Answer: In general, there is no reason to fight today because all that was before, happily is ending.
In the past, a person wanted to be stronger and aspired to conquer more, but not now. There is no such desire anymore. There is free markets all over the world, goods flow freely from one country to another; there is no reason for war.
Comment: Wars usually had a religious character in the past.
Answer: Religious wars may still break out, but they will be wars beyond nations. Neither President Trump nor Russia want to conquer the whole world, but fundamentalist Islam wants to conquer the world—the old fashioned way, because it is still at the level of the 15th century. Islam is considered a young religion because it emerged about 5 to 6 centuries after Christianity.
Of course it would be nice to create a union between the US, Russia, and China. But human egoism won’t let that happen.
So representatives of these countries should study the wisdom of Kabbalah, which explains how to make the world a better place. They will not be able to become friends without the method of Kabbalah.
According to global trends, Nazism is growing, not decreasing. So today there is no room for nationalist policies but only for international policies. We either advance toward connection with everyone openly or toward division and war, even religious war, which it would seem had long passed.
I hope the development of Kabbalah will handle all that.
From KabTV’s “News with Michael Laitman” 12/7/16
From KabTV’s “News with Michael Laitman” 12/7/16
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