Answer: As is understood, these are fantasies. So, it would seem that life on Earth is not enough for us, and we would escape from it to Mars. Then, we would jump from Mars to other planets and leave behind us everywhere the same civilization that we have on Earth.
What would force us to leave Earth and move to living on Mars? Our development has been wretched and miserable.
So, would we run away from ourselves to Mars, establishing a colony there identical to the one on Earth? Why do we need to do this? What do we need energy from black holes for? Must we make black holes inside ourselves? Without a person’s changing, there is nowhere to move! What is the point?!
Hawking always is dreaming that the conquest of heavenly bodies, which are actually stones, will provide humanity with happiness.
I remember how I dreamt about other planets in my childhood. I was ready to fly there and not come back.
Then, what? What would that be for? How would that be beneficial? Suppose that I landed on Mars. I would go out, look around, and see that everything is empty and quiet. What would we have to do there? Would we reproduce in space suits? Would we sit in hermetically sealed houses?
Relationships between us would remain the same as they are on Earth. Would we duplicate the Earth with additional forms?
Poor Earth, as long as we don’t change humanity, we have nowhere to which to escape.
Why do we need to spread pollution and garbage all over space? Does this sum up the dream of the astrophysicist? I don’t understand this scientist!
From KabTV’s “News with Michael Laitman” 3/30/16
From KabTV’s “News with Michael Laitman” 3/30/16
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