New Life #551 – What Is True Independence?
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Nitzah Mazoz
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Nitzah Mazoz
Why isn’t anyone truly independent? How can we attain true independence and what is the connection between independence and love?
The term “independence” doesn’t actually exist in nature; after all, everything is made of at least two parts that are related. Even the US is not independent since they have to worry about preserving their control all over the world…
The wisdom of Kabbalah tells us that there is a force called the Creator and that He is good and benevolent. He created a force that is opposite from Him called the created being, which is not good and benevolent. The goal of the created being, of man, is to balance the two forces of nature, the positive and the negative forces, by building a middle line. This is true independence.
All peoples aspire for freedom and independence, but only Israel has the method of balance, the middle line. The UN gave us a state [Israel] because they were guided to do so from Above by the plan of the creation so that we will balance the world. The world is expecting us to set an example of a balanced society that exists in mutual guarantee and perfect love.
The army will not provide us with security; only the connection between us will bring security. It will also calm our neighbors and all our enemies.
Kabbalah tells us how to awaken the positive force in nature and how to reach a state of balance and independence. The positive force will awaken in us an urge to connect with others and an urge for love and giving. We need to explain and teach that it is only by adding the positive force that Israel can reach true achievements.
From KabTV’s “New Life #551 – What Is True Independence?,” 4/12/15
From KabTV’s “New Life #551 – What Is True Independence?,” 4/12/15
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