopelessness triggers the question, “What is the meaning of my life?” While we are transitioning from our prior state to a spiritual realm, we have to turn into a spiritual gene (a Reshimo).
People whose spiritual genes wake up come to study the wisdom of Kabbalah. They need to advance this seed that is built into them. They have already reached the lowest point of disappointment in their lives, begin thinking about the essence of life, and begin moving with this internal determination that they have revealed.
But what should we do with others who do not have this spiritual gene revealed inside themselves yet, with all those seven billion who extend into despair and hopelessness, people who are approaching the bankruptcy of their prior values? How can they rise to a new state if their spiritual gene doesn’t wake up in them?
Our international organization has to become a spiritual Reshimo for the entire world. Our common desire, our collective Reshimot, becomes “a drop of semen” inside humanity, inside this massive human desire.
The mass has already rotted and deteriorated, all that is left is the seed (us) that knows the way and possesses energy, intention, knowledge, and experience. That’s why we go ahead of everybody and move the entire humanity forward. This is the function of a spiritual gene.
Spiritual Gene Instead Of The American Dream
After the shattering occurred, all that was left was only Reshimot – spiritual sparks, “points in the heart,” that fell inside the broken desire. A spark and a broken desire worked together for thousands of years and eventually they figured that the desire is empty and broken. It has no chance to receive any fulfillment since it has neither a screen, nor underwent a contraction, nor is there any Reflected Light in it.
There is only one Reshimo that burns inside the desire and is able to bring the desire to its new state since the Reshimo (the spark) is connected with the Light. All there is are the Lights, the sparks, and the vessels. The Lights are on the top (in the world of Atzilut), the broken vessels and desires fell. Inside the desire there is a spark of the Light, a point in the heart.
The Light influences the spark. Only due to this impact, the entire vessel elevates, otherwise it is unable to rise. This explains why our time is so suitable for correction. The spark is very noticeable because the desire (the vessel) feels that it is broken and empty and has no hope for the future. That’s why a connection among the Lights, the sparks, and the vessels appears. A spark connects the desire with the Light. This is what is going on in the world now.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 2/8/13

Monday, June 16, 2014

Go Together With The Creator, But A Bit Ahead

Question: How can we help the world reach Arvut (mutual guarantee) if it is continuing to sink into theft and corruption day by day?
Answer: The upper force awakens the ego in people, and they act as their ego dictates. There are people who, for example, deliberately are driven to situations where they steal.
According to this example, the Creator shows how corrupt our world is. They simply demonstrate how bad our egoistic nature is: what it does with us, how much they suffer from it themselves, and how much we suffer.
Everyone suffers in the world because it is so egoistic. We waste a fortune on weapons, on hatred. If you look at the Earth from the depths of the universe, how do we look?
We ask why they don’t come to us from other galaxies. But what would they come for? What would they do here if they were so advanced that they could reach us? Viewing our planet from a distance, we look like disgusting cockroaches who hate and eat each other.
We use the intelligence and emotion that we have received for self-destruction. So who would want to come to us?
We must understand our situation and want to correct it. The only way to fix it is Arvut. If we want to accept the law of Arvut, to connect together and help each other, we attract the Light that Reforms. The Creator must be among us; who are we without Him? We are completely dominated by our terrible nature.
Of course, we cannot be responsible for each other. How do you know what will happen to you in the next moment and what you will think? How can I rely on you as a guarantor for my future? This is like a baby who tells me that he will be my guarantor.
If we seriously want Arvut, we need the higher power to be revealed, which will be our guarantor. How does one attract it?
If we try as much as possible, at least in a very small percentage, to become guarantors and want the higher power to be revealed among us and realize the Arvut, then this will happen. This is the first condition.
And we are told: “If you want to be responsible for each other, then you will receive the Torah, the Light that Reforms.” You are not required to be responsible for everything a thousand years in advance or to go to prison in your friend’s place. At the moment you are ready to be responsible for him, the Upper Light will be revealed and you will immediately receive the Torah without delay or pause. This means that the Creator is here as our guarantor.
Therefore from the start, we are told: “When you accept the conditions for Arvut, you will receive the Light that Reforms.” This means that the Creator is with you, only you need to be slightly ahead. And if you want this, you will get it.
From the 5th part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 5/30/14Writings of Baal HaSulam

So That It Will Be Warm At Home

Question: Without a doubt many couples think that they are conceding to each other, without understanding that they are not doing this for another person but for themselves so that they will be left alone in peace. So what concessions should be made?
Answer: True concession is when I rein myself in, even though at that time I am ready to explode because I think I am right, but I begin to react to my partner according to how he or she would want me to respond. This means I am “clothed” in the other person.
This system should be developed and necessarily requires the support of the environment. Married couples must talk about these situations all the time and practice them in order to reach a state where habit becomes second nature.
Suppose the house is a mess. Why should you scold each other and say something superfluous? Go immediately to common ground, which is reciprocal and good. Begin to hug and kiss in the middle of this mess.
The main thing is that you should feel well. For with a feeling of happiness and love, you won’t even want to change anything and you will live in serenity all your life in the middle of this mess.
Sometimes you go into some apartment and everything is clean and spotless, but there is no warmth. Whereas at home, with you, there is warmth from an atmosphere of love, reciprocity, and  inner contact.
In a Japanese couplet it is written: “The child dies; how cold it will be at home; there is no longer someone who will pierce a hole in the window paper.” This means that as long as the child played pranks, warmth prevailed at home. Now the child is no more, and it will be cold.
That is how it is here also. Everything depends upon the feeling. This is the main thing to be done.
From the program “A New Life” 5/28/2014

Returning To The Moment Of The Big Bang

Question: I would like to become the master of time and my life. You said that for this I must change the priorities and make the world around me more important than myself. But how can I do this and transfer my attention from myself to the outside?
Answer: To transfer the importance from myself to what is outside of me is called moving towards antimatter. And this is not the physical anti-world about which physics speaks, rather it is a much greater change.
Question: How is it possible that another person will become more important to me than myself?
Answer: This is called a reversal in senses, a reversal in desire. In you now is the desire to enjoy for your own sake. Whereas you have to feel that you want to give pleasure to someone else.
And this doesn’t mean that you are clothed within him like some kind of ghost, that you pass into his body and have pleasure there. This would still be egoistic fulfillment, like the pleasure of a mother who is wrapped up in her baby, is concerned only about him, and lives in his desires.
You remain in your body, but perceive the other person as more important than yourself. And this is not at all the same love that exists in our world. This person is a complete stranger to you and you don’t have any natural love regarding him, as you do for your children and your wife. Only a reversal like this transforms you into the master of your life for then you go beyond the limitations of time.
Time was born at the moment of the Big Bang. So you must go back beyond the limitations of the Big Bang, to rise above the point of the creation of matter. Then from that subjective feeling of time that exists within you now in your egoistic perception, which depends upon what is bad and what is good for you, you pass to the perception of time in another person and value what is bad or good for him.
And this is a fundamental change for you transform from being a receiver to one who bestows. And that is how you transform into a master of time and your life.
From the program “A New Life” 4/17/2014

My Obligation Is To Warn And Then They Alone Must Decide

Question: The role of the nation of Israel is to direct the world towards bestowal. How does this fit with the principle that it is impossible to correct anything in the world besides myself?
Answer: The world is perfect, meaning that I cannot correct any person besides myself. I cannot sit compulsively on someone and oblige him to change, like the Socialists did in Russia. I will not gain anything with it.
The only thing that I am prepared to do is to explain to a person what is happening. And if he decides that this is truly right and he wants to change his fate, then he will change.
We are talking from the side of our history, from the books of the Kabbalists upon which we rely. We have nothing else upon which to rely. We see that everything that is happening today is written in books, and so we have the strength to think that tomorrow will also happen as it is written in them.
If this was right yesterday and today, it is logical to suppose that the Kabbalists spoke the truth about what will happen tomorrow also. So I want to hear their voice and ensure for myself and my children a better future.
And besides this, they explain everything that is happening so logically, and in particular what is happening to the people of Israel, the reasons for anti-Semitism in the whole world. There are a number of reasons that it is impossible for us to relax and wait.
I don’t intend to correct anything; indeed, I cannot change a person and the world. I only show him what is written in our sources and don’t compel him to believe in something with blind faith. I explain the opinion of the wisdom of Kabbalah, which scientific investigators also support more and more day by day, and he will decide for himself.
I don’t convince him to accept our method, and it doesn’t belong to me either. If I write about some natural law, I am not obliged to add that I love it and join with it. Who is interested in my attitude when I am talking about a law? I can write that I don’t like the law of gravity because it pulls me down and doesn’t let me fly. But this doesn’t change anything about the law itself. It remains the same law.
This is the type of explanation that we must give, facts that cannot be refuted, and after that everyone has to decide what to do. “There is no coercion in spirituality.” He must understand that there is no escape, and we must work on the connection between us if we want to be saved from death and save our children so that they will not literally devour us.
Question: People who are connected don’t die?
Answer: No! Through the connection between them they build such a shield on themselves that protects them so much that their haters become friends.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 6/8/14Writings of Baal HaSulam

The Destructive Power Of Babylon In Europe

Question: Why is the power of connection very successful sometimes and sometimes not? For example, in the United States, the unity of many states led to the creation of a very strong nation, whereas unity in Europe didn’t bring success.
Answer: In Europe the destructive power of Babylon, the confusion and mixture of various languages, is active.
Question: How can we be sure that the power of connection that we are creating will not make the situation worse?
Answer: This depends upon whether we are in a period in which it is possible to freely disseminate the wisdom of Kabbalah and the knowledge about the correction of the world . Have we reached this time or not? For us this question does not exist because  this was written by a great Kabbalist.
Question: Has the whole world, in all of its strata, in all of its forms, already become ripe for accepting this method and realizing it effectively?
Answer: The world is ready to the extent it feels the crisis: either in children’s education, in the family, in unemployment and in work, in social relationships, or the general economic crisis.
Question: The crisis in Europe has already been felt and they are trying to stop it. These attempts have already continued for a number of years but without any success.
Answer: They will never be ready to do it themselves. Somehow it seems to us that if we wait, then people will be able to get the correct knowledge from their lives and suddenly become wiser, receive the desire, and understand it themselves. But this will never happen. They won’t understand anything by themselves.
From their receiving a few more blows, they will not become better and wiser; on the contrary, they will be more stubborn and worse off. Only through our joint activities with them and through our method will it be possible to correct the situation.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 6/08/14Writings of Baal HaSulam

We Will Not Succeed In Hiding From Tomorrow

Question: Why do many people try to live only for today, the present moment, in that they center all of their thoughts in it and don’t make it possible for thoughts to escape to the past or the future?
Answer: That is how the genetic force of our body works when it directs us only towards pleasures. At every moment I want to enjoy optimally, meaning to invest minimal efforts and energy and receive maximal pleasure. We live according to this principle.
The problem is that as far as it seems in accord with our naturally installed software, we experience great problems through such an approach to life. If we only yearn for pleasure, then ultimately from all of our efforts to remain like this, we receive blows that oblige us to change our approach.
I cannot shut my eyes and not think about what will be with me, as it is said in Isaiah 22:13: “Let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we shall die.” That is because this “tomorrow we shall die” becomes so terrible that I can no longer enjoy today.
Here everything depends on the level of development of the person and all of humanity. We have reached such a development where the future has become very important to us no less than the present. We cannot flee from thoughts about it and take some drug in order to live only for today.
We will not succeed in hiding from tomorrow, so we must learn to become familiar with the origin of life and its goal. But in the meantime, we are still trying to slip away and we have not yet reached the awareness that this won’t help.
When we educate our children, we don’t tell them that the main thing is to squeeze maximal pleasure from the present moment and afterward there will be a deluge. We know that this way is impossible and will not lead to a happy life. They must open their eyes and know where they are going, what today and tomorrow promises. We must discover the same vision within ourselves, only more widespread.
Question: And what do the methods that teach living in the present moment give?
Answer: Methods like these lower the person to the level of a beast. For a beast indeed only looks for how to enjoy every moment in its life, and so it doesn’t really think about the future.
Beasts have natural abilities for sensing the future. They feel an approaching tsunami, the eruption of volcanoes, earthquakes. They have a subtle sensitivity to nature and changes in climate. But these are very limited instincts. The human sees much more, and we need to use this so as not to decree a life of suffering for ourselves, and likewise not to leave for our children, for the next generation, a world like this in which they will suffer.
If we look at life with more mature and ripe views, then we have no choice; we must discover the program of creation and develop in ourselves the ability to perceive the future.
In general, the future frightens a person because he doesn’t know it and  is not ready to deal with it. But this is not just talking about perceiving the future but about obtaining the tools through which we can manage the future like the present. We will become the masters of our future.
From the program “A New Life” 4/17/2014

Now It Is Their Time!

Question: I look at the people to whom I disseminate and it seems that they are not prepared to perceive our ideas. What can I do if I have no desire to explain anything to them since it seems hopeless?
Answer: This is the wrong approach. You are not taking two things into account. First, there is a quantitative force in the public, a quantitative force that allows us to make a huge leap and to succeed.
A practical example for that is the computer. An expensive computer is different from a cheap computer not in size but in the capacity if its memory, which means in the number if memory cells it has. There is a hero in quantity who becomes a hero in quality.
When you disseminate to the public, you are not taking the matter of the great quantity that turns into a new quality into account. If there are a billion people and each one can lift only one gram, together they can lift a billion grams.
Besides, we should multiply this by the force of connection that they can consolidate among them by their connection. This multiplies the sum by 620 times. This is how we should see their power and not look at the negligible force of each individual.
We consider each of our friends according to his personal attributes, but when we look at the public we see that since they are all connected to one another, each individual is weighted like everyone together. Therefore, even one of them is greater than you.
The second point is that it is actually the public who are now the vessel for the Light and not you. This is the present need, according to “it is time to act.” So you cannot think lightly of people. They are actually the vessels that need to be corrected and filled. Now it is their time! All the upper Lights, the whole arrangement, is focused on them.
Your job is to faithfully take care of them and simply look at them and do what is good for them. Therefore you have no choice but to appreciate the public and work with them.
From 2nd part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 6/12/14Writings of Baal HaSulam

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