When human beings discover the true essence of Creator and behaves according to the nature of the grantor or giver, that approach is so intense that he realizes that does not need the religion, it remains only as part of their cultural and social environment in this world.
Tuesday, April 25, 2017
Due to traveling the blog will not be updated fur the next 4 days, thank you for the understanding.
Monday, April 24, 2017
Never Again!
For this reason, the Holocaust is not some distant memory for me, but a painful reminder of what might also happen to us. The question, “How can we prevent another Holocaust?” is not an idle question for me. I ask this question with all the pain and the responsibility that I feel.
I feel how an ocean of hatred is drowning us. The signs of the impending disaster have never been so evident. All international reports regarding the unprecedented growth of anti-Semitism are clear warning signs.
On the International Holocaust Memorial Day, a question was asked on BBC as to whether it isn’t time to stop talking about the Holocaust. A scientific convention is going to be held in England about Israel’s legitimate right to exist, and an agreement has been signed with Iran regarding its nuclear plan, which is more proof that we cannot count on our “allies.”
All this is a cause of great concern regarding our future.
We can still prevent another Holocaust, but it is not enough to mourn the past in order to do that. Tears should give way to critical analysis of our current situation and a search for other means to correct it.
Why? Because we are living in a closed system of emotionless forces. The law, according to which this system operates, is homeostasis, which means the harmonious balance of all the elements in the system.
Therefore, if we act in accordance with this law, which means that we aspire to establish good and harmonious relations, we feel good, but if we are divided, this system forcefully rebalances us with it. Sometimes such a correction involves terrible suffering.
I know how hard it is for Holocaust survivors and members of their families to read these lines, but the truth has to be told. The Holocaust happened because the nation of Israel did not act according to the law of unity. Why us? Because we have a special responsibility to fulfill this law ever since the days of Abraham.
Abraham, the founder of our nation, discovered that everything is managed by the law of unity. When the people of ancient Babylon were divided because the ego grew, Abraham began to teach the Babylonians the method of unity.
The few that followed him were called the nation of Israel. The implementation of this law is the reason our nation exists. The only justification for our existence as a nation is to convey this law within us and to all the other nations of the world.
In the beginning of the last century, we received a chance to get back to the land of Israel, not in order to build a home for all the Jews in it, but in order to reacquire the unity that we have lost. Unfortunately, we did not do it then. Most of the Jews of Europe preferred to remain in their local communities or to assimilate.
The reaction of the upper system to that was the Holocaust that started at the beginning of the 1920’s. Long before the world was flooded and suffocated by blood, Kabbalists felt that a great tragedy was approaching and called the Jews of Europe to return to their land and to unite, but they did not listen to the Kabbalists.
Instead of uniting into one nation of our own freewill, we got closer to each other due to the terrible suffering during the Holocaust. After that we received our statehood.
The real mandate for the existence of our country is not the UN declaration, but our mission. According to Kabbalists, the state we received was given to us only in order to fulfill the law of unity. And this is exactly what the world demands of us.
Subconsciously, the people of the world want us to attain unity between us and to convey the method of Abraham to them. We have refused to do that so far and thus invoke anti-Semitism. It is actually this refusal that could be the cause for the next Holocaust.
Holocaust Remembrance Day and Israel’s Independence Day have to become days of fulfilling our mission, days of recalculating and reassessing the existence of our nation. On these days, we should gather around thousands of roundtables all over Israel and the world and understand how we must attain true independence, independence from our egoism, and learn how we can ascend from unfounded hate to brotherly love.
This is the only way we can ensure our future and the future of our children and to confidently say, never again!
Jewish Business News: “Uniting The States For A Great America In Trump’s Era“
In my regular column in Jewish Business News, my new article: “Uniting The States For A Great America In Trump’s Era“
Trump’s missile attack on Syria has been largely approved, indicating that America wants to reclaim the international watchdog role. But first, Trump must recover the unity of the United States. The Jews in his administration can help him do just that.
In my perspective, Trump’s time in office has proven that he deserves a chance to lead the country, as former Vice President Joe Biden put it last month.
Just recently, former Swedish PM, Carl Bildt, mocked the president following Trump’s implication that there was a terror attack in Sweden perpetrated by immigrants. Mr. Bildt tweeted, “Sweden? Terror attack? What has he been smoking?” Two months later, the current Swedish PM declared that Sweden will “never go back” to the days of mass migration after an illegal immigrant killed four people and injured 15 in a truck-ramming attack in downtown Stockholm.
After months of derision at Trump’s statements that the Obama administration spied on him and his advisors prior to the election, Bloomberg’s Eli Lake has revealed that Susan Rice, former national security adviser to Barack Obama, did precisely that.
Fast Forward
Trump must press forward with his agenda and take America to the next level. It means to consolidate, unite, and fuse the American society into a cohesive whole. As president of the United States, this is his primary obligation to his people.
Despite what seems to be a systematic campaign of liberal media such as CNN and The New York Times to discredit President Trump, the rifts that he exposed by his very election have been in the making for decades. Trump did not create them, but his election brought them to the surface.
The center is quickly shrinking on both sides of the political map. Trump has come to power at the time that the country requires an urgent transformation into a society with a common agenda.
The fact that Trump was elected proves that the American people are largely behind him. However, if his actions are not part of an overarching strategy to unify the nation, they will not produce the desired result.
The government should not regard problems as isolated crises, but rather as indicators of disunity in society. The mode of work should resemble that of a healthy family: It has to prioritize, yet without leaving family members behind. If Trump comes to view the American people the way a healthy family treats all of its members, there is no doubt America will be great again.
The Jewish Role in Trump’s Administration
Just recently, Jonathan Levi of Forward Magazine asked, “Is Jared Kushner the ‘Court Jew’ of Donald Trump’s Realm?” Clearly, it is not Kushner’s money that President Trump needs. The President feels he needs Kushner precisely where he has him, as a “senior advisor.”
As with any administration in the last several decades, that of Donald Trump is rife with Jews in key positions. Jews are at the top primarily because they are great connectors, making them key figures in the functioning of every system. The problem is that every administration uses Jews in order to promote its own agenda. Trump will set a precedent if he uses them in order to promote an all-American agenda of unity. Everyone will benefit from this.
There is a good reason why Jews excel at connecting people. The Jewish people are the only nation in the world that has an official birthday. According to the Torah, on the 6th of the Hebrew month of Sivan, in the year 2488 on the Hebrew calendar (1272 BC), the Jewish people was pronounced, having fulfilled the prerequisite of committing to unite “as one man with one heart.” Henceforth, the rise and fall of the Jewish people would depend on its level of adherence to the principle of unity.
America’s Unity First
If Trump truly wants to deliver on his promise to make America great again, he will need to take a different approach from all his predecessors. This must also require that the Jews in his administration work differently than in all previous administrations. To make America great, it must be a united nation. Trump needs to require that the Jews facilitate connections and rapport among themselves on both sides of the political map, and subsequently extend that amity to the rest of the American people.
If Jewish advisors in key positions establish trust and mutual responsibility among themselves, it will be much easier for the President to reconcile with the Democratic Party and establish a government that enjoys the full support of Congress. The longer Trump waits, the harder it will be for him to operate.
As a smart leader he should ask from his advisors to draw up a roadmap leading from the current partisanship to trust, cooperation, and eventual cohesion of American society and the political establishment.
This will make America not only great, but also a role model for all other nations, “a light unto nations,” if you will. Implementing a plan of this nature will reverse the negative global trajectory and will guarantee a better future for our children, and for the generations to come.
The Cycle Of Calculations And Benefits
Answer: What kind of spiritual work is this? You change one desire for another as if in the market, that’s all.
For example, I wanted to lie on the couch and watch football. And the wife says: “Go to the market and buy potatoes.” I think what’s better for me: watch the football game or go and buy potatoes.
If I do not go to the market, the children will remain hungry, the wife will make a scene, and it will cost me more. I make a calculation: I better skip a football match and go buy potatoes.
There cannot be altruistic calculations in our world. Man’s highest impulses are entirely selfish.
Question: What does it mean to engage in spiritual work without a selfish calculation? Can you give an example?
Answer: In our world there is no such example.
Let’s say I transfered a portion of my salary to the starving in Africa. Nobody knows about this. And the people of Africa do not know they get it from me, and I will never get to know them, I just transferred it. So why did I do this? Where did I get energy and desire to do so?
The point is that if we only are the selfish desire to enjoy, then we get some sort of pleasure from our actions; otherwise I would not have the strength to make a single movement. The atom could not spin, molecules and electrons could not circulate in our body if we did not see the benefits before us.
And the more intangible this benefit is, for example, a psychological or romantic benefit, the more energy it can give us. For instance, in order to earn my food and have a good dinner, I can spend a day, but in order to earn love or to take revenge on someone, I’m ready to spend my whole life. That is, there is already a calculation concerning desires. “Love and hunger rule the world.”
Question: What motivates a person in spirituality?
Answer: Also love and hunger, only the calculation is different: I shift the importance from the love for myself to others—to the entire humanity. This gives me the opportunity to experience the Creator, to be like Him.
From KabTV’s Lesson in Russian 12/18/17
From KabTV’s Lesson in Russian 12/18/17
Marriage To Yourself
“According to Literarydevices.net, he was talking about ‘living a good and balanced life.’ But he might have been speaking of the latest quirk in marriage ceremonies: The marrying of oneself to … oneself.
“Sologamy, as a ‘wedding for one’ is called, is not attracting a tidal wave of people who want to do it, but it’s capturing some attention in parts of the world as diverse as Denmark, the United States and Japan. Single women, particularly, are pledging in formal ceremonies to love themselves, be good to themselves and treat themselves as a best friend. It’s not just the gals, either, though they’re a bit more apt to take the solo plunge.”
My Comment: This is said very beautifully. In fact, this emphasizes the basis of human nature—self-love. Man does not love anyone as much as he loves himself. This is absolutely honest, instinctively correct, and occurs naturally. I think only about myself, and no one blames me for that. I only take care of myself, serve only myself, so long as I feel good. This is true narcissism; I was engaged to myself to begin with.
This whole situation leads a person to the recognition of his true nature. Therefore, I am in favor of a person claiming, confirming, and admitting that he only loves himself and that he became engaged to himself the moment he was born. He doesn’t need to sign it but simply recognize the fact that he truly dedicates all his time and energy to himself. This is really our nature, and where can we escape from it?
Then suddenly he promises to live with, take care of, and think about some person all the time, to think about him. Today we see that love cannot exist. The attraction and living together for most young couples today lasts for about two to five years at the most, and then the marriage falls apart, crumbles, and they cannot take it any longer. We have reached a state where we cannot think of any type of communication other than temporary ones.
This is our way of recognizing evil. Human nature needs correction. Within us lies a second hidden part of our nature, which will not allow us to remain in our fraudulent state. Humanity cannot agree with this; it will look for a way out and find it—in correcting itself.
Therefore, any awareness of the evil of our nature is a positive process. I hope that we will discover more impulses of humanity and rise to the next level.
From KabTV’s “News with Michael Laitman” 1/23/16
From KabTV’s “News with Michael Laitman” 1/23/16
The Method Of Nimrod And That Of Abraham
But with concepts and ideas, it is the complete opposite: Unity and lack of criticism is deemed the source of every failure and hindrance to all the progress and didactic fertilization. … The more contradictions there are between opinions and the more criticism there is, the more the knowledge and wisdom increase and matters become more suitable for examination and clarification….
Thus, evidently, the whole basis of physical success is the measure of unity of the society, and the basis for the success of intelligence and knowledge is the separation and disagreement among them.
In ordinary human society, the more peace and agreement the better, as between good kids. But if we want to grow, this growth is possible only if contradictions, mutual criticism, and disagreements intensify too, and at the same time, “love should cover all transgressions.”
We have to understand that we argue only because bigger desires are revealed in us, which prevent us from uniting with each other. Consequently, we demand unification above all disagreements.
An ordinary connection is possible in a family or among primitive peoples who existed before the Babylonian shattering. In ancient Babylon, many nations used to live as one family and spoke one language.
But all of a sudden, egoism sprung and it turned out that their desires contradicted each other. They began to quarrel, which resulted in the construction of the Tower of Babel. Two methods to solve this problem emerged since then. The first method was proposed by Nimrod who said: “Let’s divide and disperse in different directions, as far as possible from each other.”
Later on, egoism in us grew even more, each group started fighting again, and we divided further. New fights led to new separations. And so we arrived to the contemporary world where everyone lives for themselves and do not want to see anybody near them. Cell phones and computers—that’s all we need. We want to be left alone in our homes and not to be bothered by anybody.
Soon, food will be delivered to us by helicopters, biomass with any taste on demand, so we don’t even need to leave the house. This is Nimrod’s method, which came into being in ancient Babylon and has reached its final manifestation nowadays.
There was also the method of Abraham, who taught to unite above all these disagreements. That is, differences in opinion should remain and the more they are revealed the better, the stronger is the connection that could be built.
The followers of Abraham, who called themselves the people of Israel, succeeded in reaching the peak of unity called the construction of the First Temple. But they were not able to hold on to it. This was not possible since and they had to go through shattering and disperse among the nations of the world in order to pass to them the willingness to unite.
According to the method of Abraham, the disagreements remain but “love covers all transgressions.” Thus, we come to true freedom, when we are free from the rule of the angel of death and rise above it. Specifically due to egoism, we unite with others on an ever higher level.
Thanks to unification above disagreements, we start to understand, to feel, to attain the difference between darkness and light, which gives us the sensation of spiritual reality, although we ourselves are completely corporeal.
This is the essence of Abraham’s method. There are no other methods but these two: either distance from each other, according the method of Nimrod or unite above differences, according to the method of Abraham.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 1/3/17, “Education for Concession”
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 1/3/17, “Education for Concession”
We Is Better Than I
Answer: Of course. What is more, when we attain the connection between us, here, now, in this life, we will begin to attain a new existence. Even if the physical body dies, it will not be a hindrance since we will already be living in the next dimension.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 10/30/16
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 10/30/16
How Does The Environment Shape Reality?
Answer: We constantly talk about this in our daily lessons.
In order to sense the upper world we need to build a sensory organ, in other words, a vessel of reception.
We must build this vessel from the egoistic desires of the ten (ten people) so that it becomes a sum of all our good qualities that are directed toward bestowal and love.
To do this, we must rise above ourselves, correctly interacting with each other in order to connect our ten points in the heart.
If we succeed, we will turn into the quality of bestowal and love and will become an instrument for reception.
Then all the upper Light that is around will fill us. This upper field will be called the Creator.
Therefore, we need to build a vessel of the soul into which the Light of the soul enters.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 11/27/16
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 11/27/16
For The Benefit Of Others
This is about the war of a person against his nature that is egoism.
On one hand, this is a very difficult work, and the Torah describes it very precisely as a war. After all, you must fight with your internal properties, views, thoughts, and with the constant discovery that everything is directed to the benefit of your body, for your own convenience.
You always have to rise above this, to prefer the convenience of others, and through them, the convenience of the Creator to your own comfort, because the Creator is the personification of everything that is outside of you. This is a huge war with yourself.
Of course, there are forces that help fight and determine how to choose certain methods, opportunities, time, and circumstances in order to somehow rise above yourself and return your thoughts to the actions for the benefit of others and the Creator, and not for your own benefit. But in general, this is a very difficult job.
And the most important thing is, that although this work is so difficult in the inner pressure of a person, all people in the world must take it upon themselves. This is the most incredible fact.
Such thoughts are typical for those few people in the world who have a point in the heart. They understand the need for attaining the purpose of creation and for fulfilling of its plan. They have a rudiment of a new desire that burns them from within.
Ahead, a great fight awaits them. “Go out to war,” as the Torah says. However, they have at least an initial desire for this. For the rest of the people, all of it is in a dormant internal state. Yet, they are the entire humanity less the dozen people who really have a strong need to rise above their nature and are ready for anything.
In the end, it will still affect everyone because humanity must rise to a completely new nature, new laws, and new forces.
From KabTV’s “Secrets of the Eternal Book” 10/5/16
From KabTV’s “Secrets of the Eternal Book” 10/5/16
Sunday, April 23, 2017
JPost: “Can There Be Nazism In America?“
The Jerusalem Post published my new article “Can There Be Nazism In America?“
In the early 1950s, Ashlag wrote: “There is no hope that Nazism will perish with the victory of the allies, for tomorrow the Anglo-Saxons will adopt Nazism.” Could he be right?
After seventy incidents of bomb threats aimed at JCCs [Jewish Community Centers] throughout the US, two vandalized cemeteries (one in St. Louis and one in Philadelphia), a Texas school teacher who was fired for a “kill some Jews” tweet, and after swastikas and racial slurs were spray painted on cars, a building, and a school playground near Buffalo, and a CUNY administrator complained about having “too many Jews” on the staff, we can officially say that there is antisemitism in America. Finally, Jewish leaders feel confident enough to talk about a “worldwide pandemic” and not exclude the US from the picture.
The intensification of antisemitism is not coincidental. It is a result of a natural, mandatory process by which the more selfish a society becomes, the more it is prone to antisemitism. In the book, Like a Bundle of Reeds: Why Unity and Mutual Guarantee Are Today’s Call of the Hour, and on the Internet site, “Why Do People Hate Jews,” I show that regardless of upbringing, beyond a certain level of egoism, antisemitism must surface in the same way that only so much salt can dissolve in water before it begins to show.
Egoism vs. the Law of Unity
Maimonides, Midrash Rabah, and many other sources tell us that during the time of Abraham the Patriarch, Abraham would observe his countryfolk building the Tower of Babel. He noticed that the builders were growing increasingly self-centered and alienated from each other, which prompted him to search for an explanation. The book Pirkey de Rabbi Eliezer (Chapter 24) illustrates how the Babylonians “wanted to speak to one another but did not know each other’s language. What did they do? Each took up his sword and they fought each other to death. Indeed, half the world was slaughtered there, and from there they scattered all over the world.”
This hatred troubled Abraham and he wondered who or what was causing this change. According to Maimonides, Abraham “began to ponder day and night, how it was possible for this wheel to always turn without a driver” (Mishneh Torah, Chapter 1). In doing so, he discovered a unifying force that is the root of all of creation, and called that force “God.”
Abraham realized that in order to ensure a good life, people did not need to bow to this God or offer it semolina, as his countryfolk would do with their gods at the time. All you needed to do in order to be happy and resolve the hatred was to rise above it and unite. But when Abraham suggested that the Babylonians unite instead of fighting, their king, Nimrod, expelled him from his country.
As the exiled Abraham wandered toward Canaan, people “gathered around him and asked him about his words,” writes Maimonides. “He taught everyone … until thousands and tens of thousands assembled around him, and they are the people of the house of Abraham. He planted this tenet in their hearts, composed books about it, and taught his son, Isaac. And Isaac sat and taught and warned, and informed Jacob, and appointed him a teacher, to sit and teach… And Jacob our Father taught all his sons.”
Finally, a tribe that knew the law of unity was formed, as was the hatred for that law and those who espouse it.
A few centuries later, Moses wanted to do the same as Abraham. He aspired to unite his people, and faced Pharaoh’s fierce resistance. Like Abraham before him, Moses fled with his people, except this time they numbered in the millions and therefore needed an “upgrade” of Abraham’s method of connection.
The upgrade was the Torah—a set of laws that comes down to one and only principle, which Old Hillel described very simply: “That which you hate, do not do unto your neighbor; this is the whole of the Torah. The rest is commentary; go study” (Shabbat, 31a). Under Moses, the Hebrew tribes united and became a nation, but only after they committed to be “as one man with one heart.” The new nation got its name, Israel, from its vocation, to go Yashar-El (straight to God)—to achieve the same unity as the force that Abraham had discovered.
Immediately after becoming a nation, Israel was tasked with completing what Abraham intended to achieve when he first began to speak of unity above hatred—that the whole world would benefit from the method. “Moses wished to complete the correction of the world at that time. … However, he did not succeed because of the corruptions that occurred along the way,” wrote Ramchal in his commentary on the Torah. But once Israel achieved unity, they were tasked with passing it on, or as the Torah put it, with being “a light unto nations.”
When Egoism Spreads Ruin, the Jews Are Blamed for It
Following the formation of the Jewish nation, the Jews knew many ups and downs. When unity prevailed among us, we prospered. When egoism took over, we suffered. But when the egoism of our ancestors reached such levels that they could not tolerate each other, sina’at hinam (unfounded/baseless hatred) erupted among them and weakened their strength. Finally, the leader of the Roman legion in Judea, Tiberius Julius Alexander—himself a Jew whose own father had coated the Temple’s gates with gold—destroyed the Temple and exiled the Jews from the land of Israel. In the words of the Maharal of Prague: “The Temple was ruined because of unfounded hatred, because their hearts divided and they were unworthy of a Temple, which is the unification of Israel” (Netzah Israel).
The hatred that destroyed us then persists to this day. And yet, the seed of unity still lies within us and is still our only source of strength. Throughout the ages, our sages have stressed that unity is the key to our salvation. The book Maor VaShemesh writes, “The prime defense against calamity is love and unity. When there are love, unity, and friendship between each other in Israel, no calamity can come over them.” Likewise, The Book of Consciousness writes, “We are commanded at each generation to strengthen the unity among us so our enemies do not rule over us.”
Although the seed of unity exists within us, as long as we are disunited, we cannot be “a light unto nations” and we are not spreading unity to the world, as Abraham and Moses had intended. At the same time, humanity is growing increasingly egoistic. Our egoism today is so intense that even though we know that we are ruining our children’s future by polluting our planet, we simply do not care enough to stop. We understand that pluralism is important and liberalism is vital to society, but everyone is so narcissistic that we simply cannot listen to each other, much less unite above our differences. In such a state, the hatred toward Jews intensifies because we both hold the key to overcoming egoism, yet the egoism within us rejects that remedy, like King Nimrod before and Pharaoh after him. This is when the situation becomes dangerous for Jews.
At the heyday of the Spanish monarchy, for instance, when its pride and confidence were at their highest, the axe came down on the Jews. Despite their deep immersion in the Spanish society and remoteness from their own religion, the Jews were blamed for all of Spain’s troubles and were expelled, tortured, and killed by the Inquisition under the leadership of Torquemada, who—like Tiberius—was of Jewish descent. In the previous century, Germany was on the top of the world. But as it fell, it turned its anger at the Jews. When Adolf Hitler could not expel the Jews, because no one would have them, he simply exterminated them.
Teetering between Nazism and Unity
The Book of Zohar writes, “Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brothers to also sit together. These are the friends as they sit together, and are not separated from each other. At first, they seem like people at war, wishing to kill one another. Then they return to being in brotherly love. …And you, the friends who are here, as you were in fondness and love before, henceforth you will also not part … And by your merit there will be peace in the world” (Aharei Mot).
Similar to The Zohar, its great commentator, Rav Yehuda Ashlag, wrote that “the Israeli nation had been constructed as a gateway by which the world can understand the pleasantness and tranquility in love of others.” Like Ashlag, the Rav Kook wrote, “In Israel is the secret to the unity of the world” (Orot Kodesh).
As much as we may hate the thought, we are the carriers of Abraham’s method of correction for the egoism that separates and destroys our world. If we do not implement among us this method of uniting above differences, the nations will blame us for their woes and punish us yet again. But if we do implement it among us, the whole world will come to learn how. The most notorious anti-Semite in American history, Henry Ford, recognized the role of the Jews toward society in his book, The International Jew—The World’s Foremost Problem: “Modern reformers, who are constructing model social systems, would do well to look into the social system under which the early Jews were organized.”
For decades, America has been on a path of growing egoism, alienation, and social isolation. Depression has been the primary cause of illness in the country for years now, and despair is growing rapidly. If a book titled The Narcissism Epidemic: Living in the Age of Entitlement can reach the top of The New York Times bestseller list, and Millennials define their milieu as the “Me, Me, Me” culture, you know that the country is on the brink of implosion. And when the American society collapses, it could easily take on some form of Nazism or extreme fascism.
We think that Nazi Germany was a one-time event. But saying “Never again” will not prevent history from repeating itself. We are forgetting that it was not the Germans who invented the yellow badge, but the British, as early as 1218.
In the early 1950s, Rav Yehuda Ashlag wrote in The Writings of the Last Generation: “The world erroneously considers Nazism a particular offshoot of Germany. In truth … all the nations are equal in that; there is no hope at all that Nazism will perish with the victory of the allies, for tomorrow the Anglo-Saxons will adopt Nazism.”
If American Jews do not take their lives in their own hands and force themselves to unite above their mutual dislike, the Americans will force them to do so through bloodshed. There is no more time. The Jews must put aside all differences and unite because unity is the Jewish people’s sole salvation, and because when we unite, we are a light unto nations—giving the world what Abraham intended for humanity to have almost four millennia ago, and what the world so badly needs today.
Men And Women, Overcoming Desires
Answer: No, this can happen only when all of humanity begins to ascend to the spiritual level, when we exit the framework of life in a body and lose the sensation that we are living in a corporeal world.
Then, we will not be called men or women but particles of the one, general soul.
Question: Does that mean that a Kabbalist cannot relate to a certain woman as a friend and that they cannot have a common ten?
Answer: Never! There can never be a common ten. This will only divert them from the path, and it is better not to start that.
We will not be able to leap above our human desires for food, sex, family, wealth, respect, and knowledge. We can only use these desires, but we must not nullify the differences. What is more, sexual desires remain until the end because they relate to the connection between all of the created beings and the Creator.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 12/4/16
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 12/4/16
What Is A Person Living In This World For?
What should I do about family members who are offended by my investing so much time in the wisdom of Kabbalah, about parents who scold me for being involved in something that is not clear what it is?
Answer: This is a problem. I experienced all of this myself. I had the same situations with regard to my parents. When I began to study the wisdom of Kabbalah, I closed a prosperous business and went to live near my teacher.
Understandably, the physical standard of living of my family declined and my parents were harmed by this a bit, but I had no other choice. For if it were not for the wisdom of Kabbalah, I would not have felt there was a reason to live in this world. This was my choice, and it is also up to you to make your choice.
Question: Is it impossible to travel to ski with friends once or twice?
Answer: Of course, if you have a desire for this, you can. But it is doubtful whether this would appear.
If we are seriously involved with the wisdom of Kabbalah, it completely holds a person’s attention and he is in it all his life.
And why else does he live in our world if we ask this question from the point of view of a real Kabbalist? Unfortunately, people do not know what they are living for.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 12/11/16
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 12/11/16
The Plan For Exiting Crisis, Part 6
Question: What should be the next step after democracy?
Answer: The next step is that instead of “democrats” chosen by the public from those who are better at giving out beautiful promises and smiles, more serious and responsible people will come to power. They will do what is truly needed by the public, country, and the world, instead of accommodating populism and self-advertising before the masses.
Responsibility was in deficit during the whole previous period of so-called “democratic” ruling. An example of that are leaders of European countries, who opened their borders for refugees to enter freely.
All these decisions were made without any prior analysis and consideration for the right priorities of values. European countries simply destroyed themselves this way.
Question: Democrats asserted that people are their top priority.
Answer: A “person” in democracy means the masses, but the masses are incapable of making the right decision. I heard from one candidate for prime minister that he needs two billion dollars to accomplish this. If he had the money, the rest is a matter of technique. They buy off the media: television, radio, and newspapers to advertise, and after the elections this money is made back and doubled.
This is how we choose rulers in our times—everything depends only on advertising since the public chooses according to a simple number of votes. Don’t you think that this system is flawed? Democracy is possible if the nation is educated and knows what they’re doing. There can be dissidence among them, but completely acknowledged one, rather than evoked by advertising that determines whom to allot the public’s sympathy.
Right now this whole democratic approach is subject to verification and will be amended. In the future people will elect those who are in contact with the upper force of nature, the Creator. No one will be able to rule the world except those in spiritual attainment. Who else can know how to govern this world, especially during our times, when it is becoming one system?
The society can elect democratically, but for that it needs to be corrected. For now personal freedom means being able to do whatever you fathom.
True democracy assumes an educated public who understand in what world , in what system of nature they exist, and what is required in order to advance correctly to a more loyal connection to the system of nature called the “Creator.”
Baal HaSulam writes in his article “The Last Generation”: “One should not be confused in regard to modern democracies since they use various gimmicks to trick the electors.
And until the masses smarten up and realize this lie, the majority will continue to elect according to what is ordered from above. And the main trick is that first the candidate is praised, his wisdom and righteousness are advertised, and the masses believe the lies and elect him. However, this lie never becomes the truth.”
From the 2nd part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 1/29/17, Lesson on the Topic: “Mismah Arosa (Arosa Document)”
From the 2nd part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 1/29/17, Lesson on the Topic: “Mismah Arosa (Arosa Document)”
Means Of Mass Isolation
“According to Cornell University’s Steven Strogatz, social media sites can make it more difficult for us to distinguish between the meaningful relationships we foster in the real world, and the numerous casual relationships formed through social media. By focusing so much of our time and psychic energy on these less meaningful relationships, our most important connections, he fears, will weaken.”
Comment: According to current research, Twitter, Facebook, and other social networks do not actually represent the connection between people and are more like a greenhouse for different undesirable phenomena. They say that they even bring up terrorists.
Answer: The media are the means of mass division and of keeping people apart from each other. There is nothing more divisive and harmful for everyone than the media and especially when they are called channels of communication. What communication? Who are they connecting to whom?
Those who know how to speak nicely and to beg or actually to entice people against each other, thus bring up ratings in the media. They care about nothing other than the ratings!
Question: How do you see the media and connection that aim at a positive beneficial direction in life?
Answer: As long as they are not the way that they are today! In any way whatsoever!
Even those working in scientific media channels that belong to universities and research institutions are professional go-getters and all the more so in the other media whether printed or not. Everything is sold and bought; there is no ideology. Everything is aimed only at harming people.
Question: But still, on the whole isn’t the media created according to people’s demands?
Answer: No. It is the media that create the demands in society and it isn’t society that demands from it. Unfortunately, they educate society this way over several generations in a sequence, so we witness regression and it is already impossible to go on!
Question: Does this mean that you believe that society doesn’t demand something “off color” like rumors, gossip, etc.?
Answer: Society demands whatever you feed it with, and what you get people used to. Everything depends on what is on the Internet, and with such promiscuity, what future awaits our children and our grandchildren?!
I see what they engage in and I feel pity and am sad to see what is happening to them! There is nothing we can do about it. They are in such a society that we cannot expect anything good of them.
Question: You find the media more responsible than the governments that are in charge of the media?
Answer: Yes, because there is a very interesting connection between the media and the government. The government funds the different media channels, each of which receives money from someone and publicize his views. Consequently only a couple of major directions are formed: the right, the left, colorful, etc. and it is all only in order to make a greater profit. Unfortunately today’s journalists are the most corrupt people.
The media need to be totally detached from any other goal except developing society.
Journalists have to be educated so that they will become independent. They have to depend on nature’s law and be independent of the government and business.
From KabTV’s “News with Michael Laitman” 11/23/16
From KabTV’s “News with Michael Laitman” 11/23/16
Where Do The Delusions Of Humanity Come From?
Answer: I don’t even want to talk about what is considered, because there are so many opinions and delusions in our world that it is impossible to list them. I am talking about what the science of Kabbalah tells us.
All the preconceptions of humanity are based on the fact that it decided to explain in its own way the great foundations of general nature, both material and spiritual, while it is comprehended purely by experiments, scientifically and provable by people.
You just need to conduct such experiments that will help you attain a soul and you will see all the mutual dependencies, connections, and divisions between its parts. In accordance with this, you would be able to describe everything that happens in the single desire that, on the one hand, is broken and, on the other hand, is interconnected in all its states. This is the subject that the wisdom of Kabbalah studies.
Question: So there is no greater myth than the myth about a person’s soul, because it is interesting to humanity and it’s difficult to attain?
Answer: That is why a lot of different speculations were created around it and charlatanism flourishes. So many different things are said about its location, in the heart or head, or it is even called the third eye. But our animalistic body is completely unrelated to the soul.
Comment: Some say that when body dies it becomes lighter by 25 grams and this is the soul.
My Response: Firstly, the body becomes much lighter than 25 grams. Secondly, if the soul leaves it, does it mean it has weight? How difficult it is for people to get rid of the prejudices of the material world!
The body is a desire, not a receptacle of a soul.
Moreover, we don’t even have the desire to acquire a soul, because the soul is a desire to give and we only have a desire to receive. The difference between them is in the intention, for whom do I use this desire: for myself or for others.
Comment: We don’t feel electromagnetic waves either, yet they exist.
My Response: You can detect the waves, but there is no way to detect the soul, because you yourself must create the device for its discovery. It is called the quality of bestowal or the intention to bestow.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 11/6/16
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 11/6/16
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