You will feel that you are doing egoistic work and although it is hateful to you, you have no way of getting rid of it; it continues to control you. And you will feel so for many days and years of your life.
However, this is already the realization in which yoke you are in. Without such harsh, sharp, but useful feelings, it is impossible to pass to the upper world.
Question: Is this considered an advanced state?
Answer: Of course. It is when a person goes through this and understands that he cannot do anything because he still remains a slave of his desires; he hates them with full force, but at the same time, he cannot get rid of them; he gets an opportunity to cry out.
This cry, an appeal to the Creator, helps him enter the upper world, begin rising, as if he is rising up from the bottom of the pool.
Question: Does it mean that first he must be drowned?
Answer: Certainly. And to the end so that he would realize in all his desires and intentions to what extent there is not even a gram of a spiritual state in him.
He must understand that everything comes from the Creator and that he cannot deal with this. He does not care whether he will die or not, but he cannot part with his egoism. This realization should be final.
From KabTV’s “Secrets of the Eternal Book” 12/19/16
From KabTV’s “Secrets of the Eternal Book” 12/19/16
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