New Life #638 – The Good Ones
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Tal Mandelbaum ben Moshe
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Tal Mandelbaum ben Moshe
The wisdom of Kabbalah obliges us to reach love thy friend as thyself. Mutual guarantee will fill our country with a good spirit. When the connection between us is good, we are compatible with the general good force of nature and can bring it closer.
Once we were as one man in one heart, and when unfounded hate broke out we were destroyed. Now we need to rebuild ourselves. Our good future depends only on the connection between us through which our sense of security will improve and our enemies will be neutralized. Our spiritual leaders explained that if we are connected, no one will want to harm us.
Beyond mutual help, the project of “The Good Ones” also includes a PR campaign, discussion circles, in home meetings, and more. If we stop wanting to kill one another in potential, our neighbors will no longer want to kill us in practice. We will be good to one another and the whole world will be good to us. It is an equation that everything works by.
We have to radiate a spirit of connection and set a good example with our neighbors, at work, on the road, and in the media. There is the potential of goodness in every Israeli; it is in our DNA, and this is how we gathered around Abraham. The “Good Ones” is a positive wave meant to awaken the dormant love that is concealed in us. Mutual help in addition to a PR campaign about why it is important to connect will build a zone of security around us. If we connect, we spur the good force in nature and it balances the evil in us.
We tell our children that they should behave nicely to others, but we actually forget that. Let’s create good waves of connection between us, and they will spread like ripples from Israel to the world.
From KabTV’s “New Life #638 – The Good Ones,” 10/25/15
From KabTV’s “New Life #638 – The Good Ones,” 10/25/15
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