New Life #635 – The Good, The Bad, And The Person
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Tal Mandelbaum ben Moshe
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Tal Mandelbaum ben Moshe
Even though studies show that good deeds cause a good feeling, people are not attracted to this. In the street we don’t encounter people who will come and be good to us; on the contrary, we are constantly on guard.
Good deeds don’t spread virally, they don’t infect other people; there is an internal brake in us. The evil inclination is human nature, and it is worthwhile to realize this. It doesn’t let us relate to others with goodness.
We are developing in a worse and worse direction; relationships are deteriorating; even the family unit is breaking down. There was a time when a person was connected to a village, a homeland, a people. Today this contact is being lost all over the world.
Doing good for others requires many forces that a person doesn’t have; he must always benefit somehow. In Russia they tried to obligate people to be good by force; we have seen the grave results of this. In the Scandinavian nations, there is social security, but this is only because everyone knows that nobody will care about them.
It is up to us to reach an awareness of this, that from year to year we are becoming distant from each other. A person loses connection with his relatives. In charitable organizations, people are working who have a natural inclination for it. They comprise about 10 percent of the population.
The nature of a person doesn’t allow him to benefit others, so we are deteriorating into a situation where we are devouring each other. There is a force in nature that can stop the deterioration. If we locate it, we can counterbalance the evil in us. If we don’t locate this good force, the evil in us will increase and distance us from each other completely. The positive force is latent in the interior of nature and will counterbalance the evil in us. It is necessary to learn how to locate it.
From KabTV’s “New Life #635 – The Good, The Bad And The Person,” 10/21/16
From KabTV’s “New Life #635 – The Good, The Bad And The Person,” 10/21/16
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