“Employees of the University of Texas found that sick people who support friends or relatives recover faster and spend less time in the hospital after admission.
“Experts studied data of more than 119 thousand patients who were in rehab after injury, stroke, and various operations.
“It was found that those patients who were surrounded by the attention of family and friends needed less time to recover. Apparently, the positive emotion from communication has beneficial effects on health.
“Tolerance of pain is associated with the number of friends.
“In the journal Scientific Reports, the results of scientific studies were published [showing] people with many social ties seem to tolerate pain, more so than less ‘socialized’ individuals.”
My Comment: The science of Kabbalah spoke many years ago about the influence of the environment, mutual connection, and unity as the foundation of nature. Now in the 21st century scientists are finally coming to this. It is difficult for scientists to feel Kabbalah as a science. Only a person with a “point in the heart” is capable of that, someone with a special longing, which depends upon the structure of his soul.
I remember giving a lecture at the University of Miami to 2,000 students, after which I talked with 70 or 80 professors. I explained the main laws of Kabbalah to them. They nodded in agreement and said: “Yes, that is very interesting, so it is here with us too,” and we parted as friends.
I don’t blame them at all, because a person is given a longing for something, like a longing for music. Either he has this desire or he doesn’t.
For example, I have perfect pitch, but I never had a desire to study music seriously for ten hours a day. So the fact that I have perfect pitch doesn’t mean anything.
So it is in Kabbalah. If people have a point in the heart, they will come to study because they feel that there is something interesting here. After that, many of them see the abyss of work that they must do on themselves, and leave.
Question: What does this mean? After all, they have a point in the heart.
Answer: There is a Reshimo de Hitlabshut (information about the Light) and a Reshimo de Aviut (information about the desire). A Reshimo (reminiscence), which shines to a person, pulls him forward, and what he needs to sacrifice for this need is no longer in him.
Therefore, we are waiting for people who are oppressed by the meaninglessness of life. I’m waiting for such a person.
From KabTV’s “News with Michael Laitman” 10/10/16
From KabTV’s “News with Michael Laitman” 10/10/16
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