New Jersey World Kabbalah Convention
When human beings discover the true essence of Creator and behaves according to the nature of the grantor or giver, that approach is so intense that he realizes that does not need the religion, it remains only as part of their cultural and social environment in this world.
Thursday, August 7, 2014
What The Mind Doesn’t Do, Time Will
Answer: I wouldn’t say that the work with the ego is deception, but it is actually the right way to use it. In itself it is powerless, like a child who gets mad but cannot do anything about it. This is why we were given the Torah so that we can change it. This is the whole idea.
The main thing is to hold on to it. It takes years and sometimes decades. Some of my students who have been studying for 15 years are just starting to grasp it.
My teacher, Rabash, told me how his father Baal HaSulam, who was torn by inner questions, once randomly took a book from his teacher’s bookshelf and opened it. But we know that nothing happens by chance, and it was the book Eitz Hachaim (The Tree of Life) written by the ARI. Although his teacher the Rabbi of Porsov had forbidden him to touch it, he understood that this was exactly what he needed. He had found his book but didn’t know that it would take him 20 years to even begin to understand what it says.
This story left a very strong impression on me, which was almost depressing: “if I am 30 now, it means that I will understand things only when I am 50!”
But on the other hand, it is impossible to stop our evolution and it continues and can even be hastened, but despite our will it takes time since our evolution takes place in this world, in flesh, bones and nerves. The inertia of the corporeal matter pulls us backwards and doesn’t allow us to make the spiritual leap.
All the Kabbalists, no matter who they were, went through theses states. So you have to plant the spiritual seeds inside you.
If evil is revealed somewhere, it is only so that you can purify and change yourself so that you will be able to be “planted in the ground and grow.” At the same time you shouldn’t identify with the negative attributes. You have to exit them and to follow them from the outside. Then you will be able to place yourself under the shower and be cleaned, receive help to be planted in the ground, and ask for more.
From KabTV’s “Secrets of the Eternal Book” 2/18/14
From KabTV’s “Secrets of the Eternal Book” 2/18/14
Looking For A Solution In A Circle Of Equals
Answer: No, this is not a televised debate which fill all of the channels now. If everyone starts bringing arguments from his corporeal mind and showing everyone how smart he or she is, this won’t lead to anything. In a circle there is no place for wise guys. We require connection only, and in connection all are equal.
We come to a workshop to connect and find the power of unity, shared wisdom. So among us there are no righteous or smart alecks, nobody is right or wrong, rather all are equal. We gather to invest inner, mental efforts for the sake of unity between us, to feel the power of our unity within the inner connection between us. This power is discovered thanks to our efforts.
There is no place here for debates. Essentially, there isn’t even a need to talk. It would be even better if we could invest inner efforts and connect without words at all. Yet since we are not used to this, we are forced to talk about something. And the subject could be most common and familiar.
Nobody in a circle expresses their opinion! I listen to what you are saying and agree with you 100%.
Question: But we are talking about current events: leaving Gaza or not, acting this way or another.
Answer: What do we have to talk about this to begin with? Are we a cabinet that makes decisions?
Question: But we want to hear what everyone thinks.
Answer: What do I need to hear what everybody thinks? How does that help me? We gather in a circle not to hear the opinions of everyone, rather to scrutinize the unique mission of the people of Israel. So we discuss our history, our role, our wisdom, why we are like this. It is necessary to speak about this and not about the operation in Gaza.
I understand that this is a question that is burning inside people, bur one has to gradually move from the deed to what caused it: Why is this happening this way? Why do we find ourselves thrown into a situation like this all the time? Why does it keep repeating all the time? Why can’t we correct it once and for all? What do the neighbors want from us and what do we want from them? Is there a higher power here that is “heating” up our relationship all the time?
It is possible to begin with current events and gradually move toward a more internal discussion. We flee from actual questions and only want to go deeply into their sources.
If we begin to discuss how to fight and how the enemy reacts, what is correct and what is not, and what all the politicians say about the subject, it will go on forever, without any benefit. It is up to us to try to scrutinize the cause, the solution. After all, the cause and the solution are found in one place.
But usually people only talk about external consequences that get renewed every day and feed mass media.
From KabTV’s “The Mission of the People of Israel,” 7/8/14
From KabTV’s “The Mission of the People of Israel,” 7/8/14
Turn History Towards A New Horizon
Question: What exactly helps to come to a warm feeling of connection in a circle?
Answer: Everyone perceives themselves equally. There are not those who are higher or lower, all want to connect, and this connection is possible only between equals. I accept everyone’s opinion, all hearts, all thoughts. It is important to me to be integrated into them and disappear there, to enter there and dissolve.
And that is what everyone thinks. Within a feeling like this we build one heart as one person. At the same moment when we attain a connection like this, we feel within this shared heart a unique power, an intelligence called the Torah. For we maintain the conditions of receiving the Torah: We have become like one man with one heart.
And so we feel that we have become one desire and one thought. This common desire and thought become for all of us a feeling of an elevated state, higher and loftier than our present corporeal life. This raises us above our families, above this land, above all material life.
We have already begun to feel that power that intentionally arranges for us an uncomfortable form like this in this earthly life, with incessant problems and wars, so that we will rise to His level. If from this moment on we continue by awakening ourselves to an even stronger connection and discover the higher force even more, we can advance without any external disturbances.
On the contrary, we are going on the good way all the time with “I will hasten it” (Achishena), in the way of the Light. And by raising ourselves upwards we attract all of the people of Israel after us and after them the whole world as if we are dragging a net behind us: Everyone joins in and rises.
Question: This is truly so, but the moment that I go out of the circle and look at the news, I immediately forget about the feeling of connection in the circle…. How is it possible to hold onto it and disseminate to all of the people of Israel?
Answer: Again it is necessary to gather for workshops again and again, and outside of your circle there will be thousands of other circles. Each one of them, through its action, influences the others and they influence it.
And so we discover that we can change the world only through such action of connection. We truly become the masters of our fate. But it is impossible to correct the situation through the elimination of a few terrorists and the destruction of their bases. We don’t change history with this, it repeats itself. Our connection is the only means for turning history towards a new horizon.
From KabTV’s “The Mission of the People of Israel,” 7/8/14
From KabTV’s “The Mission of the People of Israel,” 7/8/14
Adjusting To The Higher Tuning Fork
It is up to me to relate to a group as a community of people from this world that are gathered following the influence of the upper power that creates unique conditions for us so that we will try to connect between us through a network of higher relationships. It is up to me to relate to a group as an offering from the Creator to insert me into a higher society, and don’t ever forget this.
So, it is up to me to accept everyone who comes to a group as a desired component, cultivating this relationship all the time, sharpening, and considering it more and more.
I have no other way of communicating with the upper force except through the group. If I want to speak with the upper level, it is up to me to turn to a group as a model that offers to be connected with me. Only through it I can explain it to the highest level, the “Creator” who created me, all of us, the entire world.
This relationship to a group is very important! It is to be understood that through it, I am speaking with the Creator. From here is our obligation to pray for the many, to turn through everyone to the Creator, to relate to others with love. In order to be directed to the next level, to the Creator, there must be relationships of equality between us, despite our differences.
We try to create a single whole from ourselves in which personal desires, intentions, yearnings, and connections don’t exist. Rather, everything is mixed into a single drop so much so that within it, we lose ourselves and acquire the intelligence of the next, higher level, its desires and thoughts with which we become a single whole.
According to the law, “ten turns into one.” Then it splits again into ten (the ego grows) and again is connected into one, and that is how it is in all 125 levels of our ascent.
This means that on every level a matrix is given to us, and if we work with it correctly, then we communicate through it to the Creator. This is not like what we do when we are communicating by telephone or through the computer. Rather, we rise to this level emotionally and are included in a direct connection with the level. So, the Creator, meaning the next level, begins to live within us.
The one difference is that on our level, in concealment, if we don’t feel the Creator, in the next level, we feel ourselves and the Creator as one whole, including the intellect of the entire universe, a general gathering of communication, the program of creation. This state is called “adhesion” to the Creator, and after it, there are 125 further levels in which adhesion with Him grows.
It is up to us to realize this possibility given to us in this incarnation of life, to relate seriously to a group and tune into the realization of our relationship to others permanently. Indeed, all the rest of our deeds are much less useful for ascent to the next level than what we can do in a group.
Even when we go out to the wider public with various activities, we require them only so that the need to connect will grow between us. Going out to humanity can be implemented through various communications media.
All of these are helpful since first and foremost, what is important to me is direct, clear, and correct communication with those friends who are gathered by the upper force, and it is up to me to work with them against my will. If this were given to me to decide, I wouldn’t ever choose them. I don’t know why I am required to attain the upper level, so they give me a group in which it is up to me to direct and arrange myself correctly.
Together with this, it is up to me to understand that all the rest are absolutely correctly directed, and I become a single string among a hundred strings that are tuned to the others. Yet, first, I sense myself tuned in the best way, and even though an awful, terrible sound comes out of me, it seems to me as something pleasant.
Like a mother who looks at her infant and he seems the most beautiful to her and the entire world is worth nothing compared to him, so I also relate to myself as the favorite. All of the rest seem to me not tuned at all, so much so that it is up to them to tune themselves to me.
However, in reality, our tuning must be completely the opposite. It is up to me to accept them all and each one as a completely tuned instrument or absolutely correct collection of characteristics. I am the only one who is not corrected, and this is not only in a group, but also in the entire world, in the entire universe. I am the only one who needs correction. So, everything was created for me. When the person relates to the world like this, he can say, “The world was created for me!”
Relationships like these in a group place us in the right state. I thank the higher power that brings me to a group. I am thankful that it shows me how I criticize everyone, and reject and hate them. I relate reasonably to part of them because I must be connected with other people, receive from them, so that I can feel myself better.
Gradually, I tune the string a little further and a little further. I bring it to the ideal sound in relation to the tuning fork. The tuning fork is the general movement of the group in which the higher sound has been felt already partially. When the general movement enters into harmony, the higher essence is revealed in it.
From the Convention In Sochi “Day Two” 7/14/14, Lesson 3
From the Convention In Sochi “Day Two” 7/14/14, Lesson 3
Wednesday, August 6, 2014
The Daily Direction 8/5/2014
The Daily Direction 8.5.2014
Selected Excerpts from Rav Laitman’s Words, Daily Lesson
“Each one must pray that his friend will have the prayer”
This is how we reach the quality of bestowal
If I want to be in bestowal I need to take care of the fulfillment of others, what the others wish for, my friends to bestow. Therefore, I need to do everything that is within my hands in order to bring them to a state that they will make an effort, that they will want and be able to bestow, therefore I pray that they will receive what they wish for, that they will have the craving to reach bestowal, will want and be able to bestow, so they will have everything, and for myself it’s enough only to pray for them.
If I’m satisfied with this, then it is like the real quality of bestowal. I don’t want anything for myself and I pray only for others, that they will have the ability to bestow, because this is the highest and most exalted of all.
And this is the true and correct prayer that man can perform and the Creator will listen to this prayer. Also, before, the Creator listened to all prayers, to all the desires that we feel, and even everything that we are not aware of, it is always inside the Creator.
But thanks to this prayer, I truly feel and know that I am within the power of bestowal, inside the Light, inside the Creator and that I awaken Him to bestow to others. That means I’m already included with the Upper Light in the same quality of bestowal towards my group.
and my group becomes the vessel which I bestow to.
And I suddenly discovered that on one hand, I’m connected to the Creator, asking Him to bestow upon them, and on the other hand, for myself I ask for nothing. I only ask for the Creator to realize my desire to fulfil them, in their ability to bestow. Then I’m completely purified from the will to receive and make myself a passage. Roughly, this is how we reach the quality of bestowal.
The Right Student
The right student is always in a state that he does not understand the teacher. He always goes towards the step where the teacher exists, and therefore he (the student) does not always understand him, does not get him, but is willing to do what the teacher says. It is always like that in “faith above reason,” otherwise, how you would transcend? Therefore, towards what to do: You will always find yourself in a situation where you do not know what to do, and yet you are doing.
We Demand Arvut (Mutual Guarantee)!
The Torah is the force that welds us into a group if we want to unite in spite of the repelling force. So the Giving of the Torah and mutual guarantee are connected. After all, mutual guarantee by itself is impossible. We don’t implement it but demand that it be implemented. This is called “the miracle of the exodus from Egypt.” We only participate in it; the changes are not performed by our power, but only according to our desire.
Our job is to want so badly, as much as we possibly can, and then the answer comes. At the same time we are already making the “golden calf,” like in the time of the Giving of the Torah. It happens, but we don’t forget to cry out! We have to be prepared and to demand the maximum, as much as we can. To demand and not to think about what will happen later. A general demand is required here. Then we will receive the power of unity, and if our egoism rises the next moment, as the system is programmed, it isn’t our problem.
Our collective problem is to demand the correction of the egoism that is given to us now, only that, and no more. A person is assessed according to the current circumstances. We must only feel what is necessary as much as we can in our readiness to attack.
From the Vilnius Convention 3/24/12, Workshop 2
From the Vilnius Convention 3/24/12, Workshop 2
Now Or Never
Otherwise, our words will remain empty sounds. What does it mean to unite? To sit and hug each other? To talk about it? We have been talking about it for years, but is it of any use? Does each of us have to be up against the wall, with a gun pointed at him, to feel the need to unite?
To you, “uniting” means sitting and talking about how important this is. But I don’t enjoy sitting and I don’t enjoy talking about it.
Question: So how can we overcome these final millimeters between us? We feel indifferent, disunited, and repelled by one another. Every person sits in his own corner, in his own niche, with his own thoughts and plans. But we don’t want to go back, so what should we do?
Answer: You need a cry, a prayer.
You need to understand that there will be no forgiveness, no second chance. If you want to attain success, then now’s the time. And if you’re not up to it, then you’re better off going your separate ways. At least that way you’ll know for sure that you’re on the wrong path and have no part in the correction of your soul.
In such cases, words are useless. When a person feels real love, he doesn’t talk about it. People don’t parade the thing closest to their heart—they hold it in secret. That’s why I cannot go out shouting about unity. It’s a different matter when you talk about it scientifically, although the emotion cannot be expressed since it lies much deeper.
In any case, you now have a unique chance and it is up to you to implement it. On my part, I have given you everything and cannot do anything for you. The ball is in your court. If you step back now, the future of Israel and your own future will come under the upper verdict…
There won’t be any other time. You have always waited for time to do its work. But it won’t. Baal HaSulam said in this regard: One who rejects the moment will realize it years later. Right now we are simply obligated to work 24/7, upholding the unity at every moment. There’s no other option. This must be our personal and common, single objective.
Forget about me. You have everything you need, so take action, if that’s what you want. And if you don’t, then I have nothing to add. There are things a father cannot do for his son. The ball is in your court now. Everything is up to you.
What’s important is not the materials we hand out or the conversations about having to unite. This has to be conveyed sincerely from heart to heart. I hope you will accept this and feel it deep down. I hope you will attain prayer, a cry and mutual support. Good luck!
From a Talk “The Importance of Dissemination” 8/3/2014
From a Talk “The Importance of Dissemination” 8/3/2014
Tuesday, August 5, 2014
The Daily Direction 8.5.2014 (Selected excerpts Rav's words, from daily lesson)
“Each one must pray that his friend will have the prayer”
This is how we reach the quality of bestowal
If I want to be in bestowal I need to take care of the fulfillment of others, what the others wish for, my friends to bestow. Therefore, I need to do everything that is within my hands in order to bring them to a state that they will make an effort, that they will want and be able to bestow, therefore I pray that they will receive what they wish for, that they will have the craving to reach bestowal, will want and be able to bestow, so they will have everything, and for myself it’s enough only to pray for them.
If I’m satisfied with this, then it is like the real quality of bestowal. I don’t want anything for myself and I pray only for others, that they will have the ability to bestow, because this is the highest and most exalted of all.
And this is the true and correct prayer that man can perform and the Creator will listen to this prayer. Also, before, the Creator listened to all prayers, to all the desires that we feel, and even everything that we are not aware of, it is always inside the Creator.
But thanks to this prayer, I truly feel and know that I am within the power of bestowal, inside the Light, inside the Creator and that I awaken Him to bestow to others. That means I’m already included with the Upper Light in the same quality of bestowal towards my group.
and my group becomes the vessel which I bestow to.
And I suddenly discovered that on one hand, I’m connected to the Creator, asking Him to bestow upon them, and on the other hand, for myself I ask for nothing. I only ask for the Creator to realize my desire to fulfil them, in their ability to bestow. Then I’m completely purified from the will to receive and make myself a passage. Roughly, this is how we reach the quality of bestowal.
The Right Student
The right student is always in a state that he does not understand the teacher. He always goes towards the step where the teacher exists, and therefore he (the student) does not always understand him, does not get him, but is willing to do what the teacher says. It is always like that in “faith above reason,” otherwise, how you would transcend? Therefore, towards what to do: You will always find yourself in a situation where you do not know what to do, and yet you are doing.
It is written "he who comes to purify is aided," this means that a man who comes to correct himself, he gets help, and a person who comes to purify, he gets assistance. What is meant by “comes to purify”? How I can keep myself always in a state of “comes to purify” so I will get help, the correction, the Light that Reforms. How can I always be in the state “comes to purify”?
Invitation to Unite - Uniting as One (from Sviva Tova)
During these times of unrest, we invite you to participate with us in the campaign “Invitation to Unite,” a call for the unity of the people of Israel.
1) Download the booklets here:
Booklet #1: Invitation to Unite
Booklet #2: Anti-Semitism Uprooted
Booklet #2: Anti-Semitism Uprooted
2) Note that the material is intended only for reading by Jews, therefore if you don’t know any Jewish people, you need not do anything further with this material other than read it for yourself.
3) If you do know any Jewish people, then feel free to pass on a copy of this material to them.
3) If you do know any Jewish people, then feel free to pass on a copy of this material to them.
4) If you wish to distribute this material in ways other than personal handouts as described above, please e-mail us at so that the efforts are properly coordinated. Also, any designs created based on the material should be e-mailed to us for approval before distribution. Moreover, it is important that the material not be distributed at rallies of any kind.
5) It’s important to note that this material is made on behalf of Like a Bundle of Reeds and no other brand name. Like a Bundle of Reeds is a TV series and book especially made for Jews, broadcast on JLTV, and is available for free viewing and download here:
5) It’s important to note that this material is made on behalf of Like a Bundle of Reeds and no other brand name. Like a Bundle of Reeds is a TV series and book especially made for Jews, broadcast on JLTV, and is available for free viewing and download here:
Send any questions to:
Invitation To Unite
Click here to download the full version of the booklet.
Contact With The Audience
Question: What does internal contact with the audience mean?
Answer: Creating internal contact means feeling the audience as naturally as a mother feels her child. A father feels him through his head and a mother through the umbilical cord. This connection remains.
In the spiritual world, intrauterine spiritual development of the fetus leads to birth, but birth is not a departure from the higher Partzuf but an even greater connection with it.
In our world we are detached from our parents, from our mother, and we begin to develop independently, growing distant from her. But in the spiritual world, no! We get even closer, clothing the higher Partzuf: on NHY, on HGT, on HBD.
This means that in the spiritual world an even greater deepening happens within the UpperPartzuf; it is not birth outside of it, but an even greater entry into it.
From the Convention In Sochi “Day One” 7/13/14, Lesson 1
From the Convention In Sochi “Day One” 7/13/14, Lesson 1
Open The Heart And Not The Mouth
Answer: Internally, we must gather together and think about them. This is what is called praying for their success because, as a result of this success, they will bring us “booty,” in other words, the desires of all of those people who want to feel themselves a little better, a little happier, and more successful in this life. It is not important that these desires are egoistic; we take them.
With this, we perceive them. We begin to feel a need to give people all that they want: happiness, connection between them and all the rest. Their desires begin to work in us, and this means that we have something to elevate to the Creator. Otherwise, we don’t rise to Him.
As Baal HaSulam writes in the article, “No Time to Acquire What is Given,” we cannot ask for ourselves in any way. Even if I want to ask, “Give me the possibility to bestow to you. Give me the possibility of fulfilling the others. Give me the possibility to…,” I cannot say “me” because, this way, I place myself opposite the entire system, I don’t enter into it like a gear.
I must say, “Give to them” or “to us,” but in no way to “me.” This means that, if I pray for something, I must pray for the others so that it will be good for them. Then, I am participating in this correctly.
So, if we now are thinking that our friends will succeed in going out to the public and will connect with it so that the public will feel warmth from them, that their inner desire is revealed to the friends (even if they don’t feel this obviously), that they will bring them to us, then it will become a prayer to the Creator.
So, we ask and entreat the Creator spiritually, even though the public is asking for something completely materialistic. The Upper Light comes precisely through a prayer like this.
Question: What is preferable: to read a segment, to be quiet for 30 seconds, or maybe to sing a song? What do we do so that all of us are thinking about them for at least a second? What does it mean to pray?
Answer: Prayer is your desire that the friends will succeed in doing this action, that this will give contentment to the Creator. This is prayer. We open the heart and not the mouth.
I don’t understand what you are imagining to yourselves as prayer, as a spiritual activity. Is this when you disperse clouds with your mind or light candles or fall on your knees?
A spiritual activity is when you very much desire something in common with the others, and, in this activity, besides you and the group, the Creator participates.
From the Convention In Sochi “Day One” 7/13/14, Lesson 1
From the Convention In Sochi “Day One” 7/13/14, Lesson 1
Israel Under A Powerful Magnifying Glass
Answer: The reason for this behavior is the separation of the people of Israel. This is what causes effects like these in other nations. Through our lack of correction, we also awaken a lack of correction in others, and because of this they behave cruelly.
Your correction or small deficiencies appear in them on a scale multiplied a million-fold. Suppose that you feel bad about your Jewish neighbor and distance from him about a millimeter. On the Arab side, they begin to kill and slaughter each other. Do at least a drop of good for your neighbor, and the Arabs also will calm down, and it could be that they even will begin to perform good deeds.
Israel is the bottleneck, the source of what is happening, the pipe that conveys the Light, a good attitude to other people, and if we close this pipe of Light, we become the reason for all the problems.
Question: Does it follow that all of the relationships between us in Israel radiate to the relationships of other people, which grow on the scale of millions?
Answer: Israel is the faucet that manages everything. We open this faucet a little and streams of goodness flow to the world, and if we close it through our bad behavior, then the world is left without Light and screams that Israel is harmful to the world.
Such small changes in us, in our faucet, awaken positive or negative changes in the entire world on a grand scale.
Question: You want to say that my bad relationship to citizens is radiated to other people a million times over, as if through a powerful magnifying glass or a loudspeaker, for example, to Syria, the Ukraine, and so forth.
Answer: They not only fall upon each other, but they also come to us with accusations, for they feel from where this relationship comes. They see in us the reason for their hostile behavior in their relationships to one another and the reason for all their troubles, and they unconsciously bring this hatred back to us, because it is our fault they are hostile.
This is a law of nature, and it is not important if humanity understands it or not. It feels the same thing unconsciously and acts accordingly.
My bad relationship with a neighbor comes back at me like a boomerang, multiplied many times and revealed in the form of the hatred of the Arabs toward Israel and the missiles that are sent in our direction. We cannot determine this unambiguously: Now, I looked askance at my neighbor and, in another moment, an air raid siren is heard. This is a closed system, complex and integral, but, specifically within it, there is such a connection.
We only need to begin to connect, and we will see how, thanks to this, the world will be different. Perhaps it won’t be immediate, but, after some time, everything will begin to calm down.
From KabTV’s “A New Life” 7/22/14
From KabTV’s “A New Life” 7/22/14
Monday, August 4, 2014
A Jew Is Not A Nationality, But A Mission
Answer: In addition, industry and trade are linked in such a negative way that we are destroying the earth, exhausting natural resources. We are killing ourselves by our ownegoism, which divides us and forces us to fight.
What destroys our lives today in the 21st century is a bad connection between people. If someone can show an example of good connection between people, he will become a positive factor affecting the world, a good force, and this is the purpose of the state of Israel. No one else can bring the world to peace, except Israel.
The world is in a global crisis that has gripped absolutely everyone. This crisis will only grow, expand, and deepen, absorbing us into itself. It is like a pit that opens in the ground under our feet, where we will fall one by one.
We do not yet feel this crisis to such an extent, but we already understand that we have no leverage to correct it, and are not able to control it. Humanity is helpless before this crisis and cannot cope with it. This is the crisis of the family, of a person’s relationship to the world, to his neighbor, to his children, and to nature.
This is a crisis of nature itself, of climate. We are losing hope for life, the form of our existence, its purpose. People are gripped by such despair that they don’t understand what to live for. And here, there is an opinion, gradually formed in the world that the whole problem is in the Jews, and namely in Israel …
This hatred of the Jews, the usual anti-Semitism and the newborn “anti-Israelism,” will not stop, but will only increase. One must understand that these grievances against the Jews come from nature itself. Therefore, we must examine them and find out how “fair” they are.
If we refer to the sources with this question, i.e., the wisdom of Kabbalah, which is the true Torah, the basis of the nation of Israel, its creation and organization thousands of years ago, we will see that the grievances are correct.
Kabbalah explains why the nations of the world hate Israel. After all, it should be a light to all the nations, it should shine to all seven billion. It is his duty, for which it exists on this earth.
There is no such nationality as “Jew”! There are French, Spanish, Russian, British, but the people of Israel are no ordinary people. Anyone in the world who wants to convert to Judaism and join the people of Israel, becomes a Jew. He supports unity (Ehud) and hence is called a Jew (Yehudi).
From KabTV’s “A New Life” 7/17/14
From KabTV’s “A New Life” 7/17/14
Incessant War
Answer: Any person with a healthy common sense sees a small nation found in a very hostile environment. And since our enemies are Arabs, it is worthwhile for us to learn about their mentality.
This is talking about a very ancient, uncompromising, and petulant people who know how to stand on their own and get their way, if not today, then in a thousand years, it doesn’t matter. They have sufficient patience, stamina, and endurance. If they have a goal, then they simply advance towards it, ready to maintain their direction in the coming moment and for another thousand years until they achieve their result.
They have a goal which is to take the land into their hands, including Jerusalem, as we know. And besides this, the Jewish people and the Arabs are very close in their origins, and in spite of this, the Arabs are accustomed to disregard us. They adopted particular things from the people of Israel like the Christians did, and since then they hate us because we Jews have lost the connection with our roots. But from our side we assume that there is a chance of changing the situation.
It could be that this is derived from the Ashkenazi that founded the state of Israel according to their sense of things, without becoming deeply familiar with the people who lived here. The founders thought that it was possible to be friends with the Arabs, to be good neighbors so as to develop together with them and thrive on the basis of equality and mutual understanding. All this was very strange to the Arab people and in their opinion unacceptable, for their mentality is absolutely different. There were no points of contact between the two peoples, they could not “digest” each other.
But for some reason we continue to hope. I don’t understand the source of this strange hope that we are ready to make peace with our neighbors, for there to be coexistence between two peoples who help and support each other and visit one another as good neighbors.
They don’t think this way at all, and they are not prepared to compromise; according to their understanding this is simply not plausible. Even in Europe they are gradually conquering the nations that give them refuge and are devouring the people who live there in order to make room for them only. They need to take control, period. No less and no more. Even if this will take hundreds or thousands of years, that is not terrible. At the end of the matter their final goal is to wave the green flag of Islam above the whole earth.
That is how they advance in life. There are places where they succeed in invading more and there are places where they invade less. They have entered Russia in a very organized and precise manner, quietly but steadily. They join the army, penetrating everywhere, they are ready to settle even in Siberia and they establish for themselves spiritual and social centers everywhere.
They know how to work with the local population; they gradually convert them into the Muslim religion. This expansion is taking place at a different rate in Russia, in Europe, and in America.
We recognize this trend all over the world, and the time has come to compare it to what is happening with us, to understand that we and the Arabs will never be friends. They will always be eager to throw us out for better or for worse. And we must constantly contend with them in order to remain here. And if we were to leave already, it must be to a place where they cannot touch us.
In principle, the Arabs are not against the Jews, as was common among the Christians. No, they are not so much anti-Semitic as anti-Israel. It is impossible to say that they hate the Jews more than other peoples. They hate the nation of Israel, for in their eyes this is an artificial “creation.” But if we leave here they will not hurt us. Beyond that, they would stop the assaults on Jews living abroad. For if Israel didn’t exist, then there would be no need to fight against us either.
So Arab hatred is directed not against the Jews, but against the nation of Israel, and this hatred will never be extinguished. In spite of all the arguments that we invent, in spite of all the quotations from the Koran that speak in support of the Jews, in the present situation nothing will help. They know only one thing, that all those who are living here must fold everything up and leave or they must slaughter them. These are the moral values of the Arab people; a knife for them is like a part of their hand.
So this war will never stop. On the contrary, we are talking about an endless war that has no solution and is conducted by different means. This is recognized, it is known to many investigators and to people all over the world who understand something.
I have no good news for the people or the leaders of the country if they still develop vain hopes about this. If we are talking about the existence of the nation of Israel, it is up to us to arm ourselves and be a number of steps ahead of our neighbors all the time, to always be ready for war so that we can stop them immediately, for we have nowhere to retreat.
During a war we don’t have room or time to maneuver, for world opinion is always pressuring us, tying our hands and not making it possible to stop the military operations to provide quiet for ourselves for ten or twenty years. The world loves it when we strike our enemies, but they know that at some point they must stop it for us. Many nations solve their problems with our help and after we finish our job, they immediately stop us and oblige us to sign peace agreements, as a result it imposes we are losing.
If we look at the situation realistically, we find ourselves retreating from security more and more. Every year it is becoming more and more difficult for us to guarantee the existence of the nation. The international position regarding us is becoming more and more rigid, and soon we will find ourselves without external support.
Even the United States is alienating itself from us and also encourages other nations to do so. This accustoms us to rely upon ourselves alone. It is clear that the American Jews support this policy because they suffer from a problem of identity, identification. They would prefer that the nation of Israel would cease to exist, for then nobody would blame them for supporting the nation of Israel.
So we find ourselves isolated from the whole world. This is no longer just a conflict with our neighbors. Incidentally, alliances against Israel are also expanding among them, and as a result of this the entire Muslim world participates in our wars (to one degree or another). Turkey, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Egypt, all these nations are involved in what is happening today. In addition to all of these, Europe and America are also exerting pressure on us.
If this continues, I don’t know what will happen to us in the next war or in the next campaign, according to what is happening to us today. This time, the United States is openly acting against us. I don’t mean with words, but with deeds. They temporarily closed our airspace, stopped us from destroying the military infrastructure of Hamas and so forth. Generally, the Americans maintain the situation so that the fire can break out again the moment that they want it. But we want to reduce the military threat for a while, to stop the transfer of weapons into Gaza. In brief, I don’t see a chance for the future if we continue to behave as previously. Nevertheless, I don’t see any problem with our continuing to live in peace and quiet, in connection and fellowship with all of our neighbors, not only with them but with all the nations of the world.
It is clear that as of today, every nation depends upon both its neighbors and the whole world. But the solution is found with us, the key is in our hands. After all, we are prepared to change the world so that the spirit of connection, understanding, friendship, contact and even mutual love will permeate everything and obligate all peoples, all nations, to join in a general movement of connection.
This possibility, this remedy is found specifically with the people of Israel. And it is up to us to teach how to activate the good power of connection. It descends upon us, or the opposite, it arises from us, filling everyone and obligating us to reach good, humane ties with everyone.
The whole world requires this. In the Middle Eastern conflict, and in general in the overall development of humanity, we have reached a general internal and external crisis. It extends among the nations and in relationships between nations so much so that we are standing on the threshold of World War III. It is clear to everyone that the situation is dangerous, but we are not ready to stop ourselves. The natural development of human society has rolled along to conditions that are similar to what existed on the eve of the First and Second World Wars. Also today as then, the process is irreversible. Even though we don’t want to enter into war, without a choice we are deteriorating into a state of war and are very close to it.
World-renowned experts suggest this, but they have no solution to the problem. For the first time in history, the general human development indicates that we are advancing towards World War III. We understand but together with this, we see that we are not prepared to resist it, as if a force from Above is building the situation and pushing us into the abyss.
Together with this, it is good that we identify this state in advance and understand the hopelessness of the state that is being created. For at this point the people of Israel can offer the world the method of connection, the method of correction of human society that will prevent war.
Otherwise the Arab-Israeli conflict will seem like something small if the “Arab Spring” extends all over the world. As of today, opposition between large blocks is beginning to be formed: West and East, China, and South America. And in continuation a major conflict between Islam and Christianity will take place. And we will be in the middle. Not only historians have spoken about this, but also our sources….
Question: Is there a threat of religious war?
Answer: A war of civilizations; a war of human purpose. There is a division into large bodies where each has a particular idea about the purpose of creation, the place of their existence within the general system. This is also connected to material values, world control, and spiritual control including spiritual symbols that are perceived by them as something eternal, as of supreme value.
So only we, Israel, can break through the trend, awakening the fundamental positive force of nature, the power that vitalizes it. This can fill all of humanity and awaken it to connection. The essence of this power is connection. So it vitalizes, activates the nature of the still, vegetative, and animate and can also awaken the level of the speaking, provided that we awaken in order to catch and absorb it.
From KabTV’s “A New Life. How to Bring Peace to Israel” 7/24/14
From KabTV’s “A New Life. How to Bring Peace to Israel” 7/24/14
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