If you cannot correct yourself, then all your actions that you are trying to perform with the best intentions nevertheless will be turning into impure ones and they will be detrimental to you. This is called “the fruit of your womb.”
Everything that will be born from you, all your actions, are “the flesh of your sons and daughters.”
And if you do not have strength to repel your enemy (egoism) and to begin using it for bestowal and love, then it will always besiege you. Either it will be ready to kill you or you will be ready to correct it.
Question: But it will always besiege me?
Answer: It is outside of you. As we learn from the method of perception of the universe, all my externality is actually projected outside of me and I see it outside of me as a result of my uncorrected state.
Question: Why do I have to see it outside of me?
Answer: This way you understand it more and you can see it better. It is like a map where you see everything on a small scale, say millimetre by millimetre. If we increase the scale significantly, then you will have to get on the plane in order to fly over this map and see everything on it.
Question: Does it mean that I cannot clearly see egoism within myself?
Answer: You cannot at all. Only through the things you see outside of you. Therefore, everything you see: good and kind or evil and bad points at your inner qualities.
For example, animals are ashamed of nothing, but a man is ashamed of some things within him because he looks at himself by looking at others. If this external object were inside him, he would not see it; he would not be ashamed and could not learn anything.
This way he educates himself through strangers, although they are not strangers but his inner qualities that are presented to him in a form of an external theatre. They play in front of him all the inner phenomena that occur in him. All his thoughts, desires, and intentions, he sees around himself.
Question: Can I train myself to live like this or not?
Answer: When the Light shines, you see that this is so. Up to the point that you clearly understand everything.
Moreover, you begin to correct yourself by directing these “artists,” “extras,” and the whole world. They show you where you still have not achieved perfection. The moment you achieve it, they all end up within you.
Question: What is primary here? Do I begin to change myself and see how they change, or I somehow change them and this way I myself change?
Answer: No, you begin to feel that only by changing your inner attitude you change their external behavior.
From KabTV’s “Secrets of the Eternal Book” 12/21/16
From KabTV’s “Secrets of the Eternal Book” 12/21/16
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