In technology, the term “fractality” is characteristic of a hologram, each part of which contains its full image. How is this phenomenon described in the wisdom of Kabbalah?
Answer: The fact is that all of nature represents a single system, consisting of ten Sefirot or of five parts, the so-called name of YaHaVaH. Each part of the system, in turn, consists of subsystems that are similar to a general system.
This goes on practically until eternity. There is no way to perform a numerical analysis in order to determine to what extent the general system is divided into subsystems, and those system are divided further still.
Each part of the subsystems, wherever it is, affects the entire system through an infinite number of all possible intermediate links. And it turns out that if a person “grabbed” onto just one small part of this system, then he finds in it a complete micro picture of the whole system, and based on this, gets a certain idea about it.
Thus, one attains not only a single element of the system, but the entire structure of YaHaVaH completely. Whether it is small or large, it is always fully attainable. It’s similar to how a person in our world has five senses, regardless of his age: whether it is a small child, an adult, or an old man.
Question: In corporeal nature, there is a limit to fractality because from the point of view of quantum physics, our world can be divided into blocks, pixels, and there cannot be anything less than an elementary block. What about spirituality?
Answer: In the spiritual world a pixel is still only a pixel. It must consist of its ten micro parts, but we cannot perceive it because our senses perceive only quanta of light.
Such a state also exists in the upper Light. Any Light is divided into five parts that are further divided into five, and another five. We cannot perceive less than 1/125 part of the total light because we lack the resolution in our desires. Suppose we guess what is in the contrast between black and white, however, when it’s less than a certain quantum, less than a certain resolution, then we no longer have it in us.
From KabTv’s Lesson in Russian 12/25/17
From KabTv’s Lesson in Russian 12/25/17
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