The world is advancing to a state where people simply won’t have jobs. Everything is moving toward virtual reality and nanotechnology. Even today, the world is producing more than it needs, and some deficits exist only due to broken relationships between people. We ourselves create lacks because of our egoism.
This means that the only product of the successful economy that Trump wants to achieve can be “unity.” This is the commodity that the American economy should supply to the world today. All their expertise should be in whether they can unite and inspire others by their example. How is it possible to achieve such unity?
Answer: If we look closely on the development in the last thirty to forty years, we can see that egoism was pushing all of humanity to unity in industry, economy, and other areas. All of this unity worked only for the benefit of the elite. Although the world became very interconnected, so far it is only business connections.
Any such development usually comes to a dead end and can’t exist and develop further because any possibility of normal connections between people disappears. The elite break away and rise to the top, the people sink to the bottom, and in the middle between them, an empty space is formed. The middle layer disappears.
The situation comes to a standstill because the elite has no further means to get rich since the population lost its purchasing power. There is no one to sell goods to. The era of neoliberalism is over, both in the USA and in Europe—although due to other apparent causes.
The election of Donald Trump for the presidency symbolizes the transition to the next stage of human development. The main problem of this period is to manage millions of people left without jobs. Today, Americans are strongly tightening their belts.
The former “industrial belt” of America, famous for its steel mills and industrial enterprises, is now called the “rust belt” because all of this production has come to a complete halt. So, what do we to do with the people who live there?
Trump is facing complex problems such as none of his predecessors have faced before. Of course, he has a lot of advisors and specialists offering various solutions, but none of them will be able to teach Americans how to become one nation as Trump promised.
I don’t know where Trump suddenly got this idea. It’s as if the Creator put these words in his mouth. How is it possible that the billionaire Trump would suddenly speak about unity of the people? However, in fact, this is precisely the main problem in Europe, America, and any other place.
We are now facing the obvious fact that the broken relations between people poison our lives and won’t let us enjoy anything. We are unable to derive pleasure, even egoistically, meaning we’ve come to a complete standstill.
What can we advise to Mr. Trump? The implementation of his plan can be difficult, especially considering that the opposition is already trying to cancel the results of the election. Actually, this is not very important. The process must manifest nevertheless, with or without Trump, through more or less suffering. The question is how to bring the world peace of mind, unity, and mutual understanding between all nations.
On the other hand, we need to consider how to provide people with jobs and necessary income. How do we calm them down so that they won’t demand more than is required? We need something to satisfy the egoism of the people because each one dreams of being the king of the world. Obviously, all of this is possible only through integral education. In this way, we can solve all of the problems in society and eliminate poverty.
After all, today, it isn’t difficult to provide food, clothes, and shelter to everyone. The only problem is to improve relationships between people so that they would be satisfied with the necessities in the material world and search for the rest of their fulfillment on a higher level in cultural or even spiritual values.
From KabTV’s “A Talk About Trump’s Program In Light Of Upper Governance” 11/25/16
From KabTV’s “A Talk About Trump’s Program In Light Of Upper Governance” 11/25/16
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