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When human beings discover the true essence of Creator and behaves according to the nature of the grantor or giver, that approach is so intense that he realizes that does not need the religion, it remains only as part of their cultural and social environment in this world.
Friday, July 10, 2015
Imaginary And True Freedom, Part 4 – Slaves Of The Ego
Answer: What is meant by an ordinary person or an unusual person? Today, an ordinary person is a thousand times more developed than a sage of two thousand years ago. So, the term “ordinary” is relative. In any case, all of us must reach a state where we need to be elevated above the egoism that holds us in its tiny world, requiring us to think only about ourselves thereby limiting our possibilities.
Through its constant development, egoism is leading us into a crisis. Today, millions of people—especially in developed nations—feel it, and it is felt at the societal level and the level of production.
If this still is not felt in the less developed nations, then it is only a matter of time as the interpenetration in humanity happens very rapidly. Ultimately, everyone will feel it, including the most ordinary people.
They will understand that to exist in the framework of the present egoistic nature means being a slave to settings that are imposed upon you, all kinds of trends, fashions, etc. They will begin to feel that sense of lack of freedom depends upon the growth of their egoism. After all, with development it reveals how it is limited and is only human slavery.
Baal HaSulam compared the exit from egoism to a worm living within a radish. It feels how bitter and dark its world is, and, when it crawls outside it suddenly sees a completely different, sparkling world. But what motivates it to crawl out of the radish? It is the developing ego that functions as its own undertaker. The bitter radish represents thesuffering that pushes us out of our closed world.
We can remain here no longer and somehow must get out of it because there is a program of nature; our final state exists initially, only we need to discover ourselves within it. This depends on the inner drives toward the development of our desire, the connections between us.
To be continued.
From KabTV’s “The Last Generation” 6/11/15
To be continued.
From KabTV’s “The Last Generation” 6/11/15
Imaginary And True Freedom, Part 3 – Absolute Freedom
Answer: Evolution is leading us toward the realization that we are not free at all.
If we didn’t have an imaginary sensation of freedom, we could not develop and we wouldn’t want to live. However, this illusion always arouses excitement and grants us some kind of hope for the future.
A need to be free exists in us, but this is an egoistic need for egoistic freedom. To the same degree that the ego develops, a person always feels himself lacking, flawed, not free. This is the dynamics of the development of our ego, which establishes wider and wider frameworks for itself.
On the other hand, we deliberately insert ourselves into new frameworks because we don’t feel comfortable without them. Every person wants to have particular connections with the environment that surrounds him, with society, and this already indicates that he is not free. And nothing is done here; we are constantly playing at things like this.
Absolute freedom is summed up in ascent above our present nature. If we rise above the ego, then it can no longer require us to put ourselves in the frameworks of its fulfillment. When we rise above the ego, we go into another space where we are not found under the control of our nature; rather, we are included in another, higher nature. And this state is determined by us as full freedom.
We feel it when we acquire the characteristic of bestowal and love for others, not for ourselves, and we begin to implement this property and then we feel free from our personal ego, personal demands and limitations. When we go out to this level and do everything with an intention for the sake of bestowal, we become truly free.
Certainly it is possible to be doubtful: “What kind of freedom is this, doesn’t love for others enslave us like a mother who perpetually revolves around her infant?” On one hand, this is correct. But on the other hand, from this relationship towards others, we get unlimited amounts of energy, positive sensations, the discovery of completely new spaces and worlds.
And this is a freedom that is connected to love, with participation and going out of myself, going out of my small and closed egoistic world, and I am included in the general, eternal, and unlimited world. All of my feelings and thoughts go outside of me now.
Instead of “internally” absorbing everything into myself, I work in an “outer” direction and truly feel myself as absolutely free.
To be continued….
From KabTV’s “The Last Generation” 6/11/15
To be continued….
From KabTV’s “The Last Generation” 6/11/15
Imaginary And True Freedom, Part 2 – Advanced Slavery
Answer: Once in the Middle Ages, people willingly agreed to be slaves because they knew they would be cared for; they would be given him a roof over his head, food, and if he married, he could feed his family. The landlord would take care of this, and in exchange for this he would give his labor. But as our egoism developed, we suddenly began to feel ourselves shackled in chains; suddenly we felt a vital need to remove them. And when we tore off these chains, we seemingly became free people.
But this freedom is imaginary, because in any case you must plow, gather the harvest, sell it, think about the house, the family and a thousand different things. And if you get sick, there is no landlord to take care of you any more, he will not call a doctor because you are not his property (and after all, there was a time when you were valuable property for him), now you must think about everything by yourself. However, this was progressive development because under capitalism there was the growth of labor, its productivity increased, this was beneficial for society and it went for it.
So we have come to our present day; we feel at each and every step a need for a new level of freedom. But in fact, this is not freedom.
To be continued….
From KabTV’s “The Last Generation” 6/11/15
From KabTV’s “The Last Generation” 6/11/15
Imaginary And True Freedom, Part 1 – Shackles In Imaginary Freedom
Question: Generation after generation, freedom has attracted people. What does this mean?
Answer: Freedom is an amorphous concept, it is completely unrealistic, unnatural, something that eludes us, something that we picture in our imaginations. What people think and accept as freedom is derived from a lack of understanding of where they exist.
We live in a limited volume, on a small and enclosed Earth, and within this volume we try to find a state in which we feel the least pressure. In this state we apparently feel ourselves free, independent, choosing and realizing our actions, thoughts, and opinions.
But we are all particles of an immense network interconnected through billions of threads of control, and thus we don’t feel that we are in a rigid system that completely determines everything. Its concealment from us is what grants us the illusion of freedom. But in fact we have no freedom, neither in thoughts, nor in desires or actions.
Question: Does the need for this amorphous feeling, constitute a response to the subconscious feeling that we are not free?
Answer: I think that humanity doesn’t understand that it isn’t free. A person always finds ways to evade unpleasant feelings and thoughts. After all, our main characteristic is the desire to receive and to enjoy, so I am constantly searching for the condition of maximum enjoyment or minimal suffering. This is the totality of my aspirations in every situation.
We can’t say that a person has a great need for freedom. He wants to find work, spend time with his family, to have everything defined and okay for him. On the one hand, he believes it is best to be in charge. So what kind of freedom is this?
A person puts himself into particular frameworks. He gets married, establishes a family, and therefore is obliged to work, to feed the family, to be concerned about it, to protect it—obligation, obligation, and obligation. So where is the freedom here?!
All our lives are arranged such that we need to obey some rules. Whether I want it or not, in any case I am under the authority of some dogmas, tastes, restrictions, fashions, etc. Whether I want it or not, all of this influences me.
It follows that I am not free in anything, in absolutely nothing! So no freedom is accounted for. Even if a person lives alone in a jungle, he would still be surrounded by some kind of environment that forces its limitations and principles on him.
How can I understand what freedom is? For this we need to rise above our lack of freedom and feel sharply and clearly where we are, which forces determine our condition, how nature, through individuals and through my entire environment, defines and shapes me.
To be continued….
From KabTV’s “The Last Generation” 6/11/15
From KabTV’s “The Last Generation” 6/11/15
Pesach In Every Generation
A year went by after the exodus from Egypt. When the children of Israel became free they couldn’t celebrate that event. Now, a year later, they begin to celebrate the anniversary of the exodus (Pesach). Therefore, the Torah gives us specific instructions as to how we should do it. The first celebration of Pesach (Passover) takes place in the Sinai desert, and is celebrated every year for forty years, which means that it repeats in each of the forty levels of ascent. When we ascend the spiritual levels we undergo the phases of the correction of egoism into the attributes of love and bestowal over and over again. Everything repeats itself.
The Torah allegorically tells us that by bringing Passover sacrifices we examine how we can distinguish more and more attributes inside us that we should have apparently left in Egypt, with which attributes we come out of slavery, and which attributes can be purified, etc. What do the 40 years of wandering in the desert mean? It is a repetition of the previous corrections on new levels that created the 40 levels of ascent to the level of the land of Israel, until the generation of the desert disappears, which means until the purification of egoism is completed.
Therefore, the Creator says that no one who belongs to the generation of the desert can enter the land of Israel, but only those who have fully corrected themselves into altruism. All the others who don’t join the attribute of love and bestowal must die. It is actually dead anyway but has not been differentiated from the “salad” of attributes and desires. When we classify and take out what can be corrected into bestowal, we create an altruistic desire that is called the land of Israel, and anything that cannot participate in it is the same Egypt that died because it lacked all the Light.
Egypt used to receive the Light, thanks to the connection to the attributes that can be corrected, as the minimal illumination descended through them. But now the desires that cannot be corrected have become detached and they are already completely dead. Therefore, when we go through the 40 levels of correction we constantly form the land ofIsrael, which is gradually revealed before us.
From KabTV’s “Secrets of the Eternal Book” 2/04/15
From KabTV’s “Secrets of the Eternal Book” 2/04/15
WIth Our Correction – We Correct The World
Answer: What did the Zionist base their hopes on: the belief in the good inclination of mankind? This is a myth that was never really true. Herzl said that everywhere we ever lived, we honestly tried to integrate and be part of the other nations, but they didn’t want us. If the nations of the world hadn’t objected, we would certainly have assimilated among them because we wouldn’t have focused on what we are.
We prayed to be given the chance to build a state just like any other state but our own: “Just give us a chance and we will not bother you; everything will be quiet and peaceful.”
Question: What does a Jew have to do when he sees the animal hatred in the eyes of an anti-Semite? Does he explain to his enemy that his people have given the world many Noble Prizes?
Answer: We can say whatever we feel like, but the anti-Semite understands that it isn’t really so. He feels it in his bones that Jews are the source of evil in the world. We have to give other people the method of unity. This is what they demand of us. The world has been in a state of endless wars for ages because the Jews don’t provide it with a method that can replace the wars.
Question: So what should I say to the anti-Semite?
Answer: “Let’s discover together why there is a phenomenon such as the Jewish nation in the world: where it is, what it should do, why you hate it, and how do we explain to the people that everything stems from nature’s upper plan.” But generally speaking, we simply have to show ourselves that when we connect we become one united nation, and the moment we achieve this according the principles laid down by Abraham, everything around us quiets down and all the storms cease.
We only need to attain mutual understanding among us: unity, to become as one man in one heart, to ascend to the level of love thy friend as thyself. Then we will immediately see how the same thing will be revealed in the world. All this will happen without saying a word to anyone!
Even if we were locked up in a big ghetto and the nations of the world could not see us, once we reached a state of unity the world would immediately quiet down.
The main thing for us is to reach unity of the hearts, which means to rise above our ego. When we correct ourselves, we can correct all the nations, the whole world.
From KabTV’s “The Last Generation” 6/14/15
From KabTV’s “The Last Generation” 6/14/15
Uniting The World Has Turned Into A Sad Holiday
“The 70th anniversary of the UN is a sad holiday; there aren’t any evident effects of its actions. The UN is depicted as a universal means that serves as a platform for its members to express themselves. In addition, what is the essence of the final decisions made by this organization? The UN work has become a routine of debates and discussions and the speaker’s stand at the UN is now perceived as an opportunity for self-expression and not for a means of unity. In fact the UN has never managed to reach an agreement in crucial historical moments. No one is going to abolish the UN as a platform for negotiations; it isn’t the UN’s fault; the world has simply changed…”
My Comment: There are fools who are like children playing smart adult games without understanding that they don’t change their egoistic nature or don’t even intend to change it, and thus initiate events that are doomed to fail. The same thing will happen with the EU market. They didn’t think about uniting the nations, people, and cultures, or about national unity. They only think about getting rich and becoming stronger than the Americans and Russians. Eventually they will also disintegrate, just like the UN. The great Kabbalist, Baal HaSulam wrote about the establishment of the Soviet Union and said that if people want to unite without first working on correcting human nature, they will only achieve destruction, which is what happened to the Soviet Union, the UN, and the EU, so who is next?
Thursday, July 9, 2015
The Temple Is The Measurement Of Spirituality Level
Answer: Both the First and Second Temples were destroyed so that the Jews could be dispersed among the nations of the world; they laid the makings of certain elements of connection with the upper force of nature and with the completion of their development, starting at the end of the 20th century, started their elevation. It is said that the Jews went into exile in order to collect the souls of the nations of the world.
Both Temples symbolized the achievement of a very high level of the spiritual Light, the level of Haya, and the Second Temple symbolized the level of Neshama (soul).
Afterward, the Jews had to “fall and dissolve” within the nations of the world. Also under the concept of “the nations of the world,” the meaning isn’t what we usually imagine, because according to the spiritual roots, there are only 70 nations of the world, and the Jews had to be dispersed and assimilate among them. It was stated that at the end of the 20th century, the general correction of the world would begin, realized first with the nation of Israel and then gradually joined by the rest of the nations.
From KabTV’s “About Our Life” 6/4/15
From KabTV’s “About Our Life” 6/4/15
Cohens And Levites – Properties Of Pure Bestowal
“Hands” stand for the receiving properties. If the people join the Levites, the latter become able to receive for the sake of further transferring what they receive to the people. However, if people do not join the Levites, they don’t acquire a receiving vessel because in this case the Levites have no capacity into which they can receive, meaning they have no Kli for the Light to enter. Therefore the Levites are concerned about having the people of Israel approach them. In this case, they fulfill their mission.
It is said that Cohens (Kohanim – priests) and Levites do not have an allotment (a share) of their own. Their share is solely in the spiritual world. You can say that Bina is their home. Therefore, Cohens and Levites stand for the human properties that are of a purelybestowing nature.
From KabTV’s “Secrets of the Eternal Book” 2/04/15
From KabTV’s “Secrets of the Eternal Book” 2/04/15
Back To Nature
People prefer natural products without chemical fertilizers, natural birth without using pain medication. Why is it that more and more people feel a need to go back to nature?
Answer: In the past, people received food and medicinal resources from the environment, using various plants, animals, and natural gifts from the forest. And today too there are people who know how to use these things. People were closer to nature, which was not as polluted as today.
Before we invented the combustion engine, which works with diesel or gas, we did not poison the environment. Our food was free of chemicals because they were natural. People ate chicken and fish raised in natural conditions. But in recent years the situation has changed drastically.
In the past, doctors used natural medicines. Once while traveling through Canada, I visited an old village, maintained as a museum-reservation. And there was a point of interest: a village doctor’s home. And around it agricultural lands, where he grew medicinal plants, which he dried in the house.
It was evident that it was a real production. Usually a doctor was a very wealthy person because he was needed by everyone. And the doctor truly knew how to cure. Otherwise no one would call on him. Each village had its own infirmary run by those who had the knowledge and the profession was passed from one generation to the next. All medicines were taken from nature.
We see that animals cure themselves with plants. As a dog owner takes his dog outside, the dog immediately begins to search for plants to consume. It feels what plant is necessary for its body. Similarly, our bodies are also animals, and it is a true pity that we have become so distant from natural medicinal methods.
However, a modern person does not know how to treat himself with plants. And it’s impossible to imagine all the inhabitants of a city with a population of many millions would travel to a forest in search of medicinal plants for their treatment.
Certainly the technological process cannot be reversed. However, after all our hopes for the associated prosperity and happy future, we suddenly begin to doubt that this development has been to our benefit. We see many negative consequences, although we try to ignore them or think they are inevitable.
Our entire development (in technology, medicine, family life, education, etc.) has passed a certain peak, and although we assumed that we would only rise higher and higher, we began to decline. We do not maintain balance by moving in the middle line, but instead we lean to one side and lost our balance.
Perhaps we need to rethink our attitude and choose the middle line so that we don’t throw away the natural methods of treatment and completely switch to chemicals.
From KabTV’s “A New Life” 6/30/15
From KabTV’s “A New Life” 6/30/15
Mortal World And The Eternal Soul
Answer: A person must overcome the fear of death as he does in everyday life, by seemingly forgetting about this thought. But he still constantly compares himself people of other age groups, thus seeing himself as older than he really is. He has infinite accounts with his end, and there is nothing he can do about it.The only thing that can help him is to ascend to the level ofbestowal where he begins to discover his next level of existence and rises to a new dimension. The old dimension, however, which is based only on the temporary biological existence of matter, will disappear. If a person reaches the next state, nothing ties him down to this world any longer since now death isn’t special anymore but simply a byproduct.
Question: Won’t there be death in the future?
Answer: Every person, and gradually all of humanity, will reach the upper level of the mortal world and an eternal soul. The biological death of the corporeal body remains, but the spiritual body we acquire is eternal because it is in the desire to bestow, outside of one’s self. A person feels all the transformations not inside himself but by going through others, and therefore, being in absolute bestowal, he has no basis that can die. By giving to others, everyone feels his life in others and not inside himself.
There is no matter or essence that needs to die in the spiritual world because you continuously acquire more and more new vessels in which you feel your existence, your life. However, they are not yours. Once you fill them, you fill them as if they were yours. When you do something for your small child, for example, you feel that life is much greater than if you did something for your own sake. Therefore, the feeling of your own body gradually fades, grows further away, and takes place in the feeling of life in others.
From KabTV’s “Conversations with Michael Laitman” 6/17/15
From KabTV’s “Conversations with Michael Laitman” 6/17/15
Body And Soul
Answer: We don’t sense Abraham, Isaac, or Jacob because we lost desires that we previously had. After the shattering occurred, all spiritual desires disappeared leaving only a small primitive egoism that grows in us.
In each generation, the same souls are reincarnated, but each time new informational genes (Reshimot) unfold. That’s why the population of earth continues growing. This is done to facilitate the process of correction. One body is unable to bear a large number of informational genes that have to be corrected; therefore, they are split among multiple bodies.
Baal HaSulam gives the example of the parable about a king who wanted to relocate his treasury. He couldn’t trust his subjects because they were all thieves and egoists.
So, he distributed his treasure among many people, giving them each a coin that was not worth stealing. People brought the coins to a new place and returned them to the treasury.
In this way we correct ourselves: each one is given a small part of the soul that requires a small correction that we must do.
Question: Does it mean that the world population will continue growing?
Answer: It depends on how successfully we reveal the wisdom of Kabbalah. If we don’t correct ourselves by our own freewill, we will face wars that will significantly reduce the population. Corrections that happen as a result of battles and wars are extremely hard and are accompanied by severe hardships in this world.
However, if we advance correctly, we will rapidly unite all of humanity as “one man with one heart.” This will complete the process of correction and a new era in the new world will begin.
From the 4th part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 6/21/15, Writings of Baal HaSulam
From the 4th part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 6/21/15, Writings of Baal HaSulam
With And Without Protection
Question: Why is a person allowed to make mistakes?
Answer: For example, I have young students who are about 25 to 40 years old, healthy normal men who understand that there is nothing worth anything in life except for spiritual unity. The Light comes and provides them with a protective layer, a Masach up to a certain level.
But if we place them in a restaurant with plush curtains, Gypsies and dancing, or in a soccer field with thousands of fans, we don’t know where would happen to their thoughts a moment later.
This turns out to be simple arithmetic: the moment one is given additional egoism, which has no Masach, a person falls. It is a physical law!
During the lesson people can rise to the level of absolute purity. They are protected because everything is closed. The only thing the remains is love and bestowal because we cover the friends with our common Masach. Then, we go out together to celebrate our spiritual ascent in a restaurant, and that’s it. They fall!
This is Adam’s sin. First, you rise to the level of heaven (the Garden of Eden) where everything is wonderful. And then when you want to raise everything to the divine level, you see that nothing works out. For you, the world remains in the restaurant.
From KabTV’s “Secrets of the Eternal Book” 12/24/14
From KabTV’s “Secrets of the Eternal Book” 12/24/14
Who Controls And Governs Our Mind?
Answer: Our brain receives commands and then actuates our body. But this doesn’t mean that the brain has independence.
It is totally dependent and connected to the whole system, like a micro-computer that is occupied only with leading us into action but it is connected to a much bigger computer with an enormous brain and memory.
Question: If we are totally managed from above like machines, what does it mean to be independent? What does it mean to be free? What is freewill?
Answer: To the extent that we begin to understand the upper system, attain and feel it, we begin to acquire freewill and the freedom to act. But in order to do so, we have to ascend to a level that is higher than our current one because now we are totally controlled.
From the Israeli Radio Program 103FM, 4/12/15
From the Israeli Radio Program 103FM, 4/12/15
Tuesday, July 7, 2015
The Banners Of The Twelve Tribes
The flag represents the main attribute of each of the twelve tribes that properly connect in order to become the attribute of bestowal over the increasingly growing egoism that is continuously revealed in us.
Therefore, the banners should not be confused or interchanged. They have to move in accordance with one another. Just like a human body advances according to its motor skills, so does the general soul have to advance by digesting and properly correcting the ego revealed in it since Adam’s sin. Thus the common soul has to constantly turn the ego into the attribute of love and bestowal.
There are many names and letters inscribed on the banners that symbolize the right sequence of the correction of the attributes.
All the attributes are mutually connected, but the main thing is that there isn’t one bad attribute among them. If you are a thief, a liar, or a traitor, is there anything good about that? If we take ten grams of a lie, twenty grams of a theft, and thirty grams of treason, mix them properly, and correct them into the opposite attribute, the outcome will be the next level.
The correct combination of the letters (Kelim – vessels) according to the three lines provides precise guidance as to how to advance step by step in the correction of our shattered egoism.
The image on the banner of each camp symbolizes a certain part of the general soul. Everyone knows how to properly connect with all the others in order to advance step by step.
If a group is made of ten men, everyone must properly and in accordance with one another weave a common basis for increasingly better conditions for the revelation of theCreator. This is actually how the 40 year journey in the desert is fulfilled.
Question: Is there a difference between the first letter, the second letter, and all the other letters that appear in the name on the flag?
Answer: Of course. But the point is that they appear exactly like the four letter name of the Creator: “Yod-Hey-Vav-Hey.” Even if there are other letters they replace His name in a particular order.
Keter and four letters is the foundation (the ten Sefirot) of the spiritual vessel. It is impossible to attain the attribute of love and bestowal in Malchut if the first nine Sefirotdon’t precede it.
This means that absolute bestowal in the first Sefira Keter has to go through ten different filters, changes, in the different attributes of egoism, until the created being attains the last phase that enables him to fulfill the attribute of bestowal, thus raising himself to the level of the Creator.
From KabTV’s “Secrets of the Eternal Book” 12/31/14
From KabTV’s “Secrets of the Eternal Book” 12/31/14
The Menorah – A Symbol Of The Unity Of The Lights
Question: Why does the weekly section of the Torah, BeHaalotchabegin with the description of the Menorah (lamp)?
Answer: It is because the Menorah (lamp) is the embodiment of the Light that descends from above unto the human souls. It is a Menorah of seven candles that is the embodiment of the six Lights that descend from Above: Hesed, Gevura, Tifferet, Netzach, Hod, and Yesod. All the six Lights belong to Zeir Anpin, a structure that we call the Creator.
The Creator is a relative concept that symbolizes the one who is above us. Because Zeir Anpin is above Malchut it is revealed as the Creator with regard to us. If we ascend to His level, it rises above us once again and so there is a different Creator each time: we change and ascend and He changes and ascends. It is all relative.
The Creator operates and influences us by the seven Lights and so the Menorah is called the lamp of the seven candles (three candles on the right, three on the left and one in the middle), which symbolizes our connection with the Creator. Thus, we change our properties into the opposite attributes, the attributes of receiving into attributes ofbestowal, and can illuminate like Him.
Three candles on the right and three on the left symbolize the right and the left lines and we who are in the middle are the middle line in the spiritual work. Of all the items that symbolize different attributes of the connection between the Creator and the created beings, the lamp is the brightest and most prominent symbol of this connection.
From KabTV’s “Secrets of the Eternal Book” 2/4/15
From KabTV’s “Secrets of the Eternal Book” 2/4/15
Consciousness That Creates Reality
“Our consciousness is the basis, and matter is a derivation of our consciousness. We cannot transcend the limits of our consciousness. The claim that consciousness creates reality may refer to the fact that we can form and create any reality that we wish. How do we do that?
“Modern physics recognizes the fact that the spectator creates reality. As spectators we personally participate in the creation of our own reality. We are forced to admit that the universe is a material structure. Knowledge directs us to a reality that is not mechanical and the inverse begins to seem like a giant thought, not like a huge machine.
“The mind no longer appears as an “accidental intruder” in matter. We should welcome it as the creator and dominator of the kingdom of matter. We have to accept the unequivocal conclusion: the universe isn’t material but mental and spiritual.”
My Comment: These findings come from researchers of nature. Today they don’t fear moving from the study of matter to the study of forces: of desire, thoughts, and intention.
Matter exists only in our subjective consciousness. Then they will acknowledge that everything that exists (forces) is only perceived by our subjective feelings, and then according to Talmud Eser Sefirot, Vol.1, “Histaklut Pnimit.”
Monday, July 6, 2015
The World Of One Soul
Therefore, with regard to the souls, all generations since the beginning of Creation to the end of correction are as one generation that has extended its life over several thousand years, until it developed and became corrected as it should be.
And the fact that in the meantime each has changed its body several thousand times is completely irrelevant, because the essence of the body’s self, called “the soul,” did not suffer at all by these changes.
Question: How does the population on earth keep growing if the number of the souls that reincarnate from one generation to the next is fixed?
Answer: The souls are divided according to the number of bodies. Basically there is one soul that is divided into many parts, but this division doesn’t really exist and we only perceive it that way.
In fact, reincarnation is a change of form of the desire to receive. There are many such reincarnations at every given moment.
There is only one soul, which seems broken. We see that it is dispersed in different bodies and divided into seven billion people and besides there are also animals, plants, and inanimate rocks. The whole world is part of the desire to receive that undergoes changes or reincarnations in their desire.
A Kabbalist writes about the reincarnations of the corrected desire that is equipped with an anti-egoistic Masach (screen).
Question: So what is the meaning of the corporeal world that we see, changing it in time?
Answer: The meaning of this world is to use it correctly to ascend to the spiritual level, that is, to add the spiritual essence to the corporeal picture that we see. By that we sanctify this world and it becomes spiritual.
We discover the connections between all the parts of creation: the inanimate, vegetative, and animate nature, and most importantly, the speaking that are increasingly more connected by ties of love and mutual support until we reach the picture of one whole reality.
From the 4th part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 6/21/15, Writings of Baal HaSulam
From the 4th part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 6/21/15, Writings of Baal HaSulam
How Is The Soul Connected To The Body?
Answer: There is no connection between the soul and the physical body, the body exists by itself. It is only if a person acquires a soul that the upper world is revealed to him or her.
One begins to feel not only that reality perceived within his ego for his own benefit that is our small limited world. He goes out of his ego towards love of others and horizons open up in front of him; he also begins to see the upper world together with our world. His view is expanded; he begins to see the entire creation in depth, seeing the connection between everything that exists, the entire creation.
The upper world is the system of higher management that operates our whole world. The purpose of this system is to elevate all those who live in our world to the level of the soul, so that everyone will be involved in mutual bestowal, instead of what is now, each one wanting to grab something, to get something for oneself. We need to work differently, with mutual bestowal towards each other.
Everyone must reach this sooner or later. If we are late in this correction, then we receive blows from all sides. But if with the help of Kabbalah we begin to change, to correct ourselves, then we merit a life where we see the entire world from end to end.
From Israeli Radio Program 103FM, 5/10/15
From Israeli Radio Program 103FM, 5/10/15
Careful: Words Can Kill
When dictators come to power, the first thing they do is limit the freedom of speech. Why is it so important to us to freely express our thoughts and opinions?
Answer: The desire for the freedom of speech stems from human egoism and our desire to be “important.” Freedom of speech adds social “weight” when we proudly stand up and express our opinion. This is how we state our presence in this life and world.
The desire to express oneself derives from our egoism; everybody has it. When our egoism grows, it becomes more and more complicated and demanding. So, it requires a broader range of self-expression.
Thousands of years ago people didn’t have a need to speak openly. Living in a small village, they didn’t lack freedom of speech: What were they supposed to talk about anyway?
Modern man appreciates his freedom of speech, but do we know what it is?. If this is the freedom to say whatever we want, then how are we sure of the correctness of our views? Do we really understand that we are responsible for the words, which can hurt someone?
The same can be said for government elections. Do we understand that we are responsible for the future of our countries and even for the entire world when we submit our ballot?
Freedom of speech depends on a person’s developmental level, education, and understanding of what they talk about and what influence they produce by saying what they say. These are not the speeches in Hyde Park, London that entertain tourists.
Before we take advantage of the freedom of speech, we have to be properly educated because it imposes a great responsibility. Not only are uttered words strong weapons, but even our thoughts. Our thoughts soar around the world and collide with each other, creating a field of thoughts that impact us and the whole world.
Therefore, freedom of speech obligates us to be at a certain level and to accept a huge responsibility. When saying something out loud, we have to make sure that our words spreading around the world will enhance correction instead of just proving my truth as it appears to me in my egoism.
From KabTV’s “A New Life” 6/21/15
From KabTV’s “A New Life” 6/21/15
Where Is Our Freedom Of Choice Hidden
Answer: Every person who feels a need for freedom of choice can attain it. And with the Jews, as the carriers of two lines, this need is always always there because they initially received it in ancient Babylon.
Even today every person who feels the imperative of freedom of choice can join the method of Abraham as followers joined him in his time, left ancient Babylon, and received guidance from him about the correct spiritual development. In our time anyone can join in studying Kabbalah because it speaks about souls and about how to develop them.
Entry into Judaism is very simple: someone who wants to, please; nationality doesn’t matter. Jews don’t judge other people according to their nationality because they themselves don’t have one. The only criterion is self-development with the help of the method of ascending and connecting all for the sake of mutual love. And all humanity can join in this without any limitation.
Comment: According to your words, the process of conversion is very simple.
Answer: Was there some process of conversion for ancient peoples? When a foreigner came to Hillel the Elder and asked him, “What is your Torah, Judaism?” Hillel the Elder answered him: “What is hateful to you, don’t do to your friend.” That’s it; it’s not necessary to say anything more!
Question: What is the freedom of choice of the Jews?
Answer: The choice is only to be linked and connected between them in spite of their ego, and to create the characteristic of bestowal and love within them. All of those who are involved with this are called Jews, they rise above the ego and unite to bring a positive force into the world. If a person has this imperative, this is a sign that hidden within him is a spiritual gene. And so he is absolutely equal to the Jewish people regarding the question of freedom of choice.
Question: Does this mean he can pass this gene on to his children?
Answer: This doesn’t pass as an inheritance, but is the result of education. Someone is called a Jew not because he is born to a Jewish mother as everyone is accustomed to think, rather someone who prepares himself for a transition (Ever) from the egoistic paradigm to the altruistic.
Comment: But most of the current Jewish people have no idea about this..
Answer: They have an inner inclination which is called a Reshimo (Remembrance), an informational record about this, that they can develop the spiritual gene that has been in them from the start since the days of Abraham. Every person who joins the Jewish people searching for love of others and ready to engage in this method, conveys to his progeny the same spiritual inclination.
From KabTV’s “About Our Life” 6/04/15
From KabTV’s “About Our Life” 6/04/15
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