New Life #536 – Jewish Culture: Passover And The Israeli Society, Part 2
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Tal Mandelbaum ben Moshe
What do we want to renovate this coming Passover? We have to do some self-searching.
The divide in the nation is growing. According to Kabbalah we have not started to build the Israeli society, and today we must begin to do so.
The Israeli society will be able to exist only if it is based on Abraham’s principle of “Love thy friend as thyself.” The disputes that have been typical of the Jewish nation for ages may lead us to destruction today.
We need to educate the Israeli society to love above any differences of opinion, to connect between different people. By educating Israeli society, every individual will relate to others as if they love them, as if they were his own children.
No revolution or change of the leadership will help. We need a revolution in the perception of our relations. We will be able to solve the security problems, the foreign affairs problems, the high cost of living, etc., only if we learn how to connect.
Pesach (Passover) means a transition from the state in which everyone wants to devour everyone else to the state of love and connection. On the evening of the Sederwe should speak about how we can take a step forward outside our narrow egoism that buries us. Love will cover all our transgressions. The wisdom of Kabbalah offers us a unique method of how to bring the connecting force into our lives.
From KabTV’s “New Life #536 – Jewish Culture: Pesach And The Israeli Society, Part 2,” 3/19/15
From KabTV’s “New Life #536 – Jewish Culture: Pesach And The Israeli Society, Part 2,” 3/19/15
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