“Mr Renzi announced he was stepping down after his constitution reform plan was rejected by voters. …
“There are concerns the instability may trigger a deeper crisis for Italy’s already vulnerable banking sector. …
“Mr Renzi staked his political future on his attempt to change Italy’s cumbersome political system. He wanted to strengthen central government and weaken the Senate, the upper house of parliament.
“His opponents – including some within his own party – had argued that the reforms would give the prime minister too much power. The electorate agreed.
“But the referendum was more than a vote on constitutional reform, it was widely regarded as a chance to reject establishment politics.”
My Comment: Agreements signed in the past were kept and honored for decades and the parties involved kept the agreements because they were economically worthwhile first and foremost for the elite. But when the elite reach a state of saturation and the lower classes cannot bear the situation anymore, problems arise between the elite and the lower classes. The official unemployment rates in Italy today are at about 30%-40% and this is why they are “getting divorced.”
Now it is the Italian Brexit, then there will be the Spanish Brexit, and so on. This is what will happen in every country since the neoliberal economy is collapsing. The economy was never truly neoliberal in the past, it was aimed only at the benefit of the elite. Now it is all over.
Question: Does this mean that the establishment of the EU was meant to fail from the start?
Answer: The EU was established only for the sake of the elite and all the slogans about a united Europe, etc., are worthless. A common market?
It is a market. So it is collapsing now. It can no longer be sustained. Karl Marx wrote correctly about the decay of capitalism, but he believed it would be followed by a socialist society.
Baal HaSulam, on the other hand, wrote that if we don’t spread the wisdom of Kabbalah and do not reveal why we are undergoing this process, Nazism would rise.
We are now witnessing the right emerging in many countries, replacing the left. This situation poses a very big problem for the world because it may lead to terrible wars.
Therefore, our option is either a fascist regime and a world war or to develop a method according to the wisdom of Kabbalah, which means educating people to understand that it is only by getting closer to each other that we can be saved from imminent death.
From KabTV’s “News with Michael Laitman” 12/5/16
From KabTV’s “News with Michael Laitman” 12/5/16
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