New Life #799 – The Desire Behind The Senses
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Yael Leshed-Harel
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Yael Leshed-Harel
The way our senses function can change during a person’s lifetime according to how his desire and his needs develop. When a person doesn’t want to be in touch with reality, he shuts down his senses and dies. Old people’s will power gradually diminishes. A person doesn’t control his desire. It is the desire that controls a person.
Intuition is a feeling we have when something is perceived by our desire, yet not in all its layers, only by part of it. A mother feels the baby she has carried in her womb even when he is external to her. They remain connected. Our world is full of different connections we don’t see. There is infinite information in the air.
A person can correct his vessels of perception and discover the true reality. It depends on his desire. The new sensory system is called the soul, and in it, we perceive the reality that is external to us.
This reality is a force field of bestowal, giving and love.
The goal is to bring a person to a state in which he perceives this reality in an unlimited manner.
From KabTV’s “New Life #799 – The Desire Behind The Senses,” 12/6/16
This reality is a force field of bestowal, giving and love.
The goal is to bring a person to a state in which he perceives this reality in an unlimited manner.
From KabTV’s “New Life #799 – The Desire Behind The Senses,” 12/6/16
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