All the faults that we see in others are a result of my own flaws. If I see bad characteristics in others, this indicates that this evil always was in me and now it’s revealed to me. And I must transfer the guilt in my direction; that is, to realize that this is my personal deficiency and to correct it within me. But why does the Creatorreveal the evil to me in this form?
Answer: If I prepare myself through the environment, the study, the teacher, the sourcesto the fact that “There is none else besides Him,” then all of the deficiencies and the evil that I see in others I can attribute it to myself immediately. For it is said, “Everyone judges according to his own flaws” Therefore I will be able to rejoice about all the “wicked that are revealed in me.” If they are revealed, this is a sign that I am ready to correct them and to transform them into good characteristics through connection with the friends and the “Prayer of the Many.”
That is how I will be happy about all the evil that is discovered in others and in me. I don’t “eat myself up” about whatever events or mistakes that I did in the past or the present, rather immediately I will understand that this is revealed in order to correct the evil.
Everything depends on the connection between us that makes it possible to hold each and every one with the right preparation and intention, in the right state, so that I will immediately be ready to accept all the evil that is discovered in the right form. It follows that all of the disturbances, the discoveries of evil in me or in others, the mistakes that are made and the clarification of the shattering, they are means to advancement.
The mistakes are not my fault, rather they were sent to me with the intention of helping me to advance. The Creator created all the evil, the evil inclination. And I only need to discover it, to learn from it, to demand correction and to see how the Creator corrects it. And from all these opposite forms of the evil before my correction and of the good after the correction, in these gaps, I learn about the Light from within the Darkness.
Everything depends on the degree to which we prepare ourselves to accept all of the discoveries of “evils” in a good and correct form. It’s only necessary to never forget that everything comes from the Creator and only to help us reach a sensation that “There is none else besides Him.”
From the 2nd part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 1/19/14, Workshop
From the 2nd part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 1/19/14, Workshop