Answer: It happened because we had evolved to a state where we had to rebuild ourselves from the shattering to correct ourselves and all of humanity. But we were not doing this, and as a result, individual outbursts of hatred concentrated in such a severe global blow.
If a small fuse blows out and I do not change it, then a big system will burn out. If I don’t fix it, the entire network burns out. And I wonder how can this be? A small fuse broke, and suddenly everything burnt down?
Question: If the Holocaust were a legitimate result of development according to the laws of nature, then why did it end, even though the people of Israel did not begin to implement Baal HaSulam’s method?
Answer: We had to intervene in the work of the laws of nature and make up for it with our own work. We did not do it, so the Holocaust erupted. This stage realized itself in this form and expired.
We did not fulfill the correction that needed to be fulfilled in the 30’s and 40’s. Baal HaSulam called all the Jews of Poland to go to Israel, but they did not listen to him. They stayed where they were and all died.
The correction that was supposed to be made was not carried out voluntarily in a good way, and therefore, was realized as the Holocaust by Gevurot (judgment) instead of Hassadim (mercy).That was the end of the stage, and now we are at another stage, which is in the process of development.
Today we again have the opportunity that Baal HaSulam spoke about; we can build the corrected society and set an example to the world on the land of Israel, in the State of Israel. After all, who is “Israel”? It is the people who must serve as an example to all of humanity, because the people of Israel consists of two parts: the desires of the nations of the world and the spark.
Of all the ancient Babylonians, that is, of all humanity, Abraham chose only those who had sparks of light inside, and gathered them into a group. Therefore, in every Jew there is a part that relates to the nations of the world, and a spark. This means that the people of Israel originally consisted of representatives of all the nations of the world.
Inside Israel there are all the 70 nations. That is, now it represents a mini-humanity, which includes representatives of all nations and a spark. If we bring all these sparks together, we can advance toward the Creator. If we give up on these sparks, they hide inside the 70 nations of the world, which are inside Israel, and the Jews become as egoistic as everybody else and even worse.
After all, the sparks awaken even more egoistic desires inside us than in the nations of the world. This is exactly what is happening now. But we have an opportunity to use the sparks and bring correction to the world.
From the 2nd part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 4/24/17, Lesson on Topic: “Holocaust Memorial Day”
From the 2nd part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 4/24/17, Lesson on Topic: “Holocaust Memorial Day”
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