This is a very simple and practical attitude. We must raise the ideal above the material level. Humanity must work not for itself and its society because we will not find truth inside society and inside ourselves. It can only be found in rising above ourselves, that is, in unity with the upper force of nature.
If we strive for the ideal in the plane of our world, then Hitler will come and everyone will follow him because in our world there is no ideal that stands above us.
Question: Is this so even if we wash society with education and ethical ideas?
Answer: There is nothing that will help. We need the upper Light for this, and its influence we can attract only through the correct connection according to the Kabbalistic method.
Question: Doesn’t Baal HaSulam completely deny education on the level of this world. He believes that it will still lead to Nazism one way or another.
Answer: Yes. We see that today everything once again turns to this. Especially in our time when egoism, while constantly working, leads us back to Nazism.
From KabTV’s “The Last Generation” 6/26/17
From KabTV’s “The Last Generation” 6/26/17
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