Scientists believe that belief in God does not necessarily need to rely on blind faith, but rather it is based on rational thinking. They claim that it is actually this fact that allows them to explain the stability of religious belief and that it provides clear evidence of religious principles
Answer: Humanity is very stable, and the longer people that live on this planet, the more they believe in unreal forces that have not been proven. A person wants God to exist. It is in his subconscious.
We can ask small children of religious people about the belief in God, and they will say that they believe in a certain force and that we should pray to it and ask it whatever we want. Their attitude toward the upper force is the same as their attitude toward their parents from whom they can ask anything and everything will be alright. It is a natural, instinctive response to uncertainty.
Question: People look for logic, even when they say that something did not happen by chance.
Answer: Of course, they can make up whatever they like, but when a person encounters the wisdom of Kabbalah, he receives an explanation for how he can feel the Creator and discover Him, and then he begins to understand that everything else is absolute psychology.
Question: Does this means that we cannot reach the Creator using the rational tools we have in this world?
Answer: The tools we have in our world are related to our senses. We cannot reveal the Creator through our senses, with our mind, or in our heart in any way.
The Creator is totally concealed from us, and therefore all of the assumptions result from the same illusions in the same way as all religions are based on guesses and assumptions.
They have nothing to do with the wisdom of Kabbalah and therefore are faiths that have no basis. In the wisdom of Kabbalah, on the other hand, there is a simple principle, as it is written, “A judge has only what his eyes see.” We only need to clean the glasses that we see through and view the world realistically without any double vision. Then you will be able to be your own judge because you know that you are looking at things correctly, judging them and making the right decisions. If you say, “this is what I think” or “what psychologists say,” and so on, you are still in the framework of our world. In our world, you can believe only what research discovers, which means what is based on clear evidence, not relying on philosophers and psychologists.
However, a person cannot enter the concealed part of human nature by himself since he has no feelings that match it. First, a person must establish these abilities inside himself, these sensors, and then he will begin to feel the Creator. You can attain that only through the wisdom of Kabbalah.
If a person wants that, he must study in an organized framework. Study, and you will discover the Creator and will not need to believe anything and, most importantly, anyone!
From KabTV’s “News with Michael Laitman” 3/20/16
From KabTV’s “News with Michael Laitman” 3/20/16
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