Answer: A person doesn’t need to examine anything within oneself! You don’t know how to do this and you don’t need to know how! You don’t have this system; you don’t have an internal expert who has it. We don’t have to do it.
We just need to read Kabbalistic books and pass the material through ourselves as through a meat grinder. Think, feel, and let the information move through you again and again. And most importantly, you should participate in group activities. You will see how it helps. It is enough for a person to grab an hour a day to learn and another hour per week to be together with the group.
That is how it was during the time of my teacher. I studied many hours every day, three hours in the morning with the group, after that a few hours with Rabash personally. But once a week we had a gathering of friends in which we read the article that he wrote for that week. When we gathered together, we tried to unite and realize what was said in the articles about the unity of friends. A total of one hour was devoted to this, a maximum of an hour and a half per week. Besides that, we studied the wisdom of Kabbalah a few hours every day.
But a person doesn’t need intensive work like this today. It is enough to study one hour per day and participate in a gathering of friends another hour per week. Especially since it is possible to do all of this virtually today and that is enough to establish strong relationships and to clarify all of the relationships and the principles of mutual cooperation of group work. We also arrange conventions that I highly recommend every student to take part in.
If a person will use the possibilities for learning and will participate in our shared activities, this will draw him forward. He will feel how he changes, how the world around him changes. He will begin to understand it more and suddenly will see that in fact it is different, complex, and managed. Moreover, he will be able to participate in management to the degree that he becomes adapted to the positive force that manages the world.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 4/17/16
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 4/17/16
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