New Life #699 – Sabbath The Day Of Rest
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Yael Leshed-Harel
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Yael Leshed-Harel
There are days and nights in nature; there are months and years, but there is no week in nature. In fact the nation of Israel added the idea of a week. Starting from the first man who discovered the upper force until the last man who will discover it 6,000 years later, this is the time that symbolizes the six weekdays. The seventh millennium symbolizes the corrected state in correspondence to which the Sabbath is a world to come. The essence of the correction is the transition from egoism to love thy friends as thyself through the Light that Reforms.
Since the destruction of the Second Temple, only the external form of the Sabbath customs are left and nothing more. The spiritual Sabbath is the Sabbath of the end of correction, when we are all as one man in one heart, adhered to the Creator. If we don’t engage in the correction of the ego, we have nothing more than a psychological impression of the Sabbath. But a person who corrects himself discovers systems of six correcting forces and the state of Sabbath at the end, which means a cycle. We don’t work on the Sabbath because we have completed our correction in this spiritual state. Other nations copied the structure of the week from us and set their own day of rest.
The weekdays symbolize our engagement with the ego that is divided into six parts that we have to correct, while the Sabbath symbolizes the corrected state and this is where the customs associated with it stem from. But the actual customs don’t correct the ego. All the Jewish customs are corporeal branches that imply what the spiritual root of correcting the evil inclination into love is.
The first man (Adam HaRishon) discovered the upper force for the first time 5,776 years ago, although there were many generations before him.
From KabTV’s “New Life #699 – Sabbath The Day Of Rest,” 3/8/16
From KabTV’s “New Life #699 – Sabbath The Day Of Rest,” 3/8/16
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