Answer: “Protection against wild beasts” is a Kabbalistic term. In the past, walls surrounded all the cities because they defended the city not only from wild animals but also from strangers. You could only enter a city through the city gates that were opened and closed at specific times and guarded. There was also a special regiment that protected the city. That is, the city walls were a serious defensive structure without which the city could not survive.
Question: Do you believe that Israel needs such walls?
Answer: Yes, it will give the people the necessary sense of security and enable the protection of the borders by small forces. The question is how should we fence ourselves from inside? But this issue will be examined later. Now, however, we have to at least build a wall that surrounds us from the outside because we are in great danger of massive immigration from Africa into our state. We have already seen that it is impossible to do anything about this matter. We cannot stand against the flow of refugees because of the international community that watches our moves, but a fence is a fact that no one can enter and that’s it. Therefore I believe that it is vital.
According to the wisdom of Kabbalah this is a necessity when it comes to guarding a home and a yard and when it comes to guarding a city and a state. The wisdom of Kabbalah regards a fence as a special spiritual force a person builds around his area, around his home. A fence, a barrier, a wall, is referred to as a division of the upper world from the lower worlds.
The Creator is clearly revealed in the world of Atzilut to anyone who begins to feel that world because it is actually in the world of Atzilut that is actually our home. This is our true place and this is where we are expected. The lower worlds, on the other hand, the world of Beria, Yetzira, and Assiya are below the world of Atzilut and separated from it by a fence called Parsa. One can transcend the Parsa only if he has a special spiritual attribute because the Parsa is a spiritual barrier, a potential one has to leap over.
I hope we will be able to build a barrier around us out of building materials. But the most important thing is that we will create such a potential barrier around us that only those who want to be like us will be able to get near us.
In order to achieve this, we have to connect in mutual love and care for one another, and thus we can create this field around us that only those who want to be like us will be able to come near us.
From KabTV’s “News with Michael Laitman” 2/11/16
From KabTV’s “News with Michael Laitman” 2/11/16
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