New Life #326 – Violence In Society, Part 1
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Tal Mandelbaum ben Moshe
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Tal Mandelbaum ben Moshe
Basically, human nature is exploiting others for one’s own benefit, and is the cause for the increasing violence in society. How can we treat the problem at its root and stop it?
In ancient times when people felt like one family, there was no violence. The ego was very small. The ego grew, desires grew, and struggles for power and dominance began, exploiting others for my benefit.
In a system of cultural egoistic relationships, there is always violence, even if it is quiet and hidden. The definition of what is considered to be violence depends on changing social norms on the level of social morality.
Humans are the cruelest creatures in nature, taking everything from the environment, they ready to destroy it for their benefit. Even if a person seems to have a quiet nature, he can be more violent than anyone else.
There are whole towns of backward layers without education and social care. This leads to the perpetuation of violence.
There are whole towns of backward layers without education and social care. This leads to the perpetuation of violence.
It is impossible to contend with violence through increasing oppression and punishment. The treatment of the root is the correction of the ego.
The media inflames everything and therefore increases the violence and other negative phenomena—a social norm.
Violence is derived from the fact that human nature is evil and egoistic, and the environment even increases it. Violence will increase if the root is not treated, and human nature is not given a corrective treatment.
We cannot judge previous generations and say that they were more violent than we are. We are crueler. The method for correcting the individual and society has been revealed today, so it should be possible to treat the root of violence.
From KabTV’s “New Life #326 – Violence In Society, Part 1,” 3/25/14
From KabTV’s “New Life #326 – Violence In Society, Part 1,” 3/25/14
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