When he reaches such a moment in life, he is brought to the wisdom of Kabbalah, to the wisdom of revealing the Creator to man in our world, and this is the soul.
A person understands that he has suddenly found a wonderful method, an ancient wisdom that is 6,000 years old. By studying this method, he sees that everything it says is true. It clothes the desires by which he wants to reveal his soul, the Creator.
Then he learns how it is done. He gradually clarifies things and he finds out that a soul refers to building a desire to bestow and to love others, strangers, including the Creator, in a totally non-egoistic manner without any external reward for himself, taking and giviving everything away, not knowing to whom, what for, or how, but without receiving any pleasure from it at all.
Question: Is this what you tell students who are beginners?!
Answer: I tell them the truth. Beginners have nowhere to run. The Creator will still bring them. His plan is predetermined.
Although it is said: “Don’t place an obstacle before a blind man,” I don’t consider what I say an obstacle because all the fears that they will encounter along the way will eventually be forgotten. They will yearn to advance so much that they will leap over them.
If a person approaches things seriously, he is filled with thoughts such as: “I don’t have anything in this life anyway; I don’t want to live like an animal; it doesn’t really matter if my life ends now or in another 20 to 30 years; I want to give everything in order to find everything.”
Question: Is it considered a revelation for a person when he understands that his soul is in the attribute of bestowal, which he attains by not thinking about himself but about others?
Answer: At first a person doesn’t understand that. It is only when he begins to delve into the method and get closer to this state that he sees to what degree it is totally imaginary and impossible to fulfill. For him, the desire to bestow and to love someone simply does not exist. When he examines himself, he sees that he is ready for everything but that. This is actually what convinces him that love and bestowal are actually the right way.
But how do you attain that? Here he discovers that this is attained through the help of the group and special actions in the group, when he gradually exits himself. It is according to the degree of his efforts that he begins to receive help from above, and gradually realizes how important and necessary it is, and how much this is the only thing that can be in our lives since everything else is programmed.
Thus, a person gradually advances by experiencing different restrictions and pressures. But it is already clear to him that this is the only way, and it is his business whether he wishes to follow it or not.
Basically, all our actions to attain the soul come down to evoking and summoning the force that will tear me from myself into the environment, into the circle, into the ten, in which I will melt. Then the encounter with the Creator will take place in the center of the ten.
The ten are ten men who have decided to totally exit their ego, to throw it over the borders of their circle, and to aspire to be in the center of the circle, in the place where they bring only the aspiration and the yearning for the Creator.
Question: And what do ten women do?
Answer: The same thing, but women have to find ten men inside them. The yearning for the Creator is called masculine. We will understand that later on. With regard to the Creator, however, we are all women.
From KabTV’s “A Talk About Soul” 3/30/17
From KabTV’s “A Talk About Soul” 3/30/17
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