What will communication like this provide?
Answer: This kind of communication will make it possible for us to feel the whole world as one global whole, without borders, not in the full sense of the word, but at least partially. This is because in spite of everything, language is a very big limiter of communication between people.
Question: When will the Babylonian division actually cease?
Answer: It will be when people will feel that they must rise to the next level of self-awareness.
Question: Are there languages there or not?
Answer: There are no longer any languages there.
Imagine that a gigantic spaceship is hovering above us surrounding the entire globe and hiding the sun from us.
How would we behave in a situation like this? Would we fight, argue in parliaments, think about who is going where? Would we begin to think about who is plotting against whom here on the face of the earth while a gigantic black machine is hovering over us, hiding the sun from us while we are found in total darkness about everything that is happening to us?
It is possible to understand how this could unite people…nobody will plot against anyone. What do I care about the other? After all, I see that this is the end.
Question: And then languages will disappear?
Answer: Everything will disappear. We will begin to search for a way out of the situation and “aliens” will declare: “We will talk with you only when you all become a single whole. Unite; we will wait. Meanwhile we will be hovering over you.”
We will wait, but how long? “It could be another 500 years, it makes no difference. We are above you. And every year that passes with lack of unity among you, we will get closer and closer, we will arrange situations like these for you that will whip you from behind. That is how we will help you.”
Question: This scenario would happen with suffering. But what is the truth about the absence of language, the lack of division into languages?
Answer: We will be able to make better use of getting closer and closer to each other, meaning that we will truly unite so everyone will be like brothers in a single family, without language and without distance. In such a situation, communication could be arranged that erases all differences.
But I don’t think that for this we need to put headphones on our ears, we will feel each other; there will be no need for words. We will begin to talk by means of the heart.
From KabTV’s “News with Michael Laitman” 7/12/17
From KabTV’s “News with Michael Laitman” 7/12/17
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