New Life #471 – Holidays: The Hellenization Process Then And Now
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Nitzah Mazoz
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Nitzah Mazoz
Which world views represents the Greek ideology in contrast to the Jewish world view? How will it help us understand the true reality if we understand them, and how is this related to the meaning of Chanukah?
The Jewish people were educated to love others, to ascend above the egoism. They were on a spiritual height. Jewish ideology is totally different from any other ideology: the body in contrast to the soul.
Philosophy and science are also perceived in our ego so they are considered earthly. We perceive the world by absorbing it and we have developed this perception into science. For everything beyond this there is mythology.
In Judaism it is the opposite: a person does not perceive internally, inside himself, but exits himself in love and bestowal.
We naturally perceive the world through a filter of “what do I gain from this.” And we can transcend that. When we change our approach to reality, we perceive a wide reality that is whole and eternal.
This is what the Macabbees fought for. Today we all perceive the world according to the Greek approach, and the time has come for an upgrade.
From KabTV’s “New Life #471 – Holidays: The Hellenization Process Then And Now,” 7/23/14
From KabTV’s “New Life #471 – Holidays: The Hellenization Process Then And Now,” 7/23/14
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