According to the latest reports, he wants to separate the United States from all agreements signed with Asia, China, and other nations. He intends to deal with the United States and only with the United States, giving the citizens a new and different education than the one that developed during Obama’s term.
Answer: Obama wanted to turn the United States into a Muslim nation; this was his main goal. He brought several million Muslims into the United States and wanted to give them citizenship, yet this was not enough. He even succeeded in introducing some radical Muslims into the political apparatus. Trump is promising to “cleanse” the United States of them.
Question: Do you consider this to have been a planned and premeditated scenario?
Answer: Certainly! There is no doubt about it. Trump understands this and is taking a completely different course. Now everything will gradually begin to be cleared. US policies will no longer be aimed at burning all and conquering in the name of Islam.
After all, the entire Middle East went up in flames so that as many refugees as possible would flood Europe. That was Obama’s policy. That is how he worked in Libya and in all the nations of the Middle East.
Trump’s situation is difficult since he is contending with the existing neoliberal policies that he must completely replace: production, the financial system, banks, everything. It is difficult to imagine how he will succeed in this because he cannot return production, and in particular heavy industry, to the United States.
Trump must understand, that the future global production system will be built on the “production of people.”
Most people who were unemployed for a long time voted for him and he will have to justify their votes by providing them with employment and ensuring they are satisfied with their lives. The satisfaction doesn’t depend on their wages, it depends on the opinion of society.
He should transform the vast American space that was formerly dominated by the steel industry and is now called the rust belt. It will be transformed into a vast factory for the “production of people” through education.
What this means is that they will be given work in the form of training and education. They should be involved with this for most of the day, it will be counted as work.
When people learn how to be connected with good connections and aspire to this, then at the same time, they will stimulate the good influence of the environment. Society will become good, strong, and mutually connected. American society needs this like no one else because there is no solidarity between different parts of society where every man is for himself, everyone is an individualist.
They just need the opportunity to be shown this and have explained to them that this is what they have to produce, like a coal miner or ore miner extracts material that later produces machinery, cars, etc. What this means is that all of today’s effort will be on a different level, the level of “human processing.”
In other words, we need to go “inside” a person, extract the rudiments of a human being, purify, refine, collect, and assemble them into one uniform society. And people will be satisfied with the $1,500 they receive for their studies, which actually work on creating a new person and new society. This is what the United States must do.
The era of capitalism and neoliberalism has ended; now the next stage is coming, the stage of creating people out of the animal, living in cities with their various problems, including drugs.
If we begin to rebuild society, we will discover vast sources of goodness, public and national wealth, and at the same time, we will avoid all the problems that exist today in the world.
So we need to enter everyone into integral education studies in state programs. Only those engaged in these courses in people’s universities will receive a stipend. Thus, they will be compelled to work, this will be their work, working on themselves.
Humanity has no other choice. All of the solutions that they are trying to implement in the banking system, the financial system, and especially in the industrial sector, will not succeed. We must go in a different direction and not go “head to head” with those who hold money and weapons in their hands. Rather we must proceed only through introducing a single educational system that obligates everyone.
From KabTV’s “News with Michael Laitman” 11/23/16
From KabTV’s “News with Michael Laitman” 11/23/16
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